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ABSTRACT. We describe the in vitro culture of Phytomonas species isolated from Euphorbia characias . The best choice between tested media was SDM-79, in which promastigotes, after 6 days of culture, reached cell densities as high as 4 × 107 cells/ml. Cells growing in LIT or MTL medium showed longer division times and lower cell densities. We succeeded in obtaining Phytomonas sp. amastigote and spheromastigote forms in modified GRACE's medium, yielding transformation rates of up to 70%. Electron microscopy studies were performed in order to characterize the ultrastructural features of these forms obtained in vitro. On the other hand, metabolic studies based on qualitative (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy) and quantitative metabolic methods (enzymatic assays) showed that promastigote forms secreted mainly ethanol, acetate, glycine, glycerol, piruvate and succinate in SDM-79 medium, whereas the major metabolites found after transformation in modified Grace's medium were ethanol, acetate, glycine, piruvate and smaller amounts of glycerol.  相似文献   
The location of major quantitative trait loci (QTL) contributing to stem and leaf [Na+] and [K+] was previously reported in chromosome 7 using two connected populations of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of tomato. HKT1;1 and HKT1;2, two tomato Na+‐selective class I‐HKT transporters, were found to be closely linked, where the maximum logarithm of odds (LOD) score for these QTLs located. When a chromosome 7 linkage map based on 278 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was used, the maximum LOD score position was only 35 kb from HKT1;1 and HKT1;2. Their expression patterns and phenotypic effects were further investigated in two near‐isogenic lines (NILs): 157‐14 (double homozygote for the cheesmaniae alleles) and 157‐17 (double homozygote for the lycopersicum alleles). The expression pattern for the HKT1;1 and HKT1;2 alleles was complex, possibly because of differences in their promoter sequences. High salinity had very little effect on root dry and fresh weight and consequently on the plant dry weight of NIL 157‐14 in comparison with 157‐17. A significant difference between NILs was also found for [K+] and the [Na+]/[K+] ratio in leaf and stem but not for [Na+] arising a disagreement with the corresponding RIL population. Their association with leaf [Na+] and salt tolerance in tomato is also discussed.  相似文献   
The unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is able to take up methylammonium/ammonium from the medium at different stages of its sexual life cycle. Vegetative cells and pre‐gametes mostly used a low‐affinity system (LATS) component, but gametes obtained after light treatment of N‐deprived pre‐gametes expressed both LATS and high‐affinity system (HATS) components for the uptake of methylammonium/ammonium. The activity of the LATS component was stimulated by light in only 5 min in a process independent of protein synthesis. By using the lrg6 mutant that produces sexually competent gametes in the dark, light effects on ammonium transport and gamete differentiation have been separately analysed. We have found light regulation of four Amt1 genes: Amt1; 1, Amt1; 2, Amt1; 4 and Amt1; 5. Whereas light‐dependent expression of Amt1; 1, Amt1; 2 and Amt1; 4 was independent of gametogenesis, and that of Amt1; 5 was activated in the lrg6 mutant, suggesting a connection between this transporter and the subsequent events taking place during gametogenesis.  相似文献   
A number of remote sensing studies have evaluated the temporal trends of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI or vegetation greenness) in the North American boreal forest during the last two decades, often getting quite different results. To examine the effect that the use of different datasets might be having on the estimated trends, we compared the temporal trends of recently burned and unburned sites of boreal forest in central Canada calculated from two datasets: the Global Inventory, Monitoring, and Modeling Studies (GIMMS), which is the most commonly used 8 km dataset, and a new 1 km dataset developed by the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). We compared the NDVI trends of both datasets along a fire severity gradient in order to evaluate the variance in regeneration rates. Temporal trends were calculated using the seasonal Mann–Kendall trend test, a rank‐based, nonparametric test, which is robust against seasonality, nonnormality, heteroscedasticity, missing values, and serial dependence. The results showed contrasting NDVI trends between the CCRS and the GIMMS datasets. The CCRS dataset showed NDVI increases in all recently burned sites and in 50% of the unburned sites. Surprisingly, the GIMMS dataset did not capture the NDVI recovery in most burned sites and even showed NDVI declines in some burned sites one decade after fire. Between 50% and 75% of GIMMS pixels showed NDVI decreases in the unburned forest compared with <1% of CCRS pixels. Being the most broadly used dataset for monitoring ecosystem and carbon balance changes, the bias towards negative trends in the GIMMS dataset in the North American boreal forest has broad implications for the evaluation of vegetation and carbon dynamics in this region and globally.  相似文献   
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of host–parasite interactions have attracted considerable attention from evolutionary biologists. Previous studies have suggested that immune responsiveness may be genetically or developmentally linked with colour pattern, such that the evolution of animal colour patterns may be influenced by correlated responses to selection for parasite resistance. We studied interactions between the endoparasitic fly Leiophora innoxia (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) and its colour polymorphic pygmy grasshopper host Tetrix undulata (Sow.) (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) to test for morph‐specific differences in parasitization and immune defence, and host‐induced variation in parasite phenotypes. Our results revealed that c. 2 and 30% of adult grasshoppers collected from the same natural population in two subsequent years, respectively were parasitized. Parasite prevalence was independent of host sex and colour morph. Pupae were larger if the parasite had developed in a female than in a male host, possibly reflecting host resource value or a physical constraint on larval growth imposed by host body size. Pupal size was also associated with host colour morph, with individuals that had developed in dark morphs being smaller at pupation compared to those that developed in paler morphs. However, immune defence, measured as the encapsulation response to a novel antigen, did not differ among individuals belonging to alternative colour morphs or sexes. Darker morphs warm up more quickly and prefer higher body temperatures than paler ones. Encapsulation was not influenced by maintenance temperature (15 vs. 30 °C), however, suggesting that indirect effects of coloration on parasite resistance mediated via differential body temperature are unlikely. The dependence of parasite body size on host colour morph may thus reflect plasticity of growth and development of the larvae in response to differential host body temperature, rather than variable host immune defence. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2005, 85 , 373–383.  相似文献   
1. In October 2004, plankton samples were collected from six permanent lakes located between 4960 and 5440 m a.s.l. in the Mount Everest region (Nepal) to assess how spatial and local environmental factors affect natural bacterial community composition. Fingerprinting analysis of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene fragment was done by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE).
2. The number of DGGE bands (range: 12–23) was not correlated with lake area or remoteness, but there was a strong negative correlation with the ratio of catchment to lake area ( r  = −0.826, P  <   0.05), suggesting that hydraulic retention time affects the establishment of the bacterial community in these seepage lakes.
3. Most dominant sequences belonged to Betaproteobacteria except in two lakes where members of Bacteroidetes made the largest relative contribution. Up to 81% of the phylotypes had high similarity (>98 to 100%) in partial 16S rRNA gene sequence to those reported from other alpine lakes and glaciers around the world, suggesting the presence of 'cosmopolitan' bacteria.
4. An analysis based on dissimilarity matrices and the Mantel test revealed the existence of dissimilarities in bacterial community composition related to geographical distance over a small spatial scale (<6 km), but determined by local environmental constraints.
5. Our results suggest that several bacterial phylotypes are ubiquitous in the freshwater aquatic realm, but taxon sorting by local environmental constraints is important.  相似文献   
Two ecotypes of a marine intertidal snail (Littorina saxatilis), living at different microhabitats and shore levels, have evolved in sympatry and in parallel across the Galician rocky shore. These ecotypes differ in many traits (including size) due to differential adaptation. They meet, mate assortatively, and partially hybridize at the mid shore where the two microhabitats overlap. The partial sexual isolation observed is claimed to be a side‐effect of the size differences between ecotypes combined with a size assortative mating found in most populations of this species. We investigated this hypothesis using three complementary experimental approaches. First, we investigated which of the different shell variables contributed most to the variation in individual sexual isolation in the field by using two new statistics developed for that purpose: (1) pair sexual isolation and (2) ri, which is based on the Pearson correlation coefficient. We found that size is the most important trait explaining the sexual isolation and, in particular, the males appear to be the key sex contributing to sexual isolation. Second, we compared the size assortative mating between regions: exposed rocky shore populations from north‐westwern Spain (showing incomplete reproductive isolation due to size assortative mating) and protected Spanish and Swedish populations (showing size assortative mating but not reproductive isolation between ecomorphs). Most of the variation in size assortative mating between localities was significantly explained by the within‐population level of variation on size. Third, we performed a laboratory male choice experiment, which further suggested that the choice is made predominantly on the basis of size. These results confirm the mechanism proposed to explain the sexual isolation in the Galician hybrid zone and thus support this case as a putative example of parallel incipient speciation. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 94 , 513–526.  相似文献   
An emended diagnosis for Metasarcinae is given. The genera Cajarnarca Roewer, 1952 (Phalangodidae Tricommatinae), Chacoikeontus Roewer, 1929 and Tschaidicancha Roewer, 1957 (both Gonyleptidae Prostygninae) are transferred to the subfamily. The new genus Incasarcus is described for five new species of the Peruvian Department of Cusco. The five new species Incasarcus dianae sp. nov., Incasarcus pictus sp. nov., Incasarcus argenteus sp. nov., Incasarcus viracocha sp. nov. and Incasarcus ochoai sp. nov. axe described and illustrated. A key to the species of Incasarcus is given and their distribution is illustrated on a map.  相似文献   
Abstract Introduced vertebrate predators are one of the most important threats to endemic species throughout a range of ecosystems, in particular on islands in biodiversity hot spots. Consequently, the reduction of predator numbers is considered a key conservation action in the management of many native vertebrates vulnerable to predators. It is now established that control attempts may affect non‐target species through trophic interactions, but little is known concerning their consequences on competitive relationships. We study a mathematical model mimicking the effects of controlling introduced species in the presence of their competitors. We used two competing rodents to illustrate our study: black rats, Rattus rattus, and mice, Mus musculus. Analyses of the model show that control of only one introduced species logically results in the dramatic increase of the overlooked competitor. We present empirical data that confirm our theoretical predictions. Less intuitively, this process, which we term ‘the competitor release effect’, may also occur when both introduced competitors are simultaneously controlled. In our setting, controlling both predators can promote their coexistence. This occurs as soon as the inferior competitor benefits from the differential effect of the simultaneous control of both competitors, that is, when the indirect positive effect of control (the removal of their competitors) exceeds its direct negative effect (their own removal). Both control levels and target specificity have a direct influence on the extent of this process: counter‐intuitively, the stronger and more specific the control, the greater the effect. The theoretical validation of the competitor release effect has important implications in conservation, especially for control management.  相似文献   
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