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Sexual selection against immigrants is a mechanism that can regulate premating isolation between populations but, so far, few field studies have examined whether males can discriminate between immigrant and resident females. Males of the damselfly Calopteryx splendens show mate preferences and are able to force pre‐copulatory tandems. We related male mate responses to the ecological characteristics of female origin, geographic distances between populations, and morphological traits of females to identify factors influencing male mate discrimination. Significant heterogeneity between populations in male mate responses towards females was found. In some populations, males discriminated strongly against immigrant females, whereas the pattern was reversed or nonsignificant in other populations. Immigrant females were particularly attractive to males when they came from populations with similar predation pressures and densities of conspecifics. By contrast, immigrant females from populations with strongly dissimilar predation pressures and conspecific densities were not attractive to males. Differences in the abiotic environment appeared to affect mating success to a lesser degree. This suggests that male mate discrimination is context‐dependent and influenced by ecological differences between populations, a key prediction of ecological speciation theory. The results obtained in the present study suggest that gene‐flow is facilitated between ecologically similar populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 506–518.  相似文献   
Increasing ocean temperatures due to global warming are predicted to have negative effects on coral reef fishes. El Niño events are associated with elevated water temperatures at large spatial (1000s of km) and temporal (annual) scales, providing environmental conditions that enable temperature effects on reef fishes to be tested directly. We compared remote sensing data of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies, surface current flow and chlorophyll‐a (Chl‐a) concentration with monthly patterns in larval supply of coral reef fishes in nearshore waters around Rangiroa Atoll (French Polynesia) from January 1996 to March 2000. This time included an intense El Niño (April 1997–May 1998) event between two periods of La Niña (January–March 1996 and August 1998–March 2000) conditions. There was a strong relationship between the timing of the El Niño event, current flow, ocean productivity (as measured by Chl‐a) and larval supply. In the warm conditions of the event, there was an increase in the SST anomaly index up to 3.5 °C above mean values and a decrease in the strength of the westward surface current toward the reef. These conditions coincided with low concentrations of Chl‐a (mean: 0.06 mg m?3, SE ± 0.004) and a 51% decline in larval supply from mean values. Conversely, during strong La Niña conditions when SST anomalies were almost 2 °C below mean values and there was a strong westward surface current, Chl‐a concentration was 150% greater than mean values and larval supply was 249% greater. A lag in larval supply suggested that productivity maybe affecting both the production of larvae by adults and larval survival. Our results suggest that warming temperatures in the world's oceans will have negative effects on the reproduction of reef fishes and survival of their larvae within the plankton, ultimately impacting on the replenishment of benthic populations.  相似文献   
The role of chromosomal rearrangements in disturbing reproduction in hybrids between karyotypically differentiated groups is fairly well documented. However, the effect of chromosomal changes at other phenotypic levels is rarely considered. In Tunisia, natural chromosomal hybrids of the house mouse exhibit developmental instability, suggesting that a high karyotypic heterozygosity might also affect developmental processes. If this is true, we predict that, in this species, developmental instability should arise in hybrids between any populations with a high chromosomal differentiation. To test this hypothesis, we compare the results obtained in Tunisian mice with those obtained in the present analysis on Madeiran mice. Both systems of races have similar levels of chromosomal differentiation (nine Robertsonian fusions). Unlike Tunisian mice, hybrids in Madeira display a similar level of developmental instability as parental groups. This indicates that structural heterozygosity per se does not necessarily impair developmental stability. It further suggests that chromosomal fusions are not all equivalent in their phenotypic effects, and that the identity of each fusion should be taken into account.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 33–43.  相似文献   

The Skylark Alauda arvensis is a territorial species of open landscape in which pairs settle in stable and adjacent territories during the breeding season. Due to the heterogeneity of the habitat, territories are gathered in patches spaced by a few kilometres, in which each male produces very long and complex flight songs as a part of the territorial behaviour. We showed that, in a given patch, all the males (neighbours) share some particular sequences of syllables in their songs, whereas males settled in different patches (strangers) have almost no sequences in common. Such a phenomenon is known as microdialect. To test the hypothesis that these shared sequences support a group signature, we made playback experiments with “chimeric” signals: songs of strangers where the sequences shared by neighbours were artificially inserted. Behavioural responses to playbacks indicated a neighbour-stranger discrimination consistent with the dear enemy phenomenon, i.e. a reduced aggression toward neighbours compared to strangers. Furthermore, the same level of responses, observed when a “chimeric” song and a neighbour song were broadcast, indicated that shared sequences are recognised and identified as markers of the neighbourhood identity.  相似文献   
The diversity of sensory systems in animals has poorly been explored on a phylogenetic basis at the species level. We addressed this issue using cricket cerci, comprising abdominal appendages covered with touch‐ and air‐sensitive hairs. Scanning electron microscopy measurements and spatial analyses of hair positioning were used to quantify the structural diversity of cercal structures. Eighteen Eneopterinae and two Gryllidae (outgroups) were studied from a phylogenetic perspective. Cerci were revealed to be complex, diverse, and variable between cricket species. Based on maximum likelihood estimations, the ancestral Eneopterinae cercus had a small size, and its hair equipment allowed the use of both air and touch mechanoreception. The evolution of Eneopterinae cerci was mainly unconstrained by the phylogeny; it was rather a punctuated process, involving apical transformations, and was mostly unrelated to environmental patterns. All studied species have enhanced their overall perceptive capacities compared to the ancestor. Most have longer cerci with more and/or longer hairs. Sensory abilities have improved either in the direction of touch or air movement detection, or both, without discarding the potential for any sensory capacity that was already present ancestrally. This pattern is consistent with the hypothesis of an evolutionary trade‐off for sensory performances. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 614–631.  相似文献   
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