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描述了产自四川自贡大山铺恐龙化石坑中的三件龟甲标本,命名为一新属新种—周氏四川龟(Sichuanchelyschowigen.etsp.nov.)。该属以椎盾极横宽,中部缘盾极狭长为主要特征,它代表了成渝龟科中一类较特别的类型。  相似文献   
本研究以湖南沅江鼎城段河蚬(Corbicula fluminea)为研究对象,在进一步验证该群体性别组成的基础上,分析壳长组成与性别比例之间关系,探讨该群体雄性、雌性和雌雄同体之间关系;同时以单鞭毛精子为参照,分析比较双鞭毛精子的形态特征,以期为我国河蚬的性别发生及生殖适应策略研究提供基础资料。结果显示:沅江鼎城段河蚬(n = 770)雄性、雌性和雌雄同体最小性成熟壳长分别为2.92 mm、5.66 mm和5.30 mm。697只性成熟河蚬中雄性、雌性和雌雄同体的比例近似1︰1︰6。雌雄同体的平均壳长[(22.55 ± 0.33)mm,n = 517]显著大于雄性[(20.44 ± 1.03)mm,n = 95]和雌性[(19.79 ± 0.99)mm,n = 85](P < 0.05),但雄性与雌性的平均壳长之间差异不显著(P > 0.05)。河蚬可以产生单鞭毛和双鞭毛两种类型的精子,单鞭毛精子头长范围4.93 ~ 21.79 μm,平均值(14.27 ± 0.82)μm(n = 30),双鞭毛精子头长范围10.29 ~ 22.04 μm,平均值(15.62 ± 0.62)μm(n = 26)。单、双鞭毛精子头长差异不显著(P > 0.05)。双鞭毛精子(n = 26)长尾的平均长度[(38.07 ± 1.44)μm]显著大于其短尾[(31.08 ± 1.60)μm]和单鞭毛精子(n = 30)尾部长度[(30.15 ± 1.75)μm](P < 0.01),但其短尾与单鞭毛精子的尾部平均长度之间无显著性差异(P > 0.05)。结果表明:湖南沅江鼎城段河蚬为雄性先熟,且可能存在雄性和(或)雌性向雌雄同体转换现象。河蚬具有单鞭毛型和双鞭毛型2种类型的精子,且双鞭毛精子的2个尾部不等长。同域共存河蚬的单鞭毛与双鞭毛精子在运动及受精能力方面的差异值得深入研究。  相似文献   
1. Predation‐exclusion experiments have highlighted that top‐down control is pervasive in terrestrial communities, but most of these experiments are simplistic in that they only excluded a single group of predators and the effect of removal was evaluated on a few species from the community. The main goal of our study was to experimentally establish the relative effects of ants and birds on the same arthropod assemblage of canopy trees. 2. We conducted 1‐year long manipulative experiments in an organic citrus grove intended to quantify the independent effects of bird and ant predators on the abundance of arthropods. Birds were excluded with plastic nets whereas ants were excluded with sticky barriers on the trunks. The sticky barrier also excluded other ground dwelling insects, like the European earwig Forficula auricularia L. 3. Both the exclusion of ants and birds affected the arthropod community of the citrus canopies, but the exclusion of ants was far more important than the exclusion of birds. Indeed, almost all groups of arthropods had higher abundance in ant‐excluded than in control trees, whereas only dermapterans were more abundant in bird‐excluded than in control trees. A more detailed analysis conducted on spiders also showed that the effect of ant exclusion was limited to a few families rather than being widespread over the entire diverse spectrum of spiders. 4. Our results suggest that the relative importance of vertebrate and invertebrate predators in regulating arthropod populations largely depends on the nature of the predator–prey system.  相似文献   
PCR反应混合液的冻干处理及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究将除模板DNA以外的PCR反应混合液,经过真空浓缩冻成干粉状后,分别置于室温和4℃贮存,经过一定的贮藏时间后进行PCR反应,发现经冻干处理的样品能在较长的贮存时间内保持扩增活性,这将给实际工作带来很大的便利。 Abstract:In this paper we introduce a new storage method of PCR ingredient.PCR mixture except DNA template has been frozen to dry powder by the DNA-Plus system.This kind of powder was stored at room temperature or 4℃.PCR has been run in different period of storage.It was discovered that the samples of lyophilization could keep activity for a long time.  相似文献   
Using transmission electron microscopy, immuno-electron microscopy, and biochemical techniques such as 2-D electrophoresis and immunoblotting, actin was found in all biological stages of the microsporidia Encephalitozoon hellem and Encephalitozoon cuniculi.  相似文献   
Reduced Soluble Proteins Associated with Maize Endosperm Protein Bodies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endosperm protein bodies from developing maize were purifiedby discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation and the proteincontent analysed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis (SDS-PAE). Major proteins detected were zeinpolypeptides plus a component with Mr 28 000 and a doublet aroundMr 58 000. These proteins were present only in the protein bodyfraction of the sucrose gradient. Treatment of protein bodieswith the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT) in aqueous bufferdissolved the components with Mr 28 000 and 58 000, plus minorones, but not zein. The reduced soluble proteins were separatedby DEAE-Sephacel chromatography into three fractions: two ofthese contained the component with Mr 28 000, and the thirdthe components around Mr 58 000 plus minor ones. Proteins fromthe three fractions had characteristic amino acid compositions,markedly different from those of zein polypeptides. Chymotrypticdigestion experiments performed on protein bodies under variousconditions, and two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteinsfrom protein bodies suggested that the major zein polypeptides,the protein with Mr 28 000 and the other reduced soluble proteinshave different native organizations.  相似文献   
目的:探讨反应性血小板增高患者凝血指标及血小板聚集功能指标变化规律。方法:143例血小板反应性增高患者和65例对照者同时检测血小板聚集功能、抗凝血酶活性(AT-Ⅲ)、凝血酶原时间(PT)和活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT),并统计分析。结果:血小板反应性增高常见于肿瘤、肺炎、外伤患者;血小板反应性增高组患者AT-Ⅲ、PT和APTT与对照组无差异,但患者血小板聚集功能显著高于对照组。结论:血小板反应性增高患者血小板聚集功能增强,建议定期监测血小板聚集功能,必要时用抗血小板聚集药预防。  相似文献   
机体肠道与肝脏间的交互作用形成肠-肝轴,后者的紊乱是肝脏疾病发生的重要原因,而良好的肠道稳态和肝脏的保护对维持机体内环境的稳定起着重要作用。胆汁酸(胆盐)作为肠-肝轴循环中的重要组成成分,不仅参与了机体营养物质的消化代谢,还作为一种信号分子和代谢调节因子,能够激活核受体和G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)信号通路参与调节肝脏脂质、葡萄糖和能量平衡,维持机体代谢平衡。本文将结合近年来有关胆汁酸的研究进展,从胆汁酸的来源、在肠-肝轴中的循环以及胆汁酸在机体中的作用等方面进行综述,以加深对肠-肝轴重要性的理解。  相似文献   
目的 探究组织蛋白酶B(CTSB)介导NLRP3小体在砷致小胶质细胞(BV-2)炎症激活中的作用。方法 取处于对数生长期的BV-2细胞,分别暴露于终浓度为0、2、4、8 μmol/L亚砷酸钠(NaAsO2)溶液培养24 h,检测细胞活性,测定各组细胞内CTSB和细胞焦亡相关蛋白NLRP3、Caspase-1、IL-18、IL-1β的表达水平。流式细胞仪检测胞内溶酶体膜稳定性。基于实验结果,增设CTSB抑制剂组(5 μmol/L CA074-Me +8 μmol/L NaAsO2、10 μmol/L CA074-Me+8 μmol/L NaAsO2),检测两组细胞内炎症相关蛋白NLRP3、Caspase-1和IL-1β、IL-18的表达水平。结果 与对照组比较,各染砷组细胞抑制率增高,呈现剂量效应关系,溶酶体膜稳定性下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),胞内CTSB、NLRP3、IL-1β、IL-18、Caspase-1表达增高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);与对照组(8 μmol/L NaAsO2)比较,抑制剂组BV-2细胞胞内CTSB、NLRP3、IL-1β、IL-18、Caspase-1水平均降低,差异有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论 NaAsO2通过诱导小胶质细胞内CTSB水平的上升,介导NLRP3炎症小体激活小胶质细胞,促其释放炎性因子,致神经系统损伤。  相似文献   
1. In most cases, the most important determinant of wetland vegetation is the water regime. Although water regime is usually described and managed at the scale of whole wetlands, the patterning of vegetation is likely to be determined by water regimes that are experienced at much finer spatial scales. In this study, we assess the significance of internal heterogeneity in water regimes and the role that this heterogeneity plays in vegetation patterning. 2. The effects of water regime on wetland plant species richness and vegetation structure were studied at Dowd Morass, a 1500 ha, Ramsar‐listed wetland in south‐eastern Australia that is topographically heterogeneous. Data on plant variables and water depth were collected along 45 (50 m) transects throughout the wetland and related to water regimes assigned individually for each transect. Wetland plants were assigned to plant functional groups (PFG) that describe the response of plants to the presence or absence of water at different life stages. 3. The classification of water depth data indicated four distinct water regimes in the wetland that were differentiated primarily by the duration of the dry period. Representatives of all PFGs co‐existed over small spatial scales where topographical variation was present, and the richness and cover of understorey species declined as transects became more deeply and permanently flooded. Some PFGs (e.g. amphibious fluctuation tolerator‐low growing and amphibious fluctuation responder‐morphologically plastic) were eliminated by extended periods of flooding, which increased the cover but not richness of submerged plants. Species richness and foliage projective cover declined as water regimes shifted from shallow and frequently exposed conditions to regimes typified by deeper and longer inundation. Cover of the structurally dominant woody species was compromised by deeply flooded conditions but vegetative regeneration occurred despite high water levels. 4. Internal topographical variation generates mosaics of water regimes at fine spatial scales that allow plant species with different water regime requirements to co‐exist over small distances. Deep water and an absence of dry periods result in decreased cover of plants and an overall loss of species richness in the understorey. Water regimes are described that promote regeneration and cover of structurally dominant taxa and increased species richness in the understorey. The study demonstrates a strong association between vegetation and the diverse water regimes that exist within a single wetland, a pattern that will be useful for modelling the effects of modified water regimes on wetland vegetation.  相似文献   
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