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ELAROSI  HUSSEIN 《Annals of botany》1958,22(3):399-416
The greatest activity of protopectinase obtained from the growthof Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani on autoclaved potatoplugs occurred at pH 6.5, and greatest activity of the ‘lossof viscosity’ enzyme was found at 6–5 for Rhizoctonia,and between 6.5 and 8.3 for Fusarium. Protopectinase enzymeobtained from double infections of the Fusarium spp. with Rhizoctonia,or by mixing the enzymes of individual Fusarium spp. with Rhizoctoniaenzyme, were more active than the enzymes from single inoculations.Cylindrocarpon radicicola enzyme was more active when obtainedfrom a pure culture than from double infection. Similarly, mixingthis enzyme with the enzyme of Rhizoctonia reduced its activity.The evidence indicated that the protopectinase of Rhizoctoniawas similar to that of Cylindrocarpon and differed from thatof the Fusarium spp. Using paper partition chromatography, two bands from Rhizoctoniacrude enzyme had a stimulatory effect on Fusarium enzyme, whileonly one band from Fusarium enzyme stimulated Rhizoctonia enzyme. The purified enzyme of Rhizoctonia degraded pectin to galacturonicacid. Fusarium pure enzyme degraded pectin to an intermediatestage. A mixture of the two enzymes degraded pectin to galacturonicacid, without the intermediate stage formed by Fusarium alonebeing detected. The role played by pectic enzymes upon the synergistic relationof Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani on rotting potatotubers is discussed.  相似文献   
ELAROSI  HUSSEIN 《Annals of botany》1957,21(4):555-567
Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani, and Phoma foveata werechosen for the study of disease caused by these fungi in differentcombinations in potato tubers. An initial Rhizoctonia infection,when followed by a Fusarium infection, gave an extensive rottingwith external pimple-like formations in some cases. This typeof rotting could not be brought about by individual infectionswith either of the two fungi, or jointly by them when Fusariumwas inoculated first. Microscopic observations of infected matureand young potato tubers showed that Rhizoctonia grew intracellularlywhen infected alone, whereas it grew inter- as well as intra-cellularlyin the successive double infection. Fusarium formed more haustorium-likestructures when inoculated alone that when it followed Rhizoctonia.The length of these structures in the double infection was greaterin mature than in young tubers. Atmospheric humidity affectedthe amount of rotting, the shape and colour of the rot, andthe morphology of the fungus in the tissue.  相似文献   
Improved pathogen-free seed germination and better seedling growth were obtained by hot-water treatments at 60 °C for 10 min of seed of the cotton varieties Karnak and Ashmouni, and at 45 °C for 5 min of seed of the flax varieties Giza 4 and Baladi. These treatments also reduced pre- and post-emergence losses due to Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum in cotton, and to F. oxysporum f.sp. lini in flax, and resulted in better growth of the surviving plants.  相似文献   
ELAROSI  HUSSEIN 《Annals of botany》1957,21(4):569-585
Several types of interaction between Rhizoctonia solani, Fusariumsolani, and Phoma foveata were found when these fungi were grownon potato-dextrose agar. After being used by Rhizoctonia a potatomash medium gave better growth of Rizoctonia and Fusarium thanit did when the medium was initially used by Fusarium; and thiswas so whether the reaction of the spent medium was readjustedor not. It is suggested that potato mash medium used by Fusariumcontains a thermostable factor(s) affecting the subsequent growthof Rhizoctonia or Fusarium. The range of pH values suitable for Rhizoctonia growth was narrowerthan that for Fusarium, optimum values being approximately 5•9for the former and 7•8 for the latter. In mixed culturesof the two fungi on potato-dextrose agar adjusted to differentpH values, the fungus for which the reaction of the medium wasmore suitable usually became visually predominant after sometime. A study of various carbon sources showed that poor growth ofRhizoctonia was obtained when pectin was used as the sole sourceof carbon. On a pectin-agar medium, the rate of growth of aRhizoctonia colony increased on the sector which lay towardsan adjacent Fusarium colony; also, after the two fungi camein contact, there was more rapid growth of Rhizoctonia roundthe Fusarium colony than elsewhere. On a synthetic liquid mediumwith pectin as the carbon source better Rhizoctonia growth wasobtained when Fusarium-spent medium was added to it than whenRMzoctoma-spent medium was added. Rhizoctonia showed partial deficiencies in thiamine, biotin,and inositol. Both the extract of Fusarium mycelium, grown onvitamin-free medium, and the Fusarium-spent medium, stimulatedthe growth of Rhizoctonia on vitamin-free medium.  相似文献   
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