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It is generally assumed that male control over mating and a lack of precopulatory female choice are prevalent in many animals and in astigmatan mites in particular. We show that several morphological structures of females of some astigmatan mites are indicative of precopulatory female choice: (1) copulatory tubes acting like intromittent organs; (2) specialized structures assisting male–female attachment and possibly allowing indirect mate selection in immature females; and (3) a unique, pad‐like terminal opisthosomal organ used to cling to the male during copulation in Glaesacarus rhombeus (= Acarus rhombeus Koch et Berendt, 1854) belonging to an extinct family, Glaesacaridae, from the Upper Eocene Baltic amber. An exceptionally well‐preserved copulating pair from amber provides insight into the function of this organ and reproductive behaviour in this mite. Female control over mating may reduce the timing of insemination, harassment by males, and damage caused by copulation. As a consequence, this can lessen male–male aggression, select against precopulatory guarding, and reduce the risk of predation. By contrast to extant taxa, males of G. rhombeus do not have any apparent specialized structures aiding clinging to the female during copulation, suggesting that this mating system is either an earlier step in the evolution of the female‐dominated mating system and/or a remarkable example of imbalanced female counteradaptations against the male's reproductive interest that may occur during an arms race between the two sexes. We offer an approach that can falsify the hypothesis assuming precopulatory female choice and discuss an alternative hypothesis suggesting that these female structures evolved in response to the need to reduce damage associated with mating or precopulatory guarding. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 661–668.  相似文献   
The Malesian genus Eugeissona, with six species, is sister to all other Calamoideae, which are in turn sister to all other Arecaceae. The structure of its gynoecium and fruit is thus potentially of great interest in understanding gynoecium evolution in calamoid palms and in Arecaceae as a whole. The wall of the incompletely trilocular gynoecium of Eugeissona is thick and differentiated into several topographic zones, with a well‐developed vascular system even before pollination. During gynoecium and fruit development, the outer and inner epidermises are little specialized and form the exocarp and endocarp (obliterated in the mature fruit), respectively. In contrast, the mesophyll of the carpels differentiates strongly and is markedly specialized: four massive topographic zones are easily distinguished within the mesocarp. The peripheral zone of the mesocarp forms the body of the scales (a synapomorphy for Calamoideae). The second and the fourth zones are multilayered and parenchymatous with a massive derived vascular system in the former. The third zone of the mesocarp comprises a stout sclerenchymatous pyrene, made of fibre‐like sclereids, the innermost bundles of the derived vascular system and dorsal, ventral and lateral vascular bundles. The fruits of all other Calamoideae lack the sclerenchymatous pyrene and thus differ dramatically from Eugeissona fruits. The similarity of the processes of histogenesis during gynoecium and fruit development in Eugeissona with those in Nypa and borassoid palms, suggests these features could be plesiomorphic for the family. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 377–394.  相似文献   
The possibility of overcoming the multidrug resistance of human malignant cells by using doxorubicin conjugated to alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was studied. It was shown that this type of antitumour drugs, penetrating the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis with AFP as a vehicle, raises the sensitivity of the tumour cells that are resistant due to the expression of the multidrug resistance genemdr1. The sensitivity of antibiotic-resistant cell lines SKVLB (a human ovarian carcinoma) and MCF-7 AdrR (a human breast carcinoma) increased by 10- and 4-fold, respectively, when AFP-conjugated doxorubicin was used. The rationale of using human AFP-antitumour drug conjugates for the development of new chemotherapeutic approaches to cancer treatment is discussed.  相似文献   
Wood anatomy was examined in 16 species of Meryta (a genus of c . 35 species) and bark anatomy was studied in 12 species. All but two of these taxa form an assemblage corresponding to the Northern Arc clade, one of two major groups identified by a recent molecular phylogenetic study. M. sinclairii and M. tenuifolia (corresponding to the New Zealand/Fiji clade) differ distinctly by having more numerous simple perforation plates, multiseriate rays with few marginal rows, and the absence of sclerified cells in collapsed secondary phloem, a bark feature that has not yet been found elsewhere in Araliaceae. The increase in abundance of simple perforation plates in the wood of these two species is not accompanied by a decrease in the number of bars on scalariform perforation plates. The wood structure of Meryta bears a strong resemblance to members of the Pacific Schefflera clade, sharing similar ranges of variation of several features. Bark characters, such as the diameter of the cortical secretory canals, the types of crystal in cortical cells, the types of axial parenchyma cell in collapsed secondary phloem, and the presence of sheath cells by phloem rays, appear to be of diagnostic value for some species of Meryta .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 153 , 363–379.  相似文献   
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