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  1971年   1篇
  1967年   2篇
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Putrescine N-methyltransferase, a new enzyme catalyzing theformation of N-methylputrescine from putrescine and S-adenosyl-L-methioninewas found in roots of tobacco plants. The enzyme was purified30-fold from crude extracts of tobacco roots. NMethylputrescinewas identified as the reaction product by comparison with theauthentic compound. The enzyme had a pH optimum between pH 8and 9, and a molecular weight of about 60,000, as determinedby gel filtration. Km values for putrescine and 5-adenosyl-L-methioninewere 4.0 x 10–4 M and 1.1 x 10–4 M, respectively.Enzyme activity was inhibited by N-chloromercuribenzoate andAg+. No cofactors were required. Of the various substrates tested,only putrescine served as a methyl acceptor. The enzyme waslocalized exclusively in the roots and its activity was greadyenhanced by decapitation. The presence of putrescine N-methyltransferase in tobacco rootsstrongly suggests that N-methylputrescine participates as anintermediate in nicotine biosynthesis. (Received March 2, 1971; )  相似文献   
Water soluble protein was extracted from tobacco leaves (BrightYellow) and fractionated through chromatographic and immunochemicalprocedures. Six different UV-absorbing components, 7 antigeniccomponents, and 4 enzyme activities (phosphatase, protease,peroxidase and RNase) were detected on the Sephadex chromatogramsof leaf extracts. An UV-absorbing fraction, Fr. I-2, (immunochemicallydesignated as Pr. Imm-I) corresponded to the known "FractionI " of S. G. WILDMAN. The contents of the three antigenic components,Imm-a, Imm-b and Imm-c, having estimated molecular weights of1 to 2 105, showed significant fluctuations during growthof the leaves. Peroxidase and another antigenic component (Imm-f)of smaller molecular weight showed increase with age of theleaves. Properties of the protein components thus detected wereinvestigated. (Received May 11, 1967; )  相似文献   
Soluble protein fractions from tobacco leaves before and aftercuring were compared. The results of Sephadex G-200 or G-75chromatography and immunological experiments showed that theamount of larger molecular weight proteins diminished or greatlydecreased and that smaller molecular weight proteins accumulatedduring 3 days at 40 and 90% humidity after excision of theleaves from the stem. Fraction I, which was the largest proteinin the leaf extract and occupied about one-half of the solubleprotein before curing, was not found in the proteins after curing.On the contrary, the proteins contained in II-4 fraction, whichwere supposed to have smaller molecular weights, increased three-foldduring the curing. The origin of the smaller proteins was discussed. (Received May 11, 1967; )  相似文献   
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