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Calmodulin content and distribution between soluble and particulate fractions were determined by radioimmunoassay in six human melanoma cell lines exhibiting differences in tumor origin (primary or metastatic), degree of tumorigenicity and of pigmentation (amelanotic or melanotic). The results indicate that a) total, soluble and particulate calmodulin levels expressed as ng/10(6) cells or ng/micrograms of proteins remained constant for five out of six cell lines when cells grew from subconfluency to confluency. For IGR 37 line, derived from metastatic melanoma, the calmodulin content decreases from 2.39 to 1.27 ng/micrograms protein for total calmodulin, from 2.17 to 1.52 ng/micrograms protein for soluble calmodulin and from 2.61 to 1.02 ng/micrograms protein for particulate calmodulin, b) total, soluble and particulate calmodulin levels expressed as ng/microgram proteins were twofold (at confluency) to fourfold (at subconfluency) higher in the two cell lines from metastatic origin, IGR 37 and IPC 167. As for example, for total calmodulin, values in IGR 37 and IPC 167 cell lines, were, respectively at subconfluency, 2.39 and 2.31 ng/micrograms protein as compared with the four other cell lines: 0.76 to 0.96 ng/micrograms protein and at confluency: 1.27 and 1.98 ng/micrograms protein as compared with the four other cell lines: 0.76 to 0.90 ng/micrograms protein, c) ratio of calmodulin between soluble and particulate fractions was about 1 for the two autologous cell lines IGR 37 and IGR 39 and varies from 2 to 3 for the four other cell lines.  相似文献   
Both the underlying molecular mechanisms and the kinetics of TCR repertoire selection following vaccination against tumor Ags in humans have remained largely unexplored. To gain insight into these questions, we performed a functional and structural longitudinal analysis of the TCR of circulating CD8(+) T cells specific for the HLA-A2-restricted immunodominant epitope from the melanocyte differentiation Ag Melan-A in a melanoma patient who developed a vigorous and sustained Ag-specific T cell response following vaccination with the corresponding synthetic peptide. We observed an increase in functional avidity of Ag recognition and in tumor reactivity in the postimmune Melan-A-specific populations as compared with the preimmune blood sample. Improved Ag recognition correlated with an increase in the t(1/2) of peptide/MHC interaction with the TCR as assessed by kinetic analysis of A2/Melan-A peptide multimer staining decay. Ex vivo analysis of the clonal composition of Melan-A-specific CD8(+) T cells at different time points during vaccination revealed that the response was the result of asynchronous expansion of several distinct T cell clones. Some of these T cell clones were also identified at a metastatic tumor site. Collectively, these data show that tumor peptide-driven immune stimulation leads to the selection of high-avidity T cell clones of increased tumor reactivity that independently evolve within oligoclonal populations.  相似文献   
Properly estimating genetic diversity in populations of nonmodel species requires a basic understanding of how diversity is distributed across the genome and among individuals. To this end, we analysed whole‐genome resequencing data from 20 collared flycatchers (genome size ≈1.1 Gb; 10.13 million single nucleotide polymorphisms detected). Genomewide nucleotide diversity was almost identical among individuals (mean = 0.00394, range = 0.00384–0.00401), but diversity levels varied extensively across the genome (95% confidence interval for 200‐kb windows = 0.0013–0.0053). Diversity was related to selective constraint such that in comparison with intergenic DNA, diversity at fourfold degenerate sites was reduced to 85%, 3′ UTRs to 82%, 5′ UTRs to 70% and nondegenerate sites to 12%. There was a strong positive correlation between diversity and chromosome size, probably driven by a higher density of targets for selection on smaller chromosomes increasing the diversity‐reducing effect of linked selection. Simulations exploring the ability of sequence data from a small number of genetic markers to capture the observed diversity clearly demonstrated that diversity estimation from finite sampling of such data is bound to be associated with large confidence intervals. Nevertheless, we show that precision in diversity estimation in large outbred population benefits from increasing the number of loci rather than the number of individuals. Simulations mimicking RAD sequencing showed that this approach gives accurate estimates of genomewide diversity. Based on the patterns of observed diversity and the performed simulations, we provide broad recommendations for how genetic diversity should be estimated in natural populations.  相似文献   
In restored grasslands of southern Europe, perennial plants remain highly underrepresented compared with the reference ecosystems. We tested various treatments to reintroduce common perennial plant species (Brachypodium retusum, Poaceae, and Thymus vulgaris, Lamiaceae), which are usually not or poorly reintroduced via soil and hay transfer. Treatments included microenvironmental manipulations (rock cover and plant interactions) and two grazing intensities. Target perennial species were transplanted in 2002 in the reference grassland ecosystem (intact grassland area used as a control) and in two abandoned fields. Survival was assessed in June 2003 and June 2004. Target species shoot and root biomass were measured in June 2004. Grazing greatly reduced the survival and biomass of both target species and its effects were reinforced by summer drought: plants that did not establish well enough during the autumn and spring did not survive summer. The restored rock cover had a mild positive effect, particularly on B. retusum. There were no negative or positive plant neighbor interactions in the steppe, while there was competition in both abandoned fields. Competition was particularly intense in the abandoned melon field, composed of a dense sward of annual grasses (Bromus sp.). In order to reintroduce perennial species to dry grasslands, the ideal combination of treatments is to exclude or reduce grazing during the first year to allow seedlings to establish and to recreate adequate microenvironmental conditions. Reducing competition from arable weeds may help but is not essential in such dry grasslands.  相似文献   
Several aminopeptidases of the M42 family have been described as tetrahedral-shaped dodecameric (TET) aminopeptidases. A current hypothesis suggests that these enzymes are involved, along with the tricorn peptidase, in degrading peptides produced by the proteasome. Yet the M42 family remains ill defined, as some members have been annotated as cellulases because of their homology with CelM, formerly described as an endoglucanase of Clostridium thermocellum. Here we describe the catalytic functions and substrate profiles CelM and of TmPep1050, the latter having been annotated as an endoglucanase of Thermotoga maritima. Both enzymes were shown to catalyze hydrolysis of nonpolar aliphatic L-amino acid-pNA substrates, the L-leucine derivative appearing as the best substrate. No significant endoglucanase activity was measured, either for TmPep1050 or CelM. Addition of cobalt ions enhanced the activity of both enzymes significantly, while both the chelating agent EDTA and bestatin, a specific inhibitor of metalloaminopeptidases, proved inhibitory. Our results strongly suggest that one should avoid annotating members of the M42 aminopeptidase family as cellulases. In an updated assessment of the distribution of M42 aminopeptidases, we found TET aminopeptidases to be distributed widely amongst archaea and bacteria. We additionally observed that several phyla lack both TET and tricorn. This suggests that other complexes may act downstream from the proteasome.  相似文献   
Avidity of Ag recognition by tumor-specific T cells is one of the main parameters that determines the potency of a tumor rejection Ag. In this study we show that the relative efficiency of staining of tumor Ag-specific T lymphocytes with the corresponding fluorescent MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes can considerably vary with staining conditions and does not necessarily correlate with avidity of Ag recognition. Instead, we found a clear correlation between avidity of Ag recognition and the stability of MHC class I/peptide multimeric complexes interaction with TCR as measured in dissociation kinetic experiments. These findings are relevant for both identification and isolation of tumor-reactive CTL.  相似文献   
Long-term grazing shaped plant diversity in dry Mediterranean grasslands. Abandonment of grazing affects plant diversity especially in the northern Mediterranean. Considerable efforts are, therefore, under way for grassland conservation and restoration. Yet, we do not know at which temporal scales impacts of grazing abandonment appear and in particular how soil seed banks evolve after longer grazing abandonment. Here, we provide detailed data from one of the very few long-term experiments available. These experiments provide data for up to 23 years (1982–2005) of grazing exclusion built in 1982, 1989, 2000 and 2001. Grazing exclusion decreased species richness, modified vegetation structure and changed soil parameters. Decline in species richness appears in communities that experienced 16 and 23 years of grazing exclusion. Only four to nine plant species of this Mediterranean grassland built persistent soil seed banks appearing after grazing exclusion, compared to 40–50 species in the established vegetation of grazed plots. Hence, similarity between vegetation and soil seed bank decreased with time of grazing exclusion. Even 23 years after abandonment, no woody plants colonised the experiments. We conclude that vegetation will recover fast from grazing abandonment in the short-term. Nevertheless, longer abandonment will impact diversity due to reduced soil seed banks.  相似文献   
Glioblastoma is a highly heterogeneous aggressive primary brain tumor, with the glioma stem‐like cells (GSC) being more sensitive to cytotoxic lymphocyte‐mediated killing than glioma differentiated cells (GDC). However, the mechanism behind this higher sensitivity is unclear. Here, we found that the mitochondrial morphology of GSCs modulates the ER–mitochondria contacts that regulate the surface expression of sialylated glycans and their recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells. GSCs displayed diminished ER–mitochondria contacts compared to GDCs. Forced ER–mitochondria contacts in GSCs increased their cell surface expression of sialylated glycans and reduced their susceptibility to cytotoxic lymphocytes. Therefore, mitochondrial morphology and dynamism dictate the ER–mitochondria contacts in order to regulate the surface expression of certain glycans and thus play a role in GSC recognition and elimination by immune effector cells. Targeting the mitochondrial morphology, dynamism, and contacts with the ER could be an innovative strategy to deplete the cancer stem cell compartment to successfully treat glioblastoma.  相似文献   
In the first step of this study, type 2 isopentenyl diphosphate isomerase (IDI2) from Pyrococcus furiosus (pf-IDI2), a hyperthermophilic microorganism, was cloned and overexpressed in E. coli. After purification, hyperthermophilic behavior of this protein was approached by means of enzymatic assays and thermal denaturation studies. Compared with the mesophilic Streptococcus pneumoniae IDI2, which unfolds and looses activity above 50 degrees C, pf-IDI2 is still folded and active at 80 degrees C. Molecular modeling was applied, in a parallel step, to understand the molecular basis of thermal stability. Comparison of IDI2 from S. pneumoniae, T. thermophilus, and P. furiosus suggested that additional charged residues present in the hyperthermophilic enzyme might contribute to its higher thermal stability. This could increase the number of salt bridges between monomers of IDI2 in P. furiosus enzyme and, hence, decrease flexibility of loops or N-terminal segment, thereby enhancing its thermal stability.  相似文献   
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