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Summary : FT is a tool written in C++, which implements the Fourier analysis method to locate periodicities in aminoacid or DNA sequences. It is provided for free public use on a WWW server with a Java interface. Availability : The server address is http://o2.db. uoa.gr/FT Contact : shamodr@atlas.uoa.gr   相似文献   
The biocontrol properties of Trichoderma species are well documented, but their effectiveness in antagonism of the problematic Sclerotium cepivorum, the causal agent of white rot in Allium species, appears limited with reports of significant control only relating to deliberately-mutated strains of Trichoderma. Our previous studies have indicated the possibility of using selected naturally-occurring strains of the antagonist in the suppression of other diseases; now in vitro and controlled environment in vivo studies have indicated that a degree of control of Onion White Rot is possible, and that the selected antagonist strains can be used in integrated treatments with Iprodione to good effect. The possible value of such treatments is considered in light of other approaches to the suppression of this continuing problem.  相似文献   
To further characterize the molecular events supporting the tumor suppressor activity of Scrib in mammals, we aim to identify new binding partners. We isolated MCC, a recently identified binding partner for β-catenin, as a new interacting protein for Scrib. MCC interacts with both Scrib and the NHERF1/NHERF2/Ezrin complex in a PDZ-dependent manner. In T47D cells, MCC and Scrib proteins colocalize at the cell membrane and reduced expression of MCC results in impaired cell migration. By contrast to Scrib, MCC inhibits cell directed migration independently of Rac1, Cdc42 and PAK activation. Altogether, these results identify MCC as a potential scaffold protein regulating cell movement and able to bind Scrib, β-catenin and NHERF1/2.

Structured summary

MINT-7211022: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) and MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)MINT-7210609: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0915) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by two hybrid (MI:0018)MINT-7210759, MINT-7210792: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with PIX beta (uniprotkb:Q14155) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7210883, MINT-7210820: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by anti bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)MINT-7210634, MINT-7210690, MINT-7210731: SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160) physically interacts (MI:0914) with MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7211267: E6 (uniprotkb:P06463) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160), SNX27 (uniprotkb:Q96L92), UTRN (uniprotkb:P46939), CASK (uniprotkb:O14936), DMD (uniprotkb:P11532) and Dlg (uniprotkb:Q12959) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-7211237: MCC (uniprotkb:P23508) physically interacts (MI:0915) with SCRIB (uniprotkb:Q14160), EZR (uniprotkb:P15311), SNX27 (uniprotkb:Q96L92), NHERF1 (uniprotkb:O14745) and NHERF2 (uniprotkb:Q15599) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   
We describe the cloning and expression of the mouse gene interferon-inducible-protein 15 (IP15), whose activation is related to the acute phase of experimental pancreatitis. Analysis of its structure indicates that it encodes a putative transmembrane protein of 137 amino acids. This gene contains a predicted IFN-stimulable-response element. In vivo studies showed that IP15 is strongly activated in pancreas early during caerulein-induced pancreatitis. In situ hybridization of IP15 mRNA showed that its expression is restricted to acinar cells. IP15 was also induced in pancreas under systemic-lipopolysaccharide treatment and in intestine under Salmonella infection. In vitro studies using NIH3T3 fibroblasts showed that IP15 is induced by IFN-alpha. Growth rate was significantly lower in cells transfected with pcDNA4/IP15 plasmid. In addition, cells expressing IP15 showed less capacity to develop colonies after antibiotic selection. In conclusion, we identified a new interferon-inducible gene that is activated early in pancreas with pancreatitis and whose expression inhibits cell growth.  相似文献   
Endothelial cells form the inner lining of blood and lymphatic vessels. In mice, only tumors of the blood vessel endothelium (haemangiomas) have been thus far reported. Here we describe a highly reproducible method for the induction of benign tumors of the lymphatic endothelial cells (lymphangiomas) in mice by intraperitoneal injection of incomplete Freund's adjuvant. Morphological and histopathological studies of the lesions revealed the presence of cells at various levels of vascular development. The lymphangiomas developed in the peritoneal cavity and expressed the endothelial markers CD31/PECAM (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule), CD54/ICAM-1 (InterCellular Adhesion Molecule-1), and CD102/ICAM-2, as well as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor Flk-1, the endothelial cell specific receptors Tie-1 and Tie-2 and the lymphatic endothelial cell specific Flt4 receptor as shown byin situhybridization. The Flk-1 and Flt4 receptors were also identified in immunoblots of the tumors and in cells cultured from them. When induced in β-galactosidase knock-in Flt4+/−mice, the tumor endothelia could be stained blue in a number of tumor cells although the staining was of lower intensity than in normal lymphatic vessels. The tumor-derived cells could be propagatedin vitroand they spontaneously differentiated, forming vessel-like structures. Murine lymphangiomas thus represent a highly reproducible and convenient source of lymphatic endothelial cells.  相似文献   
The utility of a nuclear protein-coding gene for reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the family Culicidae was explored. Relationships among 13 species representing three subfamilies and nine genera of Culicidae were analyzed using a 762-bp fragment of coding sequence from the eye color gene, white. Outgroups for the study were two species from the sister group Chaoboridae. Sequences were determined from clone PCR products amplified from genomic DNA, and aligned following conceptual intron splicing and amino acid translation. Third codon positions were characterized by high levels of divergence and biased nucleotide composition, the intensity and direction of which varied among taxa. Equal weighting of all characters resulted in parsimony and neighboring-joining trees at odds with the generally accepted phylogenetic hypothesis based on morphology and rDNA sequences. The application of differential weighting schemes recovered the traditional hypothesis, in which the subfamily Anophelinae formed the basal clade. The subfamily Toxorhynchitinae occupied an intermediate position, and was a sister group to the subfamily Culicinae. Within Culicinae, the genera Sabethes and Tripteroides formed an ancestral clade, while the Culex-Deinocerites and Aedes- Haemagogus clades occupied increasingly derived positions in the molecular phylogeny. An intron present in the Culicinae- Toxorhynchitinae lineage and one outgroup taxon was absent in the basal Anophelinae lineage and the second outgroup taxon, suggesting that intron insertions or deletions may not always be reliable systematic characters.   相似文献   
1. The in vitro incorporation of 35S-methionine into actin and total soluble proteins, as well as the levels of actin mRNA, were studied in the hypothalamus and frontal cerebral cortex of adult male rats killed at six different time intervals during a 24-hr cycle. 2. The specific activity of total soluble proteins after labeled methionine incubations did not vary as a function of time of day in any of the examined brain regions. 3. The incorporation of 35S-methionine into a 43-kDa protein, corresponding to the electrophoretic mobility of actin, varied diurnally in the hypothalamus, exhibiting a maximum at 1200 hr. Such a diurnal variation was not found in frontal cerebral cortex. 4. Similar results were obtained when labeled methionine incorporation into actin was assessed in hypothalamus and cerebral cortex by an immunoprecipitation procedure. 5. An increase in actin hypothalamic mRNA levels, quantitated by dot-blot analysis, was found at 0800, 4 hr in advance to the maximum in 35S-methionine incorporation to actin. 6. The levels of actin mRNA did not vary significantly as a function of time of day in the frontal cerebral cortex.  相似文献   


Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is an innate immune protein. The aim of our study was to determine whether genetically determined MBL deficiency is associated with susceptibility to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) and whether MBL2 genotypes are associated with JRA severity.  相似文献   
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