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By means of immunocytochemistry, a central neuronal network containing a prolactin-like substance has been described in the rat. In order to demonstrate the synthesis of this peptide in these cells, we examined the presence of prolactin messenger RNA (PRL mRNA) in several brain samples including the pituitary gland. Amplification of the PRL mRNA was performed by the polymerase chain reaction technique, followed by southern blotting and hybridization with a specific oligonucleotide. Results showed the presence of the expected cDNA (468 bp) in the hypothalamus. Another cDNA with a lower molecular weight was also observed.  相似文献   
The posterior ligaments: ligamentum flavum, articular, interspinous and supraspinous ligaments of twenty five fresh cadaveric intervertebral segments, from T11-T12 to L4-L5, extracted from fourteen spines were tested in tension. A progressive dissection method was used, that is, each segment was tested after first resecting the disk with the ligaments intact and a force-elongation curve obtained. Then one ligament was cut and the test repeated, and so on. The most restrictive ligament was found to be the ligamentum flavum followed by the articular, interspinous, and supraspinous ligaments.  相似文献   
Intercellular fluid (IF) extracted from the apoplastic leaf spaces of Petunia contained up to 6 new soluble proteins, called d proteins (d0 to d5). Characterisation of the d proteins has shown that they can be divided into groups and show a genetic variability similar to the PR(b) proteins from Nicotiana. d protein patterns from Petunia interspecific hybrids clearly show that the determinant for the d proteins in sexually transmitted as is the case for b proteins in Nicotiana. d-protein induction in TMV-SM1 infected Petunia leaves is discussed in relation to the resistance to infection shown by cultivars and hybrids of Petunia.  相似文献   
The respiration of larvae of Tenebroides mauritanicus exposed to reduced pressures in air was measured in a specially designed chamber by means of gas chromatography. Both O2 uptake and CO2 output were progressively reduced as the pressure was lowered from 200 to 35 mm Hg. There were differences in the amounts of gases exchanged when the insects were exposed under dry or moist conditions. When expired CO2 was allowed to accumulate, in some experiments it had a marked stimulating effect on O2 uptake between 60 and 200 mm. The respiratory quotient at the various pressures was calculated and the values found under different conditions of pressure and moisture are discussed.
Zusammenfassung In der ersten Veröffentlichung dieser Reihe beschrieben Monro, Dumas und Buckland (1962) die Kohlendioxyd-Ausatmung der Larven von T. mauritanicus bei verringertem atmosphärischen Druck. Unter 65 mm nahm die CO2-Ausatmung deutlich und fortschreitend ab. Um zu zeigen, daß dieser Verringerung der CO2-Produktion tatsächlich eine Abnahme der Atmung entspricht, wurde ein Apparat entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe O2-Aufnahme und CO2-Abgabe der Insekten gaschromatographisch gemessen werden konnten.Bei dreistündiger Exposition wurde unter den experimentellen Bedingungen gefunden, daß sich im Vergleich mit der Reaktion bei höherem Druck sowohl O2-Aufnahme als auch CO2-Abgabe bei 100, 60 und 30 mm fortschreitend verringert. Bei so niedrigem Druck war die Atmung während der Expositionszeit gleichmäßiger als bei höherem Druck, bei dem von Zeit zu Zeit deutliche Schwankungen auftraten. Bemerkenswert war ein deutlicher Unterschied in der Respirationsrate bei feuchtigkeitsgesättigter Luft und unter trockenen Bedingungen. Bei hoher Luftfeuchtigkeit war die O2-Aufnahme zwischen 100 und 400 mm größer als bei Trockenheit und die CO2-Abgabe war größer von 65 mm aufwärts. Daraus wird gefolgert, daß in diesem Druckbereich bei Trockenheit der Austausch beider Gase durch dauernden oder zeitweisen Verschluß der Atmungswege behindert wird.In einigen Versuchen wurde CO2 durch Absorption aus der die Insekten umgebenden Atmosphäre entfernt. Abwesenheit von CO2 verringerte die O2-Aufnahme im Bereich von 60–200 mm besonders bei Feuchtigkeit. Bei Trockenheit war die O2-Aufnahme bei hohem CO2-Gehalt signifikant geringer. Hier mag wiederum Schließung der Atmungswege die stimulierende Wirkung des CO2 vermindert haben.Berechnungen des Respirationsquotienten aus den verfügbaren Daten zeigen eine stetige Abnahme dieses Wertes mit abnehmendem Druck bei Feuchtigkeit, während der R.Q. in trockener Umgebung bei jedem Druck ziemlich konstant blieb. Es werden keine endgültigen Schlüsse aus diesen Berechnungen gezogen, aber es wird angenommen, daß die feuchte Umgebung einen freieren Gasaustausch durch die Atmungswege erlaubt und daher bessere Bedingungen zur Bestimmung des tatsächlichen R.Q.-Wertes bei vermindertem Druck bietet.

In this paper pressures are given as absolute pressures expressed in mm Hg.  相似文献   
The effects of ethylene and of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) on growth of excised pea root sections have been compared under a variety of conditions. After 16 hours treatment the inhibitory action of IAA is fully reversible on transfer of the root sections to IAA-free solutions. In contrast, inhibition by ethylene is almost totally irreversible. IAA inhibits growth from zero time; ethylene is generally without effect during the first 3 to 6 hours. The inhibitory action of ethylene is dependent on factors such as tissue age and solution composition which have no major effect on IAA inhibition. Ethylene production is enhanced by 100 μm IAA, but conditions which reduce the rate of ethylene evolution 2 to 3-fold at the same IAA concentration fail to affect the inhibitory action of IAA on elongation. It seems unlikely that ethylene can play more than a minor role in mediating inhibition of pea root growth by IAA.  相似文献   
Dupuis I  Dumas C 《Plant physiology》1990,94(2):665-670
This study was conducted to investigate the response of maize (Zea mays) male and female mature reproductive tissues to temperature stress. We have tested the fertilization abilities of the stressed spikelets and pollen using in vitro pollination-fertilization to determine their respective tolerance to stress. The synthesis of heat shock proteins (HSPs) was also analyzed in male and female tissues using electrophoresis of 35S-labeled proteins and fluorography, to establish a relationship between the physiological and molecular responses. Pollen, spikelets, and pollinated spikelets were exposed to selected temperatures (4, 28, 32, 36, or 40°C) and tested using an in vitro fertilization system. The fertilization rate is highly reduced when pollinated spikelets are exposed to temperatures over 36°C. When pollen and spikelets are exposed separately to temperature stress, the female tissues appear resistant to 4 hours of cold stress (4°C) or heat stress (40°C). Under heat shock conditions, the synthesis of a typical set of HSPs is induced in the female tissues. In contrast, the mature pollen is sensitive to heat stress and is responsible for the failure of fertilization at high temperatures. At the molecular level, no heat shock response is detected in the mature pollen.  相似文献   
Summary The position of the embryo sac in the spikelet and of the embryo sac's constituent cells within the sporophytic tissues of Zea mays was localized by scanning electron microscopy, serial thick sectioning, and computer three-dimensional reconstruction. Within certain limits, the embryo sac is consistently oriented in the same position inside of the spikelet. This information is a prerequisite for successful microinjections into the in situ female cells of Zea mays.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present studies was to investigate the activity of the adrenal gland and the pituitary beta-endorphin system in individuals from families with a 3 generation history of alcoholism, High Risk group, or from families without history of alcoholism, Low Risk group. All subjects had a medical examination, a drinking behavior personal interview and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Individuals with medical problems or excessive drinking were not included in the study. On the day of testing, a blood sample was taken at 9:00 a.m., then the subject drank a placebo drink or an ethanol solution (0.5 g ethanol/kg B.Wt.). Additional blood samples were taken at 15, 45 and 120 minutes post-drink. Results indicated that individuals of the High Risk group had lower basal levels of beta-endorphin like immunoreactivity (beta-EPLIR) than individuals of the Low Risk group. The dose of 0.5 g ethanol/kg B.Wt. induced an increase in the plasma content of beta-EPLIR of the High Risk group, but not of the Low Risk group. In the Low Risk group ethanol did not induce an increase above the 9:00 a.m. levels, however, it attenuated the beta-endorphin decrease overtime, observed following the placebo drink. Analysis of beta-endorphin-like peptides in the plasma of the High Risk group, with Sephadex G-75 chromatography indicated that the major component of the plasma beta-EPLIR was beta-lipotropin. Plasma cortisol levels, following ethanol intake, presented a small increase in the High Risk group but not in the Low Risk group. Both groups presented similar blood alcohol levels. The basal levels of immunoreactive cortisol and beta-endorphin in the plasma of individuals who were alcoholics, but had been abstinent for at least six months prior to testing were similar to the levels of the High Risk group. Thus there are differences both in the basal levels and in the response of the cortisol and the pituitary beta-endorphin system to an acute ethanol challenge between the two groups.  相似文献   
Summary In order to understand the nature of interspecific barriers in Populus, we have explored pollen/pistil interactions in intra- and interspecific crosses Populus nigra x P. nigra and P. nigra x P. alba. The kinetics of pollen-tube growth demonstrated that P. nigra and P. alba pollen tubes have distinct behavioral patterns inside P. nigra pistils. P. alba pollen tubes exhibit an unique S-shaped growth curve and an arrested growth site near the sylodium. P. nigra pollen tubes exhibit two growth phases, in the stigmatic tissues and in the ovarian cavity respectively. P. nigra and P. alba curves diverge 5 h after controlled pollination and could be related to a change in the physiology of the P. nigra pollen tube, which shifts from an autotrophic to a heterotrophic type of nutrition. Protein analysis of pollinated stigmatic extracts (0,6 and 20 h after pollination) revealed qualitative and quantitative differences that are related to the presence of either P. nigra or P. alba pollen tubes inside the stigmatic tissues. Increasing numbers of protein bands were detectable from 0 to 20 h after pollination only in intraspecific cross. Glycoproteins were detected, and the differences observed were dependent of the cross. -Galactosidase activity was found in pollinated stigmas, but an increase in its activity (one isozyme of pHi 4.2) between 6 h and 20 h after pollination was detected only in the intraspecific cross. This enzyme could play a role in heterotrophic pollen-tube nitrition, and its activity could be the final result of a series of interactions started by the initial pollen-stigma dialog.  相似文献   
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