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ACarcinus maenas population inhabiting the Schlei, a glacial fjord of the Baltic Sea, was studied during a three-year period of at least monthly sampling. Due to slightly higher water temperatures in the Schlei (c. 1 °C higher than in the neighbouring waters of the western Baltic Sea) annual larval development starts there one month earlier. When in some years salinities are unfavourable (<13), larval development may be almost completely prevented. Juveniles and adults tolerate changing salinities, even though females prefer staying in deep waters and juveniles in shallow waters of high salinities. During winter all crabs move to deeper waters and stay huddled together in crevices and holes until March or April. Females usually moult after being fertilized, which takes place after the breeding season in August. Males moult between May and June; juveniles continue to moult during the warm season. Moulting for growth lasts until puberty is reached in the second year. From then on intermoult periods are more extended, but males moult more frequently than females, attaining ultimately a larger size. Under favourable environmental conditions, the maximum lifespan ofC. maenas in the Schlei amounts to five years. During this period, five larval moults and about fifteen moults for growth occur.  相似文献   
The potential of periphyton-based aquaculture in South Asia is under investigation in an extensive research program. This paper is a further analysis of data from four experiments carried out in that framework, to explore periphyton, fish and fertilizer dose effects on water quality. Factor analysis and ANOVA models applied to a data matrix of water quality parameters in ponds with and without artificial substrates (bamboo poles and kanchi sticks), with and without fish (filter feeders catla and rohu, with and without bottom feeder kalbaush), and with a standard or 50% increased fertilizer dose, allowed us to identify the underlying ecological processes governing this novel periphyton-based pond system, and construct conceptual graphic models of the periphyton–environment relationships observed. We clearly established that the phosphorus flow is mainly linked to phytoplankton activity in the water column and decomposition on the pond bottom, while nitrogen flow is mainly linked to autotrophic (photosynthesis) and heterotrophic (decomposition and nitrification) processes that take place in the periphyton in addition to the water column and pond bottom. Consequently, disruption of the pond bottom by bottom feeding fish primarily promoted phosphate cycling and phytoplankton, while periphyton development on the supplied substrates and fertilization mainly improved oxygen balance and nitrogen related processes developing in the water column. The use of bamboo poles led to better results than kanchi sticks, related to the greater autotrophic periphyton development on bamboo and to the larger surface of bamboo poles that facilitate fish grazing and periphyton dislodgment that in turn have a renewal effect on periphyton. Stocking bottom feeding fish produces a fertilizing effect through the food web that benefits the filter-feeding fish and that makes it unnecessary to increase the dose of inorganic and organic fertilizers applied to the ponds. Thus, the output of this analysis will help the fish farmers in resource constrained countries to improve their production in periphyton-based ponds just by choosing bamboo substrates, stocking a bottom feeder fish together with the filter feeders, and saving money on fertilizers.  相似文献   
Flocculation of microalgae using cationic starch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to their small size and low concentration in the culture medium, cost-efficient harvesting of microalgae is a major challenge. We evaluated the potential of cationic starch as a flocculant for harvesting microalgae using jar test experiments. Cationic starch was an efficient flocculant for freshwater (Parachlorella, Scenedesmus) but not for marine microalgae (Phaeodactylum, Nannochloropsis). At high cationic starch doses, dispersion restabilization was observed. The required cationic starch dose to induce flocculation increased linearly with the initial algal biomass concentration. Of the two commercial cationic starch flocculants tested, Greenfloc 120 (used in wastewater treatment) was more efficient than Cargill C*Bond HR 35.849 (used in paper manufacturing). For flocculation of Parachlorella using Greenfloc 120, the cationic starch to algal biomass ratio required to flocculate 80% of algal biomass was 0.1. For Scenedesmus, a lower dose was required (ratio 0.03). Flocculation of Parachlorella using Greenfloc 120 was independent of pH in the pH range of 5 to 10. Measurements of the maximum quantum yield of PSII suggest that Greenfloc 120 cationic starch was not toxic to Parachlorella. Cationic starch may be used as an efficient, nontoxic, cost-effective, and widely available flocculant for harvesting microalgal biomass.  相似文献   
In this study, we aimed to delineateevolutionarily significant units (ESUs) andmanagement units (MUs) for the Europeanbullhead in Flanders (Belgium). Therefore, wedetermined the genetic interrelationshipsbetween 11 bullhead populations, using lengthvariation at 7 polymorphic microsatellite lociand sequence variation in the d-loop of themitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Despite therelatively small geographical scale of ourstudy, the analysis of the d-loop sequencesshows that the Flemish bullhead populationscontain 3 haplotype groups, which can beassigned to 3 previously described EuropeanmtDNA clades. Because of the importantdifferences between these clades, they may bedefined as evolutionarily significant units,which should be managed separately. Analysis ofmicrosatellite data reveals very high degreesof isolation between populations, with theexception of 3 pairwise comparisons whichinvolved adjacent populations. Our data suggestthat the 3 haplotype groups probably qualify asESUs, as they show phylogeographicdifferentiation for mtDNA variants as well assignificant divergence of allele frequencies atnuclear loci. However, one of these units,limited to a single population, may be ofCentral European origin. All populations of theScheldt basin meet the criteria for MUrecognition, since significantly differentmicrosatellite allele frequencies as well asprivate alleles are found. In contrast, geneticdifferentiation among the 3 populations of theMeuse basin is very low.  相似文献   
It remains poorly understood how effects of anthropogenic activity, such as large-scale habitat fragmentation, impact sociality in animals. In cooperatively breeding species, groups are mostly formed through delayed offspring dispersal, and habitat fragmentation can affect this process in two opposite directions. Increased habitat isolation may increase dispersal costs, promoting delayed dispersal. Alternatively, reduced patch size and quality may decrease benefits of philopatry, promoting dispersal. Here, we test both predictions in a cooperatively breeding bird (placid greenbul, Phyllastrephus placidus) from an Afrotropical cloud forest archipelago. Males born in fragmented forest dispersed about 1 year earlier than those born in continuous forest. Contrary to females, males also started to reproduce earlier and mostly settled within their natal patch. Females only rarely delayed their dispersal for more than 1 year, both in fragmented and continuous forests. Our results suggest that early male dispersal and reproduction is jointly driven by a decrease in the value of the natal territory and an increase in local breeding opportunities in fragmented forest. While plasticity in dispersal strategies of cooperative breeders in response to anthropogenic change is believed to optimize reproduction-survival trade-offs, to what extent it shapes the ability of species to respond to rapid environmental change remains to be studied.  相似文献   
The optimal design and operation of dynamic bioprocesses gives in practice often rise to optimisation problems with multiple and conflicting objectives. As a result typically not a single optimal solution but a set of Pareto optimal solutions exist. From this set of Pareto optimal solutions, one has to be chosen by the decision maker. Hence, efficient approaches are required for a fast and accurate generation of the Pareto set such that the decision maker can easily and systematically evaluate optimal alternatives. In the current paper the multi-objective optimisation of several dynamic bioprocess examples is performed using the freely available ACADO Multi-Objective Toolkit (http://www.acadotoolkit.org). This toolkit integrates efficient multiple objective scalarisation strategies (e.g., Normal Boundary Intersection and (Enhanced) Normalised Normal Constraint) with fast deterministic approaches for dynamic optimisation (e.g., single and multiple shooting). It has been found that the toolkit is able to efficiently and accurately produce the Pareto sets for all bioprocess examples. The resulting Pareto sets are added as supplementary material to this paper.  相似文献   
‘Ecosystem engineers’ have a critical role in the structure and function of natural communities and need to be considered as focal species to enable successful conservation or restoration of ecosystems. Through introduction and/or managing a single species, an entire community can be influenced. In our study we show that Pedicularis palustris, an endangered hemiparasite in large parts of Europe, can act as an ‘ecosystem engineer,’ speeding up the restoration of undrained fen-meadow ecosystems colonised by species-poor and resistant Carex acuta vegetation. The parasitic behavior of Pedicularis palustris on tall sedges significantly alters local plant diversity, biomass production and soil characteristics. Our experiments show that, under the right hydrological conditions and mowing management practice, several target species for nature conservation can benefit from the gaps it creates in above-ground Carex acuta vegetation and its dense below-ground root system. The more prominent presence of mosses and lower density of the topsoil stimulates the recovery of mesotrophic transition mire with active peat formation. Since this habitat type is specifically protected under the European Habitat Directive, (re)introduction of Pedicularis palustris in similar sites within its geographical distribution range in Europe may be a helpful tool to achieve the imposed obligations for appropriate management and restoration.  相似文献   
The zebrafish has become a valuable vertebrate model organism in a wide range of scientific disciplines, but current information concerning the physiological temperature response of adult zebrafish is rather scarce. In this study, zebrafish were experimentally acclimated for 28 days to 18, 26 or 34 °C and a suite of non-invasive and invasive methods was applied to determine the thermal dependence of zebrafish physiological condition. With decreasing temperature, the metabolic rate of zebrafish decreased, as shown by the decreasing oxygen uptake and ammonia excretion rates, limiting the critical swimming speed, probably due to a decreased muscle fibre power output. In response to exercise, fuel stores were mobilized to the liver as shown by the increased hepatosomatic index, liver total absolute energetic value and liver carbohydrate concentration but due to the low metabolic rate they could not be adequately addressed to power swimming activity at 18 °C. Conversely, the increased metabolic performance at high temperature came with an increased metabolic cost resulting in decreased energy status reflected particularly well by the non-invasive condition factor and invasive measures of carcass protein concentration, carcass total absolute energetic value and liver carbohydrate concentration. We showed that the combined measurement of the relative condition factor and critical swimming speed is a powerful non-invasive tool for long-term follow-up studies. Invasive methods were redundant for measuring general energy status but they provided detailed information concerning metabolic reorganization. With this study we proved that the usefulness of the zebrafish as a model organism can easily be expanded to include physiological studies and we provided a reference dataset for the selection of measures of physiological responses for future studies using the zebrafish.  相似文献   
Seahorses, pipefish and their syngnathiform relatives are considered unique amongst fishes in using elastic recoil of post-cranial tendons to pivot the head extremely quickly towards small crustacean prey. It is known that pipefish activate the epaxial muscles for a considerable time before striking, at which rotations of the head and the hyoid are temporarily prevented to allow energy storage in the epaxial tendons. Here, we studied the motor control of this system in seahorses using electromyographic recordings of the epaxial muscles and the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscles with simultaneous high-speed video recordings of prey capture. In addition we present the results from a stimulation experiment including the muscle hypothesised to be responsible for the locking and triggering of pivot feeding in seahorses (m. adductor arcus palatini). Our data confirmed that the epaxial pre-activation pattern observed previously for pipefish also occurs in seahorses. Similar to the epaxials, the sternohyoideus-hypaxial muscle complex shows prolonged anticipatory activity. Although a considerable variation in displacements of the mouth via head rotation could be observed, it could not be demonstrated that seahorses have control over strike distance. In addition, we could not identify the source of the kinematic variability in the activation patterns of the associated muscles. Finally, the stimulation experiment supported the previously hypothesized role of the m. adductor arcus palatini as the trigger in this elastic recoil system. Our results show that pre-stressing of both the head elevators and the hyoid retractors is taking place. As pre-activation of the main muscles involved in pivot feeding has now been demonstrated for both seahorses and pipefish, this is probably a generalized trait of Syngnathidae.  相似文献   
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