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Heather Draper 《Bioethics》2000,14(2):120-133
People who suffer from eating disorders often have to be treated against their will, perhaps by being detained, perhaps by being forced to eat. In this paper it is argued that whilst forcing compliance is generally acceptable, there may be circumstances under which a sufferer's refusal of consent to treatment should be respected. This argument will hinge upon whether someone in the grip of an eating disorder can actually make competent decisions about their quality of life. If so, then the decision to refuse therapy may be on a par with other decisions to refuse life-prolonging therapy made by sufferers of debilitating chronic, or acute onset terminal illness. In such cases, palliation might justifiably replace aggressive therapy. The argument will also draw heavily on the distinction between competent refusal of therapy and passive euthanasia, and the distinction between incompetent and irrational decisions. Both distinctions will then be applied to decisions to refuse food. The extent to which sufferers from anorexia nervosa can be categorised as either incompetent or irrational will be examined. It is against this background that it will be argued that at least some of those who suffer from eating disorders should have their refusals respected, even if they may die as a result.  相似文献   
Characterization of a transferrin-diphtheria toxin conjugate   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report here the synthesis and properties of a hybrid toxin prepared by covalently coupling diphtheria toxin to transferrin. The purified material contained two major hybrid protein species and was highly cytotoxic to mouse LMTK- cells in culture, reducing protein synthesis by 50% in 24 h at a concentration of 1 ng/ml. Cytotoxic activity was completely abolished in the presence of exogenous transferrin or anti-transferrin or anti-diphtheria toxin, thus demonstrating that the hybrid toxin was intoxicating cells via their transferrin receptors and that both the diphtheria toxin and transferrin components of the conjugate were necessary for activity. NH4Cl, a drug that elevates the pH within acidic intracellular vesicles, also blocked cytotoxic activity, suggesting that a low intravesicular pH was required for activity. The inhibitory effect of NH4Cl could be abolished by exposing toxin-treated cells to acidic culture medium, further implicating an acid-dependent step in the mechanism of the hybrid toxin action. Studies on the kinetics of intoxication also implied that endocytosis and exposure to a low pH within vesicles were necessary for cytotoxicity. Altogether, the results suggest that the transferrin-diphtheria toxin conjugate binds to transferrin receptors and is internalized into acidic endocytic vesicles. The enzymatic moiety of diphtheria toxin then apparently enters the cytosol in response to the low pH and subsequently arrests protein synthesis.  相似文献   
The protein quality of barley was determined by the measurement of the protein efficiency ratio (PER). Available lysine in the same samples was determined chemically and by microbiological assay, and relationships were obtained between PER and either total or available lysine content.In the PER test, groundnut meal was found to be a suitable protein supplement to barley for the purpose of detecting differences in the protein quality of barley. The method was sufficiently sensitive to detect a reduction in protein quality of one variety as a result of micronization. Available lysine values obtained by the modified Tetrahymena method were significantly correlated (r = 0.99) with PER values; there was no significant correlation between total lysine content and the PER value.The available lysine values measured by the two chemical methods were higher than the Tetrahymena values. The Silcock method gave results better correlated (r = 0.93) with the Tetrahymena values than did the Carpenter method (r = 0.82). The results of chemical methods were not significantly related with PER values, but the methods ranked the barleys in an order similar to that obtained with the PER and Tetrahymena tests.  相似文献   
An analysis of the human albumin mRNA structure revealed a nonrandom distribution of self-complementary regions within the mRNA. The majority of these self-complementary mRNA stretches encode important structural regions of the human albumin protein. The amino acids contained within these regions of the protein exhibit a high degree of hydrophobic complementarity which could influence local protein conformation and contribute to the biological importance of the protein structures.  相似文献   
Genetic transformation of flax (Linum usitatissimum) has been achieved using an A. tumefaciens strain carrying a non-oncogenic Ti plasmid-derived vector containing a chimaeric npt-II gene and a wild type nopaline synthase gene. Fertile, transformed shoots were most easily obtained from Kmr callus developing on hypocotyl sections. The totipotency of the Kmr callus was dependent upon its origin. T-DNA was visualised by Southern blotting in all Kmr tissues. Efficient expression of nopaline synthase and the chimaeric npt-II gene was found in transformed Kmr callus and regenerated shoots.Abbreviations npt-II neomycin phosphotransferase II gene - NPT-II neomycin phosphotransferase II - nos nopaline synthase gene promoter - Kmr kanamycin resistant - BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - MSD4×2 medium D4×2 based on Murashige & Skoog medium (see Scott & Draper, 1987)  相似文献   
S A White  D E Draper 《Biochemistry》1989,28(4):1892-1897
The way in which a single-base bulge might affect the structure of an RNA helix has been examined by preparing a series of six RNA hairpins, all with seven base pairs and a four-nucleotide loop. Five of the hairpins have single-base bulges at different positions. The intercalating cleavage reagent (methidiumpropyl)-EDTA-Fe(II) [MPE-Fe(II)] binds preferentially at a CpG sequence in the helix lacking a bulge and in four of the five hairpins with bulges. Hairpins with a bulge one or two bases to the 3' side of the CpG sequence bind ethidium 4-5-fold more strongly than the others. V1 RNase, which is sensitive to RNA backbone conformation in helices, detects a conformational change in all of the helices when ethidium binds; the most dramatic changes, involving the entire hairpin stem, are in one of the two hairpins with enhanced ethidium affinity. Only a slight conformational change is detected in the hairpin lacking a bulge. A bulge adjacent to a CpG sequence in a 100-nucleotide ribosomal RNA fragment enhances MPE-Fe(II) binding by an order of magnitude. These results extend our previous observations of bulges at a single position in an RNA hairpin [White, S. A., & Draper, D.E. (1987) Nucleic Acids Res. 15, 4049] and show that (1) a structural change in an RNA helix may be propagated for several base pairs, (2) bulges tend to increase the number of conformations available to a helix, and (3) the effects observed in small RNA hairpins are relevant to larger RNAs with more extensive structure. A bulge in a DNA hairpin identical in sequence with the RNA hairpins does not enhance MPE-Fe(II) binding affinity, relative to a control DNA hairpin. The effects of bulges on ethidium intercalation are evidently modulated by helix structure.  相似文献   
Efforts have been made to improve the biological stability of phosphodiester (PO) oligonucleotides by the addition of various modifications to either the 3', 5' or both the 3' and 5' ends of an oligonucleotide. ISIS 1080, a phosphorothioate (PS) 21-mer oligonucleotide complementary to the internal AUG codon of UL13 mRNA in HSV-1, reduces the infectious yield of HSV-1 in HeLa cells to 9.0% +/- 11%. PO analogs of ISIS 1080 containing three PS linkages placed on the 3' (ISIS 1365), 5' (ISIS 1370), both the 3' and 5' (ISIS 1364) ends or with four linkages in the middle (ISIS 1400) demonstrated reduced antiviral efficacy compared to fully PS ISIS 1080. Thermal denaturation profiles demonstrated that these oligonucleotides hybridized to complementary DNA or RNA with equivalent binding affinities. All were able to support E. coli RNAse H cleavage of the HSV mRNA to which they were targeted. The stability of the congeners in cell culture medium containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS), HeLa cytosolic extract, HeLa nuclear extract and in intact HeLa cells revealed that ISIS 1080 was most resistant to nucleolytic digestion through 48 hours. Partial PS oligonucleotides exhibited increased degradation compared to the fully thioated oligonucleotide by exonuclease activity in FCS and endonuclease activity in cell extracts or intact cells. Thus, the reduced efficacy of partial compared to fully PS oligonucleotides against HSV-1 in HeLa cells may result from increased degradation of the mixed PO/PS oligonucleotides.  相似文献   
Seventeen strains of mycobacteria, recovered from six armadillos experimentally infected with Mycobacterium leprae, were examined in ten different laboratories. This collaborative study included use of conventional bacteriological tests, lipid analyses, determination of mycobactins and peptidoglycans, characterization by Py-MS, and immunological, metabolic, pathological and DNA studies. These armadillo-derived mycobacteria (ADM) formed five homogeneous groups (numbered ADM 1 to 5) on the basis of phenetic analyses. However, DNA studies revealed only four homogeneous groups since group ADM 1 and one of the two strains in group ADM 3 showed a high level of DNA relatedness. The phenetic and DNA studies confirmed that the ADM strains differed from all other known mycobacteria. Cultural, biochemical, metabolic and pathogenic properties as well as DNA-DNA hybridizations clearly differentiated these ADM from M. leprae.  相似文献   
We previously described the isolation and preliminary characterization of a Chinese hamster ovary cell mutant, termed G.7.1, that carried a temperature-sensitive, conditional-lethal lesion affecting the acidification of vesicles in crude cellular extracts (Marnell, M. H., Mathis, L. S., Stookey, M., Shia, S.-P., Stone, D. K., and Draper, R. K. (1984) J. Cell Biol. 99, 1907-1916). In the present report, we have separated lysosomal vesicles from more buoyant nonlysosomal vesicles by centrifuging cell extracts with Percoll and correlated the acidification defect with nonlysosomal vesicles, including endosomes, but not with secondary lysosomes. Moreover, the acidification of nonlysosomal vesicles prepared from mutant cells grown at the permissive temperature was more sensitive to thermal inactivation than similar vesicles from parental cells, implying that a heat-sensitive component is a normal resident of nonlysosomal vesicles in the mutant. This heat-sensitive component is apparently not associated with lysosomes, or if it is, it does not inhibit lysosomal acidification at the nonpermissive temperature. We also found that the transferrin-mediated uptake of iron is inhibited by 50% in the mutant cells at the nonpermissive temperature and that the inhibition cannot be accounted for by reduced binding or internalization of transferrin.  相似文献   
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