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In Escherichia coli, the FtsQ, FtsA, and FtsZ proteins are believed to play essential roles in the regulation of cell division. Of the three proteins, FtsZ has received the most attention, particularly because of its interactions with SfiA. Double mutants which carry mutations located in the ftsQ, ftsA, or ftsZ gene in combination with the lon-1 mutation were constructed. In the presence of the lon-1 mutation, which is known to stabilize SfiA, the ftsQ1 mutant cells were not capable of forming colonies on a rich agar medium, whereas mutant cells harboring either one of the mutations grew well on this medium. Examination of lon-1 fts double-mutant cells for sensitivity to UV light revealed that those carrying the ftsA10 allele were resistant. It was also observed that in the presence of a multicopy plasmid containing a wild-type ftsZ gene, the ftsQ1 mutant filamented markedly following a nutritional shift-up and that the division rate of ftsZ84 mutant cells was slightly reduced when they harbored a wild-type ftsQ-containing plasmid. The possibility that the Fts proteins are interacting with one another and forming a molecular complex is discussed.  相似文献   
Cost estimates have been prepared for commercial-scale production of ajmalicine-rich Catnaranthus roseus biomass using plant cell culture. At the current state of the technology the cost would be approximately $7.30/lb dry biomass ($3215/kg ajmalicine). Naturally-grown C. roseus roots have a 50% lower ajmalicine concentration but would cost only ca. $0.70/lb ($619/kg ajmalicine). The principal reason for the high cost of the plant cell culture route is not the slow specific growth rate (0.35 day(-1)), but rather the slow specific product accumulation rate (0.26 mg/g day). This rate will have to be increased by a factor of 40 to make the process competitive.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of extracellular and intracellular pH changes on the influx of radioactive 45Ca, the concentration of ionized Ca (pCai) as monitored with the Ca-sensitive fluorescent indicator fura-2, and the efflux of dopamine in presynaptic nerve endings (synaptosomes) isolated from rat brain corpora striata and preloaded with [3H]dopamine. Cytosolic pH (pHi) was monitored by loading the synaptosomes with the H+-sensitive fluorescent indicator 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) (see Nachshen, D. A., and P. Drapeau, 1988, Journal of General Physiology, 91:289-303). An abrupt decrease of the pH of the external medium, from 7.4 to 5.5, produced a slow decrease of pHi (over a 5-min period) from an initial value of 7.2 to a steady state level of approximately 5.8. When 20 mM acetate was present in acidic media, pHi dropped as fast as could be measured (within 2 s) to a level similar to that reached (more slowly) in the absence of acetate. It was therefore possible to lower pHi over short time periods to different levels depending on whether or not acetate was present upon extracellular acidification. Extracellular acidification to pH 5.5 (in the absence of acetate) had no significant effect on pCai and dopamine release over a 30-s period (pHi = 6.4). Acidification in the presence of acetate lowered pHi to 5.8 without affecting pCai, but dopamine efflux increased approximately 20-fold. This increase in basal dopamine release was also observed in the absence of extracellular Ca. Thus, intraterminal, but not extracellular, acidification could stimulate the efflux of dopamine in a Ca-independent manner. The high Q10 (3.6) of acid-stimulated dopamine efflux in the presence of nomifensine (which blocks the dopamine carrier) was consistent with an activation of vesicular dopamine release by H+. When synaptosomes were both depolarized for 2 s in high-K (77.5 mM) solutions and acidified (in the absence of acetate), there was a parallel block of 45Ca entry and evoked dopamine release (50% block at pH 6.0 with 0.2 mM external Ca). When acetate was included in the acidic media to further reduce pHi, Ca entry remained blocked, but evoked dopamine release was increased. Therefore, extracellular, but not cytosolic, acidification inhibited the release of dopamine by blocking voltage-gated Ca channels. The stimulation by cytosolic acidification of both basal and evoked dopamine release suggests that vesicular release in resting and depolarized synaptosomes was directly activated by cytoplasmic H+.  相似文献   
Na+-ATPase of high-K+ and low-K+ sheep red cells was examined with respect to the sidedness of Na+ and K+ effects, using inside-out membrane vesicles and very low ATP concentrations (?2 μM). With varying amounts of Na+ in the medium, i.e., at the cytoplasmic surface, Nacyt+, the activation curves show that high-K+ Na+-ATPase has a higher affinity for Nacyt+ compared to low-K+. The apparent affinity for Nacyt+ is also increased by increasing the ATP concentrations in high-K+ but not low-K+. With Nacyt+ present, Na+-ATPase is stimulated by intravesicular Na+, i.e., Na+ at the originally external surface, Naext+, to a greater extent in low-K+ than high-K+. Intravesicular K+ (Kext+) activates Na+-ATPase in high-K+ but not in low-K+ vesicles and extravesicular K+ (Kcyt+) inhibits low-K+ but not high-K+ Na+-ATPase. Thus, the genetic difference between high-K+ and low-K+ is expressed as differences in apparent affinities for both Na+ and K+ and these differences are evident at both cytoplasmic and external membrane surfaces.  相似文献   
Pharmacological receptors for substance P and neurokinins   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The three neurokinins identified in mammals, substance P, neurokinin A and neurokinin B, as well as their C-terminal biologically active fragments, have been used to characterize the responses of a variety of isolated organs. Three preparations selective either for substance P (the dog carotid artery), or for neurokinin A (the rabbit pulmonary artery) or for neurokinin B (the rat portal vein) are described. A neurokinin receptor classification is attempted using the neurokinins and their fragments to determine the order of potency of agonists. Three receptor subtypes have been identified: the NK-P, on which substance P (SP) is more active than neurokinin A (NKA) and neurokinin B (NKB), and the neurokinins are more active than their respective fragments; the NK-A on which NKA greater than NKB greater than SP, and some NKA fragments are more discriminative than their precursor; the NK-B on which NKB greater than NKA greater than SP, and fragments of NKB are less active than their precursor. Among the peptides studied, some potent compounds have been identified that could provide selective receptor ligands.  相似文献   
Various kinins (dissolved in 50 microliters) were applied to the nasal mucosa of healthy human volunteers to test the algesic and proinflammatory effects of these peptides in an intact human tissue. [des-Arg9]-bradykinin (0.5 mumol) was found to be inactive, while bradykinin (0.05-0.5 mumol) and especially kallidin (0.005-0.5 mumol) induced: (a) a mild painful sensation described as burning and pricking (latency 30 s, duration 3-5 min), (b) perception of pulsatility and obstruction in the nasal cavity (onset 1 min, duration 6-8 min). Substance P (0.5 mumol) and neurokinin A (0.5 mumol) produced slight obstruction and weak pulsatile sensation but not pain. Capsaicin (0.05 nmol) produced pain and secretion of fluid, but not pulsatile sensation. The effects of kallidin were not affected by repeated (to induce desensitization) applications of capsaicin (0.5 mumol). Likewise, ipratropium bromide (80 mg in 100 microliters) did not affect responses to kallidin. In an intact human tissue, kallidin produces various effects, including an algesic response, that are apparently independent from activation of B1 receptors and from desensitization of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents.  相似文献   
An early event in the formation of the serotonergic synapse by the Retzius (R) onto the pressure-sensitive (P) neurons of the leech is the elimination of an extrasynaptic response to transmitter from sites of contact on the postsynaptic cell. This event during synapse formation is cell-specific in that it is elicited in vitro by contact with the presynaptic R cell but not with other neurons. In the study reported here, we investigated the nature of this interaction between R and P neurons. The loss of the extrasynaptic response of the P cell was elicited by contact with R cells fixed in a mild paraformaldehyde solution, but not by R cells treated with the proteolytic enzyme trypsin prior to fixation. As well, a variety of lectins were assayed for their ability to interfere with synapse formation. The transmitter responses of P cells plated on lectin-coated substrates were unaffected. However, exposure of the R cell to the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), but not to other lectins, prior to pairing prevented the loss of the extrasynaptic response in contacted P cells and blocked the formation of the R? P synapse in culture. We conclude that recognition by the P cell of the R cell during synapse formation may be mediated by an R cell-specific surface protein which binds wheat germ agglutinin. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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