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The incorporation of feed-use (FU) amino acids (AAs) in diets results in a reduced use of protein-rich ingredients such as soybean meal, recognized to have elevated contributions to environmental impacts. This study investigated whether the incorporation of L-lysine.HCl, L-threonine and FU-methionine reduces the environmental impacts of pig and broiler feeds using Life Cycle Assessment. The following impact categories were considered: climate change, eutrophication, acidification, terrestrial ecotoxicity, cumulative energy demand and land occupation. Several feeds were formulated either to minimize the cost of the formulation (with or without AA utilization), to maximize AA incorporation (i.e. the cost of AA was considered to be similar to that of soybean meal), or to minimize greenhouse gas emissions. For both pig and broiler feeds, calculations were made first using only cereals and soybean meal as main ingredients and then using cereals and several protein-rich ingredients (soybean meal, rapeseed meal and peas). In addition, these calculations were performed using two types of soybean meal (from Brazil, associated with recent deforestation or not). For broiler feeds, two types of maize (from France, irrigated, with mineral fertilization v. not irrigated, with animal manure fertilization) were also tested. Regarding the feeds formulated to minimize cost, incorporation of AA decreased the values for eutrophication, terrestrial ecotoxicity and cumulative energy demand of both pig and broiler feeds, regardless of the base ingredients. Reduction in climate change and acidification due to the incorporation of AA depended on the nature of the feed ingredients, with the effect of AA incorporation being greater when combined with ingredients with high impacts such as soybean meal associated with deforestation. Feeds formulated to maximize AA incorporation generally had a similar composition to those formulated to minimize cost, suggesting that the costs of AA were not the limiting factor in their incorporation. Feeds formulated to minimize greenhouse gas emissions had the lowest values for climate change and cumulative energy demand, but not for other impacts. Further research is needed to elucidate whether the incorporation of additional AA (tryptophan and valine) along with L-lysine, L-threonine and FU-methionine could decrease on the environmental impacts of pig and broiler feeds further.  相似文献   
A model has been developed to predict pig manure evolution (mass, dry and organic matter, N, P, K, Cu and Zn contents) and related gaseous emissions (methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and ammonia (NH3)) from pig excreta up to manure stored before spreading. This model forms part of a more comprehensive model including the prediction of pig excretion. The model simulates contrasted management systems, including different options for housing (slatted floor or deep litter), outside storage of manure and treatment (anaerobic digestion, biological N removal processes, slurry composting (SC) with straw and solid manure composting). Farmer practices and climatic conditions, which have significant effects on gaseous emissions within each option, have also been identified. The quantification of their effects was based on expert judgement from literature and local experiments, relations from mechanistic models or simple emission factors, depending on existing knowledge. The model helps to identify relative advantages and weaknesses for each system. For example, deep-litter with standard management practices is associated with high-greenhouse gas (GHG) production (+125% compared to slatted floor) and SC on straw is associated with high NH3 emission (+15% compared to slatted floor). Another important result from model building and first simulations is that farmer practices and the climate induce an intra-system (for a given infrastructure) variability of NH3 and GHG emissions nearly as high as inter-system variability. For example, in deep-litter housing systems, NH3 and N2O emissions from animal housing may vary between 6% and 53%, and between 1% and 19% of total N excreted, respectively. Thus, the model could be useful to identify and quantify improvement margins on farms, more precisely or more easily than current methodologies.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of incorporation into pig diets of 20% of different co-products from the biofuel industries, which are rich in fibre, on animal growth performance, on nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) excretions, and on the subsequent ammonia volatilisation and methane production during the storage of slurry. Five experimental diets mainly based on wheat and soyabean meal were formulated: two control diets, a control high-protein (CHP) diet with 17.5% of crude protein (CP) and a control low-protein (CLP) diet with 14.0% of CP and three experimental diets with 20% of (i) dried distiller's grain with solubles (DDGS), (ii) sugar beet pulp (SBP) or (iii) fatty rapeseed meal (FRM). The animals used (20 castrated males) were housed individually in metabolism cages and fed one of the five diets (i.e. four pigs per diet). Urine and faeces were collected separately from each pig in order to measure nutrient digestibility and the excretory patterns of N and C. For each diet, ammonia volatilisation was measured from samples of slurry subsequently produced, over a 16-day storage period in a laboratory pilot scale system. The ultimate methane potential (B0, expressed in litres CH4/kg organic matter (OM)) was measured from the same slurry, for each diet, in anaerobic storage conditions over 100 days. The addition of sources of fibres to the diet decreased (P < 0.05) the animal growth performance by 13% and increased (P < 0.05) the amount of faeces excreted by 100%, whereas the amount of urine was not affected. For the high-fibre diets, there was a shift of N partitioning from urine to faeces, resulting in a much higher faecal N excretion (10 v. 5 g N/pig per day). Concurrently, the fibre enrichment in diets significantly increased (P < 0.05) the C content of the faeces by 68%. Ammonia emission from slurry was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) by 19% to 33% for the high-fibre diets, compared to the CHP diet. Ammonia emission was also reduced (P < 0.05) by 33% for the CLP compared to the CHP diet. B0 values ranged from 428 to 484 l CH4/kg OM. When these are expressed per pig and per day, the B0 from slurry was, on average, 70 l for the two control diets, and 121, 91 and 130 l for the slurry originating from the DDGS, SBP and FRM diets, respectively.  相似文献   

Consumers increasingly demand information about the environmental impacts of their food. The French government is in the process of introducing environmental labelling for all food products. A scientific council was set up, and its main conclusions are presented in this article, through six questions: What environmental issues should be considered? What objective should be targeted? What data are needed, and for whom? What methods for assessing environmental impacts? Which environmental scores should be chosen? What label format should be proposed? By answering these questions and considering the context, the available data, the proposed methods and adjustments, and the knowledge of consumer perception of formats, the scientific council considers that a labelling scheme is feasible and relevant.

The hypothesis that the restriction of dietary protein during lactation has different impacts on sow metabolic status and milk production according to body weight was evaluated. From 5-months of age until farrowing, the gilts were fed to achieve body weights of 180 or 240 kg at farrowing. At this time, 38 sows were assigned to one of three groups: " 180 kg" sows not restricted in dietary protein during lactation (180CP); "180 kg" restricted in protein (180LP), or "240 kg" sows restricted in protein (240LP). Catheters were fitted in the jugular vein of 24 sows and serial blood samples were collected 1 d before and 1 d after weaning. Amongst the protein-restricted animals, heavy sows (240LP) had a smaller appetite than light sows in early lactation, resulting in lower energy and protein intakes in the 240LP than in the 180LP sows. Body protein losses were 8, 11 and 13.5% of calculated body protein mass at farrowing in the 180CP, 180LP and 240LP sows, respectively. At the end of lactation, IGF-I concentrations were lower in the 180LP than in the sows from the other groups, probably because of the uncoupling between GH and IGF-I secretions. Low IGF-I concentrations likely promote lean tissue mobilization. Glucose and insulin profiles suggested an insulin resistance state in the 240LP sows compared with the 180LP sows, which may explain, at least in part, the lower feed intake and body reserve mobilization in these sows. Plasma pre- and post-prandial concentrations of amino acids in late lactation differed among the three treatment groups. Throughout lactation, litters from the 180LP and 240LP sows had a slower growth rate than litters from sows which were not restricted, suggesting that endogenous protein mobilization throughout lactation does not completely compensate for a low protein intake.  相似文献   
The hypothesis that the restriction of dietary protein during lactation has different impacts on reproductive performance in light and heavy sows at farrowing was investigated, as well as the relationships between reproductive parameters and sow metabolic data. At farrowing, 38 primiparous sows were assigned to one of three groups: sows weighing 180 kg not restricted in dietary protein during lactation (180CP); sows weighing 180 or 240 kg restricted in protein (180LP and 240LP). Twenty-four sows were catheterized and serial blood samples were collected 1 d before and 1 d after weaning. The sows were inseminated at the first estrus after weaning and slaughtered at d 30 of gestation. Protein restriction reduced the proportion of sows that returned to estrus within 8 d after weaning in the 180LP sows (P < 0.03), but not in the 240LP sows. It also induced a reduction in ovulation rate in the 180LP sows (P < 0.05) and, to a lesser extent, in the 240LP sows (P = 0.12). When the sows were categorized according to return to estrus (WOI < or = 8 or > 8 d), basal and mean concentrations of LH increased after weaning only in sows with a short WOI. Sows with a delayed estrus exhibited a higher ratio of plasma tyrosine to large neutral amino acids (AA, P < 0.01). In conclusion, large body reserves at farrowing buffer, at least in part, the detrimental effect of a strongly negative nitrogen balance on reproduction. We suggest that the alteration of AA profiles induced by dietary protein restriction and body protein loss alters LH secretion via modifications of the neurotransmitters involved in GnRH secretion.  相似文献   
A mathematical model was developed from literature data to predict the volume and composition of pig's excreta (dry and organic matter, C, N, P, K, Cu and Zn contents), and the emission of greenhouse gases (CH4 and CO2) though respiration and from the intestinal tract, for each physiological stage (post-weaning and fattening pigs and lactating and gestating sows). The main sources of variation considered in the model are related to animal performances (feed efficiency, prolificacy, body weight gain, etc.), to water and nutrient intakes and to housing conditions (ambient temperature). Model predictions were validated by using 19 experimental studies, most of them performed in conditions close to those of commercial farms. Validation results showed that the model is precise and robust when predicting slurry volume (R2 = 0.96), slurry N (R2 = 0.91), P (R2 = 0.95) and to a lesser extent dry matter (R2 = 0.75) contents. Faeces and urine composition (minerals and macronutrients) can also be precisely assessed, provided the composition and the digestibility of the feed are well known. Sensitivity analysis showed strong differences in CH4 emission and excretion amounts and composition according to physiological status, animal performance, temperature and diet composition. The model is an efficient tool to calculate nutrient balances at the animal level in commercial conditions, and to simulate the effect of production alternatives, such as feeding strategy or animal performance, on excreta production and composition. This is illustrated by simulations of three feeding strategies, which demonstrates important opportunities to limit environmental risks through diet manipulations.  相似文献   
The concentrations of selected metabolites, minerals and hormones relative to parturition were studied in 12 primiparous sows. Blood sampling was performed on day -5, 0 and +5 relative to the farrowing day. On the day of parturition (d 0), samples were taken every hour from 07.00 to 24.00 hours. All sows had an indwelling catheter in the jugular vein, and the evolution of glucose, insulin, urea, non-esterified fatty acids (UEFA), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg) and cortisol were studied. The concentrations of NEFA, cortisol and P were significantly higher at d 0 than at d -5 or d +5, whereas the Mg level was lower. During the expulsion of foetuses, NEFA and cortisol levels increased (+18 and +30%, respectively), and they decreased immediately after the birth of the last piglet, to reach the initial levels observed before farrowing (around 700 microEq.L-1 and 110 ng.mL-1, respectively). Glucose and insulin levels remained unchanged during the expulsion of the piglets (105 ng.dL-1 and 5 microIU.mL-1, respectively), but they both increased immediately after the birth of the last animal. During the expulsion of the foetuses, the Ca concentration remained unchanged (93 mg.L-1), whereas the P level increased (+9%) and the Mg concentration decreased (-7.4%). These data suggested that parturition induces large variations in the concentrations of plasma metabolites that may affect its normal process.  相似文献   
InraPorc: A model and decision support tool for the nutrition of sows   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
From results obtained over the last 20 years on energy and amino acid utilisation in reproductive sows, it has become possible to improve the determination of nutrient requirements (factorial approach) and the prediction of an animal's response to nutrient supplies (modelling). The objective of this project was to integrate the current state of knowledge in a nutritional model for growing pigs and for sows and make it available as a software tool to end-users, mainly nutritionists involved in the pig industry and students in animal nutrition. The aim of this paper is to describe the basis of the sow model. The sow is represented as different compartments that change over the reproductive cycle. Nutrient flows considered are those of energy and digestible amino acids. Nutrients are used with the highest priority for maintenance and uterine growth or milk production. Subsequently, deposition and/or mobilisation of body proteins and lipids are determined and used for estimating the changes in body weight and backfat thickness of the sow. A decision support tool was built from the set of equations given, with additional modules to describe animal's characteristics and adjust some model parameters to account for variations in genotypes and performance. This tool can be used to determine energy and amino acids requirements of sows according to production objectives, or to predict body composition changes according to a given feeding strategy. The use of the decision support tool is illustrated through some examples.  相似文献   
Animal production is facing new challenges that call for a more integrative approach towards nutrition. Although considerable research progress has been made by the development of mathematical models of nutrient utilisation in farm animals, practical application of these models has been rather limited. The objective of the InraPorc® project is to integrate the current state of knowledge in a nutritional model for growing pigs and sows, and make it available as a decision support tool to end-users. The objective for the growing pig (15–150 kg BW) model is to analyse nutrient utilisation for characterised pig types and to evaluate the effects of using different nutritional strategies in terms of nutrient utilisation, performance and carcass characteristics. As model parameters related to feed intake and growth potential are adjusted by the model user, growth (in an absolute sense) is not predicted. The model is based on the transformation of dietary nutrients to body protein and lipid, which are then used to predict body weight, lean body mass and backfat thickness. The representation of nutrient utilisation is mostly based on concepts used in net energy and ideal protein systems. Driving forces of the model include feed intake, the partitioning of energy between protein and lipid deposition, and availability of dietary protein and amino acids. Using literature data, the model appeared reasonably well capable of predicting the consequence of a nutrient intake restriction. The decision support tool is available at http://www.rennes.inra.fr/inraporc/. Through a user-friendly interface, the tool can be used to visualise different aspects of nutrient utilisation and excretion.  相似文献   
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