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Published gene frequency data, checked for consistency of allele definitions across laboratories and for comparability of geographically identical samples, were pooled into a data set containing frequencies at nine loci for each of 20 populations that encompassed 10 macaque species. Genetic distances were calculated by the methods of Kidd and Cavalli-Sforza (1974). These distances were used to construct phylogenetic trees and to evaluate the relationships between divergence times and effective population sizes. Inter-and intraspecific genetic distances and the groupings defined by phenetic tree analyses support Fooden’s (1976) classification of the genus Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain Macacainto four species groups. A paleozoogeographical model of Asia including the known times of major sea-level changes allows us to explain qualitatively the inferred evolutionary relationships among macaque species. Many assumptions are required in order to estimate the variables necessary in the quantitative prediction of genetic differences for a comparison between any two populations. Examination of those assumptions demonstrates the need for more accurate genetic as well as paleozoogeographic information. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   
Sesquiterpene lactones are characteristic natural products in Asteraceae, which constitutes ∼8% of all plant species. Despite their physiological and pharmaceutical importance, the biochemistry and evolution of sesquiterpene lactones remain unexplored. Here we show that germacrene A oxidase (GAO), evolutionarily conserved in all major subfamilies of Asteraceae, catalyzes three consecutive oxidations of germacrene A to yield germacrene A acid. Furthermore, it is also capable of oxidizing non-natural substrate amorphadiene. Co-expression of lettuce GAO with germacrene synthase in engineered yeast synthesized aberrant products, costic acids and ilicic acid, in an acidic condition. However, cultivation in a neutral condition allowed the de novo synthesis of a single novel compound that was identified as germacrene A acid by gas and liquid chromatography and NMR analyses. To trace the evolutionary lineage of GAO in Asteraceae, homologous genes were further isolated from the representative species of three major subfamilies of Asteraceae (sunflower, chicory, and costus from Asteroideae, Cichorioideae, and Carduoideae, respectively) and also from the phylogenetically basal species, Barnadesia spinosa, from Barnadesioideae. The recombinant GAOs from these genes clearly showed germacrene A oxidase activities, suggesting that GAO activity is widely conserved in Asteraceae including the basal lineage. All GAOs could catalyze the three-step oxidation of non-natural substrate amorphadiene to artemisinic acid, whereas amorphadiene oxidase diverged from GAO displayed negligible activity for germacrene A oxidation. The observed amorphadiene oxidase activity in GAOs suggests that the catalytic plasticity is embedded in ancestral GAO enzymes that may contribute to the chemical and catalytic diversity in nature.  相似文献   
We have shown that affinity capillary electrophoresis (ACE) can be utilized to screen peptides that bind to the extracellular binding domain of the erythropoietin receptor (EBP). The comparison of the cyclic peptides GGTYSCHFGPLTWVCKPQGG (EMP1) GGTYSCHFGPLTAVCKPQGG (EMP13), and LGRKYSCHFGPLTWVCQPAKKD (EMP37) with the linear peptides HFGPLTWV (EMP26) and FMRF as ACE buffer additives were investigated. When EMP1 and EMP37 were the buffer additives, an abrupt change in the electrophoretic mobility of EBP was observed in the electropherogram. When EMP13, EMP26, and FMRF were examined under identical ACE conditions as EMP1 and EMP37, no significant change in the electrophoretic mobility of EBP was observed. These results correlate well with previously reported IC50 competitive binding data; that is, EMP1 and EMP37 bind to EBP while EMP13 and EMP26 bind very weakly. These observations strongly infer that peptide.EBP dimerization were induced by EMP1, and EMP37 but not by EMP13, EMP26 or FMRF. This ACE method provides a rapid tool for the detection of small peptides or drugs that bind to EBP.  相似文献   
The revised edition of Paul Seabright’s The Company of Strangers is critically reviewed. Seabright aims to help non-economists participating in the cross-disciplinary study of the evolution of human sociality appreciate the potential value that can be added by economists. Though the book includes nicely constructed and vivid essays on a range of economic topics, in its main ambition it largely falls short. The most serious problem is endorsement of the so-called strong reciprocity hypothesis that has been promoted by several prominent economists, but does not pass muster with biologists.  相似文献   


Anthropogenic habitat modifications have led to the extinction of many species and have favoured the expansion of others. Nonetheless, the possible role of humans as a diversifying force in vertebrate evolution has rarely been considered, especially for species with long generation times. We examine the influence that humans have had on the colonization and phenotypic and genetic differentiation of an insular population of a long-lived raptor species, the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus).  相似文献   
Phase, darkfield, and computer-enhanced microscopy were used to observe the surface microenvironment of flow cells during bacterial colonization. Microbial behavior was consistent with the assumptions used previously to derive surface colonization kinetics and to calculate surface growth and attachment rates from cell number and distribution. Surface microcolonies consisted of closely packed cells. Each colony contained 2n cells, where n is the number of cell divisions following attachment. Initially, cells were freely motile while attached, performing circular looping movements within the plane of the solid-liquid interface. Subsequently, cells attached apically, maintained a fixed position on the surface, and rotated. This type of attachment was reversible and did not necessarily lead to the formation of microcolonies. Cells became irreversibly attached by progressing from apical to longitudinal attachment. Longitudinally attached cells increased in length, then divided, separated, moved apart laterally, and slid next to one another. This resulted in tight cell packing and permitted simultaneous growth and adherence. After approximately 4 generations, individual cells emigrated from developing microcolonies to recolonize the surface at new locations. Surface colonization byPseudomonas fluorescens can thus be subdivided into the following sequential colonization phases: motile attachment phase, reversible attachment phase, irreversible attachment phase, growth phase, and recolonization phase.  相似文献   
Several peptides, including arginine-vasopressin (AVP), neurotensin, and substance P, produce analgesia that is not mediated by opiate systems. Using the hot plate test, we studied the analgesic effects of intracisternal (i.c.) administration of various doses of the nonapeptide oxytocin (OXY) in Swiss-Webster mice. We found that OXY (1-4 micrograms) significantly increased the latency of animals to jump or lick their paws after placement on a hot plate. This effect was not blocked by naloxone pretreatment, which suggests that it is not opiate dependent. Using the hot plate test, we confirmed that AVP (1 and 4 micrograms) also produces analgesia. We then studied the analgesia produced by OXY and by AVP using 3 nonapeptide analogues with antagonist properties: [Pen1, LpMePhe2, Thr4, Orn8]OXY (PLMPTO-OXY) that has anti-oxytocic properties in the uterine contraction assay, d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP(dTM-AVP) which antagonizes the antidiuretic properties of AVP and d(CH2)5D-Ile2,Abu4-AVP (dIA-AVP) which antagonizes the vasopressor effects of AVP. Simultaneous administration of PLMPTO-OXY completely blocked the analgesia produced by OXY whereas the antidiuretic antagonist dIA-AVP partially blocked OXY-induced analgesia and dTM-AVP had no effect. None of the antagonists used blocked AVP-induced analgesia. We concluded that the neural systems mediating the analgesic effects of i.c. OXY differ from those for AVP.  相似文献   
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