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Human cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) has been hypothesized to be an age-dependent disease accompanied by similar vascular changes in other organs. SHRSP feature numerous vascular risk factors and may be a valid model of some aspects of human CSVD. Here we compare renal histopathological changes with the brain pathology of spontaneously hypertensive stroke-prone rats (SHRSP).

Material and Methods

We histologically investigated the brains and kidneys of 61 SHRSP at different stages of age (12 to 44 weeks). The brain pathology (aggregated erythrocytes in capillaries and arterioles, microbleeds, microthromboses) and the kidney pathology (aggregated erythrocytes within peritubular capillaries, tubular protein cylinders, glomerulosclerosis) were quantified separately. The prediction of the brain pathology by the kidney pathology was assessed by creating ROC-curves integrating the degree of kidney pathology and age of SHRSP.


Both, brain and kidney pathology, show an age-dependency and proceed in definite stages whereas an aggregation of erythrocytes in capillaries and arterioles, we parsimoniously interpreted as stases, represent the initial finding in both organs. Thus, early renal tubulointerstitial damage characterized by rather few intravasal erythrocyte aggregations and tubular protein cylinders predicts the initial step of SHRSPs'' cerebral vascular pathology marked by accumulated erythrocytes. The combined increase of intravasal erythrocyte aggregations and protein cylinders accompanied by glomerulosclerosis and thrombotic renal microangiopathy in kidneys of older SHRSP predicts the final stages of SHRSPs'' cerebrovascular lesions marked by microbleeds and thrombotic infarcts.


Our results illustrate a close association between structural brain and kidney pathology and support the concept of small vessel disease to be an age-dependent systemic pathology. Further, an improved joined nephrologic and neurologic diagnostic may help to identify patients with CSVD at an early stage.  相似文献   
The secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) exerts antiproteolytic activity towards serine proteases, as well as anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effects. To investigate its role in H. pylori-mediated diseases, SLPI expression was analyzed by RT-PCR, ELISA and immunohistochemistry in clinical samples and gastric tumor cell lines. Determination of the mucosal SLPI levels in 126 patients confirmed the previously reported downregulation of SLPI in H. pylori-infected patients. The lower SLPI levels in antral biopsies of H. pylori-positive subjects were associated with a 30-fold increase (p<0.01) in neutrophil elastase activity, and a significant negative correlation was demonstrated for both parameters (R=-0.63, p=0.0002). Eradication of the bacterium in a long-term study (5-7 years) led to a recovery of mucosal SLPI expression. In vitro experiments using four gastric tumor cell lines (AGS, MKN-28, MKN-45, NCI-N87) generally confirmed the clinical findings. While the co-incubation of these cell lines with H. pylori resulted in lower or unchanged SLPI protein levels, the corresponding SLPI mRNA amounts were upregulated by up to five-fold (p=0.006) in all cell lines. Taken together, these results indicate that the reduction in antral SLPI levels in H. pylori-infected subjects has a functional relevance for gastric mucosa and the H. pylori-induced decrease in SLPI is primarily regulated at the posttranslational level.  相似文献   
Significant advances in fluorescence microscopy tend be a balance between two competing qualities wherein improvements in resolution and low light detection are typically accompanied by losses in acquisition rate and signal-to-noise, respectively. These trade-offs are becoming less of a barrier to biomedical research as recent advances in optoelectronic microscopy and developments in fluorophore chemistry have enabled scientists to see beyond the diffraction barrier, image deeper into live specimens, and acquire images at unprecedented speed. Selective plane illumination microscopy has provided significant gains in the spatial and temporal acquisition of fluorescence specimens several mm in thickness. With commercial systems now available, this method promises to expand on recent advances in 2-photon deep-tissue imaging with improved speed and reduced photobleaching compared to laser scanning confocal microscopy. Superresolution microscopes are also available in several modalities and can be coupled with selective plane illumination techniques. The combination of methods to increase resolution, acquisition speed, and depth of collection are now being married to common microscope systems, enabling scientists to make significant advances in live cell and in situ imaging in real time. We show that light sheet microscopy provides significant advantages for imaging live zebrafish embryos compared to laser scanning confocal microscopy.  相似文献   
We modified the stable isotope mixing model MixSIR to infer primary producer contributions to consumer diets based on their fatty acid composition. To parameterize the algorithm, we generated a ‘consumer-resource library’ of FA signatures of Daphnia fed different algal diets, using 34 feeding trials representing diverse phytoplankton lineages. This library corresponds to the resource or producer file in classic Bayesian mixing models such as MixSIR or SIAR. Because this library is based on the FA profiles of zooplankton consuming known diets, and not the FA profiles of algae directly, trophic modification of consumer lipids is directly accounted for. To test the model, we simulated hypothetical Daphnia comprised of 80% diatoms, 10% green algae, and 10% cryptophytes and compared the FA signatures of these known pseudo-mixtures to outputs generated by the mixing model. The algorithm inferred these simulated consumers were comprised of 82% (63-92%) [median (2.5th to 97.5th percentile credible interval)] diatoms, 11% (4-22%) green algae, and 6% (0-25%) cryptophytes. We used the same model with published phytoplankton stable isotope (SI) data for δ13C and δ15N to examine how a SI based approach resolved a similar scenario. With SI, the algorithm inferred that the simulated consumer assimilated 52% (4-91%) diatoms, 23% (1-78%) green algae, and 18% (1-73%) cyanobacteria. The accuracy and precision of SI based estimates was extremely sensitive to both resource and consumer uncertainty, as well as the trophic fractionation assumption. These results indicate that when using only two tracers with substantial uncertainty for the putative resources, as is often the case in this class of analyses, the underdetermined constraint in consumer-resource SI analyses may be intractable. The FA based approach alleviated the underdetermined constraint because many more FA biomarkers were utilized (n < 20), different primary producers (e.g., diatoms, green algae, and cryptophytes) have very characteristic FA compositions, and the FA profiles of many aquatic primary consumers are strongly influenced by their diets.  相似文献   
Background: The presence of enterohepatic Helicobacter species (EHS) is commonly noted in mouse colonies. These infections often remain unrecognized but can cause severe health complications or more subtle host immune perturbations and therefore can confound the results of animal experiments. The aim of this study was to isolate and characterize a putative novel EHS that has previously been detected by PCR screening of specific‐pathogen‐free mice. Materials and Methods: Biochemical analysis of enzyme activities (API campy), morphologic investigation (Gram‐staining and electron microscopy) and genetic analyses (16SrRNA and 23SrRNA analyses, DNA fingerprinting, restriction fragment polymorphisms, and pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis) were used to characterize isolated EHS. Genomic DNA fragments were sequenced to develop a species‐specific PCR detection assay. Results: Scanning electron microscopy revealed the presence of spiral‐shaped EHS, which varied in length (2.5–6 μm) and contained single monopolar or single bipolar sheathed flagella. The bacteria were grown under anaerobic conditions, preferably on agar plates containing serum or blood. The 16SrRNA, genetic, and biochemical analyses indicated the identification of a novel EHS species, named Helicobacter magdeburgensis. We also examined the genome content using pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis. Based on the pattern produced by two restriction enzymes, BamIII and KspI, the genome size was determined to be about 1.7–1.8 Mbp. Conclusion: We isolated and characterized a novel EHS species, H. magdeburgensis, morphologically, biochemically, and genetically. These results are important for future studies on the prevalence and pathophysiologic relevance of such infections. Our PCR assay can be used to detect and discriminate H. magdeburgensis from other Helicobacter species.  相似文献   
We have identified aptamers (synthetic oligonucleotides) binding to the very small molecule ethanolamine with high affinity down to the low nanomolar range. These aptamers were selected for their ability to bind to ethanolamine immobilised on magnetic beads, from an 96mer library of initially about 1 x 10(16) randomised ssDNA molecules. The dissociation constants of these aptamers range between K(D)=6 and K(D)=19 nmol L(-1). The aim of the development of ethanolamine aptamers is their use for the detection of this substance in clinical and environmental analysis. Ethanolamine is associated with several diseases. Moreover, ethanolamine and its derivatives di- and tri-ethanolamine are used in chemical and cosmetic industries. The use of biosensors with ethanolamine aptamer as new molecular recognition element could be an innovative method for an easy and fast detection of ethanolamine.  相似文献   
Studies in Xenopus laevis suggested that cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions regulate the development of the left–right axis of asymmetry; however, the identities of ECM components and their receptors important for this process have remained unknown. We discovered that FN is required for the establishment of the asymmetric gene expression pattern in early mouse embryos by regulating morphogenesis of the node, while cellular fates of the nodal cells, canonical Wnt and Shh signaling within the node were not perturbed by the absence of FN. FN is also required for the expression of Lefty 1/2 and activation of SMADs 2 and 3 at the floor plate, while cell fate specification of the notochord and the floor plate, as well as signaling within and between these two embryonic organizing centers remained intact in FN-null mutants. Furthermore, our experiments indicate that a major cell surface receptor for FN, integrin α5β1, is also required for the development of the left–right asymmetry, and that this requirement is evolutionarily conserved in fish and mice. Taken together, our studies demonstrate the requisite role for a structural ECM protein and its integrin receptor in the development of the left–right axis of asymmetry in vertebrates.  相似文献   
We have shown that thymoquinone (TQ) is a potent antitumor agent in human colorectal cancer cells. In this study, we evaluated TQ's therapeutic potential in two different mice colon cancer models [1,2-dimethyl hydrazine (DMH) and xenografts]. We also examined TQ effects on the growth of C26 mouse colorectal carcinoma spheroids and assessed tumor invasion in vitro. Mice were treated with saline, TQ, DMH, or combinations once per week for 30 weeks and the multiplicity, size and distribution of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and tumors were determined at weeks 10, 20 and 30. TQ injected intraperitoneally (i.p.) significantly reduced the numbers and sizes of ACF at week 10; ACF numbers were reduced by 86%. Tumor multiplicity was reduced at week 20 from 17.8 in the DMH group to 4.2 in mice injected with TQ. This suppression was observed at week 30 and was long-term; tumors did not re-grow even when TQ injection was discontinued for 10 weeks. In a xenograft model of HCT116 colon cancer cells, TQ significantly (P < 0.05) delayed the growth of the tumor cells. Using a matrigel artificial basement membrane invasion assay, we demonstrated that sub-cyto-toxic doses of TQ (40 microM) decreased C26 cell invasion by 50% and suppressed growth in three-dimensional spheroids. Apoptotic signs seen morphologically were increased significantly in TQ-treated spheroids. TUNEL staining of xenografts and immunostaining for caspase 3 cleavage in DMH tumors confirmed increased apoptosis in mouse tumors in response to TQ. These data should encourage further in vivo testing and support the potential use of TQ as a therapeutic agent in human colorectal cancer.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori are responsible for the induction of chronic gastric inflammation progressing to atrophy, metaplasia, and gastric cancer. The overexpression of Cathepsin X/Z (Ctsz) in H. pylori-infected mucosa and gastric cancer is mediated predominantly by an augmented migration of ctsz−/−positive macrophages and the up-regulation of Ctsz in tumor epithelium. To explore the Ctsz-function in the context of chronic inflammation and the development of preneoplastic lesions, we used Ctsz-deficient mice in a H. pylori gastritis model. Ctsz −/− and wild-type (wt) mice were infected with H. pylori strain SS1. The mice were sacrificed at 24, 36, and 50 weeks post infection (wpi). The stomach was removed, and gastric strips were snap-frozen or embedded and stained with H&E. Tissue sections were scored for epithelial lesions and inflammation. Ki-67 and F4/80 immunostaining were used to measure epithelial cell proliferation and macrophage infiltration, respectively. The upregulation of compensating cathepsins and cytokines were confirmed by Western blotting and quantitative RT-PCR. SS1-infected wt and ctsz −/− mice showed strong inflammation, foveolar hyperplasia, atrophy, and cystically-dilated glands. However, at 50 wpi, ctsz −/− mice developed significantly more severe spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia (SPEM), showed enhanced epithelial proliferation, and higher levels of infiltrating macrophages. Induction of cytokines was higher and significantly prolonged in ctsz −/− mice compared to wt. Ctsz deficiency supports H. pylori-dependent development of chronic gastritis up to metaplasia, indicating a protective, but not proteolytic, function of Ctsz in inflammatory gastric disease.  相似文献   
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