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Spectral, coherent, and phase analysis within the low-frequency range of ECG records of athletic runners revealed that oscillations of ECG intervals (PQ-, RT-, P–T-, TP, and PP-intervals) were observed during orthostasis. These data were compared with the results of athletic exercise tests performed after the ECG examination. It was shown that the most effective type of adaptive reaction in these tests corresponds to a phase advance of the PQ-interval oscillations relative to the RT-interval oscillations. In the low-frequency range, the phases of the PQ-, RT-, and (P–T)-interval oscillations were ahead of the TP-interval oscillations, whereas the spectral density of the TP interval oscillations was significantly higher than the spectral density of the oscillations of the PC-, RT-, and (P–T)-intervals measured at the same frequency. The least effective type of adaptive reaction was shown to correlate with the phase advance of the TP-interval oscillations relative to the PQ-, RT-, and (P–T)-interval oscillations within the low-frequency range as well as with the lack of low-frequency modulation of the autospectra of the cardiac intervals of interest.  相似文献   
The paper presents the analysis of the frequency, density, and distribution of recombination sites in the male meiosis of the domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus). The study was carried out using immunofluorescent staining of synaptonemal complex (SC) proteins, centromeric proteins and mismatch repair protein MLH1, a reliable marker of crossingover sites. We mapped 2633 sites of crossing over in 1098 individual autosomes. Based on these data, we estimated the total length of the genetic map of the domestic cat to be 2176 centimorgans. Positive correlation between the length of SC and the number of recombination sites common for mammalians was also found in the domestic cat. It was shown that this species was characterized by the highest density of recombination and the lowest interference in mammals.  相似文献   
We demonstrate a method for the synthesis of multicomponent nanostructures consisting of CdS and CdSe with rod and tetrapod morphologies. A seeded synthesis strategy is used in which spherical seeds of CdSe are prepared first using a hot-injection technique. By controlling the crystal structure of the seed to be either wurtzite or zinc-blende, the subsequent hot-injection growth of CdS off of the seed results in either a rod-shaped or tetrapod-shaped nanocrystal, respectively. The phase and morphology of the synthesized nanocrystals are confirmed using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, demonstrating that the nanocrystals are phase-pure and have a consistent morphology. The extinction coefficient and quantum yield of the synthesized nanocrystals are calculated using UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The rods and tetrapods exhibit extinction coefficients and quantum yields that are higher than that of the bare seeds. This synthesis demonstrates the precise arrangement of materials that can be achieved at the nanoscale by using a seeded synthetic approach.  相似文献   
Structural-functional organization of the lymphoid organs and functional state of the adrenals have been studied in animals, subjected to cold in early postnatal period, as well as changes of the parameters mentioned to a short and prolonged cooling in mature rats. For the animals increase in the thymus mass and in reproduction rate of lymphocytes in the thymus, spleen and lymph nodes is specific against the background of high corticosteroid secretion. When the control animals are kept in cold for a long time, after the phase of an acute stress, accompanied with hypercorticism and a pronounced lymphatic effect, during the period of an increased cold stability, the high secretion of glucocorticoid hormones is accompanied with a certain activation of thymus-dependent zones in the peripheral lymphoid organs. In the mature rats, subjected to cold at early ontogenesis both stress-reaction to cooling and rearrangement in the regulatory systems studied does not develop at adaptation to cold.  相似文献   
Electron microscope analysis of surface-spread synaptonemal complexes (SC) in oocytes and spermatocytes from double cis heterozygotes for Is(HSR; 1C5)1Icg and Is(HSR; 1E3)2Icg was carried out. Aberrant chromosomes were isolated from the feral population of Mus musculus musculus of Novosibirsk. They contain homogeneously stained regions of total length of about 30% of Chr 1 mitotic metaphase. Heteromorphic bivalents of Chr1 with different lengths of the lateral elements of SC and the loop in the intermedial position were revealed in 4.4% spermatocytes and 20% oocytes of heterozygous animals. The loop size depends on the stage of meiosis: it is maximal at late zygotene and decreases up to disappearance during pachytene.  相似文献   
The amount of plasma cells is connected with intensity of humoral immunological reactions. In people died an accidental death, the amount of immature plasma cells is the least in the axillary and the greatest--in the mesenteric nodes, especially in the thymus-independent zone. The amount of lymphoblasts and large lymphocytes, reflecting intensity of the humoral and cellular immune reactions, is also the greatest in the mesenteric lymph nodes, both in the thymus-dependent and in the thymus-independent zone. In all probability, the intensity of the immunological processes is minimal in the axillary, it is middle in the iliac and cervical and it is maximal in the mesenteric lymph nodes. In each case it is probably connected with peculiarities of antigenic composition of the lymph inflow. The mesenteric lymph nodes are on the way of the foreign protein getting into the intestine. This is evidently reflected by the highest content of immature plasma cells, lymphoblasts and large lymphocytes in them.  相似文献   
An examination of the meiotic pattern of chromosome 1 isolated from a feral mouse population and containing a double insertion (Is) of homogeneously staining regions (HSRs) was carried out. The region delineated by the proximal breakpoint of Is(HSR;1C5) 1Icg and the distal breakpoint of Is(HSR;1E3)2Icg is desynapsed during the early pachytene stage and heterosynapsed at the midpachytene, as shown by electron microscopic analysis of synaptonemal complexes. The HSRs have no effect on the segregation of chromosome 1 in heterozygous mice. The lack of homosynapsis in the region under study causes chiasmata redistribution in heteromorphic bivalents. In normal males, single chiasmata are located in the medial part of the chromosome. In heterozygotes, this segment is heterosynapsed and unavailable for recombination. This leads to a significant decrease in the frequency of bivalents bearing single chiasmata. The total number of chiasmata per bivalent is much higher in heterozygous males than in normal ones. The recombination frequency between proximal markers fz and In also is higher in heterozygous animals. The increase in the total chiasma number in the heteromorphic bivalent is due to the addition of double chiasmata located mostly at precentromeric and pretelomeric regions of the chromosome.  相似文献   
Genetic control of PI and GC variants in the American Mink   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic polymorphism of the serum α-protease inhibitor (PI) and group-specific component (GC) in minks was revealed using one-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Two codominant alleles were identified at each of the two loci. The data ruled out the possibility of any linkage between the PI, GC and the coat colour gene Crystal ( Cr ).  相似文献   
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