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Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a powerful tool for remote detection of target organisms. However, obtaining quantitative and longitudinal information from eDNA data is challenging, requiring a deep understanding of eDNA ecology. Notably, if the various size components of eDNA decay at different rates, and we can separate them within a sample, their changing proportions could be used to obtain longitudinal dynamics information on targets. To test this possibility, we conducted an aquatic mesocosm experiment in which we separated fish-derived eDNA components using sequential filtration to evaluate the decay rate and changing proportion of various eDNA particle sizes over time. We then fit four alternative mathematical decay models to the data, building towards a predictive framework to interpret eDNA data from various particle sizes. We found that medium-sized particles (1–10 μm) decayed more slowly than other size classes (i.e., <1 and > 10 μm), and thus made up an increasing proportion of eDNA particles over time. We also observed distinct eDNA particle size distribution (PSD) between our Common carp and Rainbow trout samples, suggesting that target-specific assays are required to determine starting eDNA PSDs. Additionally, we found evidence that different sizes of eDNA particles do not decay independently, with particle size conversion replenishing smaller particles over time. Nonetheless, a parsimonious mathematical model where particle sizes decay independently best explained the data. Given these results, we suggest a framework to discern target distance and abundance with eDNA data by applying sequential filtration, which theoretically has both metabarcoding and single-target applications.  相似文献   
The effect ofl-pyroglutamic acid, a metabolite that accumulates in pyroglutamic aciduria, on different neurochemical parameters was investigated in adult male Wistar rats. Glutamate binding, adenylate cyclase activity and G protein coupling to adenylate cyclase were assayed in the presence of the acid.l-pyroglutamic acid decreased Na+-dependent and Na+-independent glutamate binding Basal and GMP-PNP stimulated adenylate cyclase activity were not affected by the acid. Furthermore, rats received unilateral intrastriatal injections of 10–300 nmol of bufferedl-pyroglutamic acid. Vehicle (0.25 M Tris-Cl, pH 7.35–7.4) was injected into the contralateral striatum. Neurotoxic damage was assessed seven days after the injection by histological examination and by weighing both cerebral hemispheres. No difference in histology or weight could be identified between hemispheres. These results suggest that, although capable of interfering with glutamate binding, pyroglutamate did not cause a major lesion in the present model of neurotoxicity.  相似文献   
Efficient polysaccharide degradation depends on interaction between enzymes acting on the main chain and the side chains. Previous studies demonstrated cooperation between several enzymes, but not all enzyme combinations have been explored. A better understanding of enzyme cooperation would enable the design of better enzyme mixtures, optimally profiting from synergistic effects. In this study, we analyzed the cooperation of several enzymes involved in the degradation of xylan, glucan, xyloglucan and crude plant biomass from Aspergillus nidulans by single and combined incubations with their polymeric substrate. Positive effects were observed between most enzymes, although not always to the same extent. Moreover, the tailor made cocktails formulated in this study resulted in efficient release of glucose from plant biomass. This study also serves as an example for the complex cooperation that occurs between enzymes in plant biomass saccharification and how expression in easily‐accessible hosts, such as Pichia pastoris, can help in revealing these effects.  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate how weekly training load constrains the performance of players and teams in official futsal competitions. Data from a professional male team were collected during two seasons (46 weeks). The applied monitoring system analysed the training load (as measured by session perceived exertion, sRPE), the total recovery status (TQR), the well-being score (WBs) and the variability of neuromuscular performance during each week (CMJ-cv). In addition, the performance was assessed for all the matches. A path analysis model was performed to test the associations across variables. Results from the path analysis model revealed that it explains 31% of the teams’ performance. In general, the results show that previous team performance has no significant effects on the training week. A significant negative relationship was found between CMJ-cv and match performance (β = -.34; CI95% -.359 to -.070), as well as a significant negative relationship between players’ match performance and the team’s match performance (β = -.55; CI95% -.292 to .740). Regarding indirect effects, only a negative association between CMJ-cv and team match performance via players’ match performance (β = -.19; CI95% -.342 to -.049) was identified. The small variation of the weekly CMJ (CMJ-cv) seems to be a key variable to monitor and explain both player and team performance. Based on this model, and only looking at the physical variables, it was possible to explain 31% of the team’s performance. Longitudinal and multi-team studies should be conducted to integrate other technical, tactical and psychological variables that allow the level of understanding of players’ and teams’ performance to be improved.  相似文献   
The present work assessed several exchange-correlation functionals (including GGA, meta-GGA and hybrid functionals), in combination with a variety of basis sets and effective core potentials (ECP) for their ability to predict the ground spin state of Mn(III) meso-tetraphenylporphyrin chloride complex, labeled Mn(III)TPPCl, for which experimental data support the quintet high spin state. Geometry optimization of Mn(III)TPPCl was performed for three possible spin states (singlet state, LS; triplet state, IS; and quintet state, HS) at the TPSSh level using the LANL2DZ ECP for Mn and the 6-311G(d) basis set for C, N, Cl and H. Afterwards, single-point energy calculations were conducted by applying 18 exchange-correlation functionals (BLYP, B3LYP, PW91, BPW91, BP86, OLYP, OPBE, OPW91, O3LYP, PBE0, PBEh1PBE, HSEH1PBE, TPSS, TPSSh, M06 L, M06, M062X and M06HF). The influence of the basis set for the metal center was assessed using a smaller group of functionals and varying between the Pople basis set 6-31G(d), its newer formulation m6-31G(d) and the larger Def2-QZVP basis set. All functionals in combination with Pople basis sets predict the quintet state as the ground spin state. In addition, the BLYP, BP86, BPW91, PW91, PBEh1PBE, TPSS and TPSSh functionals predicted the IS lying at most ~60 kJ mol?1 above the HS, which agrees with the reference data. Results including Def2-QZVP basis set were inconsistent, since only BLYP and B3LYP predict HS as the ground spin state. The recommended methodology for the treatment of such systems seems to be exchange-correlations functionals with few or none Hartree-Fock exchange and modest size basis sets.
Graphical Abstract MnTPPCl molecule and the energy ordering of its spin states assessed by 18 functionals
The present publication reviews the broader evolutionary implications of our long‐term study of primate musculature. It summarizes the implications of the study for our understanding of the use of myological characters for phylogenetic reconstruction, for assessing the importance of homoplasy and reversions in evolution, and for our understanding of Dollo's law, the notion of ‘direction’ in evolution, the common myth of human complexity, the tempo and mode of primate and human evolutionary history, adaptive radiations, the notion that ‘common’ equals ‘primitive’ and the influence of morphogenesis on the variability of head, neck, pectoral and upper limb muscles. Among other results our study shows that myological characters are useful for phylogenetic reconstruction. The results also stress the importance of homoplasy and of evolutionary reversions in morphological evolution, and they provide examples of reversions that violate Dollo's law due to the retention of ancestral developmental pathways. They also show that contrary to the idea of a ‘general molecular slow‐down of hominoids’ the rates of muscle evolution at the nodes leading to and within the hominoid clade are higher than those in most other primate clades. However, there is no evidence of a general trend or ‘directionality’ towards an increasing complexity during the evolutionary history of hominoids and of modern humans in particular, at least regarding the number of muscles or of muscle bundles. The rates of muscle evolution at the major euarchontan and primate nodes are different, but within each major primate clade (Strepsirrhini, Platyrrhini, Cercopithecidae and Hominoidea) the rates at the various nodes, and particularly at the nodes leading to the higher groups (i.e. those including more than one genus) are strikingly similar. Our results also support, in general terms, the assumption that ‘common is primitive’ and they lend some support for the ‘vertebrate‐specific model’ in the sense that during the divergent events that resulted in these four major primate clades there was more emphasis on postcranial changes than on cranial changes. Our study of primates does not, however, support suggestions that the distal structures of the upper limb are more prone to variation than the proximal ones, or that the topological origins of the upper limb muscles are more prone to evolutionary change than their insertions.  相似文献   
In vitro 3D tissue‐engineered (TE) structures have been shown to better represent in vivo tissue morphology and biochemical pathways than monolayer culture, and are less ethically questionable than animal models. However, to create systems with even greater relevance, multiple integrated tissue systems should be recreated in vitro. In the present study, the effects and conditions most suitable for the co‐culture of TE skeletal muscle and bone are investigated. High‐glucose Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium (HG‐DMEM) supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum followed by HG‐DMEM with 2% horse serum is found to enable proliferation of both C2C12 muscle precursor cells and TE85 human osteosarcoma cells, fusion of C2C12s into myotubes, as well as an upregulation of RUNX2/CBFa1 in TE85s. Myotube formation is also evident within indirect contact monolayer cultures. Finally, in 3D co‐cultures, TE85 collagen/hydroxyapatite constructs have significantly greater expression of RUNX2/CBFa1 and osteocalcin/BGLAP in the presence of collagen‐based C2C12 skeletal muscle constructs; however, fusion within these constructs appears reduced. This work demonstrates the first report of the simultaneous co‐culture and differentiation of 3D TE skeletal muscle and bone, and represents a significant step toward a full in vitro 3D musculoskeletal junction model.  相似文献   
Saint Peter and Saint Paul's Archipelago (SPSPA), one of the smallest and most isolated island groups in the world, is situated on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, between Brazil and the African continent. SPSPA has low species richness and high endemism; nonetheless, the diversity of fishes from deep habitats (>30 m depth) had not been previously studied in detail. Several expeditions conducted between 2009 and 2018 explored the shallow and deep reefs of SPSPA using scuba, closed-circuit rebreathers, manned submersibles, baited remote underwater stereo-videos (stereo-BRUV) and fishing between 0 and 1050 m depth. These expeditions yielded 41 new records of fishes for SPSPA: 9 in open waters, 9 in shallow waters (0–30 m), 8 in mesophotic ecosystems (30–150 m) and 15 in deeper reefs (>150 m). Combined with literature records of adult pelagic, shallow and deep-reef species, as well as larvae, the database of the fish biodiversity for SPSPA currently comprises 225 species (169 recorded as adult fishes and 79 as larvae, with 23 species found in both stages). Most of them (112) are pelagic, 86 are reef-associated species and 27 are deep-water specialists. Species accumulation curves show that the number of fish species has not yet reached an asymptote. Whereas the number of species recorded in SPSPA is similar to that in other oceanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean, the proportion of shorefishes is relatively lower, and the endemism level is the third highest in the Atlantic. Twenty-nine species are listed as threatened with extinction. Observations confirm the paucity of top predators on shallow rocky reefs of the island, despite the presence of several pelagic shark species around SPSPA. Because all of the endemic species are reef associated, it is argued that the new marine-protected areas created by the Brazilian government do not ensure the protection and recovery of SPSPA's biodiversity because they allow exploitation of the most vulnerable species around the archipelago itself. This study suggests a ban on reef fish exploitation inside an area delimited by the 1000 m isobath around the islands (where all known endemics are concentrated) as the main conservation strategy to be included in the SPSPA management plan being prepared by the Brazilian government.  相似文献   
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