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In this study, purified P-glycoprotein molecules, a membrane drug pump responsible for the multidrug resistance phenomenon, were incorporated in model membranes deposited onto solid supports, according to the method described by Puu and Gustafson (1997). The insertion of proteins into planar supported model membranes is of interest, as the films are fundamental in biosensor applications and for the investigation of how proteins conform and aggregate in a lipid environment. In our investigation, two model membranes were prepared by transferring liposomes containing P-glycoprotein to different hydrophobic supports: (a) thin amorphous carbon films; (b) Langmuir–Blodgett lipid monolayers on mica. After the labelling of P-glycoprotein with two well-characterised monoclonal antibodies, MM4.17 and MRK-16, samples (a) were observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and samples (b) by atomic force microscopy (AFM).The comparative analysis performed by TEM and AFM allowed us to demonstrate the successful insertion of P-glycoprotein in the model membranes and their stability under different environmental conditions (vacuum, air and water). P-glycoprotein appeared to maintain, after purification and insertion in lipid bilayers, a good part of its conformational features as shown by the P-glycoprotein segments bearing the specific monoclonal antibody epitopes.  相似文献   
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their cargo represent an intriguing source of cancer biomarkers for developing robust and sensitive molecular tests by liquid biopsy. Prostate cancer (PCa) is still one of the most frequent and deadly tumor in men and analysis of EVs from biological fluids of PCa patients has proven the feasibility and the unprecedented potential of such an approach. Here, we exploited an antibody-based proteomic technology, i.e. the Reverse-Phase Protein microArrays (RPPA), to measure key antigens and activated signaling in EVs isolated from sera of PCa patients. Notably, we found tumor-specific protein profiles associated with clinical settings as well as candidate markers for EV-based tumor diagnosis. Among others, PD-L1, ERG, Integrin-β5, Survivin, TGF-β, phosphorylated-TSC2 as well as partners of the MAP-kinase and mTOR pathways emerged as differentially expressed endpoints in tumor-derived EVs. In addition, the retrospective analysis of EVs from a 15-year follow-up cohort generated a protein signature with prognostic significance. Our results confirm that serum-derived EV cargo may be exploited to improve the current diagnostic procedures while providing potential prognostic and predictive information. The approach proposed here has been already applied to tumor entities other than PCa, thus proving its value in translational medicine and paving the way to innovative, clinically meaningful tools.Subject terms: Tumour biomarkers, Protein-protein interaction networks  相似文献   
Nanostructured polystyrene (PS) and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) were used as carriers for the preparation of bioconjugates with lipolytic enzymes, such as Candida rugosa lipase (CRL) and Pseudomonas cepacia lipase (PCL). Simple addition of the lipase solution to the polymeric nanoparticles under protein-friendly conditions (pH 7.6) led to the formation of polymer-enzyme bioconjugates. Energy filtered-transmission electron microscopy (EF-TEM) performed on immuno-gold labeled samples revealed that the enzyme preferentially binds to the polymer nanoparticles and that the binding does not affect the nanostructured features of the carriers. The studies performed on the activity of the bioconjugates pointed out that the lipases adsorbed onto polymeric nanoparticles show an improved performance in terms of activity and selectivity with respect to those shown by lipases adsorbed on the same non-nanostructured carriers. The residual activities of CRL and PCL immobilized on nanostructured PMMA and PS reached 60% and 74%, respectively. Moreover, we found that enantioselectivity and pH and thermal stability increase upon immobilization. These results highlight the fact that new protein conformers with improved enantioselectivity stabilized after adsorption on nanoparticles are obtained. On the basis of the chemical structures of the selected polymers and the slopes of the adsorption isotherms, a hydrophobic binding model for lipase/nanostructured polymers is suggested.  相似文献   
A specific neuronal vulnerability to amyloid protein toxicity may account for brain susceptibility to protein misfolding diseases. To investigate this issue, we compared the effects induced by oligomers from salmon calcitonin (sCTOs), a neurotoxic amyloid protein, on cells of different histogenesis: mature and immature primary hippocampal neurons, primary astrocytes, MG63 osteoblasts and NIH-3T3 fibroblasts. In mature neurons, sCTOs increased apoptosis and induced neuritic and synaptic damages similar to those caused by amyloid β oligomers. Immature neurons and the other cell types showed no cytotoxicity. sCTOs caused cytosolic Ca2+ rise in mature, but not in immature neurons and the other cell types. Comparison of plasma membrane lipid composition showed that mature neurons had the highest content in lipid rafts, suggesting a key role for them in neuronal vulnerability to sCTOs. Consistently, depletion in gangliosides protected against sCTO toxicity. We hypothesize that the high content in lipid rafts makes mature neurons especially vulnerable to amyloid proteins, as compared to other cell types; this may help explain why the brain is a target organ for amyloid-related diseases.  相似文献   
Ichthyosis with confetti (IWC) is an autosomal dominant congenital ichthyosis also known as ichthyosis variegata or congenital reticular ichthyosiform erythroderma. It manifests at birth with generalized ichthyosiform erythroderma or with a collodion baby picture. The erythrodermic and ichthyotic phenotype persists during life and its severity may modify. However, the hallmark of the disease is the appearance, in childhood or later in life, of healthy skin confetti-like spots, which increase in number and size with time. IWC is a very rare genodermatosis, with a prevalence <1/1,000,000 and only 40 cases reported worldwide. The most important associated clinical features include ear deformities, mammillae hypoplasia, palmoplantar keratoderma, hypertrichosis and ectropion. IWC is due to dominant negative mutations in the KRT10 and KRT1 genes, encoding for keratins 10 and keratin 1, respectively. In this context, healthy skin confetti-like spots represent “repaired” skin due to independent events of reversion of keratin gene mutations via mitotic recombination. In most cases, IWC clinical suspicion is delayed until the detection of white skin spots. Clinical features, which may represent hint to the diagnosis of IWC even before appearance of confetti-like spots, include ear and mammillae hypoplasia, the progressive development of hypertrichosis and, in some patients, of adherent verrucous plaques of hyperkeratosis. Altogether the histopathological finding of keratinocyte vacuolization and the nuclear staining for keratin 10 and keratin 1 by immunofluorescence are pathognomonic. Nevertheless, mutational analysis of KRT10 or KRT1 genes is at present the gold standard to confirm the diagnosis. IWC has to be differentiated mainly from congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma. Differential diagnosis also includes syndromic ichthyoses, in particular Netherton syndrome, and the keratinopathic ichthyoses. Most of reported IWC cases are sporadic, but familial cases with autosomal dominant mode of inheritance have been also described. Therefore, knowledge of the mutation is the only way to properly counsel the couples. No specific and satisfactory therapy is currently available for IWC. Like for other congenital ichthyoses, topical treatments (mainly emollients and keratolytics) are symptomatic and offer only temporary relief. Among systemic treatments, retinoids, in particular acitretin, improve disease symptoms in most patients. Although at present there is no curative therapy for ichthyoses, treatments have improved considerably over the years and the best therapy for each patient is always the result of both physician and patient efforts.  相似文献   
Calcitonin is a polypeptidic hormone involved in calcium metabolism in the bone. It belongs to the amyloid protein family, which is characterized by the common propensity to aggregate acquiring a beta-sheet conformation and include proteins associated with important neurodegenerative diseases. Here we show for the first time, to our knowledge, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) that salmon-calcitonin (sCT) forms annular oligomers similar to those observed for beta-amyloid and alpha-sinuclein (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases). We also investigated the interaction between sCT and model membranes, such as liposomes, with particular attention to the effect induced by lipid "rafts" made of cholesterol and G(M1). We observed, by TEM immunogold labeling of sCT, that protein binding is favored by the presence of rafts. In addition, we found by TEM that sCT oligomers inserted in the membrane have the characteristic pore-like morphology of the amyloid proteins. Circular dichroism experiments revealed an increase in beta-content in sCT secondary structure when the protein was reconstituted in rafts mimicking liposomes. Finally, we showed, by spectrofluorimetry experiments, that the presence of sCT allowed Ca(2+) entry in rafts mimicking liposomes loaded with the Ca(2+)-specific fluorophore Fluo-4. This demonstrates that sCT oligomers have ion-channel activity. Our results are in good agreement with recent electrophysiological studies reporting that sCT forms Ca(2+)-permeable ion channels in planar model membranes. It has been proposed that, beyond the well-known interaction of the monomer with the specific receptor, the formation of Ca(2+) channels due to sCT oligomers could represent an extra source of Ca(2+) entry in osteoblasts. Structural and functional data reported here support this hypothesis.  相似文献   
By means of the combined use of dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy measurements, we provide a direct evidence for the existence of an equilibrium cluster phase in the polyion-induced liposome aggregation, where the liposomes maintain their integrity, with the ability of preserving the aqueous core content from the external medium. We prepared single liposomes containing, in their interior, different CsCl electrolyte solutions at different concentrations (0.1 and 0.01 M, respectively). During the polyion-induced complexation of a mixture of these two differently loaded liposomes, reversible aggregates form, whose multicompartmental structure reveals the simultaneous presence of nonfused liposomes. Clusters composed by mesoscopic-sized vesicles and realized by charged lipids coupled to oppositely charged polyions are playing an increasingly important role as model systems in a variety of phenomena in soft matter and for their potential use in biomedical applications as drug delivery systems. Aggregates of liposomes such as those described in this article, where the electrostatic interactions are the primary driving forces promoting aggregation, may represent a new and interesting class of colloids which give rise to a rich phenomenology with several unusual colloidal behaviors that deserve to be further investigated.  相似文献   
We investigated the formation of complexes between cationic liposomes built up by DOTAP and three linear anionic polyions, with different charge density and flexibility, such as a single-stranded ssDNA, a double-stranded dsDNA and the polyacrylate sodium salt [NaPAA] of three different molecular weights. Our aim is to gain further insight into the formation mechanism of polyion-liposome aggregates of different sizes (lipoplexes), by comparing the behavior of DNA with a model polyelectrolyte, such as NaPAA, with approximately the same charge density but with a higher flexibility. We employed dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) measurements, in order to explore both the hydrodynamic and structural properties of the aggregates resulting from polyion-liposome interaction and to present a comprehensive picture of the complexation process. The phenomenology can be summarized in a charge ratio-dependent scenario, where the main feature is the formation of large equilibrium clusters due to the aggregation of intact polyion-coated vesicles. At increasing polyion-liposome ratio, the size of the clusters continuously increases, reaching a maximum at a well-defined value of this ratio, and then decreases ("reentrant" condensation). The aggregation mechanism and the role of the polyion charge density in the complex formation are discussed in the light of the recent theories on the correlated adsorption of polyelectrolytes at charged interfaces. Within this framework, the phenomena of charge inversion and the reentrant condensation, peaked at the isoelectric point, finds a simple explanation.  相似文献   


Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with a high prevalence of atherosclerosis. Recently increased levels of microparticles (MPs) have been reported in patients with RA. MPs could represent a link between autoimmunity and endothelial dysfunction by expressing tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), a key cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of RA, altering endothelial apoptosis and autophagy. The aim of this study was to investigate TNFα expression on MPs and its relationship with endothelial cell fate.


MPs were purified from peripheral blood from 20 healthy controls (HC) and from 20 patients with RA, before (time (T)0) and after (T4) 4-month treatment with etanercept (ETA). Surface expression of TNFα was performed by flow cytometry analysis. EA.hy926 cells, an immortalized endothelial cell line, were treated with RA-MPs purified at T0 and at T4 and also, with RA-MPs in vitro treated with ETA. Apoptosis and autophagy were then evaluated.


RA-MPs purified at T0 expressed TNFα on their surface and this expression significantly decreased at T4. Moreover, at T0 RA-MPs, significantly increased both apoptosis and autophagy levels on endothelial cells, in a dose-dependent manner. RA-MPs did not significantly change these parameters after 4 months of in vivo treatment with ETA.


Our data demonstrate that MPs isolated from patients with RA exert a pathological effect on endothelial cells by TNFα expressed on their surface. In vivo and in vitro treatment with ETA modulates this effect, suggesting anti-TNF therapy protects against endothelial damage in patients with RA.
Chitosan covalent nanogels cross-linked with genipin were prepared by template chemical cross-linking of chitosan in polyion complex micelle (PIC) nanoreactors. By using this method, we were able to prepare chitosan nanogels using only biocompatible materials without organic solvents. PIC were prepared by interaction between chitosan (X(n) = 23, 44, and 130) and block copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly[sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methylpropanesulfonate] (PEO-b-PAMPS) synthesized by single-electron transfer-living radical polymerization (SET-LRP). PIC with small size (diameter about 50 nm) and low polydispersity were obtained up to 5 mg/mL. After cross-linking of chitosan with genipin, the nanoreactors were dissociated by adding NaCl. The dissociation of the nanoreactors and the formation of the nanogels were confirmed by (1)H NMR, DLS, and TEM. The size of the smallest nanogels was about 50 nm in the swollen state and 20 nm in the dry state. The amount of genipin used during reticulation was an important parameter to modulate the size of the nanogels in solution.  相似文献   
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