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<正> As scientific collaborators of the Chinese-American joint project "Neogene Rocks and Faunas, Yushe Basin, Shanxi, PRC", the present authors, with William R. Downs, Northern Arizona University, sampled the Yushe microfauna in the fall of 1987 and 1988. The fossil temains were retrieved by surface collection and by wet-sieving bulk quantities of sediment.  相似文献   
Abstract.  1. Molecular techniques have greatly added to the number of known sympatric cryptic species in insects. Ecological differences between these newly distinguished species are little explored, but niches often appear to overlap strongly. These cases are good models for exploring new ideas about species coexistence and community structure.
2.  Acanthoscelides obtectus and A. obvelatus are two sister species of bean bruchids, which have been confused until the last decade. One important ecological difference between them has emerged, however: A. obtectus is multivoltine and now distributed worldwide, whereas A. obvelatus is univoltine and restricted to Mesoamerica. Where their ranges overlap, the two species share the same host plants and larvae can sometimes complete development in the same seed.
3. The analysis of 27 622 Mexican individuals of the two species in 2001-2002 and 2002-2003 indicates that their niches overlap, but are differentiated with respect to altitude and the kind of beans (wild vs. domesticated). The principal patterns in their relative abundance in different habitats, and at different seasons, were constant from one year to the next.
4. As sympatry of these species seems to be of recent origin, the observed niche differentiation may not have evolved in response to competition, but could instead be the consequence of physiological differences, evolved independently in each species in allopatry, that pre-adapted them for different altitudes and kinds of resources.
5. The combination of biological and historical factors thus appears to allow these two sibling species to coexist in sympatry, despite their broadly overlapping ecological niches.  相似文献   
A transgenic mouse line harbouring a β-galacdosidase reporter gene controlled by the proximal 2 kb promoter of Hoxa3 was previously generated to investigate the regulatory cues governing Hoxa3 expression in the mouse. Examination of transgenic embryos from embryonic day (E) 8.0 to E15.5 revealed regionally restricted reporter activity in the developing heart. Indeed, transgene expression specifically delineated cells from three distinct lineages: a subpopulation of the second heart field contributing to outflow tract myocardium, the cardiac neural crest cells and the pharyngeal endoderm. Manipulation of the Retinoic Acid (RA) signaling pathway showed that RA is required for correct expression of the transgene. Therefore, this transgenic line may serve as a cardiosensor line of particular interest for further analysis of outflow tract development.  相似文献   
Using microbeam to irradiate human-hamster hybrid AL cells with defined number of a particles in a highly localized spatial region, this paper showed that cytoplasmic irradiation induced very little toxicity. For example, the cell killing by 4α particle traversal through the cytoplasm was about 10%, and about 70% cells survived after their cytoplasm was irradiated with 32 a particles. In contrast, the survival fractions for nuclear irradiation at the same doses were 35% and less than 1% respectively. Mutation induction showed that while nuclear irradiation induced 3-4-fold more CD59- mutants than cytoplasmic irradiation at equivalent particle traversal, at an equitoxic dose level of 90% survival, the latter exposure mode induced 3.3-fold more mutants than nuclear irradiation. Moreover, using multiplex PCR to analyze five marker genes on chromosome 11 (WT, CAT, PTH, APO-A1 and RAS), the results showed that the majority of mutants induced by cytoplasmic irradiation had retained all of the marker genes ana  相似文献   
Effects of inoculating four Arachis hypogaea ssp. fastigiata cultivars with 17 Bradyrhizobium spp. strains were studied in a glasshouse experiment using a sandy soil devoid of an indigenous Bradyrhizobium population. Firstly, a wide range of parameters, indicative of symbiotic performance, were assessed for their influence on seed yield, by correlation and statistical analyses. It was found that nodule dry weight and leaf area were relevant parameters concerning seed yield. Secondly, the effects of host and strain genotype on those parameters were described.Variations in nodule dry weight did not have an effect on seed yield, except for cultivar Natal Common at lower nodule dry weight values. Therefore, it was concluded that the quantity of nitrogen fixing tissue met the demand for combined nitrogen and did not limit seed yield. This conclusion was further supported by the observation that at low nodule numbers per plant the nodule size increased to generate sufficient nitrogen fixing tissue.Leaf area, which comprises components for both photosynthetic capacity and plant development, was found to correlate well with seed yield. An increase in leaf area resulted in significant seed yield increases for all three spanish-type cultivars, but not for the valencia-type cultivar. Leaf area, thus, appeared as a factor limiting seed yield of spanish-type groundnuts.Cultivar performance concerning seed yield was significantly better for Natal Common compared to the other three cultivars, while Natal Common had a significantly lower plant (biomass excluding seed) dry weight value.Inoculation with different strains of Bradyrhizobium resulted in significantly different nodule dry weight values, but hardly led to significant differences in seed yield. This agreed with the finding that the amount of nitrogen fixing tissue appeared not to limit the availability of combined nitrogen.A large quantity of nitrogen was partitioned to the groundnut seeds: 62% to 76% of total accumulated nitrogen was located in the seeds.This study showed that testing for symbiotic effectiveness in the groundnut Bradyrhizobium symbiosis should include assessment of final (seed and biomass) yield, because parameters measured at stages prior to maturity, like nodulation parameters, may lead to flawed effectiveness ratings.  相似文献   
EighteenBradyrhizobium spp. strains, fourRhizobium spp. strains and oneAzorhizobium caulinodans strain were grown under Fe limitation and assayed for siderophore production. It was further assessed if Fe accumulation in two groundnut cultivars was influenced by inoculant strain or nitrate fertilisation. Growth ofBradyrhizobium spp. strains nodulating groundnut was slow with mean generation times from 11–24 h. All strains, except MAR 967, showed a reduced growth rate when deprived of Fe; none of the strains showed starvation at 1 M Fe. In the CAS (chrome azurol S)-agar assay, all strains, which formed colonies, produced siderophores as visualised by orange halos around the colonies on blue plates.Bradyrhizobium strains produced much smaller halos than the referenceRhizobium meliloti strain. In the CAS-supernatant assay, all strains, except MAR 967, gave positive responses (measured as absorbance at 630 nm) when supernatants of Fe-depleted cultures were assayed with CAS-indicator complex in comparison with Fe-supplemented cultures. Responses of all fourRhizobium spp. strains were large, while responses of allBradyrhizobium strains, exceptB. japonicum MAR 1491 (USDA 110), were small and mostly insignificant. A small response, i.e. a low Fe-scavenging ability, implies either the production of small quantities of siderophores or the production of low affinity siderophores. Among theBradyrhizobium strains, MAR 1574 and MAR 1587 gave the largest responses taken over the two assays. Fe accumulation in groundnut cultivar Falcon was seven times larger than in cultivar Natal Common. No correlation was found between the quantity of nodule tissue and Fe accumulation, making it unlikely that bacteroids are involved in Fe acquisition by groundnuts. Nitrate-fertilised plants accumulated significantly more Fe, suggesting involvement of nitrate reductase in Fe assimilation in groundnut. The two most successful Fe-scavengingBradyrhizobium spp. strains were also the most effective in nodulating groundnut, the reverse also being true. Strain MAR 967, with the lowest Fe requirement, produced the largest nodule dry weight. These data indicate that improved Fe scavenging properties and/or reduced Fe requirement improve rhizospheric growth and with that nodulation effectiveness.  相似文献   
Human genomic DNA extracted from urine could be an interesting tool for large-scale public health studies involving characterization of genetic variations or DNA biomarkers as a result of the simple and noninvasive collection method. These studies, involving many samples, require a rapid, easy, and standardized extraction protocol. Moreover, for practicability, there is a necessity to collect urine at a moment different from the first void and to store it appropriately until analysis. The present study compared seven commercial kits to select the most appropriate urinary human DNA extraction procedure for epidemiological studies. DNA yield has been determined using different quantification methods: two classical, i.e., NanoDrop and PicoGreen, and two species-specific real-time quantitative (q)PCR assays, as DNA extracted from urine contains, besides human, microbial DNA also, which largely contributes to the total DNA yield. In addition, the kits giving a good yield were also tested for the presence of PCR inhibitors. Further comparisons were performed regarding the sampling time and the storage conditions. Finally, as a proof-of-concept, an important gene related to smoking has been genotyped using the developed tools. We could select one well-performing kit for the human DNA extraction from urine suitable for molecular diagnostic real-time qPCR-based assays targeting genetic variations, applicable to large-scale studies. In addition, successful genotyping was possible using DNA extracted from urine stored at −20°C for several months, and an acceptable yield could also be obtained from urine collected at different moments during the day, which is particularly important for public health studies.  相似文献   
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