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Summary Secretory activities of bicellular microhairs from grasses belonging to the subfamilies Chloridoideae, Arundinoideae, Panicoideae, and Bambusoideae, and including the chloridoid, panicoid and Enneapogon microhair morphological types, have been investigated. Light microscopic histochemistry indicated that all microhairs studied secrete polysaccharide and protein (or glycoprotein), including those which also secrete salt. Localization of polysaccharide at ultrastructural level using periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazidesilver proteinate staining revealed that in panicoid type microhairs dictyosomes are involved in polysaccharide secretion, whereas in the chloridoid and Enneapogon types partitioning membranes seem to be involved instead.Abbreviations Ag silver precipitates representing localization of polysaccharide - BC basal cell - C cuticle - CC cap cell - CH cuticular chamber - CN system of membrane bound channels and vesicles - CP chloroplast - CW cell wall - D dictyosomes - M mitochondria - N nucleus - PTM partitioning membranes - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - S secretory material - St starch grain - US unstained dictyosome cisternae - V vesicle  相似文献   
The effect of ethylene on petiole growth of the Fringed Waterlily (Nymphoides peltata (S.G. Gmelin) O. Kuntze) changes during leaf ontogeny. During early development (before expansion of laminae), ethylene causes an increase in both cell number and cell size; later in development, promotion of rapid cell expansion is the dominant effect. The early effects may contribute to the accommodation of new leaves to water columns of different depth. The later effects on cell expansion only are shown to contribute to the rapid accommodation of floating leaves when changes in water level submerge the laminae. This kind of accommodation results from an interaction between accumulated ethylene, which increases wall extensibility, and the tension in petioles due to natural buoyancy which, it is suggested, supplements the driving force for cell expansion. Cell age (position) within a petiole and age of the whole petiole influence the growth response to ethylene alone and the amount of extra growth produced by applying tension when ethylene is present. In young petioles, apical cells are highly sensitive to ethylene and tension causes little further growth; older cells in both immature and mature petioles show little response to ethylene unless the petiole is under tension. Young (but not mature) petioles respond slowly to applied tension even in the absence of ethylene. It is concluded that as cells age the driving force for expansion limits increasingly their capacity to respond to the wall-loosening effects of ethylene. Dual sensitivity to ethylene and buoyant tension facilitates rapid accommodation responses but sensitivity of young petioles to tension alone may exclude Nymphoides from habitats where current velocity is appreciable.  相似文献   
Mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon and Dutch bay, two interconnected lagoons situated on the northwestern coast of Sri Lanka have been classified broadly into two groups, i.e., estuarine and island/mainland-fringing stands. Structural diversity of six mangrove stands, representing the two types was studied in terms of floristic composition, density, basal area, mean stand diameter, tree height, standing above-ground biomass and leaf-area index.Rhizophora mucronata andAvicennia marina were the dominant species. Higher mean stand diameters for the mangrove stands in Puttalam lagoon indicated greater maturity than the estuarine mangrove stands in Dutch bay. Nevertheless, estuarine stands in Dutch bay were structurally more complex (complexity indices 8.11–22.7) than the island/mainland-fringing mangrove stands (complexity indices 1.38–6.78). Higher number of species present in the estuarine mangrove stands is the major element that contributes to the higher values for the complexity indices for those stands. This appears to mask the contribution of stand-age to the complexity of a mangrove stand. Therefore complexity indices alone may not be used to explain adequately the structural diversity among mangrove stands.  相似文献   
Length growth, instar durations, fecundity and mortality rates of fivespecies of microcrustacean zooplankton from a tropical reservoir weremeasured in relation to food quantity and temperature in laboratorycultures. Three cladocerans (Ceriodaphnia cornuta, Moina micrura,Diaphanosoma excisum), one calanoid copepod (Heliodiaptomus viduus), and onecyclopoid copepod (Mesocyclops thermocyclopoides) were studied. Filteredseston (45 µm mesh) from a local pond was used for food. Two foodconcentrations were employed: (1) 10 µg chlorophyll l–1(ca 0.25 mg Cl–1), and (2) 50 µg chlorophylll–1 (ca 1.25 mg C l–1). Food levels and watertemperature (22.5, 27.5, and 32.5 °C) used, roughly covered the rangesfound in the reservoir. Although all the three growth parameters were oftenaffected to some degree by temperature and food, the quantitative responseof the species differed. Also, the species reacted differently to the threepossible interactions (i.e. food×temperature,food×instar, andtemperature×instar). This contributed to the overalldifferences in the species responses. For the cladocerans, instar durationswere always affected by temperature. The food did not affect the durationtime of the adults and that of the combined juvenile instars, the latterexcept in one case significantly. For the two copepods food level affectedthe duration times of naupliar and copepodite instars, but the effect oftemperature was only significant for H. viduus. The development timesobserved for H. viduus were extraordinary long compared with values reportedin the literature for other tropical calanoids. This suggests that foodconditions in our culture were adversely affecting its growth rates.  相似文献   
The ancient art of body piercing has rejuvenated in the recent years as part of the fashion process. The ear is the most frequent body part to be pierced to wear jewelry. Split earlobes are commonly presented to plastic surgeons and the recurrence rate is high. The etiology of the acquired split earlobe was thought to be attributable to either trauma or heavy earrings. In this study, the authors explored the cause of the split earlobe and recurrence after surgical repair. Twenty-five patients who were using gold earrings presented with split earlobe and were studied, and the etiology of the condition was analyzed. A questionnaire was completed and the tissue obtained during surgical repair of the split earlobes was submitted for histopathological studies. This group of patients was compared with 17 subjects having stretched earlobe who were using heavy gold earrings. The control group consists of 50 subjects using gold earrings with normal earlobes. Clinical presentation and the histological studies suggest that allergy to metals used in the earring could lead to split earlobe. There is a difference between the split earlobe and stretched earlobe; the latter results from constant pull by heavy earrings. The authors present a new theory regarding the etiology of split earlobe and recommend that avoiding the offending metal in the earring is indispensable to prevent recurrence.  相似文献   
Ethidium bromide (EB) is known to inhibit cleavage of bacterial rRNA precursors by Escherichia coli ribonuclease III, a dsRNA-specific nuclease. The mechanism of EB inhibition of RNase III is not known nor is there information on EB-binding sites in RNase III substrates. We show here that EB is a reversible, apparently competitive inhibitor of RNase III cleavage of small model substrates in vitro. Inhibition is due to intercalation, since (i) the inhibitory concentrations of EB are similar to measured EB intercalation affinities; (ii) substrate cleavage is not affected by actinomycin D, an intercalating agent that does not bind dsRNA; (iii) the EB concentration dependence of inhibition is a function of substrate structure. In contrast, EB does not strongly inhibit the ability of RNase III to bind substrate. EB also does not block substrate binding by the C-terminal dsRNA-binding domain (dsRBD) of RNase III, indicating that EB perturbs substrate recognition by the N-terminal catalytic domain. Laser photocleavage experiments revealed two ethidium-binding sites in the substrate R1.1 RNA. One site is in the internal loop, adjacent to the scissile bond, while the second site is in the lower stem. Both sites consist of an A-A pair stacked on a CG pair, a motif which apparently provides a particularly favorable environment for intercalation. These results indicate an inhibitory mechanism in which EB site-specifically binds substrate, creating a cleavage-resistant complex that can compete with free substrate for RNase III. This study also shows that RNase III recognition and cleavage of substrate can be uncoupled and supports an enzymatic mechanism of dsRNA cleavage involving cooperative but not obligatorily linked actions of the dsRBD and the catalytic domain.  相似文献   
The genome of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) contains a stretch of approximately 120 nucleotides known as the psi-site that is essential for RNA packaging during virus assembly. These nucleotides have been proposed to form four stem-loops (SL1-SL4) that have both independent and overlapping functions. Stem-loop SL2 is important for efficient recognition and packaging of the full-length, unspliced viral genome, and also contains the major splice-donor site (SD) for mRNA splicing. We have determined the structure of the 19-residue SL2 oligoribonucleotide by heteronuclear NMR methods. The structure is generally consistent with the most recent of two earlier secondary structure predictions, with residues G1-G2-C3-G4 and C6-U7 forming standard Watson Crick base-pairs with self-complementary residues C16-G17-C18-C19 and A12-G13, respectively. However, residue A15, which is located near the center of the stem, does not form a predicted bulge, and residues A5 and U14 do not form an expected Watson-Crick base-pair. Instead, these residues form a novel A5-U14-A15 base-triple that appears to be stabilized by hydrogen bonds from A15-H61 and -H62 to A5-N1 and U14-O2, respectively; from A5-H61 to U14-O2, and from C16-H42 to U14-O2'. A kink in the backbone allows the aromatic rings of the sequential U14-A15 residues to be approximately co-planar, adopting a stable "platform motif" that is structurally similar to the A-A (adenosine) platforms observed in the P4-P6 ribozyme domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron. Platform motifs generally function in RNA by mediating long-range interactions, and it is therefore possible that the A-U-A base-triple platform mediates long-range interactions that either stabilize the psi-RNA or facilitate splicing and/or packaging. Residue G8 of the G8-G9-U10-G11 tetraloop is stacked above the U7-A12 base-pair, and the remaining tetraloop residues are disordered and available for potential interactions with either other RNA or protein components.  相似文献   
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