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The asexual nature of the first cortical reorganization of conjugation in Stylonychia was analyzed by comparing the effect of amputation performed at different stages of early conjugation to that performed on vegetative cells at different stages of the cell cycle. Amputation of vegetative cells delineated a point of commitment to binary fission at 0.51–0.57 of the cell cycle. Cells amputated before this point were induced to undergo the regenerative mode of asexual development, but those amputated after this point continued with binary fission. In parallel, during conjugation a similar commitment was made around the time of formation of tight mating-pairs: early conjugants amputated around this time might undergo regeneration, and those operated on after this stage continued with the first cortical reorganization as in typical conjugants. The two mates of a pair might differ in their response to amputation, suggesting that the timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization is not related to the events of conjugation, but rather is individually determined in the vegetative cycle of the cells before they pair up in mating. These observations provide support for the notion that the first cortical reorganization of conjugants is homologous to the asexual mode of cortical development in dividers, according to the theory of developmental heterochrony in the sexual reproduction of hypotrichs. The timing of commitment to the first cortical reorganization was found to temporally correlate with the entrance of the micronuclei into meiosis. Since the first cortical reorganization can proceed without the micronucleus, this raises the possibility that initiation of micronuclear meiosis is closely coupled with, and may be determined by, the commitment to the first cortical reorganization.  相似文献   
A reproducible therapy model for advanced intracerebral B16 melanoma is reported. Implanted tumors (D0), suppressed by a single 15 Gy radiosurgical dose of 100 kVp X-rays (D8), were further suppressed by a single ip injection of a Treg-depleting mAb given 2 days prior to the initiation (D9) of four weekly then eight bi-monthly sc injections of GMCSF-transfected, mitotically disabled B16 cells. The trends of seven independent experiments were similar to the combined result: The median (days) [SD/total N] of survival went from 15[1.09/62] (no treatment control) to 35.8[8.8/58] (radiation therapy only) to 52.5[13.5/57] (radiation therapy plus immunotherapy). Within 2 weeks after immunization, tumors in mice receiving radiation therapy plus immunotherapy were significantly smaller than tumors in mice treated only with radiosurgery. Splenocytes and lymph node cells from immunized mice showed increased interferon γ production when cultured with syngeneic tumor cells. We suggest that our model will be useful for the development and testing of novel combination therapies for brain tumors.  相似文献   
地塞美松中间体的C1,4脱氢和11α-羟基化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地塞美松 (Dexamethasone)为高效肾上腺皮质激素药物 ,临床上广泛使用。开拓用梯可吉宁 (Tigogenin)为起始原料生产从化学结构和合成技术上讲较为合理 ,而且适合于资源综合利用[1] 。在合成过程中 ,除了A环需引入C1,2 和C4 ,5两个双键 (含C-3 羟基氧化 )外 ,还需用微生物法在C-11位引入羟基。国外常采用化学法脱氢 ,然后再用霉菌 11α 羟基化[2 ,3 ] 。本文报道用两类微生物菌种 ,节杆菌 (Arthrobactersp .)AX86和绿僵菌 (Metarhiziumsp .)M 88,混合转化一步完成脱氢和羟基化反应…  相似文献   
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) participate in revascularization and angiogenesis. EPC can be cultured in vitro from mononuclear cells of peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood or bone marrow; they also can be transdifferentiated from mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We isolated EPCs from Wharton's jelly (WJ) using two methods. The first method was by obtaining MSC from WJ and characterizing them by flow cytometry and their adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation, then applying endothelial growth differentiating media. The second method was by direct culture of cells derived from WJ into endothelial differentiating media. EPCs were characterized by morphology, Dil-LDL uptake/UEA-1 immunostaining and testing the expression of endothelial markers by flow cytometry and RT-PCR. We found that MSC derived from WJ differentiated into endothelial-like cells using simple culture conditions with endothelium induction agents in the medium.  相似文献   


Cooperation and conflict in social insects are closely linked to the genetic structure of the colony. Kin selection theory predicts conflict over the production of males between the workers and the queen and between the workers themselves, depending on intra-colonial relatedness but also on other factors like colony efficiency, sex ratios, cost of worker reproduction and worker dominance behaviour. In most bumblebee (Bombus) species the queen wins this conflict and often dominates male production. However, most studies in bumblebees have been conducted with only a few selected, mostly single mated species from temperate climate regions. Here we study the genetic colony composition of the facultative polyandrous neotropical bumblebee Bombus wilmattae, to assess the outcome of the queen-worker conflict over male production and to detect potential worker policing.


A total of 120 males from five colonies were genotyped with up to nine microsatellite markers to infer their parentage. Four of the five colonies were queen right at point of time of male sampling, while one had an uncertain queen status. The workers clearly dominated production of males with an average of 84.9% +/- 14.3% of males being worker sons. In the two doubly mated colonies 62.5% and 96.7% of the male offspring originated from workers and both patrilines participated in male production. Inferring the mother genotypes from the male offspring, between four to eight workers participated in the production of males.


In this study we show that the workers clearly win the queen-worker conflict over male production in B. wilmattae, which sets them apart from the temperate bumblebee species studied so far. Workers clearly dominated male production in the singly as well the doubly mated colonies, with up to eight workers producing male offspring in a single colony. Moreover no monopolization of reproduction by single workers occurred.  相似文献   
Microbeam radiation therapy is an experimental modality using parallel arrays of thin (<100 micro m) slices of synchrotron-generated X rays (microplanar beams, microbeams). We used EMT-6 murine mammary carcinoma subcutaneously inoculated in the hind legs of mice to compare the therapeutic efficacies of single-fraction, unidirectional (1) "co-planar" microbeams (an array of vertically oriented microplanar beams), (2) "cross-planar" microbeams (two arrays of parallel microbeams propagated in the same direction, one with vertically and the other with horizontally oriented microplanar beams), and (3) seamless (broad) beams from the same synchrotron source. The microbeams were 90 micro m wide and were spaced 300 micro m on center; the median energy in all beams was 100 or 118 keV. Tumor ablation rates were 4/8, 4/8 and 6/7 for a 410-, 520- and 650-Gy in-slice cross-planar microbeam dose, respectively, and 1/8, 3/8, 3/7 and 6/8 for a 23-, 30-, 38- and 45-Gy broad-beam dose, respectively. When the data were pooled from the three highest doses (same average tumor ablations of 50-60%), the incidences of normal-tissue acute toxicity (moist desquamation and epilation) and delayed toxicity (failure of hair regrowth) were significantly lower for cross-planar microbeams than broad beams (P < 0.025). Furthermore, for the highest doses in these two groups, which also had the same tumor ablation rate (>75%), not only were the above toxicities lower for the cross-planar microbeams than for the broad beams (P < 0.02), but severe leg dysfunction was also lower (P < 0.003). These findings suggest that single-fraction microbeams can ablate tumors at high rates with relatively little normal-tissue toxicity.  相似文献   
Net ecosystem productivity (NEP) was continuously measured using the eddy covariance (EC) technique from 2003 to 2005 at three forest sites of ChinaFLUX. The forests include Changbaishan temperate mixed forest (CBS), Qianyanzhou subtropical coniferous plantation (QYZ), and Dinghushan subtropical evergreen broad‐leaved forest (DHS). They span wide ranges of temperature and precipitation and are influenced by the eastern Asian monsoon climate to varying extent. In this study, we estimated ecosystem respiration (RE) and gross ecosystem productivity (GEP). Comparison of ecosystem carbon exchange among the three forests shows that RE was mainly determined by temperature, with the forest at CBS exhibiting the highest temperature sensitivity among the three ecosystems. The RE was highly dependent on GEP across the three forests, and the ratio of RE to GEP decreased along the North–South Transect of Eastern China (NSTEC) (i.e. from the CBS to the DHS), with an average of 0.77 ± 0.06. Daily GEP was mainly influenced by temperature at CBS, whereas photosynthetic photon flux density was the dominant factor affecting the daily GEP at both QYZ and DHS. Temperature mainly determined the pattern of the interannual variations of ecosystem carbon exchange at CBS. However, water availability primarily controlled the interannual variations of ecosystem carbon exchange at QYZ. At DHS, NEP attained the highest values at the beginning of the dry seasons (autumn) rather than the rainy seasons (summer), probably because insufficient radiation and frequent fog during the rainy seasons hindered canopy photosynthesis. All the three forest ecosystems acted as a carbon sink from 2003 to 2005. The annual average values of NEP at CBS, QYZ, and DHS were 259 ± 19, 354 ± 34, and 434 ± 66 g C m−2 yr−1, respectively. The slope of NEP that decreased with increasing latitude along the NSTEC was markedly different from that observed on the forest transect in the European continent. Long‐term flux measurements over more forest ecosystems along the NSTEC will further help verify such a difference between the European forest transect and the NSTEC and provide insights into the responses of ecosystem carbon exchange to climate change in China.  相似文献   
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