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We report two sisters with mental retardation, coarse facial features, telecanthus, flat malar region, prominent lower lip, kyphoscoliosis, and tapering fingers. Although these patients' phenotypes showed considerable overlap with the Coffin-Lowry and the Atkin-Flaitz syndromes, their overall picture makes these diagnoses controversial.  相似文献   
The occurrence of legionella in the hot water systems of two buildings (A and B) was investigated in relation to the water temperature. The peripheral parts of both hot water systems were found to be colonized by these organisms. A temperature of 60C in the hot water mains returning from the building eliminated legionellas from the mains as well as from the peripheral taps and showers. Legionellas could be isolated from taps, showers and the mains when the temperature in the return mains was kept at 54C. The hot water systems could not be completely decontaminated by raising the hot water temperature in the return mains to 70C combined with flushing all the taps and showers. It is suggested that failure to decontaminate the systems is due to dead ends in the pipeline network, which are not reached by the hot water and that these dead ends are the source for recolonization of the systems.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of (dihydro)cytochalasin B, colchicine, monensin and trifluoperazine on uptake and processing of large unilamellar liposomes by rat Kupffer cells in maintenance culture. The phospholipid vesicles were labeled in the lipid moiety with phosphatidyl[14C]choline and contained [3H]inulin or [125I]iodoalbumin as nondegradable and degradable markers of the aqueous vesicle content, respectively. Cytochalasin B and dihydrocytochalasin B, inhibitors of microfilament function, reduced inert inulin label uptake by 75% maximally, but residual uptake was not followed by release of lipid degradation products from the cells. By contrast, colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubule assembly, reduced uptake of liposomal inulin by maximally 55% but could not inhibit release of lipid degradation products from the cells. It is concluded that the cytochalasins partly inhibit uptake but fully prevent the arrival of internalized liposomes in the lysosomal compartment, while the action of colchicine is to slow down the overall process of uptake and subsequent transportation to the lysosomes. Monensin reduced inulin uptake to an extent similar to that found with colchicine, but reversibly blocked degradation of liposomal lipid and encapsulated protein. The kinetics of degradation of liposomal constituents suggests that residual uptake in the presence of monensin represents accumulation in an intracellular compartment. Trifluoperazine did not affect binding, internalization or degradation of encapsulated protein at low concentration (6 microM), but completely inhibited release of liposomal lipid degradation products under these conditions. At intermediate concentration (14 microM), the drug also reduced the internalization, while a high concentration (22 microM) was required to inhibit protein degradation as well. We conclude that trifluoperazine has multiple sites of action in the uptake and processing of liposomal constituents by Kupffer cells.  相似文献   
Summary The popliteal lymph nodes were removed from young rats of various ages five days after a single immunization with TNP-KLH in the hind footpads. Cryostat sections of the lymph nodes were investigated by means of enzyme and immunohistochemical techniques at the light-microscopical level.The presence and localization of anti-TNP antibody-containing cells were examined using a new technique to visualize specific antibodies. Moreover, the development of the lymph nodes following exogenous antigenic stimulation was compared with that of unstimulated lymph nodes.Specific antibody-containing cells could not be found before day 15 after birth, in rats immunized at day 10. From that time these lymphoid cells were located primarily at the border between cortex and medulla. Younger popliteal lymph nodes showed only aspecific immunoglobulin-containing lymphoid cells. With age, the number of specific antibody-containing cells tended to increase. These cells were more mature, according to morphological criteria and were located nearer the medulla.The first primary follicles were seen at day 19, as was the case in unstimulated animals. The first secondary follicles, containing germinal centers, were detected at day 23, whereas in unstimulated popliteal lymph nodes they were never found.Trapping of immune complexes could not be demonstrated before day 33 after birth. The later appearance of this phenomenon might be a consequence of the techniques applied to demonstrate specific antibody-containing cells.Abbreviations PLN popliteal lymph node - FDC follicular dendritic cell - IDC interdigitating cell - HEV high endothelial venule - TNP trinitrophenyl - KLH keyhole limpet hemocyanin - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - GCPC germinal center precursor cell - sIg surface immunoglobulin - cIg cytoplasmic immunoglobulin  相似文献   
The A domain of the mannitol-specific EII, IIAmtl, was subcloned and proven to be functional in the isolated form (Van Weeghel et al., 1991). It contains a histidine phosphorylation site, the first of two phosphorylation sites in the parent protein. In this paper, we describe the characterization of the three histidine residues in IIAmtl with respect to their protonation and hydrogen bonding state, using 1H[15N] heteronuclear NMR techniques and protein selectively enriched with [delta 1,epsilon 2-15N]histidine. The active site residue has a low pKa (less than 5.8) and shows no hydrogen bond interactions. The proton in the neutral ring is located at the N epsilon 2 position, which also proved to be the site of phosphorylation. The phosphorylation raises the pKa of the active site histidine considerably but does not change the hydrogen bond situation. The other two histidine residues, one of which is probably located on the surface of the protein, were also characterized. Both show hydrogen bond interactions in the unphosphorylated protein, but these are disturbed by the phosphorylation process. These observations, combined with small changes in pKa and titration behavior, indicate that the IIAmtl changes its conformation upon phosphorylation.  相似文献   
The assignment of backbone resonances and the secondary structure determination of the Cys 10 Ser mutant of enzyme IIBcellobiose of the Escherichia coli cellobiose-specific phosphoenol-pyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system are presented. The backbone resonances were assigned using 4 triple resonance experiments, the HNCA and HN(CO)CA experiments, correlating backbone 1H, 15N, and 13C alpha resonances, and the HN(CA)CO and HNCO experiments, correlating backbone 1H,15N and 13CO resonances. Heteronuclear 1H-NOE 1H-15N single quantum coherence (15N-NOESY-HSQC) spectroscopy and heteronuclear 1H total correlation 1H-15N single quantum coherence (15N-TOCSY-HSQC) spectroscopy were used to resolve ambiguities arising from overlapping 13C alpha and 13CO frequencies and to check the assignments from the triple resonance experiments. This procedure, together with a 3-dimensional 1H alpha-13C alpha-13CO experiment (COCAH), yielded the assignment for all observed backbone resonances. The secondary structure was determined using information both from the deviation of observed 1H alpha and 13C alpha chemical shifts from their random coil values and 1H-NOE information from the 15N-NOESY-HSQC. These data show that enzyme IIBcellobiose consists of a 4-stranded parallel beta-sheet and 5 alpha-helices. In the wild-type enzyme IIBcellobiose, the catalytic residue appears to be located at the end of a beta-strand.  相似文献   
The assignment of the side-chain NMR resonances and the determination of the three-dimensional solution structure of the C10S mutant of enzyme IIBcellobiose (IIBcel) of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system of Escherichia coli are presented. The side-chain resonances were assigned nearly completely using a variety of mostly heteronuclear NMR experiments, including HCCH-TOCSY, HCCH-COSY, and COCCH-TOCSY experiments as well as CBCACOHA, CBCA(CO)NH, and HBHA(CBCA)(CO)NH experiments. In order to obtain the three-dimensional structure, NOE data were collected from 15N-NOESY-HSQC, 13C-HSQC-NOESY, and 2D NOE experiments. The distance restraints derived from these NOE data were used in distance geometry calculations followed by molecular dynamics and simulated annealing protocols. In an iterative procedure, additional NOE assignments were derived from the calculated structures and new structures were calculated. The final set of structures, calculated with approximately 2000 unambiguous and ambiguous distance restraints, has an rms deviation of 1.1 A on C alpha atoms. IIBcel consists of a four stranded parallel beta-sheet, in the order 2134. The sheet is flanked with two and three alpha-helices on either side. Residue 10, a cysteine in the wild-type enzyme, which is phosphorylated during the catalytic cycle, is located at the end of the first beta-strand. A loop that is proposed to be involved in the binding of the phosphoryl-group follows the cysteine. The loop appears to be disordered in the unphosphorylated state.  相似文献   
The A-domain of the mannitol transport protein enzyme IImtl from Escherichia coli (relative molecular mass 16,300) was crystallized, both at room temperature and 4 degrees C, from 40% polyethylene glycol 6000 (pH 8.5 to 9.0) using the hanging-drop method of vapour diffusion. The crystals have the monoclinic space group P2(1), with unit cell dimensions a = 54.0 A, b = 67.0 A, c = 80.9 A and beta = 100.8 degrees. They diffract to 2.6 A resolution. A self-rotation function and self-Patterson suggest that there are four molecules in the asymmetric unit showing mmm symmetry.  相似文献   
Mannitol bound to enzyme IImtl could be trapped specifically by rapid phosphorylation with P-HPr. The assay was used to demonstrate transport of mannitol across the cytoplasmic membrane with and without phosphorylation of mannitol. The latter was 2-3 orders of magnitude slower. The fraction of bound mannitol molecules that was actually phosphorylated, the efficiency of the trap, was less than 50%. The efficiency was not very different for enzyme IImtl embedded in the membrane of vesicles with an inside-out orientation or solubilized in detergent. Subsequently, it is argued that the fraction of the bound mannitol molecules that was not phosphorylated dissociated into the cytoplasmic space. A model for the catalytic mechanism of enzyme IImtl is proposed on the basis of interpretations of the present experiments. The main features of the model are the following: (i) mechanistically, the coupling between transport and phosphorylation is less than 50%; (ii) in the physiological steady state of mannitol transport and metabolism, the coupling is 100%; (iii) phosphorylated enzyme IImtl catalyzes facilitated diffusion at a high rate; (iv) the state of phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain modulates the activity of the translocator domain; (v) the enzyme catalyzes phosphorylation of free cytoplasmic mannitol at least as fast as it catalyzes transport plus phosphorylation of free periplasmic mannitol.  相似文献   
Cyclin-dependent kinase subunit (CKS) proteins bind to cyclin-dependent kinases and target various proteins to phosphorylation and proteolysis during cell division. Crystal structures showed that CKS can exist both in a closed monomeric conformation when bound to the kinase and in an inactive C-terminal beta-strand-exchanged conformation. With the exception of the hinge loop, however, both crystal structures are identical, and no new protein interface is formed in the dimer. Protein engineering studies have pinpointed the crucial role of the proline 90 residue of the p13(suc1) CKS protein from Schizosaccharomyces pombe in the monomer-dimer equilibrium and have led to the concept of a loaded molecular spring of the beta-hinge motif. Mutation of this hinge proline into an alanine stabilizes the protein and prevents the occurrence of swapping. However, other mutations further away from the hinge as well as ligand binding can equally shift the equilibrium between monomer and dimer. To address the question of differential affinity through relief of the strain, here we compare the ligand binding of the monomeric form of wild-type S. pombe p13(suc1) and its hinge mutant P90A in solution by NMR spectroscopy. We indeed observed a 5-fold difference in affinity with the wild-type protein being the most strongly binding. Our structural study further indicates that both wild-type and the P90A mutant proteins adopt in solution the closed conformation but display different dynamic properties in the C-terminal beta-sheet involved in domain swapping and protein interactions.  相似文献   
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