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Recently, we have shown that inhalation of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) protects against ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). In the present study, we aimed to determine the underlying molecular mechanisms of H2S-dependent lung protection by analyzing gene expression profiles in mice. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to spontaneous breathing or mechanical ventilation in the absence or presence of H2S (80 parts per million). Gene expression profiles were determined by microarray, sqRT-PCR and Western Blot analyses. The association of Atf3 in protection against VILI was confirmed with a Vivo-Morpholino knockout model. Mechanical ventilation caused a significant lung inflammation and damage that was prevented in the presence of H2S. Mechanical ventilation favoured the expression of genes involved in inflammation, leukocyte activation and chemotaxis. In contrast, ventilation with H2S activated genes involved in extracellular matrix remodelling, angiogenesis, inhibition of apoptosis, and inflammation. Amongst others, H2S administration induced Atf3, an anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic regulator. Morpholino mediated reduction of Atf3 resulted in elevated lung injury despite the presence of H2S. In conclusion, lung protection by H2S during mechanical ventilation is associated with down-regulation of genes related to oxidative stress and inflammation and up-regulation of anti-apoptotic and anti-inflammatory genes. Here we show that Atf3 is clearly involved in H2S mediated protection.  相似文献   
Seeds of the root parasitesStriga (several spp.) andBuchnera americana were examined by means of SEM. The surface patterns of the seeds in both genera resemble each other closely, especially those ofS. angustifolia andB. americana. SomeStriga spp. can be clearly distinguished by their surface characteristics, while this is quite difficult in others. The taxonomic value of the seed surface features ofStriga andBuchnera is discussed.  相似文献   
1.  Intracellular recordings of suboesophageal neurons were performed in the cricketGryllus bimaculatus during applied changes of head temperature in the range 8 to 32.5 °C. The temperature was controlled by perfusing the head with Ringer solution of appropriate temperature. Subsequent staining with Lucifer Yellow revealed descending, ascending or T-shaped cells with ventrally located somata (Fig. 1).
2.  In 6 out of 7 neurons recorded (Fig. 1, neurons A, B, C, D, E, G) the firing rate was correlated with abdominal ventilatory pumping (Fig. 2a, b). These neurons also received input from cereal sensory hairs (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, one of them (Fig. 1, neuron A) showed responses to auditory (Fig. 2d) and another (Fig. 1, neuron E) to visual input (Fig. 2e).
3.  Activity of every tested neuron was correlated with the temperature of the perfusing Ringer solution: the amplitude and duration of spikes and excitatory postsynaptic potentials increased with cooling (Fig. 3). Two types of temperature-dependent changes in firing rate were identified. In type I the spiking rate was higher at higher temperature (Figs. 4a, b; 5). In type II spiking rate was related to the direction of temperature change (Fig. 4c, d).
4.  The possible involvement of one of the recorded cells (Fig. 1, neuron F) in thermoreception processes is discussed. Activity of this neuron was not related to the rhythm of abdominal ventilatory pumping, nor did the cell receive cereal, visual or auditory input. Its activity was related mainly to the direction of temperature changes i.e. with an increase in firing rate during cooling, independent of the temperature at which the cooling started and with a transient decrease in firing rate during warming from starting point of 10 °C.
S-(chloroethyl)-cysteine (CEC) and S-(1,2-dichlorovinyl)cysteine (DCVO) have been proposed as intermediates in the metabolic transformation of the carcinogens 1,2-dichloroethane and 1,1,2-trichloroethylene. We have tested the ability of CEC and DCVC to induce DNA repair and genotoxic effects at the chromosomal level by comparative assessment of unscheduled DNA synthesis induction and micronucleus formation in Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts. CEC induced a potent and dose-dependent response in both assays, whereas DCVC treatment resulted in a comparatively weak induction of DNA repair and failed to raise micronucleus formation above control rates. Inhibition of cysteine conjugate \gB-lyase diminished the effect of DCVC, but had no influence on the genotoxicity of CEC either in the unscheduled DNA synthesis or micronucleus assay.Abbreviations AOAA aminooxyacetic acid - CEC S-(chloroethyl)-cysteine; \gB-lyase, cysteine conjugate -lyase - DCE 1,2-dichloroethane - DCVC S(1,2-dichlorovinyl)-cysteine - GSH glutathione - HU hydroxyurea - IBR IBR-modified Dulbecco's Eagle's reinforced medium - MN2 micronuclei/2,000 cells - 4-NQO 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide - SHE Syrian hamster embryo fibroblasts; 3H-Thd, 3H-thymidine - TCE 1,1,2-trichloroethylene - UDS unscheduled DNA synthesis  相似文献   
Summary Homology with the mouse bare patches mutant suggests that the gene for the X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punctata / ichthyosis / cataract / short stature syndrome (Happle syndrome) is located in the human Xq28 region. To test this hypothesis, we performed a linkage study in three families comprising a total of 12 informative meioses. Multiple recombinations appear to exclude the Xq28 region as the site of the gene. Surprisingly, multiple crossovers were also found with 26 other markers spread along the rest of the X chromosome. Two-point linkage analysis and analysis of recombination chromosomes seem to exclude the gene from the entire X chromosome. Three different mechanisms are discussed that could explain the apparent exclusion of an X-linked gene from the X chromosome by linkage analysis: (a) different mutations on the X chromosome disturbing X inactivation, (b) metabolic interference, i.e. allele incompatibility of an X-linked gene, and (c) an unstable pre-mutation that can become silent in males. We favour the last explanation, as it would account for the unexpected sex ratio (MF) of 1.21 among surviving siblings, and for the striking clinical variability of the phenotype, including stepwise increases in disease expression in successive generations.  相似文献   
The affinity of amino acid residues to nucleic acids is probed by measurements of melting temperatures tm for the helix–coil transition at various concentrations of amino acid amides. The increase of tm on addition of ligand is described by the equation tm = t*m + αlog(1+Ktcλ), where t*m is the melting temperature in the absence of ligand, cλ the ligand concentration, and Kt the “tm-onset” constant, which is analogous to an equilibrium constant. It is shown that Kt is closely related to the affinity of the ligands to the double helix, whereas the slope α mainly reflects the preference of the ligand binding to the helix versus the coil form. In the case of the amino acid amides, α is found to be virtually independent of the nature of the side chain with few exceptions, e. g., aromatic amides. The tm-onset constant, however, strongly depends on the nature of the amino acid side chain. For simple aliphatic amino acids, the relative free energy of binding decreases with increasing hydrophobic free energy, e.g., a high affinity is found for Gly-amide and a low affinity for Leu-amide. This relation is modified by functional groups like OH in Ser-amide. The helices poly[d(A-T)], ploy[d(I-C)]. and poly[d(A-C)]·poly[d(G-T)] exhibit similar affinity scales with relatively small variations. Our results demonstrate that the hydrophilic character of double helices at their surface disfavors binding of hydrophobic ligands unless special contacts can be formed. From our results we establish an affinity scale for the binding of amino acids to double helices.  相似文献   
The epidermal differentiation complex (EDC) unites a remarkable number of structurally, functionally, and evolutionarily related genes that play an important role in terminal differentiation of the human epidermis. It is localized within 2.05 Mb of region q21 on human chromosome 1. We have identified and characterized 24 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones by mapping individual EDC genes, sequence-tagged site (STS) markers (D1S305, D1S442, D1S498, D1S1664), and 10 new region-specific probes (D1S3619–D1S3628). Here we present a contig that covers about 6 Mb of 1q21 including the entire EDC. Fluorescencein situhybridization on metaphase chromosomes with two YACs flanking the EDC determined its chromosomal orientation and established, in conjunction with physical mapping results, the following order of genes and STSs: 1cen–D1S442–D1S498–S100A10–THH–FLG–D1S1664–IVL–SPRR3–SPRR1–SPRR2–LOR–S100A9–S100A8–S100A7–S100A6–S100A5–S100A4–S100A3–S100A2–S100A1–D1S305–1qtel. These integrated physical, cytogenetic, and genetic mapping data will be useful for linkage analyses of diseases associated with region 1q21 and for the identification of novel genes and regulatory elements in the EDC.  相似文献   
The Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor gene lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (l(2)tid) causes in homozygotes malignant growth of cells of the imaginal discs and the death of the mutant larvae at the time of puparium formation. We describe the molecular cloning of the 1(2)tid+ gene and its temporal expression pattern in the wild-type and mutant alleles. Germ line rescue of the tumor phenotype was achieved with a 7.0 kb Hindlll-fragment derived from the polytene chromosome band 59F5. The l(2)tid+ gene spans approximately 2.5 kb of genomic DNA. The protein coding region, 1,696 bps long, is divided by an intron into two exons. The predicted Tid56 protein contains 518 amino acids and possesses a theoretical molecular weight of 56 kDa. It shows significant homology to all known DnaJ related proteins from bacteria, yeast, and man. The possible function of the Tid56 protein in tumor suppression is delineated. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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