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Modulated differential scanning calorimetry, wide angle x-ray scattering, and environmental scanning electron microscopy were used to investigate the physical and morphological properties of chicory root inulin spray dried under different conditions. When the feed temperature increased up to 80 °C, the average degree of polymerization of the solubilized fraction increased, leading to a higher glass transition temperature (Tg). Above 80 °C, the samples were completely amorphous, and the Tg did not change. The starting material was semicrystalline, and the melting region was composed of a dual endotherm; the first peak subsided as the feed temperature increased up to a temperature of 70 °C, whereas above 80 °C, no melting peak was observed as the samples were completely amorphous. To a lesser extent, the inlet air temperature of 230 °C allowed a higher amorphous content of the samples than at 120–170 °C but induced a blow-out of the particles.  相似文献   
The exogenous small interfering RNA (exo-siRNA) pathway is a key antiviral mechanism in the Aedes aegypti mosquito, a widely distributed vector of human-pathogenic arboviruses. This pathway is induced by virus-derived double-stranded RNAs (dsRNA) that are cleaved by the ribonuclease Dicer 2 (Dcr2) into predominantly 21 nucleotide (nt) virus-derived small interfering RNAs (vsiRNAs). These vsiRNAs are used by the effector protein Argonaute 2 within the RNA-induced silencing complex to cleave target viral RNA. Dcr2 contains several domains crucial for its activities, including helicase and RNase III domains. In Drosophila melanogaster Dcr2, the helicase domain has been associated with binding to dsRNA with blunt-ended termini and a processive siRNA production mechanism, while the platform-PAZ domains bind dsRNA with 3’ overhangs and subsequent distributive siRNA production. Here we analyzed the contributions of the helicase and RNase III domains in Ae. aegypti Dcr2 to antiviral activity and to the exo-siRNA pathway. Conserved amino acids in the helicase and RNase III domains were identified to investigate Dcr2 antiviral activity in an Ae. aegypti-derived Dcr2 knockout cell line by reporter assays and infection with mosquito-borne Semliki Forest virus (Togaviridae, Alphavirus). Functionally relevant amino acids were found to be conserved in haplotype Dcr2 sequences from field-derived Ae. aegypti across different continents. The helicase and RNase III domains were critical for silencing activity and 21 nt vsiRNA production, with RNase III domain activity alone determined to be insufficient for antiviral activity. Analysis of 21 nt vsiRNA sequences (produced by functional Dcr2) to assess the distribution and phasing along the viral genome revealed diverse yet highly consistent vsiRNA pools, with predominantly short or long sequence overlaps including 19 nt overlaps (the latter representing most likely true Dcr2 cleavage products). Combined with the importance of the Dcr2 helicase domain, this suggests that the majority of 21 nt vsiRNAs originate by processive cleavage. This study sheds new light on Ae. aegypti Dcr2 functions and properties in this important arbovirus vector species.  相似文献   
Few studies of natural populations have investigated how phenotypic variation across populations relates to key factors in the environment and landscape structure. In the blue tits of southern France, inter-population differences in reproductive life-history traits (e.g. laying date and clutch size) are small, whatever the timing of maximum caterpillar availability, a key factor for offspring survival in tits. These small differences are attributed to gene flow between local populations occupying different habitat types. In contrast, in blue tits on the island of Corsica, we noted large differences in reproductive life-history traits between two populations, where each population is synchronized with the peak-date of caterpillar abundance. These occur over a short geographical distance (25km). Considering our study within a framework of long-term population studies in tits, our results support the hypothesis that different blue tit populations on Corsica show adaptive differences in life-history traits, and suggest that landscape structure at a small spatial scale can have profound effects on adaptive between-population differentiation in life-history traits that are closely linked with fitness.  相似文献   
Many p53 missense mutations possess dominant-negative activity and oncogenic gain of function. We report that for structurally destabilized p53 mutants, these effects result from mutant-induced coaggregation of wild-type p53 and its paralogs p63 and p73, thereby also inducing a heat-shock response. Aggregation of mutant p53 resulted from self-assembly of a conserved aggregation-nucleating sequence within the hydrophobic core of the DNA-binding domain, which becomes exposed after mutation. Suppressing the aggregation propensity of this sequence by mutagenesis abrogated gain of function and restored activity of wild-type p53 and its paralogs. In the p53 germline mutation database, tumors carrying aggregation-prone p53 mutations have a significantly lower frequency of wild-type allele loss as compared to tumors harboring nonaggregating mutations, suggesting a difference in clonal selection of aggregating mutants. Overall, our study reveals a novel disease mechanism for mutant p53 gain of function and suggests that, at least in some respects, cancer could be considered an aggregation-associated disease.  相似文献   
Blood vessels are part of the stem cell niche in the developing cerebral cortex, but their in vivo role in controlling the expansion and differentiation of neural stem cells (NSCs) in development has not been studied. Here, we report that relief of hypoxia in the developing cerebral cortex by ingrowth of blood vessels temporo‐spatially coincided with NSC differentiation. Selective perturbation of brain angiogenesis in vessel‐specific Gpr124 null embryos, which prevented the relief from hypoxia, increased NSC expansion at the expense of differentiation. Conversely, exposure to increased oxygen levels rescued NSC differentiation in Gpr124 null embryos and increased it further in WT embryos, suggesting that niche blood vessels regulate NSC differentiation at least in part by providing oxygen. Consistent herewith, hypoxia‐inducible factor (HIF)‐1α levels controlled the switch of NSC expansion to differentiation. Finally, we provide evidence that high glycolytic activity of NSCs is required to prevent their precocious differentiation in vivo. Thus, blood vessel function is required for efficient NSC differentiation in the developing cerebral cortex by providing oxygen and possibly regulating NSC metabolism.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Auf Grund der Untersuchung von zahlreichen Stämmen von Drosophila subobscura, die aus Köderfängen in der Natur an verschiedenen Orten in Österreich, Oberitalien, der Schweiz, England und einigen außereuropäischen Ländern abgeleitet worden waren, wurde ein Verzeichnis aller bisher bei dieser Art festgestellten natürlichen Inversionen gegeben, wobei die Anordnung des strukturell homozygoten Stammes Küsnacht als Standardanordnung diente.2. Durch den Vergleich von Stämmen, durch deren Kreuzung mit dem Standardstamm, durch die Ableitung von Inzuchtlinien aus verschiedenem Ausgangsmaterial und deren Kreuzung mit bestimmten Stämmen wurde die Zahl und der Bau der chromosomalen Strukturtypen ermittelt, auf deren Koexistenz in der Population die Mannigfaltigkeit der beobachteten Inversionsbilder beruht.3. Die Verteilung der Inversionen auf die verschiedenen Chromosomen des Satzes ist nicht zufällig. Auch die relative Länge der Inversionen scheint nicht rein zufallsmäßig zu sein.4. Bei den Bruchstellen der Inversionen finden sich auffallend oft Koinzidenzen, bis zu 5 Bruchstellen an einem Ort eines Chromosoms. Wie eine statistische Überlegung zeigt, können diese nicht zufallsmäßig bedingt sein. Es werden einige hypothetische Deutungsmöglichkeiten dieses Phänomens vorgelegt.5. Es wird die phylogenetische Ableitung der Strukturtypen der verschiedenen Chromosomen diskutiert.Mit 7 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
The seasonal development of life-history traits is influenced by many environmental factors. The impact of photoperiodic and non-photoperiodic factors on nest building and egg laying has been rarely investigated in non-domesticated avian species for which long term field data sets are available. Former investigations showed that blue tits originating from geographically close populations in the Mediterranean region do not respond in the same way to photoperiodic factors in semi-natural outdoor conditions. Here we show experimentally that nest building and onset of egg laying in captive blue tits is also proximately influenced by non-photoperiodic factors, including aspects related to aviary characteristics and social interactions between birds of the two sexes originating from different local Mediterranean study populations. In two successive experiments, we show that (1) increasing the volume of the aviary advanced the egg laying period of one specific population by almost 1 month, and (2) crossing pairs of birds from different origins strongly reduced the nest building and egg laying behaviours. These results indicate that obtaining biologically relevant breeding results in captivity with wild birds requires the control and experimental manipulation of a wide array of complex environmental cues.  相似文献   
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