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In a multicentre, randomised, prospective trial 89 patients (67 children and 22 adults) with the minimal change nephrotic syndrome were treated with three intravenous pulses of methylprednisolone followed by low dose oral prednisone for six months (group given methylprednisolone) or with high dose oral prednisone for four weeks followed by low dose oral prednisone for five months (control group). Five patients in the group given methylprednisolone and one in the control group did not respond initially. The time to response was shorter in children treated with methylprednisolone. No significant differences between the two groups were observed in the number of patients who relapsed or number of relapses per patient per year. Patients given methylprednisolone tended to relapse earlier than patients in the control group. Side effects related to treatment were significantly fewer in the group given methylprednisolone than in the control group. These data suggest that a short course of methylprednisolone pulses followed by low dose oral prednisone is only marginally less effective than a regimen of high dose oral steroids but can improve the ratio of risk to benefit associated with treatment of the minimal change nephrotic syndrome.  相似文献   

Brassica rupestris Raf. is a chasmophyte species that includes two subspecies, both endemic to Central-Western Sicily (Italy). Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers were used to detect genetic diversity within and among eight populations representative of the species' distribution range. High levels of genetic diversity were revealed both at the population (PPB = 53.88%, H S = 0.212, Sh = 0.309) and at the species level (PPB = 96.55%, H T = 0.307, Sh = 0.464). The correlation between genetic and geographical distances was negative (Mantel test, r = ?0.06, P < 0.95). The two subspecies of B. rupestris, subsp. rupestris and subsp. hispida, showed remarkable genetic similarity and molecular data did not unequivocally support their distinctness. The pattern of genetic variation revealed by our study bears important consequences for conservation management: It is desirable to preserve B. rupestris populations in situ with a “dynamic” strategy, while, ex situ conservation programmes might be improved to safeguard maximum genetic diversity.  相似文献   
We undertook a 2-year (2002–2004) mark–recapture study to investigate demographic performance and habitat use of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris halicoetes) in the Suisun Marsh. We examined the effects of different wetland types and microhabitats on 3 demographic variables: density, reproductive potential, and persistence. Our results indicate that microhabitats dominated by mixed vegetation or pickleweed (Salicornia spp.) supported similar salt marsh harvest mouse densities, reproductive potential, and persistence throughout much of the year, whereas few salt marsh harvest mice inhabited upland grass-dominated microhabitats. We found that densities were higher in diked wetlands, whereas post-winter persistence was higher in tidal wetlands, and reproductive potential did not differ statistically between wetland types. Our results emphasize the importance of mixed vegetation for providing adequate salt marsh harvest mouse habitat and suggest that, despite their physiognomic and hydrological differences, both diked and tidal wetlands support salt marsh harvest mouse populations by promoting different demographic attributes. We recommend that habitat management, restoration, and enhancement efforts include areas containing mixed vegetation in addition to pickleweed in both diked and tidal wetlands. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Summary Several genes of the achaete-scute complex (ASC) of Drosophila melanogaster encode a 60 amino acids long conserved domain which shares a significant homology with a region of the vertebrate myc proteins. Based on these results, the existence of a family of Drosophila genes that would share both this conserved domain and the neurogenic function of the AS-C has been postulated. To test this proposal, we have searched a D. melanogaster genomic library with a probe that encodes the conserved domain. Only under very low stringency hybridization conditions, clones not belonging to the AS-C cross-hybridized with the probe. Those that gave the strongest signals were characterized. Sequencing of the cross-hybridizing regions showed that they had no significant homology with the conserved domain, the sequence similarity extending at the most for 37 nucleotides. Although our results do not conclusively disprove the existence of a family of AS-C-like genes, they indicate that the conservation of the domain would be lower than that found for shared motifs in other families of Drosophila developmental genes.  相似文献   
The oculogyric nerves contain afferent fibers originating from the ophthalmic territory, the somata of which are located in the ipsilateral semilunar ganglion. These primary sensory neurons project to the Subnucleus Gelatinosus of the Nucleus Caudalis Trigemini, where they make presynaptic contact with the central endings of the primary trigeminal afferents running in the fifth cranial nerve. After complete section of the trigeminal root, the antidromic volleys elicited in the trunk of the third cranial nerve by stimulating SG of NCT consisted of two waves belonging to the A delta and C groups. The area of both components of the antidromic volleys decreased both after bradykinin and hystamine injection into the corresponding cutaneous region and after thermic stimulation of the ipsilateral trigeminal ophthalmic territory. The reduction of such potentials can be explained in terms of collision between the antidromic volleys and those elicited orthodromically by chemical and thermic stimulation. Also, capsaicin applied on the nerve induced an immediate increase, followed by a long lasting decrease, of orthodromic evoked response area. These findings bring further support to the nociceptive nature of the afferent fibers running into the oculomotor nerve.  相似文献   
There is a renewed interest in the structure and functioning of the mitochondrial respiratory chain with the realization that a number of genetic disorders result from defects in mitochondrial electron transfer. These so-called mitochondrial myopathies include diseases of muscle, heart, and brain. The respiratory chain can be fractionated into four large multipeptide complexes, an NADH ubiquinone reductase (complex I), succinate ubiquinone reductase (complex II), ubiquinol oxidoreductase (complex III), and cytochromec oxidase (complex IV). Mitochondrial myopathies involving each of these complexes have been described. This review summarizes compositional and structural data on the respiratory chain proteins and describes the arrangement of these complexes in the mitochondrial inner membrane. This biochemical information is provided as a framework for the diagnosis and molecular characterization of mitochondrial diseases.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms of serotonin (5HT), its precursors tryptophan (TP) and 5-hydroxy-tryptophan (5HTP) and its acid catabolite 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid (5HIAA), were determined in the hypothalamus of control rats and rats which had been treated continuously with subcutaneous imipramine (10 mg/kg/day) for 2 weeks.

Rats were individually housed and entrained to LD12:12. Controls showed the 5HT and TP peaks in the light and dark periods respectively, as reported in the literature, but no inverted correlation (antiphase) between SHT and 5HIAA rhythms.

Imipramine significantly modified circadian rhythm characteristics: the 5HT acrophase was advanced, that of TP and 5HIAA was delayed. Imipramine also significantly increased hypothalamic SHT and TP concentrations.  相似文献   
The two-oscillator model of human circadian rhythmicity was analyzed when a zeitgeber relative intensity of 1, 0.5, or 0.1 was introduced into the equations. Fourier analysis was compared with dynamic analysis such as attractor reconstruction or Liapunov exponent calculation. After a 50 or 90% reduction in zeitgeber intensity, the dynamics of the system became equivalent and differed significantly from those of a system with maximal zeitgeber intensity. When 10% aleatory noise was added to the data, the analysis was still applicable, and the results obtained were essentially the same as in the absence of noise. Dynamic analysis could thus provide a distinct classification for periodic data, based on the type of analysis.  相似文献   
Summary Methods are described which demonstrate the use of unidirectional influx of14C-tetraphenylphosphonium (14C-TPP+) into isolated intestinal epithelial cells as a quantitative sensor of the magnitude of membrane potentials created by experimentally imposed ion gradients. Using this technique the quantitative relationship between membrane potential () and Na+-dependent sugar influx was determined for these cells at various Na+ and -methylglucoside (-MG) concentrations. The results show a high degree of dependence for the transport Michaelis constant but a maximum velocity for transport which is independent of . No transinhibition by intracellular sugar (40mm) can be detected. Sugar influx in the absence of Na+ is insensitive to 1.3mm phlorizin and independent of . The mechanistic implications of these results were evaluated using the quality of fit between calculated and experimentally observed kinetic constants for rate equations derived from several transport models. The analysis shows that for models in which translocation is the potential-dependent step the free carrier cannot be neutral. If it is anionic, the transporter must be functionally asymmetric. A model in which Na+ binding is the potential-dependent step (Na+ well concept) also provides an appropriate kinetic fit to the experimental data, and must be considered as a possible mechanistic basis for function of the system.  相似文献   
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