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For quality assurance purposes, the results of the 1990's obtained by the National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme (NCCSP) launched in 1962 were reviewed. The positive cytodiagnosis, the histologically verified in situ and invasive cervical cancers and the mortality rates were reported.  相似文献   


The main technological impediment to widespread utilization of lignocellulose for the production of fuels and chemicals is the lack of low-cost technologies to overcome its recalcitrance. Organisms that hydrolyze lignocellulose and produce a valuable product such as ethanol at a high rate and titer could significantly reduce the costs of biomass conversion technologies, and will allow separate conversion steps to be combined in a consolidated bioprocess (CBP). Development of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for CBP requires the high level secretion of cellulases, particularly cellobiohydrolases.


We expressed various cellobiohydrolases to identify enzymes that were efficiently secreted by S. cerevisiae. For enhanced cellulose hydrolysis, we engineered bimodular derivatives of a well secreted enzyme that naturally lacks the carbohydrate-binding module, and constructed strains expressing combinations of cbh1 and cbh2 genes. Though there was significant variability in the enzyme levels produced, up to approximately 0.3 g/L CBH1 and approximately 1 g/L CBH2 could be produced in high cell density fermentations. Furthermore, we could show activation of the unfolded protein response as a result of cellobiohydrolase production. Finally, we report fermentation of microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel?) to ethanol by CBH-producing S. cerevisiae strains with the addition of beta-glucosidase.


Gene or protein specific features and compatibility with the host are important for efficient cellobiohydrolase secretion in yeast. The present work demonstrated that production of both CBH1 and CBH2 could be improved to levels where the barrier to CBH sufficiency in the hydrolysis of cellulose was overcome.  相似文献   
Muscle tissue from 63 Synodontis zambezensis collected bimonthly in 2013 at Flag Boshielo Dam were analysed for metals and metalloids in a desktop human health risk assessment. The Hazard Quotient, based on a weekly meal of 67 g of fish muscle, exceeded the maximum acceptable level of one for lead, cobalt, cadmium, mercury, arsenic and selenium. The concentrations of these elements were higher in 2013 than those recorded in 2009 and 2012 in other fish species from Flag Boshielo Dam and these may pose a long-term health risk if consumed regularly by impoverished rural communities reliant on fish as a source of protein.  相似文献   
Tetradecenyl succinic acid (TSA) is the major component of a detergent builder (C12-C14 alkenyl succinic acid), which is inherently biodegradable. 14C-TSA was dosed as a component of sewage sludge into a soil with a history of sludge amendment at final added concentrations of 1.5 and 30 mg (kg soil)-1. In addition, it was dosed to the soil in an aqueous solution to a final added concentration of 30 mg (kg soil)-1. Dose and form were found to have a pronouced effect on the mineralization kinetics. When dosed in a realistic form and concentration (i.e. 1.5 mg (kg soil)-1 as a component of sludge), TSA was mineralized at its highest rate and to its greatest extent, and the mineralization half-life was 2.4 days. When dosed at 30 mg (kg soil)-1 as a component of sludge, mineralization began immediately, and the half-life was 23 days. In contrast, when dosed at this concentration in aqueous solution, the onset of mineralization was preceded by a 13 day lag period and the mineralization half-life was 69 days. Primary biodegradation and mineralization rates of TSA were very similar. Approximately, half the radioactivity was evolved as 14CO2, while the remaining radioactivity became non-extractable, having presumably been incorporated into biomass or natural soil organic matter (humics). This study demonstrated that TSA is effectively removed from sludge-amended soils as a result of biodegradation. Furthermore, it showed the effect that dose form and concentration have on the biodegradation kinetics and the importance of dosing a chemical not only at a relevant concentration but also in the environmental form in which it enters the soil environment.  相似文献   
Invasive species present a major threat to global biodiversity. Understanding genetic patterns and evolutionary processes that reinforce successful establishment is paramount for elucidating mechanisms underlying biological invasions. Among birds, the ring‐necked parakeet (Psittacula krameri) is one of the most successful invasive species, established in over 35 countries. However, little is known about the evolutionary genetic origins of this species and what population genetic signatures tell us about patterns of invasion. We reveal the ancestral origins of populations across the invasive range and explore the potential influence of climate and propagule pressure from the pet trade on observed genetic patterns. Ring‐necked parakeet samples representing the ancestral native range (n = 96) were collected from museum specimens, and modern samples from the invasive range (n = 855) were gathered from across Europe, Mauritius and Seychelles, and sequenced for two mitochondrial DNA markers comprising 868 bp of cytochrome b and control region, and genotyped at 10 microsatellite loci. Invasive populations comprise birds that originate predominantly from Pakistan and northern areas of India. Haplotypes associated with more northerly distribution limits in the ancestral native range were more prevalent in invasive populations in Europe, and the predominance of Asian haplotypes in Europe is consistent with the higher number of Asian birds transported by the pet trade outside the native range. Successful establishment of invasive species is likely to be underpinned by a combination of environmental and anthropogenic influences.  相似文献   


To study the incidence, clinical presentation and outcome of intracranial hemorrhagic complications in adult patients with community associated bacterial meningitis.


Nationwide prospective cohort study from all hospitals in the Netherlands, from 1 March 2006, through 31 December 2010.


Of the 860 episodes of bacterial meningitis that were included, 24 were diagnosed with intracranial hemorrhagic complications: 8 upon presentation and 16 during clinical course. Clinical presentation between patients with or without intracranial hemorrhage was similar. Causative bacteria were Streptococcus pneumoniae in 16 patients (67%), Staphylococcus aureus in 5 (21%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Listeria monocytogenes both in 1 patient (4%). Occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage was associated with death (63% vs. 15%, P<0.001) and unfavorable outcome (94% vs. 34%, P<0.001). The use of anticoagulants on admission was associated with a higher incidence of intracranial hemorrhages (odds ratio 5.84, 95% confidence interval 2.17–15.76).


Intracranial hemorrhage is a rare but devastating complication in patients with community-associated bacterial meningitis. Since anticoagulant therapy use is associated with increased risk for intracranial hemorrhage, physicians may consider reversing or temporarily discontinuing anticoagulation in patients with bacterial meningitis.  相似文献   
Previous studies on flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas (Snell, W. and S. Roseman. 1979. J. Biol. Chem. 254:10820-10829.) have shown that as gametes adhere to flagella isolated from gametes of the opposite mating type, the adhsiveness of the added flagella but not of the gametes is lost. The studies reported here show that the addition of protein synthesis inhibitors (cycloheximide [CH] or anisomycin) to the medium of such cell- flagella mixtures causes the cells to lose their adhesiveness. This loss, however, occurs only after the cells have interacted with 4-8 flagella/cell and does not occur if the cells are kept in CH (7 h) without aggregating. The availability of an impotent (imp) mating type plus (MT(+)) mutant (provided by U.W. Goodenough), which adheres but is unable to undergo the fusion that normally follows adhesion, made it possible to determine whether a similar loss of adhesiveness occurs in mixtures of matting type minus (mt(-)) and imp mt(+) gametes. In the absence of inhibitor, mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes adhered to each other (without fusing) for several hours; however, in the presence of CH or anisomycin, the gametes began to de-adhere 35 min after mixing, and, by 90 min, 100 percent of the cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of cells were single again. This effect was reversible, and the rapid turnover of molecules involved in adhesion occurred only during adhesion inasmuch as gametes pretreated for 4 h with CH were able to aggregate in CH for the same length of time as nonpretreated cells aggregated in CH. By the addition of CH at various times after the mt(-) and imp mt(+) gametes were mixed, measurements were made of the “pool size” of the molecules involved in adhesion. The pool reached a minimum after 25 min of aggregation, rapidly increased for the next 25 min, and then leveled off at the premixing level. These results suggest that flagellar adhesion in chlamydomonas causes modification of surface molecules (receptors, ligands), which brings about their inactivation and stimulates their replacement.  相似文献   
Recently, the study of niche dynamics using spatial environmental data and species occurrences has become an active field of research. Several studies report niche shifts between native and invasive populations, but it is debated whether these shifts are biologically meaningful or result from methodological artefacts. Using data on the occurrence of non-native birds in Europe, we assess the prevalence of niche shifts along a selected number of climatic variables and find that although niche differences are frequent, biological explanations are often not necessary. Niche shifts occurred more frequently along variables that were of little ecological importance in the non-native range, and about 75 % of the shifts detected do not result from range expansion into different environments but only reflect climatic conditions at introduction locations. Excluding variables exhibiting a niche shift increases the accuracy of predictions of invasion risk generated by native-range based distribution models, evidencing that selection of variables is a crucial step when studying niche changes during biological invasions.  相似文献   
A membrane-associated chromate reductase from Thermus scotoductus SA-01 has been purified to apparent homogeneity and shown to couple the reduction of Cr(VI) to NAD(P)H oxidation, with a preference towards NADH. The chromate reductase is a homodimer with a monomeric molecular weight of 48 kDa and a noncovalently bound FAD coenzyme. The enzyme is optimally active at a pH of 6.5 and 65 degrees C with a K(m) of 55.5+/-4.2 microM and a V(max) of 2.3+/-0.1 micromol Cr(VI) min(-1) mg(-1) protein. The catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(m)) of the enzyme was found to be comparable to that found for quinone reductases but more efficient than the nitroreductases. N-terminal sequencing and subsequent screening of a genomic library of T. scotoductus revealed an ORF of 1386 bp, homologous (84%) to the dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase gene of Thermus thermophilus HB8. These results extend the knowledge of chromate reductases mediating Cr(VI) reduction via noncovalently bound or free redox-active flavin groups and the activity of dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenases towards physiologically unrelated substrates.  相似文献   
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