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In isolated rat liver cells, ethanol inhibited gluconeogenesis from xylitol and sorbitol but not from fructose. Acetaldehyde, at initial concentrations of 0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 mm, stimulated gluconeogenesis from xylitol and sorbitol in the absence of pyrazole but inhibited in the presence of pyrazole. There was no effect with fructose. Acetate had no effect. Methylene blue and pyruvate (but not lactate) prevented the stimulatory as well as the inhibitory effects of acetaldehyde. Acetoacetate (but not β3-hydroxybutyrate) prevented, to a large extent, the inhibitory effects of low (but not high) concentrations of acetaldehyde. The inhibition by low concentrations of acetaldehyde appears to be mediated via acetaldehyde oxidation in the mitochondria, whereas the inhibition by high concentrations of acetaldehyde appears to reflect acetaldehyde oxidation in the cytosol. These data indicate that the inhibitory action of ethanol on glucose production from xylitol and sorbitol can be reproduced by physiological concentrations of acetaldehyde. Changes in the NAD+NADH ratio produced during acetaldehyde metabolism appear to be responsible for these effects of acetaldehyde. These changes may contribute to the actions of ethanol on gluconeogenesis from these substrates.  相似文献   
The effect of CGP-12177, originally developed as a radioligand with antagonist properties for binding studies of beta-adrenergic receptors, was investigated in brown adipose tissue. Contrary to expectations, CGP-12177 showed clear agonist properties in experiments with hamster brown-fat cells, with a maximal effect in stimulating oxygen consumption similar to that of the physiological stimulator noradrenaline, and also with a potency similar to that of noradrenaline [EC50 (50% effective concn.) approx. 70 nM]. This value could be contrasted with the very high affinity of CGP-12177 (KD about 1 nM) for ligand-binding sites on the cells. It is therefore suggested that the high-affinity binding site may not be the one that mediates the CGP-12177-stimulated thermogenesis in isolated cells. Also, when injected into cold-adapted rats, CGP-12177 stimulated non-shivering thermogenesis similarly to noradrenaline. This observation, in conjunction with the reported low general sympathomimetic effect of CGP-12177, may indicate that CGP-12177 could be of interest for the development of anti-obesity drugs.  相似文献   
RNA molecules were found to separate into numerous metastable conformational forms upon non-denaturing gel electrophoresis. The equilibration of the conformations was accelerated by heating or mild denaturing conditions. Single-base substitutions in the sequence of the RNAs caused changes in the conformational patterns, including mobility shifts of major and minor conformations, appearance of new conformations and loss of other conformations. This sequence-dependent RNA conformational polymorphism was used to detect point mutations in p53 and, dihydrofolate reductase genes. Sense and anti-sense RNA strands corresponding to the same segment of the p53 gene gave entirely different conformational patterns. To generate the RNA, short regions of the target genes (up to about 250 bp) were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and the resulting DNA segments transcribed to RNA by T7 RNA polymerase. The method is rapid, simple, amenable to non-radioactive visualization and was successful in several cases when DNA single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis (Orita et al. (1989) Genomics 5, 874-879) failed to detect the point mutation.  相似文献   
Treatment of Streptococcus faecium ATCC 9790 with sublytic concentrations of beta-lactam antibiotics revealed two different division blocks in the cell division cycle. One block, induced by N-formimidoyl thienamycin and methicillin, occurred before the completion of chromosome replication, whereas the other, induced by cefoxitin and cephalothin, took place later in the cycle. In addition, these antibiotics gave rise to distinct morphological forms; the antibiotics acting at the earlier block point produced mainly "dumbbells," whereas those affecting the later time formed "lemons." When used in combination N-formimidoyl thienamycin and cefoxitin exerted synergistic killing on this strain. These data suggest that beta-lactam antibiotics have at least two sites of action in S. faecium.  相似文献   
Formaldehyde can be oxidized primarily by two different enzymes, the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase and the cytosolic GSH-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of diethyl maleate or phorone, agents that deplete GSH from the liver, on the oxidation of formaldehyde. The addition of diethyl maleate or phorone to intact mitochondria or to disrupted mitochondrial fractions produced inhibition of formaldehyde oxidation. The kinetics of inhibition of the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase were mixed. Mitochondria isolated from rats treated in vivo with diethyl maleate or phorone had a decreased capacity to oxidize either formaldehyde or acetaldehyde. The activity of the low-Km, but not the high-Km, mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase was also inhibited. The production of CO2 plus formate from 0.2 mM-[14C]formaldehyde by isolated hepatocytes was only slightly inhibited (15-30%) by incubation with diethyl maleate or addition of cyanamide, suggesting oxidation primarily via formaldehyde dehydrogenase. However, the production of CO2 plus formate was increased 2.5-fold when the concentration of [14C]formaldehyde was raised to 1 mM. This increase in product formation at higher formaldehyde concentrations was much more sensitive to inhibition by diethyl maleate or cyanamide, suggesting an important contribution by mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Thus diethyl maleate and phorone, besides depleting GSH, can also serve as effective inhibitors in vivo or in vitro of the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase. Inhibition of formaldehyde oxidation by these agents could be due to impairment of both enzyme systems known to be capable of oxidizing formaldehyde. It would appear that a critical amount of GSH, e.g. 90%, must be depleted before the activity of formaldehyde dehydrogenase becomes impaired.  相似文献   
Crotonaldehyde was oxidized by disrupted rat liver mitochondrial fractions or by intact mitochondria at rates that were only 10 to 15% that of acetaldehyde. Although a poor substrate for oxidation, crotonaldehyde is an effective inhibitor of the oxidation of acetaldehyde by mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, by intact mitochondria, and by isolated hepatocytes. Inhibition by crotonaldehyde was competitive with respect to acetaldehyde, and the Ki for crotonaldehyde was about 5 to 20 microM. Crotonaldehyde had no effect on the oxidation of glutamate or succinate. Very low levels of acetaldehyde were detected during the metabolism of ethanol. Crotonaldehyde increased the accumulation of acetaldehyde more than 10-fold, indicating that crotonaldehyde, besides inhibiting the oxidation of added acetaldehyde, also inhibited the oxidation of acetaldehyde generated by the metabolism of ethanol. Formaldehyde was a substrate for the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, as well as for a cytosolic, glutathione-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase. Crotonaldehyde was a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial oxidation of formaldehyde, but had no effect on the activity of formaldehyde dehydrogenase. In hepatocytes, crotonaldehyde produced about 30 to 40% inhibition of formaldehyde oxidation, which was similar to the inhibition produced by cyanamide. This suggested that part of the formaldehyde oxidation occurred via the mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, and part via formaldehyde dehydrogenase. The fact that inhibition by crotonaldehyde is competitive may be of value since other commonly used inhibitors of aldehyde dehydrogenase are irreversible inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Formaldehyde can be metabolized primarily by two different pathways, one involving oxidation by the low-Km mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase, the other involving a specific, glutathione-dependent, formaldehyde dehydrogenase. To estimate the roles played by each enzyme in formaldehyde metabolism by rat hepatocytes, experiments with acetaldehyde and cyanamide, a potent inhibitor of the low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase were carried out. The glutathione-dependent oxidation of formaldehyde by 100,000g rat liver supernatant fractions was not affected by either acetaldehyde or by cyanamide. By contrast, the uptake of formaldehyde by intact mitochondria was inhibited 75 to 90% by cyanamide. Acetaldehyde inhibited the uptake of formaldehyde by mitochondria in a competitive fashion. Formaldehyde was a weak inhibitor of the oxidation of acetaldehyde by mitochondria, suggesting that, relative to formaldehyde, acetaldehyde was a preferred substrate. In isolated hepatocytes, cyanamide, which inhibited the oxidation of acetaldehyde by 75 to 90%, produced only 30 to 50% inhibition of formaldehyde uptake by cells as well as of the production of 14CO2 and of formate from [14C]formaldehyde. The extent of inhibition by cyanamide was the same as that produced by acetaldehyde (30-40%). In the presence of cyanamide, acetaldehyde was no longer inhibitory, suggesting that acetaldehyde and cyanamide may act at the same site(s) and inhibit the same formaldehyde-oxidizing enzyme system. These results suggest that, in rat hepatocytes, formaldehyde is oxidized by cyanamide- and acetaldehyde-sensitive (low-Km aldehyde dehydrogenase) and insensitive (formaldehyde dehydrogenase) reactions, and that both enzymes appear to contribute about equally toward the overall metabolism of formaldehyde.  相似文献   
Crataegus curvisepala Lindm., C. laevigata (Poiret) DC. and C. monogyna Jacq. (Rosaceae) form hybrid complexes in Denmark due to introgression. C. palmstruchii Lindm. seems to be variously introgressed individuals of C. laevigata. C. eremitagensis Raunk., C. raavadensis Raunk. and C. schumacheri Raunk. apparently belong to C. curvisepala x laevigata. The delimitation between C. curvisepala x laevigata and C. laevigata x monogyna is discussed.  相似文献   
The Escherichia coli gene firA, previously reported to code for a small, histonelike DNA-binding protein, has been cloned and found to reside immediately downstream from skp, a gene previously identified as the firA locus. firA encodes a 36-kDa protein. The mutant firA200(Ts) allele was also cloned and shown to contain three mutations, each mutation giving rise to a single amino acid change. Partially purified wild-type FirA (from a firA+ strain) and mutant FirA [from a firA200(Ts) strain] proteins have amino-terminal sequences predicted from their common DNA sequences. Both proteins lack an N-terminal methionine. Modest overexpression of wild-type or mutant FirA restored wild-type growth to firA200(Ts) strains at 43 degrees C, whereas high-level expression of wild-type FirA was required for more complete suppression of the rifampin sensitivity of firA200(Ts) rpoB double mutants. High-level expression of mutant FirA did not suppress this rifampin sensitivity.  相似文献   
A transient exposure of cell cultures to 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) is sufficient to stimulate DNA synthesis during a subsequent incubation in TPA-free medium. We show that (1) a substantial fraction of TPA remains bound to cultures following a transient exposure to TPA and thorough washing, (2) the ability of TPA to induce DNA synthesis is a function of the amount of TPA bound to cell cultures irrespective of whether it is incubated continuously with cultures or transiently exposed to cultures under various conditions, and that (3) a transient exposure of cultures to phorbol-12-13-dibuytrate (PDB), a mitogenic phorbol ester which binds reversibly to cell cultures, does not stimulate DNA synthesis during a subsequent incubation in PDB-free medium. Therefore the persisting effects of TPA are due to it binding to cultures in a manner resistant to washing and not due to the induction of a stable cellular change prerequisite for mitogenesis. Further, we show that certain combinations of polypeptide growth factors induce DNA synthesis in the absence of any such stable cellular change. Evidence is also presented that the persisting effects on DNA synthesis following transient exposure of cultures to other polypeptide growth factors (e.g., platelet-derived growth factor) reflect tenacious binding rather than induction of a lasting biological event.  相似文献   
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