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Alternaria infectoria E . G . Simmons was isolated from naturally infected eggs of the fig wax scale insect , Ceroplastes rusci L . (Homoptera: Coccidae) , that were showing different degrees of shriveling . This fungus proved to be pathogenic to eggs , nymphs and adults of this pest . The fungus had significant effects on both the mortality and hatchability of the eggs ( P = 0 . 0001) . Three days after exposure to the fungus , nearly one - third (31 . 5%) of the fungus - treated eggs became discolored and 17% showed moderate shrinking but no mortality . Fifteen days post - application , 91% of the fungus - treated eggs were diseased (74 . 8% of them were dead) due to A. infectoria, while no disease developed on the untreated eggs . Hatching decreased by 39 . 6% over a 15 - day period in the fungus - treated eggs compared to the control . Additionally , crawlers hatching from fungus - treated eggs became infected . The fungus seemed to induce crawlers to enter the settling stage . Seventy - two per cent of the fungus - treated crawlers versus 9% of the untreated controls entered the settling stage 6 days after exposure to the fungal inoculum . The highest level of nymphal mortality attributed to A. infectoria occurred when 30% (wet w:v blended mycelium in water containing 0 . 5% w:v Metamucil) inoculum was applied , and a high relative humidity was maintained for the following 48 h . This is the first record of A. infectoria on the fig wax scale and for the genus Alternaria as an entomopatho genic fungus .  相似文献   
Crop growth largely depends on radiation. Radiation is the main impetus for photosynthesis and movement of photosynthates from source to sink. Therefore, identification of the optimum sowing windows and suitable cultivars for efficient utilization of radiation is of prime importance. A field study was conducted in red clay soil during 2014 and 2015 Kharif season and the treatments consisted of three genotypes and three sowing windows by using randomized complete block design with three replications. The effect of genotypes and sowing windows was found significant with respect to number of trifoliate leaves, leaf area ratio, dry matter production, grain numbers, pod length, test weight, grain yield, and stover yield of guar during 2014 as compared to 2015 sown crop. Statistically significant plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and a higher cumulative radiation interception were recorded with 15th August sown crop as compared to other sowing windows. The plant height, number of trifoliate leaves, number of branches, leaf area ratio, absolute growth rate, leaf area index, dry matter, grain number, pod length, grain yield, stover yield and maximum cumulative interception of radiation were significant with RGC-1003 as compared to RGC-936 and HG-365. It is observed that the incident PAR to dry matter accumulation conversion efficiency was varied with cultivars and different sowing windows which ranges from 0.74 g MJ−1 to 0.79 g MJ−1.  相似文献   
In our continuing effort to discover new drug leads from Red Sea marine organisms, a sample of the marine cyanobacterium Moorea producens (previously Lyngbya majuscula) was investigated. Bioassay-directed purification of a tumor cell-growth inhibitory fraction of the organic extract of the Red Sea cyanobacterium afforded a new compound, malyngamide 4 (1), together with five previously reported compounds, malyngamide A (2) and B (3), (S)-7-methoxytetradec-4(E)-enoic acid (lyngbic acid, 4), aplysiatoxin (5) and debromoaplysiatoxin (6). Assignment of the planar structures of these compounds was based on extensive analysis of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectra and high-resolution mass spectrometric data. The isolated compounds were evaluated for their inhibitory activity against three cancer cell lines. In addition, the antibacterial activity of the compounds against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv ATCC 27294 (H37Rv) was evaluated. Lyngbic acid (4) was the most active against M. tuberculosis, while malyngamides 4 (1) and B (3) moderately inhibited the cancer cell lines. The other compounds were deemed inactive at the test concentrations.  相似文献   
Thymoquinone (TQ), obtained from black cumin (Nigella sativa), is a natural product with anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and hepatoprotective effects but unfortunately with poor bioavailability. Aiming to improve its poor oral bioavailability, TQ-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs) were prepared by high-speed homogenization followed by ultrasonication and evaluated in vitro. Bioavailability and pharmacodynamic studies were also performed. The resultant NLCs showed poor physical homogeneity in Compritol 888 ATO Pluronic F127 system which consequently produced larger particle size and polydispersity index, smaller zeta potential values, and lower short-term (30 days) physical stability than other systems. Encapsulation efficiency percentage (EE%) lied between 84.6?±?5% and 96.2?±?1.6%. TQ AUC0–t values were higher in animals treated with NLCs, with a relative bioavailability of 2.03- and 3.97-fold (for F9 and F12, respectively) higher than TQ suspension, indicating bioavailability enhancement by NLC formulation. Hepatoprotective effects of F12 showed significant (P?<?0.05) decrease in both serum alanine amino transferase and aspartate amino transferase to reach 305.0?±?24.88 and 304.7?±?23.55 U/ml, respectively, when compared with untreated toxic group. Anti-oxidant efficacy of F12 showed significant (P?<?0.05) decline of malondialdehyde and elevation of reduced glutatione. This improvement was also confirmed histopathologically.  相似文献   
A new combination of ibuprofen (NSAID) and famotidine (H2 receptor antagonist) was recently approved by the FDA. It was formulated to relief pain while decreasing the risk of ulceration, which is a common problem for patients receiving NSAID. A rapid and simple derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method is proposed for the simultaneous analysis of this combination in their pharmaceutical preparation. The method is based upon measurement of the native fluorescence intensity of the two drugs at λex = 233 nm in acetonitrile. The emission data were differentiated using the first (D1) derivative technique. The plots of derivative fluorescence intensity versus concentration were rectilinear over a range of 2–35 and 0.4–8 µg/mL for both ibuprofen (IBU) and famotidine (FAM), respectively. The method was sensitive as the limits of detection were 0.51 and 0.12 µg/mL and limits of quantitation were 1.70 and 0.39 µg/mL, for IBU and FAM respectively. The proposed derivative emission spectrofluorimetric method was successfully applied for the determination of the two drugs in their synthetic mixtures and tablets with good accuracy and precision. The proposed method was validated as per ICH guidelines. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In Egypt, disposing of partially treated or untreated domestic and industrial wastewater into agricultural drains deteriorates their water quality. A growing interest in effective low-cost treatment of polluted water and wastewater has resulted in many studies on constructed wetlands.This study evaluates free water surface constructed wetlands (by far the largest application project is named “Lake Manzala Engineered Wetland [Egypt]”) utilized to improve the water quality in Bahr El Baqar drain, which is located at the northeastern edge of the Nile Delta. This drain discharges its water into Manzala Lake, which in turn has many fishing activities and is connected to the Mediterranean Sea. The full capacity of the constructed wetland system is 25,000 m3/day. Three various flow rate wetlands were investigated; five wetland beds of high flow rate of 0.344 m3/m2-day, five wetland beds of low flow rate of 0.048 m3/m2-day and reciprocated cells of flow of 500 m3/day.The concentrations of different contaminants along the constructed wetlands system were measured to determine the treatment efficiency. The effluent was compared with the Egyptian standards of water quality in agricultural drains (Law 48/1982). Due to the high percentage of the agricultural water drain, the concentrations of contaminants in the influent were relatively low. The percentages of removal for the different contaminants were BOD5: 52%, COD: 50%, TSS: 87%, TDS: 32%, NH4-N: 66%, PO4: 52%, Fe: 51%, Cu: 36%, Zn: 47% and Pb: 52%. The natural vegetation considerably increased the value of dissolved oxygen in the treated effluent. There were little differences in the removal efficiency between the high and low flow rates beds in the system.  相似文献   
An LCMSMS method was developed and fully validated for the simultaneous quantification of buprenorphine (BUP), norbuprenorphine (NBUP), buprenorphine-glucuronide (BUP-Gluc), and norbuprenorphine-glucuronide (NBUP-Gluc) in 0.5 mL plasma, fulfilling confirmation criteria with two transitions for each compound with acceptable relative ion intensities. Transitions monitored were 468.3 > 396.2 and 468.3 > 414.3 for BUP, 414.3 > 340.1 and 414.3 > 326.0 for NBUP, 644.3 > 468.1 and 644.3 > 396.3 for BUP-Gluc, and 590.3 > 414.3 and 590.3 > 396.2 for NBUP-Gluc. Linearity was 0.1–50 ng/mL for BUP and BUP-Gluc, and 0.5–50 ng/mL for NBUP and NBUP-Gluc. Intra-day, inter-day, and total assay imprecision (%RSD) were <16.8%, and analytical recoveries were 88.6–108.7%. Extraction efficiencies ranged from 71.1 to 87.1%, and process efficiencies 48.7 to 127.7%. All compounds showed ion enhancement, except BUP-Gluc that demonstrated ion suppression: variation between 10 different blank plasma specimens was <9.1%. In six umbilical cord plasma specimens from opioid-dependent pregnant women receiving 14–24 mg/day BUP, NBUP-Gluc was the predominant metabolite (29.8 ± 7.6 ng/mL), with BUP-Gluc (4.6 ± 4.8 ng/mL), NBUP (1.5 ± 0.8 ng/mL) and BUP (0.4 ± 0.2 ng/mL). Although BUP biomarkers can be quantified in umbilical cord plasma in low ng/mL concentrations, the significance of these data as predictors of neonatal outcomes is currently unknown.  相似文献   
Changes in the sucrose metabolism of Cur-cuma longa L. plants were studied under treatment with different triazole compounds viz., triadimefon (TDM) and propiconazole (PCZ). Plants were treated with TDM at 15 mg/L and PCZ at 10 mg/L separately by soil drenching on 80, 110, and 140 days after planting (DAP). The plants were harvested randomly on 90, 120, and 150DAP to determine the effect of both the triazoles on sucrose metabolizing enzymes and phenol content. The sucrose metabolism was studied by analyzing sucrose metaboliz-ing enzymes like sucrose synthase and sucrose phosphate synthase. All the analyses were assayed in leaves and tubers of both control and treated plants. It was found that both of the triazole compounds had profound effects on these parameters.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus terreus, and Penicillium chrysogenum, a tellurium tolerant fungi, are able to grow on sulfur free medium amended with 0.2% (w/v) tellurite. Tellurium was incorporated into several types of low and high molecular weight proteins. The newly detected telluro-proteins contained an extraordinary high level of tellurium, as well as telluro-cysteine, telluro-cystine, telluro-methionine, and serine.  相似文献   
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