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Acetate supplementation in rats increases plasma acetate and brain acetyl-CoA levels. Although acetate is used as a marker to study glial energy metabolism, the effect that acetate supplementation has on normal brain energy stores has not been quantified. To determine the effect(s) that an increase in acetyl-CoA levels has on brain energy metabolism, we measured brain nucleotide, phosphagen and glycogen levels, and quantified cardiolipin content and mitochondrial number in rats subjected to acetate supplementation. Acetate supplementation was induced with glyceryl triacetate (GTA) by oral gavage (6 g/kg body weight). Rats used for biochemical analysis were euthanized using head-focused microwave irradiation at 2, and 4 h following treatment to immediately stop metabolism. We found that acetate did not alter brain ATP, ADP, NAD, GTP levels, or the energy charge ratio [ECR, (ATP + ½ ADP)/(ATP + ADP + AMP)] when compared to controls. However, after 4 h of treatment brain phosphocreatine levels were significantly elevated with a concomitant reduction in AMP levels with no change in glycogen levels. In parallel studies where rats were treated with GTA for 28 days, we found that acetate did not alter brain glycogen and mitochondrial biogenesis as determined by measuring brain cardiolipin content, the fatty acid composition of cardiolipin and using quantitative ultra-structural analysis to determine mitochondrial density/unit area of cytoplasm in hippocampal CA3 neurons. Collectively, these data suggest that an increase in brain acetyl-CoA levels by acetate supplementation does increase brain energy stores however it has no effect on brain glycogen and neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   
In the present contribution, multicomplex-based pharmacophore studies were carried out on the structural proteome of Plasmodium falciparum 1-deoxy-D -xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase. Among the constructed models, a representative model with complementary features, accountable for the inhibition was used as a primary filter for the screening of database molecules. Auxiliary evaluations of the screened molecules were performed via drug-likeness and molecular docking studies. Subsequently, the stability of the docked inhibitors was envisioned by molecular dynamics simulations, principle component analysis, and molecular mechanics-Poisson-Boltzmann surface area-based free binding energy calculations. The stability assessment of the hits was done by comparing with the reference (beta-substituted fosmidomycin analog, LC5) to prioritize more potent candidates. All the complexes showed stable dynamic behavior while three of them displayed higher binding free energy compared with the reference. The work resulted in the identification of the compounds with diverse scaffolds, which could be used as initial leads for the design of novel PfDXR inhibitors.  相似文献   
A wide range of protein acyl modifications has been identified on enzymes across various metabolic processes; however, the impact of these modifications remains poorly understood. Protein glutarylation is a recently identified modification that can be nonenzymatically driven by glutaryl-CoA. In mammalian systems, this unique metabolite is only produced in the lysine and tryptophan oxidative pathways. To better understand the biology of protein glutarylation, we studied the relationship between enzymes within the lysine/tryptophan catabolic pathways, protein glutarylation, and regulation by the deglutarylating enzyme sirtuin 5 (SIRT5). Here, we identify glutarylation on the lysine oxidation pathway enzyme glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase (GCDH) and show increased GCDH glutarylation when glutaryl-CoA production is stimulated by lysine catabolism. Our data reveal that glutarylation of GCDH impacts its function, ultimately decreasing lysine oxidation. We also demonstrate the ability of SIRT5 to deglutarylate GCDH, restoring its enzymatic activity. Finally, metabolomic and bioinformatic analyses indicate an expanded role for SIRT5 in regulating amino acid metabolism. Together, these data support a feedback loop model within the lysine/tryptophan oxidation pathway in which glutaryl-CoA is produced, in turn inhibiting GCDH function via glutaryl modification of GCDH lysine residues and can be relieved by SIRT5 deacylation activity.  相似文献   
This study uses the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) and the National Comorbidity Survey (NCS) to explore the causal relationship between alcohol abuse (binge drinking and clinically defined alcohol use disorders) and suicide attempts among youth. We use an empirical approach that allows one to assess the possible existence and strength of a causal relationship without relying on identifying assumptions. Our results suggest that a causal relationship between binge drinking and suicide attempts is very unlikely. The findings, however, support a causal relationship between clinically defined alcohol use disorders and suicide attempts among girls.  相似文献   


The mal genes that encode maltose transporters have undergone extensive lateral transfer among ancestors of the archaea Thermococcus litoralis and Pyrococcus furiosus. Bacterial hyperthermophiles of the order Thermotogales live among these archaea and so may have shared in these transfers. The genome sequence of Thermotoga maritima bears evidence of extensive acquisition of archaeal genes, so its ancestors clearly had the capacity to do so. We examined deep phylogenetic relationships among the mal genes of these hyperthermophiles and their close relatives to look for evidence of shared ancestry.  相似文献   
We have explored a general approach for the determination of absolute amounts and the relative stoichiometry of proteins in a mixture using fluorescence and mass spectrometry. We engineered a gene to express green fluorescent protein (GFP) with a synthetic fusion protein (GAB-GFP) in Escherichia coli to function as a spectroscopic standard for the quantification of an analogous stable isotope-labeled, non-fluorescent fusion protein (GAB*) and for the quantification and stoichiometric analysis of purified transducin, a heterotrimeric G-protein complex. Both GAB-GFP and GAB* contain concatenated sequences of specific proteotypic peptides that are derived from the alpha, beta, and gamma protein subunits of transducin and that are each flanked by spacer regions that maintain the native proteolytic properties for these peptide fragments. Spectroscopic quantification of GAB-GFP provided a molar scale for mass spectrometric ratios from tryptic peptides of GAB* and defined molar responses for mass spectrometric signal intensities from a purified transducin complex. The stoichiometry of transducin subunits alpha, beta, and gamma was measured to be 1:1.1:1.15 over a 5-fold range of labeled internal standard with a relative standard deviation of 9%. Fusing a unique genetically coded spectroscopic signal element with concatenated proteotypic peptides provides a powerful method to accurately quantify and determine the relative stoichiometry of multiple proteins present in complexes or mixtures that cannot be readily assessed using classical gravimetric, enzymatic, or antibody-based technologies.  相似文献   
Freeze-fracture electron micrographs from degranulating cells show that the lumen of the secretory granule is connected to the extracellular compartment via large (20 to 150 nm diameter) aqueous pores. These exocytotic fusion pores appear to be made up of a highly curved bilayer that spans the plasma and granule membranes. Conductance measurements, using the patch-clamp technique, have been used to study the fusion pore from the instant it conducts ions. These measurements reveal the presence of early fusion pores that are much smaller than those observed in electron micrographs. Early fusion pores open abruptly, fluctuate, and then either expand irreversibly or close. The molecular structure of these early fusion pores is unknown. In the simplest extremes, these early fusion pores could be either ion channel like protein pores or lipidic pores. Here, we explored the latter possibility, namely that of the early exocytotic fusion pore modeled as a lipid-lined pore whose free energy was composed of curvature elastic energy and work done by tension. Like early exocytotic fusion pores, we found that these lipidic pores could open abruptly, fluctuate, and expand irreversibly. Closure of these lipidic pores could be caused by slight changes in lipid composition. Conductance distributions for stable lipidic pores matched those of exocytotic fusion pores. These findings demonstrate that lipidic pores can exhibit the properties of exocytotic fusion pores, thus providing an alternate framework with which to understand and interpret exocytotic fusion pore data.  相似文献   
Aberrant activation or suppression of WNT/β-catenin signaling contributes to cancer initiation and progression, neurodegeneration, and bone disease. However, despite great need and more than 40 years of research, targeted therapies for the WNT pathway have yet to be fully realized. Kinases are considered exceptionally druggable and occupy key nodes within the WNT signaling network, but several pathway-relevant kinases remain understudied and “dark.” Here, we studied the function of the casein kinase 1γ (CSNK1γ) subfamily of human kinases and their roles in WNT signaling. miniTurbo-based proximity biotinylation and mass spectrometry analysis of CSNK1γ1, CSNK1γ2, and CSNK1γ3 revealed numerous components of the β-catenin–dependent and β-catenin–independent WNT pathways. In gain-of-function experiments, we found that CSNK1γ3 but not CSNK1γ1 or CSNK1γ2 activated β-catenin–dependent WNT signaling, with minimal effect on other signaling pathways. We also show that within the family, CSNK1γ3 expression uniquely induced low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein 6 phosphorylation, which mediates downstream WNT signaling transduction. Conversely, siRNA-mediated silencing of CSNK1γ3 alone had no impact on WNT signaling, though cosilencing of all three family members decreased WNT pathway activity. Finally, we characterized two moderately selective and potent small-molecule inhibitors of the CSNK1γ family. We show that these inhibitors and a CSNK1γ3 kinase–dead mutant suppressed but did not eliminate WNT-driven low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein 6 phosphorylation and β-catenin stabilization. Our data suggest that while CSNK1γ3 expression uniquely drives pathway activity, potential functional redundancy within the family necessitates loss of all three family members to suppress the WNT signaling pathway.  相似文献   
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