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In this study, two methods are used to assess the equilibrium and dynamic cell volumes in Rana sylvatica liver tissue during freezing in the presence and absence of a cryoprotectant (glucose). The first is a "two-step" low-temperature microscopy (equilibrium and dynamic) freezing method and the second is a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique. These two techniques were used to study (i) the in vitro architecture of R. sylvatica frog liver tissue and to measure its characteristic Krogh cylinder dimensions; (ii) the "equilibrium" (infinitely slow) cooling behavior and the osmotically inactive cell volume (V(b)) of R. sylvatica liver cells; and (iii) the dynamic water transport response of R. sylvatica liver cells in the presence and absence of the CPA (glucose) at a cooling rate of 5 degrees C/min. Stereological analysis of the slam frozen (>1000 degrees C/min) micrographs led to the determination that 74% of the liver tissue in control frogs was cellular versus 26% that was extracellular (vascular or interstitial). Mapping the stereological measurements onto a standard Krogh cylinder geometry (Model 1) yielded distance between adjacent sinusoid centers, DeltaX = 64 microm; original sinusoid (vascular) radius, r(vo) = 18.4 microm; and length of the Krogh cylinder, L = 0.71 microm (based on an isolated frog hepatocyte cell diameter of 16 microm). A significant observation was that approximately 24% of the frog hepatocyte cells are not in direct contact with the vasculature. To account for the cell-cell contact in the frog liver architecture a modified Krogh cylinder geometry (Model 2) was constructed. In this model (Model 2) a second radius, r(2) = 28.7 microm, was defined (in addition to the original sinusoid radius, r(vo) = 18.4 microm, defined above) as the radius of the membrane between the adjacent cells (directly adjacent to vascular spaces) and embedded cells (removed from vascular spaces). By plotting the two-step equilibrium cooling results on a Boyle-van't Hoff plot, the osmotically inactive cell volume, V(b) was obtained as 0.4. V(o) (where V(o) is the isotonic cell volume). The two-step dynamic micrographs and the heat release measurements from the DSC were used to obtain water transport data during freezing. The DSC technique confirmed that R. sylvatica cells in control liver tissue do not dehydrate completely when cooled at 5 degrees C/min but do so when cooled at 2 degrees C/min.  相似文献   
Iron is vital for almost all organisms because of its ability to donate and accept electrons with relative ease. It serves as a cofactor for many proteins and enzymes necessary for oxygen and energy metabolism, as well as for several other essential processes. Mammalian cells utilize multiple mechanisms to acquire iron. Disruption of iron homeostasis is associated with various human diseases: iron deficiency resulting from defects in the acquisition or distribution of the metal causes anemia, whereas iron surfeit resulting from excessive iron absorption or defective utilization causes abnormal tissue iron deposition, leading to oxidative damage. Mammals utilize distinct mechanisms to regulate iron homeostasis at the systemic and cellular levels. These involve the hormone hepcidin and iron regulatory proteins, which collectively ensure iron balance. This review outlines recent advances in iron regulatory pathways as well as in mechanisms underlying intracellular iron trafficking, an important but less studied area of mammalian iron homeostasis.  相似文献   
The use of cryosurgery in the treatment of uterine fibroids is emerging as a possible treatment modality. The two known mechanisms of direct cell injury during the tissue freezing process are linked to intracellular ice formation and cellular dehydration. These processes have not been quantified within uterine fibroid tumor tissue. This study reports the use of a combination of freeze-substitution microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to quantify freeze-induced dehydration within uterine fibroid tumor tissue. Stereological analysis of histological tumor sections was used to obtain the initial cellular volume (V(o)) or the Krogh model dimensions (deltaX, the distance between the microvascular channels = 15.5 microm, r(vo), the initial radius of the extracellular space = 4.8 micro m, and L, the axial length of the Krogh cylinder = 19.1 microm), the interstitial volume ( approximately 23%), and the vascular volume ( approximately 7%) of the fibroid tumor tissue. A Boyle-van't Hoff plot was then constructed by examining freeze-substituted micrographs of "equilibrium"-cooled tissue slices to obtain the osmotically inactive cell volume, V(b) = 0.47V(o). The high interstitial volume precludes the use of freeze-substitution microscopy data to quantify freeze-induced dehydration. Therefore, a DSC technique, which does not suffer from this artifact, was used to obtain the water transport data. A model of water transport was fit to the calorimetric data at 5 and 20 degrees C/min to obtain the "combined best fit" membrane permeability parameters of the embedded fibroid tumor cells, assuming either a Krogh cylinder geometry, L(pg) = 0.92 x 10(-13) m(3)/Ns (0.55 microm/min atm) and E(Lp) = 129.3 kJ/mol (30.9 kcal/mol), or a spherical cell geometry (cell diameter = 18.3 microm), L(pg) = 0.45 x 10(-13) m(3)/Ns (0.27 microm/min atm) and E(Lp) = 110.5 kJ/mol (26.4 kcal/mol). In addition, numerical simulations were performed to generate conservative estimates, in the absence of ice nucleation between -5 and -30 degrees C, of intracellular ice volume in the tumor tissue at various cooling rates typical of those experienced during cryosurgery (< or =100 degrees C/min). With this assumption, the Krogh model simulations showed that the fibroid tumor tissue cells cooled at rates < or = 50 degrees C/min are essentially dehydrated; however, at rates >50 degrees C/min the amount of water trapped within the tissue cells increases rapidly with increasing cooling rate, suggesting the formation of intracellular ice.  相似文献   
Incomplete understanding of the water transport parameters (reference membrane permeability, L(pg), and activation energy, E(Lp)) during freezing in the presence of extracellular ice and cryoprotective agents (CPAs) is one of the main limiting factors in reconciling the difference between the numerically predicted value and the experimentally determined optimal rates of freezing in boar (and in general mammalian) gametes. In the present study, a shape-independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique was used to measure the water transport during freezing of boar spermatozoa. Water transport data during freezing of boar sperm cell suspensions were obtained at cooling rates of 5 and 20 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and 6% (v/v) glycerol. Using previously published values, the boar sperm cell was modeled as a cylinder of length 80.1 microm and a radius of 0.31 microm with an osmotically inactive cell volume, V(b), of 0.6 V(o), where V(o) is the isotonic cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained data, the best-fit water transport parameters (L(pg) and E(Lp)) were determined. The "combined-best-fit" parameters at 5 and 20 degrees C/min for boar spermatozoa in the presence of extracellular ice are: L(pg) = 3.6 x 10(-15) m(3)/N. s (0.02 microm/min-atm) and E(Lp) = 122.5 kJ/mole (29.3 kcal/mole) (R(2) = 0.99); and the corresponding parameters in the presence of extracellular ice and glycerol are: L(pg)[cpa] = 0.90 x 10(-15) m(3)/N. s (0.005 microm/min-atm) and E(Lp)[cpa] = 75.7 kJ/mole (18.1 kcal/mole) (R(2) = 0.99). The water transport parameters obtained in the present study are significantly different from previously published parameters for boar and other mammalian spermatozoa obtained at suprazero temperatures and at subzero temperatures in the absence of extracellular ice. The theoretically predicted optimal rates of freezing using the new parameters ( approximately 30 degrees C/min) are in close agreement with previously published but experimentally determined optimal cooling rates. This analysis reconciles a long-standing difference between theoretically predicted and experimentally determined optimal cooling rates for boar spermatozoa.  相似文献   
In the present study a shape independent differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique was used to measure the dehydration response during freezing of ejaculated canine sperm cells. Volumetric shrinkage during freezing of canine sperm cell suspensions was obtained at cooling rates of 5 and 10 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and CPAs (6 different combinations of freezing media were used, ranging from a media with no CPAs, and those with 0.5%, 3%, and 6% glycerol and with 0.5% and 3% Me(2)SO). Using previously published data, the canine sperm cell was modeled as a cylinder of length 105.7mum and a radius of 0.32mum with an osmotically inactive cell volume, V(b), of 0.6 V(o), where V(o) is the isotonic cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data the best fit membrane permeability parameters (L(pg) and E(Lp)) were determined. The "combined best fit" membrane permeability parameters at 5 and 10 degrees C/min for canine sperm cells in the absence of CPAs are: L(pg)=0.52x10(-15)m(3)/Ns (0.0029mum/min-atm) and E(Lp)=64.0kJ/mol (15.3kcal/mol) (R(2)=0.99); and the corresponding parameters in the presence of CPAs ranged from L(pg)[cpa]=0.46 to 0.53x10(-15) m(3)/Ns (0.0027-0.0031mum/min-atm) and E(Lp)[cpa]=46.4-56.0kJ/mol (11.1-13.4kcal/mol). These parameters are significantly different than previously published parameters for canine and other mammalian sperm obtained at suprazero temperatures and at subzero temperatures in the absence of extracellular ice. The parameters obtained in this study also suggest that optimal rates of freezing canine sperm cells ranges from 10 to 30 degrees C/min; these theoretical cooling rates are found to be in close conformity with previously published but empirically determined optimal cooling rates.  相似文献   
The trans-Golgi Network (TGN) sorts molecular “addresses” and sends newly synthesized proteins to their destination via vesicular transport carriers. Despite the functional significance of packaging processes at the TGN, the sorting of soluble proteins remains poorly understood. Recent research has shown that the Golgi resident protein Cab45 is a significant regulator of secretory cargo sorting at the TGN. Cab45 oligomerizes upon transient Ca2+ influx, recruits soluble cargo molecules (clients), and packs them in sphingomyelin-rich transport carriers. However, the identity of client molecules packed into Cab45 vesicles is scarce. Therefore, we used a precise and highly efficient secretome analysis technology called hiSPECs. Intriguingly, we observed that Cab45 deficient cells manifest hypersecretion of lysosomal hydrolases. Specifically, Cab45 deficient cells secrete the unprocessed precursors of prosaposin (PSAP) and progranulin (PGRN). In addition, lysosomes in these cells show an aberrant perinuclear accumulation suggesting a new role of Cab45 in lysosomal positioning. This work uncovers a yet unknown function of Cab45 in regulating lysosomal function.  相似文献   
Behavioral and neuropathological changes have been widely investigated in murine prion disease but stereological based unbiased estimates of key neuropathological features have not been carried out. After injections of ME7 infected (ME7) or normal brain homogenates (NBH) into dorsal CA1 of albino Swiss mice and C57BL6, we assessed behavioral changes on hippocampal-dependent tasks. We also estimated by optical fractionator at 15 and 18 weeks post-injections (w.p.i.) the total number of neurons, reactive astrocytes, activated microglia and perineuronal nets (PN) in the polymorphic layer of dentate gyrus (PolDG), CA1 and septum in albino Swiss mice. On average, early behavioral changes in albino Swiss mice start four weeks later than in C57BL6. Cluster and discriminant analysis of behavioral data in albino Swiss mice revealed that four of nine subjects start to change their behavior at 12 w.p.i. and reach terminal stage at 22 w.p.i and the remaining subjects start at 22 w.p.i. and reach terminal stage at 26 w.p.i. Biotinylated dextran-amine BDA-tracer experiments in mossy fiber pathway confirmed axonal degeneration and stereological data showed that early astrocytosis, microgliosis and reduction in the perineuronal nets are independent of a change in the number of neuronal cell bodies. Statistical analysis revealed that the septal region had greater levels of neuroinflammation and extracellular matrix damage than CA1. This stereological and multivariate analysis at early stages of disease in an outbred model of prion disease provided new insights connecting behavioral changes and neuroinflammation and seems to be important to understand the mechanisms of prion disease progression.Key words: prion disease, optical fractionator, neuropathology, behavioral changes, albino Swiss mice  相似文献   
The lipocalin mouse 24p3 has been implicated in diverse physiological processes, including apoptosis, iron trafficking, development and innate immunity. Studies from our laboratory as well as others demonstrated the proapoptotic activity of 24p3 in a variety of cultured models. However, a general role for the lipocalin 24p3 in the hematopoietic system has not been tested in vivo. To study the role of 24p3, we derived 24p3 null mice and back-crossed them onto C57BL/6 and 129/SVE backgrounds. Homozygous 24p3(-/-) mice developed a progressive accumulation of lymphoid, myeloid, and erythroid cells, which was not due to enhanced hematopoiesis because competitive repopulation and recovery from myelosuppression were the same as for wild type. Instead, apoptotic defects were unique to many mature hematopoietic cell types, including neutrophils, cytokine-dependent mast cells, thymocytes, and erythroid cells. Thymocytes isolated from 24p3 null mice also displayed resistance to apoptosis-induced by dexamethasone. Bim response to various apoptotic stimuli was attenuated in 24p3(-/-) cells, thus explaining their resistance to the ensuing cell death. The results of these studies, in conjunction with those of previous studies, reveal 24p3 as a regulator of the hematopoietic compartment with important roles in normal physiology and disease progression. Interestingly, these functions are limited to relatively mature blood cell compartments.  相似文献   
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