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The greening of the upper part of the outerAllium cepa L. bulb scales, in particular along the vascular regions, is limited to the hypodermal cells in which typical leucoplasts are transformed to normal and functional chloroplasts. This process is light dependent and cannot afterwards be reversed or modified by darkness. The changes in fine structure are described and briefly discussed.Dedicated to Prof. DrLothar Geitler on the occasion of his 90th birthday and 55 years after the publication of his Grundriß der Cytologie.  相似文献   
Polystyrene Petri dishes, aminated by a plasma deposition process, were surface modified by the covalent linking of two different enzymatically modified hairy regions (HRs) from pectin containing, for example, rhamnogalacturonan-I and xylogalacturonan structural elements. The two polysaccharide preparations share the same structural elements of apple pectin, but the relative amounts and lengths of the neutral side chains present differ. Surface analysis by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, contact angle measurement, and atomic force microscope (AFM) force-separation curves was used to characterize the effects on surface chemistry and interfacial forces of the surface modification process. Cell adhesion experiments using continuous L-929 fibroblasts and primary aortic smooth muscle cells were performed to evaluate the effect of the polysaccharide nature on cell adhesion. Results show that immobilization of the HR affects the interfacial field of forces and the cell behavior: "equilibrium" contact angles, obtained by a recently introduced vibrational approach, decrease after HR immobilization reaching a value close to 20 degrees . AFM force-separation curves show a more extended (or softer) interface in the case of the HR bearing longer side chains. Accordingly, depending on the HR preparation, cells shifted from spread morphology and adhesion behavior quantitatively comparable to that observed on conventional tissue culture polystyrene to rounded morphology and significantly lower adhesion. These data show that engineering of plant pectins can be a valuable tool to prepare novel and finely tuned polysaccharides having different chemico-physical and biological properties, to be used in the surface modification of medical devices and materials.  相似文献   
Mature larvae of Antheraea assamensis were collected from different locations of Assam to isolate the cellulolytic gut microflora. Altogether sixty cellulase degrading bacteria were isolated on agar plates containing microcrystalline cellulose as the sole carbon source. Among them, ten isolates showed hydrolyzing zone on agar plates containing carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) after staining with Congo-red. Isolate MGB05 exhibited the highest CMCase activity (0.262?U/mL) at 72?h of incubation under submerged condition. FPase and β-glucosidase activity were 0.012?U/mL and 3.71?U/mL respectively. It showed maximum FPase (0.022?U/mL) activity on the 3rd day of incubation in the media containing wheat bran as a carbon source. β-glucosidase production was also found to be highest with wheat bran (20.03?U/mL) at 48?h of incubation. The optimum pH and temperature of FPase activity of MGB05 were found at 6.0 and 50?°C respectively while for β-glucosidase activity, it was maximum at pH?6.0 under 50?°C. In addition, metal ion Mg++ and Ca++ enhanced FPase activity up to 110.92% (0.026?U/mL) and 105.31% (0.025?U/mL) respectively. In-vitro antimicrobial bioassay of the most potent cellulolytic bacteria (MGB05) also showed high antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (2.9?cm) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (3.0?cm). The isolate MGB05 has been identified based on 16S rDNA homology as Bacillus pumilus MGB05 with accession KP298708.2. Results encompass the prospective beneficial role of gut-microflora on digestion and disease resistance, which might be a potential probiotic component to enhance silk productivity.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bei Colpidium campylum treten in der I. meiotdischen Prometa- und Metaphase typische Chromosomentetraden auf, die sich in der I. Anaphase in gewohnter Weise in Dyaden teilen, während lin der II. Anaphase die Chromatiden getrennt werden. Grundsätzlich ähnlich verhält sich Euplotes charon und wahrscheinlich Vorticella sp.In den somatischen Mitosen sind die Chromosomen völlig maskiert oder wahrscheinlich als distinkte morphologische Gebilde ülberhaupt nicht vorhanden (wohl aber müssen ihre Chromonemen, wenn auch abweichend spiralisiert, vorhanden sein). Was in der Literatur als Chromosomen bezeichnet wurde, sind keine Chromosomen, sondern Chromosomenaggregate. Ihre Entstehung läßt sich besonders deutlich bei Oxytrichiden verfolgen. Bei anderen Arten zeigen die postmeiotische Teilung und die metagamen Teilungen ein intermediäres Verhalten zwischen Meiose und somatischer Mitose und vermitteln so das Verständnis der für sich allein kaum richtig interpretierbaren somatischen Mitose. Die abweichenden chromosomalen Verhältnisse in der somatischen Mitose lassen sich weiters unter Zuhilfenahme einer besonderen Spindelmechanik und sonstiger beobachtbarer Umstände in bestimmter Weise deuten.Diese Verhältnisse finden sich grundsätzlich bei allen echten Ciliaten wieder. Bei Chilodon uncinatus sind jedoch auch die meiotischen Chromosomen maskiert. Die in der Literatur angegebenen Zahlen 2 bzw. 4 beziehen sich nicht auf Chromosomen, sondern auf Chromosomenaggregate, deren Zahl ebensowenig wie bei anderen Ciliaten konstant ist.Vergleichende stichprobenweise Beobachtungen an anderen Ciliaten zeigen, daß die Ergebnisse für alle gelten: in der somatischen Mitose treten keine Chromosomen auf. Die bisher als Chromosomen bezeichneten Gebilde sind nicht die Chromosomen; ihre leicht beobachtbare Querteilung stellt daher kein Problem dar. Dien Schlüssel zum Verständnis liefert in allen Fällen die Meiose, von der aus die Mitose zu interpretieren ist.Die Ciliatenkerne, im besonderen auch die Makronuklei, zeigen hinsichtlich der Ausbildung von Eu- und Heterochromatin und hinsichtlich der nuklealen Färbbarkeit starke Unterschiede, deren genauere Untersuchung vermutlich sehr aufschlußreich wäre.  相似文献   
The results of investigations on the development of chromoplast fine structures in various plants are reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the specific pigment-containing structures and their development during chromoplast formation. There is a large variety of these structures, although four fundamental types can be discerned. These are plastoglobules, membranes, crystals, and tubules. During chromoplast development, various types of structure follow one after the other, or they may even be present simultaneously in the same chromoplast. Depending on the structures present in chromoplasts their pigment content also varies. It is still not clear whether the type of structure defines the pigment content of the chromoplast or vice-versa. Various possible ways of chromoplast development and dedifferentiation are discussed.  相似文献   
Although many studies have documented variation in the amount of venom expended during bites of venomous snakes, the mechanistic source of this variation remains uncertain. This study used experimental techniques to examine how two different features of the venom delivery system, the muscle surrounding the venom gland (the Compressor Glandulae in the rattlesnake) and the fang sheath, could influence venom flow in the western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox. Differential contraction of the Compressor Glandulae explained only approximately 30% of the variation in venom flow. Lifting (compression) of the fang sheath as occurs during a normal strike produced marked increases in venom flow; these changes were closely correlated and exceed in magnitude by almost 10 x those recorded from the Compressor Glandulae alone. These results suggest that variation in these two aspects of the venom delivery system--both in terms of magnitude and temporal patterning--explain most of the observed variation in venom injection. The lack of functional or mechanical links between the Compressor Glandulae and the fang sheath, and the lack of skeletal or smooth muscle within the fang sheath, make it unlikely that variation in venom flow is under direct neural control. Instead, differential venom injection results from differences in the pressurization by the Compressor Glandulae, the gate keeping effects of the fang sheath and enclosed soft-tissue chambers, and by differences in the pressure returned by peripheral resistance of the target tissue.  相似文献   
Much of our knowledge on the function of proteins is deduced from their mature, folded states. However, it is unknown whether partially synthesized nascent protein segments can execute biological functions during translation and whether their premature folding states matter. A recent observation that a nascent chain performs a distinct function, co-translational targeting in vivo, has been made with the Escherichia coli signal recognition particle receptor FtsY, a major player in the conserved pathway of membrane protein biogenesis. FtsY functions as a membrane-associated entity, but very little is known about the mode of its targeting to the membrane. Here we investigated the underlying structural mechanism of the co-translational FtsY targeting to the membrane. Our results show that helices N2–4, which mediate membrane targeting, form a stable folding intermediate co-translationally that greatly differs from its fold in the mature FtsY. These results thus resolve a long-standing mystery of how the receptor targets the membrane even when deleted of its alleged membrane targeting sequence. The structurally distinct targeting determinant of FtsY exists only co-translationally. Our studies will facilitate further efforts to seek cellular factors required for proper targeting and association of FtsY with the membrane. Moreover, the results offer a hallmark example for how co-translational nascent intermediates may dictate biological functions.  相似文献   
Summary Vicia faba callus line (VFS 1), isolated from expiants of immature embryo, grew satisfactorily onMurashige andSkoog complete medium with 1.38 M 2,4-D, or with 0.92 M 2,4-D to which 1.0 M kinetin was added. It also grew well on the B 5 modified medium containing 2.3 M 2,4-D and 25.0 M kinetin. On the last of these media the cultures grew more uniformly and without necrosis. They also showed diminishing variation in polyploidy in favour of diploids and corresponding aneuploids (hypodiploids).After being cultured for nearly three years on MS containing 1.38 M 2,4-D, 8–33% of cultures of VFS 1 were able to regenerate roots when transferred to either MS half strength with 5.37 M NAA, or to a medium without 2,4-D, or else to media with the addition of kinetin only (in various concentrations).  相似文献   
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