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A set of chimaeric precursors which contain the same leader sequences but different passenger proteins has been analyzed for the site of protease cleavage following import into yeast mitochondria. Each precursor comprises the leader of Neurospora crassa subunit 9 of mitochondrial ATP synthase fused to subunit 8 or 9 of the corresponding yeast enzyme. Precursors containing the first five residues of mature N. crassa subunit 9 interposed between the leader and the yeast passenger protein were cleaved at the natural site of the N. crassa subunit 9 precursor. Direct fusions without interposed sequences were cleaved at novel sites. Cleavage occurred between the 3rd and 4th residues of yeast subunit 8, but for yeast subunit 9, cleavage occurred within the leader, 8 residues upstream of the passenger protein.  相似文献   
Summary The characteristics of recombination of several petite (rho -) mutants of S. cerevisiae that retain the -influenced region of the mitochondrial genome, identified by the markers cap1-r, ery1-r and tsr1, are described. The petites were derived from an grande (rho +) strain and those petites which retain all three markers show recombination properties similar to those of the - parental strain. However, other rho - mutants that retain the cap1 and ery1 loci but have lost the tsr1 locus, which is located between cap1 and ery1, show markedly different properties of mitochondrial transmission and recombination, consistent with the presence of + alleles. The association of an internal deletion between the cap1 and ery1 loci with a change in phenotype provides additional evidence for the location of between these two loci.Although the petites deleted for the tsr1 locus exhibited the recombination properties of + strains, it was not possible to transmit this characteristic to rho + recombinant cells. Experiments on the kinetics of elimination by ethidium bromide of the cap1 and eryl markers from the petites and measurements of the buoyant densities of their mtDNA species did not indicate major changes (such as selective sequence repetition) in the sequences of the mtDNAs. The possible nature of the changes in the mtDNAs of these petites is discussed in light of recent studies on the physical nature of the alleles.  相似文献   
Summary An enrichment procedure which facilitates the isolation of conditional respiratory-deficient mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is reported. Detailed genetic analysis of one mutant which exhibits a respiratory deficient phenotype at low temperature (18°C) is also presented. The phenotype is due to a single lesion at a new locus, tsr1, located on the mitochondrial DNA. By analysis of locus retention patterns in a set of physically characterized petite strains, the tsr1 mutation has been mapped within the segment 0–5 map units on the physical map of the yeast mitochondrial genome. This segment of the mitochondrial DNA also contains the cap1 and ery1 loci and the cistron for the mitochondrial 21S rRNA. Studies of the frequencies of co-retention of markers in petite populations, and of the frequencies of recombination of markers in non-polar crosses (+ × +), demonstrate linkage of the tsr1 locus to both the cap1 and ery1 loci. The degree of linkage indicates that tsr1 is closer to the ery1 locus. Comparison of pairwise recombination frequencies for these three markers indicate the order cap1-tsr1-ery1. The tsr1 locus lies within the segment of the mitochondrial genome which is influenced by the polarity locus , and analysis of transmission and recombination frequencies and polarities in a polar (+ × -) cross show that the behaviour of the tsr1 locus is similar to that of ery1. However striking features of this cross are that the recombination frequency between tsr1 and ery1 is comparable to that observed in non-polar crosses, and that the polarity for recombination between tsr1 and cap1 or ery1 is extremely low.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA from a petite mutant of yeast carrying an oligomycin resistance determinant has been ligated in vitro to 2 μm yeast plasmid DNA. The recombinant DNA so produced has been used to transform an oligomycin sensitive strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to oligomycin resistance at a frequency approaching 50 times the spontaneous mutation rate to oligomycin resistance. The majority of transformants showed genetic properties suggesting that recombination between the transforming DNA and the resident mtDNA has occurred. The properties of a subclass of oligomycin resistance transformants suggested that in these cells the transforming DNA has not become stably integrated into the mitochondrial genome of the recipient cell.  相似文献   
Cellular degradative processes including proteasomal and vacuolar/lysosomal (autophagic) degradation, as well as the activity of proteases (both cytosolic and mitochondrial), provide for a continuous turnover of damaged and obsolete macromolecules and organelles. Mitochondria are organelles essential for respiration and oxidative energy production in aerobic cells; they are also required for multiple biosynthetic pathways. As such, mitochondrial homeostasis is very important for cell survival. We review the evidence regarding the possible mechanisms for mitochondrial degradation. Increasingly, the evidence suggests autophagy plays a central role in the degradation of mitochondria. How mitochondria might be specifically selected for autophagy (mitophagy) remains an open question, although some evidence suggests that, under certain circumstances, in mammalian cells the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition (MPT) plays a role in initiation of the process. As more is learned about the functioning of autophagy as a degradation process, the greater the appreciation we are developing concerning its role in the control of mitochondrial degradation.  相似文献   
Alternaria alternata is a common fungal parasite on fruits and other plants and produces a number of mycotoxins, including alternariol (3,7,9-trihydroxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo [b,d]pyran-6-one), alternariol monomethyl ether (3,7-dihydroxy-9-methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-one), and the mutagen altertoxin I {[1S-(1α,12aβ,12bα)] 1,2,11,12,12a, 12b-hexahydro-1,4,9,12a-tetrahydroxy-3,10-perylenedione}. Alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether have previously been detected in some samples of fruit beverages. Stability studies of these toxins as well as altertoxin I added to fruit juices and wine (10–100 ng/mL) were carried out. To include altertoxin I in the analysis, cleanup with a polymer-based Varian Abselut solid phase extraction column was used, as recoveries from C-18 columns were low. The stabilities of alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether in a low acid apple juice containing no declared vitamin C were compared with those in the same juice containing added vitamin C (60 mg/175 ml); there were no apparent losses at room temperature over 20 days or at 80°C after 20 min. in either juice. Altertoxin I was moderately stable in pH 3 buffer (75% remaining after a two week period). Furthermore, altertoxin I was stable or moderately stable in three brands of apple juice tested over 1–27 day periods and in a sample of red grape juice over 7 days. It is concluded that altertoxin I is sufficiently stable to be found in fruit juices and should be included in methods for alternariol and alternariol monomethyl ether.  相似文献   
Rhizosphere is the complex place of numerous interactions between plant roots, microbes and soil fauna. Whereas plant interactions with aboveground organisms are largely described, unravelling plant belowground interactions remains challenging. Plant root chemical communication can lead to positive interactions with nodulating bacteria, mycorriza or biocontrol agents or to negative interactions with pathogens or root herbivores. A recent study1 suggested that root exudates contribute to plant pathogen resistance via secretion of antimicrobial compounds. These findings point to the importance of plant root exudates as belowground signalling molecules, particularly in defense responses. In our report,2 we showed that under Fusarium attack the barley root system launched secretion of phenolic compounds with antimicrobial activity. The secretion of de novo biosynthesized t-cinnamic acid induced within 2 days illustrates the dynamic of plant defense mechanisms at the root level. We discuss the costs and benefits of induced defense responses in the rhizosphere. We suggest that plant defense through root exudation may be cultivar dependent and higher in wild or less domesticated varieties.Key words: root exudates, plant defense, t-cinnamic acid, fusarium, induced defensePlants grow and live in very complex and changing ecosystems. Because plants lack the mobility to escape from attack by pathogens or herbivores, they have developed constitutive and in addition inducible defenses that are triggered by spatiotemporally dynamic signaling mechanisms. These defenses counteract the aggressor directly via toxins or defense plant structures or indirectly by recruitment of antagonists of aggressors. Whereas induced defenses are well described in aboveground interactions, evidence of the occurrence of such mechanisms in belowground interactions remains limited. The biosynthesis of a defensive molecule could be both constitutive and inducible with a low level of a preformed pool (Fig. 1). In addition, upon encounter of an attacking organism, those levels could be induced to rise locally to a high level of active compound that is able to disarm the pathogen.2,3 Only a few examples show that root exudates play a role in induced plant defense. Hairy roots of Ocimum basilicum secrete rosmarinic acid only when challenged by the pathogenic fungus Pythium ultimum.4 Wurst et al.5 reported on the induction of irridoid glycosides in root exudates of Plantago lanceolata in presence of nematodes. In vivo labelling experiments2 with 13CO2 showed the induction of phenolic compounds secreted by barley roots after Fusarium graminearum infection and the de novo biosynthesis of root secreted t-cinnamic acid within 2 days. These results show that the pool of induced t-cinnamic acid originated from both pre-formed and newly formed carbon pools (Fig. 1), highlighting a case of belowground induced defense inside and outside the root system.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Suggested mechanisms for the induction of root defense exudates in barley in response to Fusarium attack. Upon pathogen attack by Fusarium, the initial preformed pool of phenolic compounds is increased by the addition of inducible, de novo biosynthesized t-cinnamic acid. Both, the preformed pool and the de novo biosynthesized pool fuel the exudation of defense compounds from infected roots.The concept of fitness costs is frequently presented to explain the coexistence of both constitutive and induced defense.6 In the case of induced defense, resources are invested in defenses only when the plant is under attack. In the absence of an infection, plants can optimize allocation of their resources to reproduction and growth to compete with neighbours.7 Constitutive defenses are thought to be more beneficial when the probability of attack is high, whereas adjustable, induced defenses are more valuable to fight against an unpredictable pathogen. Non disturbed soil is a heterogeneous matrix where biodiversity is very high and patchy8,9 and organism motility is rather restricted.10 As a consequence of the patchiness, belowground environment is expected to be favourable to selection for induced responses.11 The absence of defense root exudates between two infections may form an unpredictable environment for soil pathogens and reduce the chance for adaptation of root attackers. Plants may also use escape strategies to reduce the effect of belowground pathogens. Henkes et al. (unpublished) showed that Fusarium-infected barley plants reduced carbon allocation towards infected roots within a day and increased allocation carbon to uninfected roots. These results illustrate how reallocation of carbon toward non infected root parts represents a way to limit the negative impact of root infection.We have demonstrated the potential of barley plants to defend themselves against soil pathogen by root exudation.2 Even the barley cultivar ‘Barke’ used in our study, a modern cultivated variety, was able to launch defense machinery via exudation of antimicrobial compounds when infected by F. graminearum. We suggest that plant defense through root exudation might be cultivar dependent and perhaps higher in wild or less domesticated varieties. Taddei et al.12 reported that constitutivelyproduced root exudates from a resistant Gladiolus cultivar inhibit spore germination of Fusarium oxysporum whereas root exudates from a susceptible cultivar do not affect F. oxysporum germination. Root exudates from the resistant cultivar contained higher amounts of aromaticphenolic compounds compared to the susceptible cultivar and these compounds may be responsible for the inhibition of spore germination. Metabolic profiling of wheat cultivars, ‘Roblin’ and ‘Sumai3’, respectively, susceptible and resistant to Fusarium Head Blight, showed that t-cinnamic acid was a discriminating factor responsible for resistance/defense function.13 Therefore it is likely that wild barley varieties hold higher defense capacities compare to cultivated varieties selected for high yield. In the future, plant breeders in organic and low-input farming could use root-system defense ability as new trait in varietal variation.  相似文献   
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