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松辽盆地阿尔必期微体浮游植物新属种   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
该文描述了松辽盆地中白垩世阿尔必期泉头组三段的微体浮游植物化石1新属7新种,隶属于微咸水沟鞭藻类2属5新种(含4新亚种),淡水绿藻1属1种和疑源类1新属1新种。并对沟鞭藻 Ngktericysta Bint,1986进行了修订。  相似文献   
黑龙江宁安盆地穆棱组及其孢粉型组合新发现   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
黑龙江宁安盆地是一个具有油气勘探远景的中小型盆地,主要目的层为下白垩统。新发现了一套相当于邻区穆棱组的地层,孢粉化石十分丰富,建立了5个孢粉组合带,通过对两口石油探井生物地层的研究,建立了该舅地新的地层层序,并对穆棱组的时代和沉积环境进行了讨论。  相似文献   
据我们在北京和内蒙古等地多年研究表明,黄芪的植食性种子小蜂包括广肩小蜂科Bruchophagus属5种和金小蜂科Habrocytus属1种,为多种混合群体。我们通过大量标本的形态比较以及交配行为的观察,结合其生物学特性研究以及应用扫描电镜对其并胸腹节花纹的超微结构观察,鉴定出黄芪种子里有5种广肩种子小蜂,即黄芪种子小蜂Bruchophagus huonchi Liao et Fan及本文的4新种。  相似文献   
松辽盆地白垩纪微体浮游植物群及其环境讨论   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
该文报道了松辽盆地白垩纪丰富的非海相微体浮游植物群,主要是沟鞭藻类及一些绿藻和疑源类;论述了藻类的生物地层特征,自下而上初步划分出10个组合带;结合微量元素和古地磁等资料,较详细地讨论了含微体浮游植物组段的沉积环境,认为松辽盆地在白垩纪至少遭受过两次重要的海侵(分别在青山口组一段及嫩江组一、二段沉积时期),导致古松辽湖泊五种不同水体环境的演替,指出微体浮游植物组合的变化是受古盐度、古温度和古水深等因素控制的。此外,对有关组段的地质时代也进行了讨论,进一步补充了新的浮游植物化石证据。  相似文献   
Variations in markers of adolescent self-organization predict a range of economic and health-related outcomes in general population studies. Using a population-based birth cohort study we investigated associations between adolescent self-organization and two common factors over adulthood influencing health, smoking and alcohol consumption. The MRC National Survey of Health and Development (the British 1946 birth cohort) was used to test associations between a dimensional measure of adolescent self-organization derived from teacher ratings, and summary longitudinal measures of smoking and alcohol consumption over the ensuing five decades. Multinomial regression models were adjusted for sex, adolescent emotional and conduct problems, occupational social class of origin, childhood cognition, educational attainment and adult occupational social class. With all covariates adjusted, higher adolescent self-organization was associated with fewer smoking pack years, although not with quitting; there was no association with alcohol consumption across adulthood (none or heavy compared with light to moderate). Adolescent self-organization appears to be protective against smoking, but not against heavy alcohol consumption. Interpretation of this differential effect should be embedded in an understanding of the social and sociodemographic context in which these health behaviours occur over time.  相似文献   
RNA干扰在疾病治疗上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是一种双链RNA分子在mRNA水平上引发的特异性基因沉默现象。RNAi在基因治疗方面表现出了光明的前景,已成功地应用于多种疾病的临床治疗。本文主要介绍了RNAi在疾病治疗上的应用及研究进展。  相似文献   
脉叶罗汉松化学成分的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从脉叶罗汉松(Podocarpus neriifolius D.Don)的枝叶中分离到11种化合物,根据光谱数据和物理常数测定,分别鉴定为正三十四烷醇(1)、β-谷甾醇硬脂酸酯(2)、β-谷甾醇(3)、金松双黄酮(sciadopitysin,3)、罗汉松双黄酮 B(podocarpusflavone B,12)、罗波斯塔黄酮-7″-甲醚(robustaflavone-7″-methyl ether,13)罗汉松双黄酮 A(podocarpusflaveone A,14)、罗波斯塔黄酮(robustaflavone,15)、对羟基苯甲酸(p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid,16)、2″-O-鼠李糖扫帚黄甙(2″-O-rhamnosylscoparin,23)和2″-O-鼠李糖牡荆黄甙(2″-O-rhamnosylvitexin,24)。其中,化合物23和24为首次从罗汉松科分得的化合物,化合物8、13和15首次从该植物分离到。  相似文献   


Differences in circulating concentrations of antiangiogenic factors sFlt1 and soluble endoglin (sEng) and the pro-angiogenic growth factor PlGF are reported to precede the onset of preeclampsia weeks to months in low-risk pregnant women. The objective of this study was to investigate whether similar changes can be detected in pregnant women at high-risk to develop the syndrome.


This study is a secondary analysis of the NICHD MFMU trial of aspirin to prevent preeclampsia in high-risk pregnancies. Serum samples were available from 194 women with pre-existing diabetes, 313 with chronic hypertension, 234 with multifetal gestation, and 252 with a history of preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy. Samples collected across pregnancy were analyzed in a blinded fashion for sFlt1, sEng and PlGF.


The odds of developing preeclampsia were significantly increased among women with multiple fetuses for each 2-fold elevation in sFlt1, sEng and the ratio of angiogenic factors (e.g. OR 2.18, 95% CI 1.46-3.32), and significantly decreased for each 2-fold elevation in circulating PlGF (OR 0.50, 95% CI 0.30-0.82) between 7 and 26 weeks'' gestation. Cross-sectional analysis of the angiogenic factors across gestation showed significant differences during the third trimester in women who develop preeclampsia compared with appropriate controls in all high-risk groups. However, when data were examined in relation to the gestational week when preeclampsia was diagnosed only sFlt1 was significantly higher 2 to 5 weeks before the clinical onset of preeclampsia and only in women with previous preeclampsia.


The pattern of elevated concentrations of sFlt1 and sEng, and low PlGF in high-risk pregnant subjects who develop preeclampsia is similar to that reported in low-risk pregnant women. However, differences in these factors among high-risk women who do and do not develop preeclampsia are modest, and do not appear to be clinically useful predictors in these high-risk pregnant women.  相似文献   
抽穗期是水稻(Oryza sativa)品种的重要农艺性状之一,适宜的抽穗期是获得理想产量的前提。鉴定和定位水稻抽穗期基因/QTL,分析其遗传效应对改良水稻抽穗期至关重要。以籼稻品种9311(Oryzasativa ssp.indica‘Yangdao 6’)为受体,粳稻品种日本晴(Oryza sativa ssp.japonica‘Nipponbare’)为供体构建的94个染色体片段置换系群体为材料,以P≤0.01为阈值,对置换片段上的抽穗期QTL进行了鉴定。采用代换作图法共定位了4个控制水稻抽穗期的QTL,分别位于第3、第4、第5和第8染色体;QTL的加性效应值变化范围为–6.4––2.7,加性效应百分率变化范围为–6.4%––2.7%;qHD-3和qHD-8加性效应值较大,表现主效基因特征。为了进一步定位qHD-3和qHD-8,在目标区域加密16对SSR引物,qHD-3和qHD-8分别被界定在第3染色体RM3166–RM16206之间及第8染色体RM4085–RM8271之间,其遗传距离分别为13.9cM和6.4cM。研究结果为利用分子标记辅助选择改良水稻抽穗期奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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