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Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) are pluripotent cells that have indefinite replicative potential and the ability to differentiate into derivatives of all three germ layers. hESCs are conventionally grown on mitotically inactivated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) or feeder cells of human origin. In addition, feeder-free culture systems can be used to support hESCs, in which the adhesive substrate plays a key role in the regulation of stem cell self-renewal or differentiation. Extracellular matrix (ECM) components define the microenvironment of the niche for many types of stem cells, but their role in the maintenance of hESCs remains poorly understood. We used a proteomic approach to characterize in detail the composition and interaction networks of ECMs that support the growth of self-renewing hESCs. Whereas many ECM components were produced by supportive and unsupportive MEF and human placental stromal fibroblast feeder cells, some proteins were only expressed in supportive ECM, suggestive of a role in the maintenance of pluripotency. We show that identified candidate molecules can support attachment and self-renewal of hESCs alone (fibrillin-1) or in combination with fibronectin (perlecan, fibulin-2), in the absence of feeder cells. Together, these data highlight the importance of specific ECM interactions in the regulation of hESC phenotype and provide a resource for future studies of hESC self-renewal.  相似文献   
In recent years, there is a continuously growing interest in the development of biosensors for rapid, simple and inexpensive DNA tests suitable for the small laboratory or for on-site testing. Detection is accomplished through electrochemical, optical or gravimetric transduction. We report on the development of disposable dipstick-type DNA biosensors that employ oligonucleotide-decorated colored polystyrene microspheres as reporters and enable visual detection of DNA sequences without the use of instrumentation. The biosensors have been designed to detect DNA molecules that contain both, a biotin moiety and a segment that is complementary to the oligonucleotide attached on the surface of blue or red microspheres. Capture of the hybrids by immobilized streptavidin at the test zone results in the formation of a colored line. The biosensors were applied to: (a) detection of single-stranded DNA, (b) detection of PCR-amplified double-stranded DNA and (c) genotyping of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). The results were compared with sensors based on gold nanoparticle reporters. It is also demonstrated that the microspheres offer the potential for multicolor detection of specific DNA sequences.  相似文献   
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is more prevalent among the elderly Caucasians than in Africans. A significant association between light iris colour, fundus pigmentation and incidence of AMD is reported, suggesting a possible correlation with melanin pigment. Zinc is known to bind to melanin in pigmented tissues and to enhance antioxidant capacity by function as a cofactor or gene expression factor of antioxidant enzymes in the eye. In this in vitro study, we investigated the uptake and storage of zinc in human irides. Irides of blue and brown human eyes were used. The number of melanocytes was measured. Tissues without any treatment served as controls. The irides were incubated with 100 microM zinc chloride in culture medium for 24 h. Specimens of the tissues were stored for the uptake examination. The remained pieces were further incubated for 3 and 7 d to investigate the storage of zinc. The concentration of zinc was measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Melanocytes count was significantly higher in the brown tissues (P < 0.0001). Zinc concentration of blue coloured irides after 24 h zinc treatment was close to the controls. We did not observe any significant storing. In contrast, the concentration of zinc in brown irides was significantly increased after 24 h (P < or = 0.01) and remained at a high level for 7 d. The uptake of zinc is likely dependent on the amount of pigmentation in human iris. Therefore, we assume that in patients suffering from AMD the degree of pigmentation of the irides and eventually fundi should be under consideration when the patients are treated with zinc supplementation.  相似文献   
Cells of the PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cell line acquire characteristics of sympathetic neurons under appropriate treatment. Stably transfected PC12 cells expressing individual alpha2-adrenergic receptor (alpha2-AR) subtypes were used to assess the role of alpha2-ARs in neuronal differentiation and to characterise the signalling pathways activated by the alpha2-AR agonist epinephrine in these cells. The effects of alpha2-AR activation were compared with the differentiating action and the signalling mechanisms of nerve growth factor (NGF). Epinephrine induced neuronal differentiation of PC12alpha2 cells through alpha2-AR activation in a subtype-dependent manner, internalization of all human alpha2-AR subtypes, and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and the serine-threonine protein kinase Akt. Epinephrine and NGF showed synergism in their differentiating effects. The MAPK kinase (MEK-1) inhibitor PD 98059 abolished the differentiating effect of epinephrine indicating that the differentiation is dependent on MAPK activation. Activating protein-1 (AP-1) DNA-binding activity was increased after epinephrine treatment in all three PC12alpha2 subtype clones. Evaluation of the potential physiological consequences of these findings requires further studies on endogenously expressed alpha2-ARs in neuronal cells.  相似文献   
The insulin resistance-colon cancer hypothesis, stating that insulin resistance may be associated with the development of colorectal cancer, represents a significant advance in colon cancer, as it emphasizes the potential for this cancer to become a modifiable disease. The fact that the incidence of insulin resistance has been increasing in the United States and much of the rest of the Western world where colon cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer death makes the exploration of the interrelationship of these conditions a subject of high priority. Here, we review the salient features of insulin resistance, defined as impaired biological response to the action of insulin. Recent epidemiological studies, evaluating potential associations between colon cancer risk and diabetes mellitus, dietary intake and metabolic factors, and IGF levels in several clinical settings, provide strong support of the insulin resistance-colon cancer hypothesis (without establishing causality). Mechanistically, insulin resistance has been associated with hyperinsulinemia, increased levels of growth factors including IGF-1, and alterations in NF-kappaB and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor signaling, which may promote colon cancer through their effects on colonocyte kinetics. It is a reasonable expectation that in the not too distant future, critical interventions to the already mapped molecular sequence of events, which link two apparently disparate entities, combined with lifestyle changes could abrogate the development of colon cancer.  相似文献   
The phenological pattern of flowering at the community level was studied in a Greek phryganic ecosystem near Athens for 4 consecutive years. Flowering is strongly seasonal: 80% of the insect-pollinated flora, which consists of 133 species, blooms between February and June. There is a variably expressed secondary flowering period in autumn. The pollinating fauna follows a strongly correlated pattern of abundance. Two types of plants were distinguished: pauciflorous species bearing <10 flowers that are large compared to the plant body, and multiflorous species with many small flowers. Pauciflorous species flower in the winter half of the year, while multiflorous species flower mainly in the summer half. The mean flower life spans are 9 and 3 days, respectively. The duration of flowering (DF) for each species is 55 days on average, which is long compared to other communities. The DF shows year-to-year variations, concomitant with the vicissitudes of the climate. The start of flowering of a species is statistically correlated with the temperature in the previous month, not with rainfall; its end date of flowering only partly compensates for the time gained or lost. DF is maximal in winter. The average flower life span of species flowering at any given date varies strongly and independently of the average DF. We tested the hypothesis that flowering phenology is set by phylogenetic and life form constraints. This could not be corroborated for phylogeny, evidently because of the overriding influence of the mediterranean climate, and probably also for biogeographical reasons. In contrast, life forms and multiflorous and pauciflorous species show strong differences. Many (51) of the species are therophytes; we tested the hypothesis that because of their annual habit they would be more dependent on pollination than perennials. Thus we anticipated that therophytic species would be differentiated from perennials in their flowering phenologies. This is not corroborated. We therefore conclude that the seed bank plays a role that is analogous to that of a perennial plant body.  相似文献   
We examine the spatial pattern of woody species diversity at different scales, in two sites of Mt. Holomontas in northern Greece, which falls within the transitional zone between temperate forests and Mediterranean-type ecosystems. We investigate how diversity is distributed in space and whether the perceived pattern changes with the scale of observation. We use two different metrics of diversity: species richness and species turnover. Our main finding is that the spatial pattern of diversity changes with the scale of observation or analysis. For a given scale, the pattern of species richness (alpha diversity) is negatively correlated with the pattern of species turnover (beta diversity). Species-rich areas have more species in common with their neighbors than species-poor areas. The between-scale disparity of the spatial pattern of diversity may be a general feature of ecological systems. For this to be validated, studies with different groups of species in different biomes and in different biogeographical areas are required; our study contributes to this direction providing evidence that this holds true for woody species in Mediterranean communities. Finally, we discuss how these findings might affect important issues in theoretical and applied ecology, such as identifying the environmental factors driving biodiversity.  相似文献   
The gradual release of the ligand 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (3,4-DHBA) from its molybdenum complex in the presence of ascorbic acid (AscA) in a weakly acidic aqueous solution (pH ∼ 3.5) is described. We observed that the formation of the 3,4-DHBA-semiquinone oxidation state and the semidehydroascorbate is a pre-requisite for the release of the 3,4-DHBA ligand. The interaction of these radicals leads at the same time to the further degradation of AscA resulting in, among other compounds, threonic acid which participates in the reaction with molybdenum. The comparison of the complexing ability indicated that threonic acid competes with protocatechuate, while ascorbic acid is a less good ligand for the Mo(VI). Solution studies on the reaction mechanism were performed by cyclic voltammetry, NMR spectroscopy and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Isolated precipitates were investigated by NMR spectroscopy. The antioxidant properties of 3,4-DHBA and AscA were also compared using the stable radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH).  相似文献   
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