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The present study was conducted to explore the possible effects of different doses of lithium carbonate on thyroid functions, erythrocyte oxidant–antioxidant status, and osmotic fragility. Twenty-four Wistar-type male rats were equally divided into three groups: groups I and II received 0.1 and0.2 % lithium carbonate in their drinking water, respectively, for 30 days. The rats in group III served as controls, drinking tap water without added lithium. At the end of the experimental period, the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and the levels of triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and glutathione (GSH) were measured in blood samples. Compared to controls, there was a statistically significant increase of TSH but decreases of the T3 and T4 levels in group II. Both experimental groups showed a statistically significant increase of the maximum osmotic fragility limit. The minimum osmotic fragility values of the animals in group II were statistically higher than those of controls. The standard hemolytic increment curve of both experimental groups was shifted to the right when compared to the curve obtained from the controls. Also, relative to controls, the activities of MDA and SOD were significantly higher and the GSH level lower in group II, but not so in group I. The results of the present study show that treatment with lithium carbonate may result in thyroid function abnormalities, increased oxidative damage, and possible compromise of the erythrocyte membrane integrity resulting from increased osmotic fragility.  相似文献   
Here, we study the evolution of specialization using realistic computer simulations of bacteria that secrete two public goods in a dynamic fluid. Through this first‐principles approach, we find physical factors such as diffusion, flow patterns and decay rates are as influential as fitness economics in governing the evolution of community structure, to the extent that when mechanical factors are taken into account, (a) generalist communities can resist becoming specialists despite the invasion fitness of specialization; (b) generalist and specialists can both resist cheaters despite the invasion fitness of free‐riding; and (c) multiple community structures can coexist despite the opposing force of competitive exclusion. Our results emphasize the role of spatial assortment and physical forces on niche partitioning and the evolution of diverse community structures.  相似文献   
Various molecular and cellular processes are involved in renal fibrosis, such as oxidative stress, inflammation, endothelial cell injury, and apoptosis. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are implicated in the progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Our aim was to evaluate changes in urine and serum HSP levels over time and their relationships with the clinical parameters of CKD in children. In total, 117 children with CKD and 56 healthy children were examined. The CKD group was followed up prospectively for 24 months. Serum and urine HSP27, HSP40, HSP47, HSP60, HSP70, HSP72, and HSP90 levels and serum anti-HSP60 and anti-HSP70 levels were measured by ELISA at baseline, 12 months, and 24 months. The urine levels of all HSPs and the serum levels of HSP40, HSP47, HSP60, HSP70, anti-HSP60, and anti-HSP70 were higher at baseline in the CKD group than in the control group. Over the months, serum HSP47 and HSP60 levels steadily decreased, whereas HSP90 and anti-HSP60 levels steadily increased. Urine HSP levels were elevated in children with CKD; however, with the exception of HSP90, they decreased over time. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that CKD progression is a complicated process that involves HSPs, but they do not predict CKD progression. The protective role of HSPs against CKD may weaken over time, and HSP90 may have a detrimental effect on the disease course.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12192-021-01239-9.  相似文献   
Echinococcosis, also known as hydatid disease or hydatidosis, is a zoonotic illness caused by the larval form of Echinococcus spp. It is highly prevalent in areas where the parasite is endemic such as the Mediterranean region. However, occurrence of echinococcosis and cancer together is rare. We treated and followed approximately 1200 patients with different hematologic neoplastic diseases between 1985 and 2003, and only one of these individuals had concomitant acute leukemia and liver hydatidosis. This report describes the case of a 19-year-old man who had both primary refractoriness of acute leukemia (AML-M4) and liver hydatidosis. Management is discussed. The patient had cystic echinococcosis (CE) of the liver that was classified as CE1 according to the system established by the World Health Organization's Informal Working Group on Echinococcosis. The patient underwent 3 months of treatment with agents that targeted the leukemia (daunorubicin, idarubicin, cytarabine, fludarabine) and its complications (amphotericin B, amphotericin B lipid complex, liposomal amphotericin B). Throughout this period, the size and the contents of the cyst did not change, Echinococcus titers remained unchanged, and the cyst classification remained CE1.  相似文献   
Isoniazid (INH) has neurotoxic effects such as seizure, poor concentration, subtle reduction in memory, anxiety, depression and psychosis. INH-induced toxic effects are thought to be through increased oxidative stress, and these effects have been shown to be prevented by antioxidant therapies in various organs. Increased oxidative stress may be playing a role in these neurotoxic effects. N-methyl D-aspartat receptors (NMDA) are a member of the ionotropic group of glutamate receptors. These receptors are involved in a wide variety of processes in the central nervous system including synaptogenesis, synaptic plasticity, memory and learning. Erdosteine is a potent antioxidant and mucolytic agent. We aimed to investigate adverse effects of INH on rat hippocampal NMDAR receptors, and to elucidate whether erdosteine prevents possible adverse effects of INH. In the present study, compared to control group, NMDAR2A (NR2A) receptors were significantly decreased and malondialdehyde (MDA), end product of lipid peroxidation, production was significantly increased in INH-treated group. On the other hand, administration of erdosteine to INH-treated group significantly increased NR2A receptors and decreased MDA production. In conclusion, decreasing NR2A receptors in hippocampus and increasing lipid peroxidation correlates with the degree of oxidative effects of INH and erdosteine protects above effect of INH on NR2A receptors and membrane damage due to lipid peroxidation by its antioxidant properties.  相似文献   
During vertebrate embryogenesis, a left-right axis is established. The heart, associated vessels and inner organs adopt asymmetric spatial arrangements and morphologies. Secreted growth factors of the TGF-beta family, including nodal, lefty-1 and lefty-2, play crucial roles in establishing left-right asymmetries [1] [2] [3]. In zebrafish, nodal signalling requires the presence of one-eyed pinhead (oep), a member of the EGF-CFC family of membrane-associated proteins [4]. We have generated a mutant allele of cryptic, a mouse EGF-CFC gene [5]. Homozygous cryptic mutants developed to birth, but the majority died during the first week of life because of complex cardiac malformations such as malpositioning of the great arteries, and atrial-ventricular septal defects. Moreover, laterality defects, including right isomerism of the lungs, right or left positioning of the stomach and splenic hypoplasia were observed. Nodal gene expression in the node was initiated in cryptic mutant mice, but neither nodal, lefty-2 nor Pitx2 were expressed in the left lateral plate mesoderm. The laterality defects observed in cryptic(-/-) mice resemble those of mice lacking the type IIB activin receptor or the homeobox-containing factor Pitx2 [6] [7] [8] [9], and are reminiscent of the human asplenic syndrome [10]. Our results provide genetic evidence for a role of cryptic in the signalling cascade that determines left-right asymmetry.  相似文献   
Anaerobic threshold which describes the onset of systematic increase in blood lactate concentration is a widely used concept in clinical and sports medicine. A deflection point between heart rate-work rate has been introduced to determine the anaerobic threshold non-invasively. However, some researchers have consistently reported a heart rate deflection at higher work rates, while others have not. The present study was designed to investigate whether the heart rate deflection point accurately predicts the anaerobic threshold under the condition of acute hypoxia. Eight untrained males performed two incremental exercise tests using an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer: one breathing room air and one breathing 12 % O2. The anaerobic threshold was estimated using the V-slope method and determined from the increase in blood lactate and the decrease in standard bicarbonate concentration. This threshold was also estimated by in the heart rate-work rate relationship. Not all subjects exhibited a heart rate deflection. Only two subjects in the control and four subjects in the hypoxia groups showed a heart rate deflection. Additionally, the heart rate deflection point overestimated the anaerobic threshold. In conclusion, the heart rate deflection point was not an accurate predictor of anaerobic threshold and acute hypoxia did not systematically affect the heart rate-work rate relationships.  相似文献   
Copper is an essential trace element with various biological functions. Excess copper, however, is extremely toxic, leading to many pathological conditions that are consistent with oxidative damage to membranes and molecules. Exposure to high levels of copper results in various changes in the tissues. In liver, hypertrophy of hepatocytes, hepatitis, hepatocellular necrosis, and hepatocellular death are the results. Lipid peroxidation causes dysfunction in the cell membrane, decreased fluidity, inactivation of receptors and enzymes, and changes ion permeability. In this study, we aimed to determine the effect of copper on oxidative and antioxidative substances in plasma and liver tissue in a rat model. Sixteen male Sprague—Dawley rats were divided into two groups: Group 1 rats included control rats given tap water. Group 2 rats were given water containing copper in a dose of 100 μg/mL. All rats were sacrificed at 4 wk under ether anesthesia. Plasma and liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, plasma and liver MDA (malondialdehyde) levels, and liver glutathione (GSH) levels were studied. Plasma and liver SOD activities were found to be higher in group 2 than those in group 1. Although plasma MDA levels were higher in group 2, MDA levels in liver tissues were comparable. Liver tissue glutathione levels were lower in group 2. It was concluded that although copper is needed in trace amounts, an excess amount is toxic for the organism. It increases lipid peroxidation and depletes GSH reserves, which makes the organism more vulnerable to other oxidative challenges.  相似文献   
The antifungal activities of volatile phase effects of essential oils from Origanum onites, O. syriacum, O. minutiflorum, O. vulgare, O, marjorana, Thymus vulgaris, T. serpyllum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis and Micromeria fruticosa were evaluated for their ability to inhibit growth of three vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs) of Verticillium dahliae. Carvacrol was the main component of O. onites, O. minutiflorum and O. vulgare essential oils, while γ-terpinene was the main component of O. syriacum. P-cymene and thymol were the dominant component of T. vulgaris and T. serpyllum. β- thujone and l-camphor were the main component of S. officinalis. Polegone and isomenthone were the dominant components of M. fruticosa essential oil. Based on the in vitro test, the degree of fungistatical effects can be ranked in the following order of inhibition: O. syriacum = O. onites = O. minutiflorum = O. vulgare = T. vulgaris > T. serpyllum > M. fruticosa > S. officinalis = O. marjorana > R. officinalis. The essential oils of S. officinalis, O. marjorana and R. officinalis displayed moderate antifungal activity, that increased with increasing concentrations. Among the VCGs, VCG2A and VCG4B were found to be highly sensitive to the essential oils. The essential oils of O. syriacum, O. onites, O. minutiflorum, O. vulgare and T. vulgaris were the most efficacious, demonstrating strong antifungal activity against all of the tested VCGs of V. dahliae at relatively low concentrations and they could find practical application as natural fungicides in the prevention and protection of plants from V. dahliae infections.  相似文献   
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