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The Drosophila compound entire second chromosome, C(2)EN, displays paternal transmission well below Mendelian expectations (NOVITSKI et al. 1981). Because C(2)EN stocks also show higher-than-expected rates of zygotic lethality, it was proposed that this reduced paternal inheritance might be wholly or partially due to postfertilization events. Efforts to investigate this phenomenon have been hampered because the progeny of crosses between C(2)EN-bearing individuals and those with normal karyotypes die during embryogenesis. We have circumvented this obstacle by employing fluorescence in situ hybridization to directly karyotype early embryos from crosses involving C(2)EN-bearing individuals. This analysis reveals that the distortion in paternal transmission is established before fertilization. Moreover, measurement of the sperm ratios within both the male and female reproductive organs demonstrates that C(2)EN-bearing sperm are selectively lost after sperm transfer to the female and before storage of sperm in the seminal receptacles and spermathecae. Our results are consistent with a model of meiotic drive in which aberrations occuring early in meiosis lead ultimately to sperm dysfunction.  相似文献   
For most organisms, chromosome segregation during meiosis relies on deliberate induction of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and repair of a subset of these DSBs as inter-homolog crossovers (COs). However, timing and levels of DSB formation must be tightly controlled to avoid jeopardizing genome integrity. Here we identify the DSB-2 protein, which is required for efficient DSB formation during C. elegans meiosis but is dispensable for later steps of meiotic recombination. DSB-2 localizes to chromatin during the time of DSB formation, and its disappearance coincides with a decline in RAD-51 foci marking early recombination intermediates and precedes appearance of COSA-1 foci marking CO-designated sites. These and other data suggest that DSB-2 and its paralog DSB-1 promote competence for DSB formation. Further, immunofluorescence analyses of wild-type gonads and various meiotic mutants reveal that association of DSB-2 with chromatin is coordinated with multiple distinct aspects of the meiotic program, including the phosphorylation state of nuclear envelope protein SUN-1 and dependence on RAD-50 to load the RAD-51 recombinase at DSB sites. Moreover, association of DSB-2 with chromatin is prolonged in mutants impaired for either DSB formation or formation of downstream CO intermediates. These and other data suggest that association of DSB-2 with chromatin is an indicator of competence for DSB formation, and that cells respond to a deficit of CO-competent recombination intermediates by prolonging the DSB-competent state. In the context of this model, we propose that formation of sufficient CO-competent intermediates engages a negative feedback response that leads to cessation of DSB formation as part of a major coordinated transition in meiotic prophase progression. The proposed negative feedback regulation of DSB formation simultaneously (1) ensures that sufficient DSBs are made to guarantee CO formation and (2) prevents excessive DSB levels that could have deleterious effects.  相似文献   

Several different species of freshwater Bryozoa, belonging to the genera Plumatella, Rumarcanella and Fredericella, were detected within the Northern Mallee Pipeline (NMP) system in Victoria, Australia, that required definitive identification. These organisms produce asexual buds called statoblasts, with valves composed of sclerotised chitin that bear minute micro-ornamentations of considerable taxonomical significance. Imaging and analysis of these distinctive micro-ornamentations using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is often employed for species identification. Meticulous preparation of statoblast samples is therefore required that necessitates the removal of adhering debris, dehydration and drying—whilst mitigating specimen damage and distortion. This technical note describes an approach whereby each of these three steps have been individually designed to be as benign as possible, using mild detergent/sonication to remove debris, a gradual and gentle dehydration procedure using ethanol, and critical point drying. For the overall process, these methods are chosen to optimise control and to minimise the use of harsh and hazardous chemicals.  相似文献   
Specific interactions of chromatin with the nuclear envelope (NE) in early embryos of Drosophila melanogaster have been mapped and analyzed. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, the three-dimensional positions of 42 DNA probes, primarily to chromosome 2L, have been mapped in nuclei of intact Drosophila embryos, revealing five euchromatic and two heterochromatic regions associated with the NE. These results predict that there are approximately 15 NE contacts per chromosome arm, which delimit large chromatin loops of approximately 1-2 Mb. These NE association sites do not strictly correlate with scaffold-attachment regions, heterochromatin, or binding sites of known chromatin proteins. Pairs of neighboring probes surrounding one NE association site were used to delimit the NE association site more precisely, suggesting that peripheral localization of a large stretch of chromatin is likely to result from NE association at a single discrete site. These NE interactions are not established until after telophase, by which time the nuclear envelope has reassembled around the chromosomes, and they are thus unlikely to be involved in binding of NE vesicles to chromosomes following mitosis. Analysis of positions of these probes also reveals that the interphase nucleus is strongly polarized in a Rabl configuration which, together with specific targeting to the NE or to the nuclear interior, results in each locus occupying a highly determined position within the nucleus.  相似文献   


The three trypanosomatids pathogenic to men, Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major, are etiological agents of Chagas disease, African sleeping sickness and cutaneous leishmaniasis, respectively. The complete sequencing of these trypanosomatid genomes represented a breakthrough in the understanding of these organisms. Genome sequencing is a step towards solving the parasite biology puzzle, as there are a high percentage of genes encoding proteins without functional annotation. Also, technical limitations in protein expression in heterologous systems reinforce the evident need for the development of a high-throughput reverse genetics platform. Ideally, such platform would lead to efficient cloning and compatibility with various approaches. Thus, we aimed to construct a highly efficient cloning platform compatible with plasmid vectors that are suitable for various approaches.  相似文献   
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibitors represent a relatively new therapeutic approach in the field of antiplatelet therapy. Following the development of abciximab a number of small molecule GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors have been introduced such as tirofiban and eptifibatide. In this fast-moving field the interventional cardiologist needs a framework to guide decision-making for the individual patient. This review covers the efficacy and safety data from the clinical trials of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors in the context of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for unstable angina/non-Q-wave myocardial infarction. There is an increasing body of evidence to support the efficacy of GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors in reducing the risk of adverse ischemic events in high and low risk patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. A number of unresolved efficacy and safety issues remain, including the duration of treatment before and after intervention; whether a reduction in the heparin dose would further decrease the risk of hemorrhage without affecting the periprocedural thrombotic rate in patients undergoing PTCA with adjunctive GPIIb/IIIa inhibitors; and the cost-effectiveness of this therapy. When a thorough analysis of cost-effectiveness has been made, it will be easier to advocate the widespread use of these agents in all patients undergoing coronary intervention.  相似文献   
The 6th European Meiosis Workshop, sponsored by EMBO and organized by Franz Klein of the University of Vienna, met in mid-September. More than 150 participants who have not discovered anything more interesting than sex gathered in a bucolic Alpine valley near the town of Obertraun, Austria, surrounded by granite massifs.  相似文献   
Faithful segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis requires pairing, synapsis, and crossing-over. In C.?elegans, homolog pairing and synapsis depend on pairing centers (PCs), special regions near one end of each chromosome that interact with the nuclear envelope (NE) and cytoplasmic microtubules. Here, we report that PCs are required for nuclear reorganization at the onset of meiosis. We demonstrate that PCs recruit the Polo-like kinase PLK-2 to induce NE remodeling, chromosome pairing, and synapsis. Recruitment of PLK-2 is also required to mediate a cell cycle delay and selective apoptosis of nuclei containing unsynapsed chromosomes, establishing a molecular link between these two quality control mechanisms. This work reveals unexpected functions for the conserved family of Polo-like kinases, and advances our understanding of how meiotic processes are properly coordinated to ensure transmission of genetic information from parents to progeny.  相似文献   
Homologous chromosome pairing and synapsis are prerequisite for accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis. Here, we show that a family of four related C2H2 zinc-finger proteins plays a central role in these events in C. elegans. These proteins are encoded within a tandem gene cluster. In addition to the X-specific HIM-8 protein, three additional paralogs collectively mediate the behavior of the five autosomes. Each chromosome relies on a specific member of the family to pair and synapse with its homolog. These "ZIM" proteins concentrate at special regions called meiotic pairing centers on the corresponding chromosomes. These sites are dispersed along the nuclear envelope during early meiotic prophase, suggesting a role analogous to the telomere-mediated meiotic bouquet in other organisms. To gain insight into the evolution of these components, we characterized homologs in C. briggsae and C. remanei, which revealed changes in copy number of this gene family within the nematode lineage.  相似文献   
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