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Rabbit myelin basic protein (BP) was subjected to partial cleavage with plasmin, and 15 cleavage products were isolated by a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Their identification was achieved by amino acid analysis and tryptic peptide mapping, supplemented in some instances by carboxy-terminal analyses with carboxypeptidases A, B, and Y and amino-terminal analyses with dipeptidyl aminopeptidase I. The results showed that major plasmic cleavage sites included the Lys89-Asn90, Lys133-Ser134, and Lys153-Leu154 bonds. Cleavages also occurred at the Arg31-His32, Lys53-Arg54, and Arg25-His26 bonds, but these appeared to be less extensive. A large number of additional peptides were produced in relatively low yield. The smaller of these were isolated from heterogeneous fractions by high-voltage electrophoresis-TLC. Amino acid analysis of these peptides showed that minor cleavage sites included the Arg9-His10, Lys13-Tyr14, Lys103-Gly104, Lys137-Gly138, Lys140-Gly141, and Arg160-Ser161 bonds. In spite of a lower selectivity toward peptide bonds in BP as compared with pepsin, cathepsin D, and thrombin, plasmin has the advantage over the former proteinases in that it does not cleave at or near the Phe44-Phe45 bond. Instead it cleaves at the Arg31-His32 and Lys53-Arg54 bonds, thus preserving the entire hydrophobic sequence Ile-Leu-Asp-Ser-Ile-Gly-Arg-Phe-Phe as well as short sequences to either side.  相似文献   
A technique has been outlined for identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures of CNS proteins. Myelin basic proteins can be recognized easily by high cathodic mobility at low pH, a unique electrophoretic pattern exhibited at high pH and a characteristic colour when complexed with Amido black. The major protein extracted at pH 3·0 from either brain or spinal cord is myelin basic protein. In the low pH electrophoretic pattern of these extracts it is the most conspicuous component and the component migrating farthest cathodically; it does not appear in comparable electrophoretic patterns of liver extracts. Guinea pig myelin basic protein appears as a single dense blue-green band in low pH electrophoretic patterns, in contrast to the other proteins which are stained greyish-blue or greyish-purple by Amido black. The pattern of rat myelin basic protein is similar except that it consists of a pair of dense blue-green bands. A third characteristic which facilitates the identification of myelin basic proteins in mixtures is a considerable cathodic mobility and electrophoretic heterogeneity at pH 10·6. Most other basic CNS proteins barely penetrate the gel at this pH. We have also examined in detail the behaviour of two other components of pH 3·0 extracts which migrate close to myelin basic protein at low pH. Both are present in pH 3·0 extracts of liver and brain but not of spinal cord, and both stain grey instead of blue-green, a characteristic which readily distinguishes them from myelin basic protein. Neither of these components affects the characteristic pattern of microheterogeneity observed in high pH electrophoretograms of myelin basic proteins. One of these components has been purified and tentatively identified as lysine-rich histone F1.  相似文献   
Guinea pig and bovine myelin basic proteins were chemically cleaved at the carboxyl peptide bonds of methionyl and tryptophanyl residues to yield several fragments. Comparison of the bovine fragment consisting of the first 20 residues of the protein with the corresponding guinea pig fragment showed that the latter differs in containing histidine and glycine (one residue of each), an additional threonyl residue, and one fewer alanyl residues. Comparison of the bovine fragment consisting of the C-terminal 54 residues of the protein (residues 117-170) with the corresponding guinea pig fragment showed that the latter differs in containing one fewer histidyl and leucyl residues and an additional phenylalanyl residue. Tests of encephalitogenic activity in Lewis rats showed that these two fragments from both species were much less active, on a molar basis, than the uncleaved protein. On the other hand, examination of the bovine fragments consisting of residues 1-116 and 21-116 and the corresponding fragments obtained from the guinea pig protein revealed activity at least as high as that of the respective uncleaved proteins.  相似文献   
In order to determine whether bovine, rabbit, and monkey myelin basic proteins (BPs) have the sequence Gly-His or His-Gly at positions corresponding to bovine sequence 76-77, we isolated the tryptic peptides encompassing the sequence in question in these proteins and cleaved them into dipeptides with dipeptidyl aminopeptidase I (EC Analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the dipeptides released showed that in no case did His follow Gly or Gly precede His. The identification of peptides Ala-Gln and His-Gly (bovine BP) and Ser-His and Gly-Arg (rabbit and monkey BPs) established the His-Gly sequence. A similar sequence analysis of tryptic peptide (80-91) of human BP confirmed the sequence Thr-Gln-Asp-Glu-Asn-Pro (80-85).  相似文献   
The specificities of two monoclonal IgM antibodies (18.25 and 21.14.2) evoked in mice with guinea pig myelin basic protein were examined and interpreted in terms of a specific folding of the protein's polypeptide chain. Studies with guinea pig and rabbit myelin basic protein fragments showed that a region encompassing the central Phe-Phe (87-88) sequence is obligatory, but not sufficient, for reactivity with antibody 18.25. Appreciable reactivity was observed for rabbit peptides 22-95 and 45-151, and lower, but significant, reactivity was shown by peptide 32-95. Only very weak reactivity was seen with peptide 44-95. No reactivity was observed with peptide 1-95 after its lysine residues were acetylated, acetamidinated, or guanidinated. These results have been interpreted in terms of a polypeptide chain folding that creates an epitope within sequence Val-Val-His-Phe-Phe-Lys-Asn-Ile-Val (84-92). The specific conformation of this epitope, which includes probably the Lys-89 and possibly the Asn-90 and Val-92 side chains, could be formed by the association of sequence 84-92 with either sequence Ile-Leu-Asp-Ser-Ile-Gly-Arg-Phe-Phe (37-45) or with sequence Val-Leu-Ser-Arg-Phe (108-112) to form beta-sheet structures essentially identical with those that appear to be present in the intact BP [Martenson R.E.J. Neurochem. 46, 1612-1622 (1986)]. The second monoclonal antibody, no. 21.14.2, reacts only with guinea pig myelin basic protein and fragments containing the species-restricted sequence Arg-Ala-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Ser-Lys (129-135).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Mechanical forces can regulate various functions in living cells. The cytoskeleton is a crucial element for the transduction of forces in cell-internal signals and subsequent biological responses. Accordingly, many studies in cellular biomechanics have been focused on the role of the contractile acto-myosin system in such processes. A widely used method to observe the dynamic actin network in living cells is the transgenic expression of fluorescent proteins fused to actin. However, adverse effects of GFP-actin fusion proteins on cell spreading, migration and cell adhesion strength have been reported. These shortcomings were shown to be partly overcome by fusions of actin binding peptides to fluorescent proteins. Nevertheless, it is not understood whether direct labeling by actin fusion proteins or indirect labeling via these chimaeras alters biomechanical responses of cells and the cytoskeleton to forces. We investigated the dynamic reorganization of actin stress fibers in cells under cyclic mechanical loading by transiently expressing either egfp-Lifeact or eyfp-actin in rat embryonic fibroblasts and observing them by means of live cell microscopy. Our results demonstrate that mechanically-induced actin stress fiber reorganization exhibits very different kinetics in EYFP-actin cells and EGFP-Lifeact cells, the latter showing a remarkable agreement with the reorganization kinetics of non-transfected cells under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   
The physiological role of topoisomerase III is unclear for any organism. We show here that the removal of topoisomerase III in temperature sensitive topoisomerase IV mutants in Escherichia coli results in inviability at the permissive temperature. The removal of topoisomerase III has no effect on the accumulation of catenated intermediates of DNA replication, even when topoisomerase IV activity is removed. Either recQ or recA null mutations, but not helD null or lexA3, partially rescued the synthetic lethality of the double topoisomerase III/IV mutant, indicating a role for topoisomerase III in recombination. We find a bias against deleting the gene encoding topoisomerase III in ruvC53 or DeltaruvABC backgrounds compared with the isogenic wild-type strains. The topoisomerase III RuvC double mutants that can be constructed are five- to 10-fold more sensitive to UV irradiation and mitomycin C treatment and are twofold less efficient in transduction efficiency than ruvC53 mutants. The overexpression of ruvABC allows the construction of the topoisomerase III/IV double mutant. These data are consistent with a role for topoisomerase III in disentangling recombination intermediates as an alternative to RuvABC to maintain the stability of the genome.  相似文献   
The C-terminal half of the bovine myelin basic protein, peptide 89-169, was treated with BNPS-skatole [2-(2-nitrophenylsulfenyl)-3-methyl-3'-bromoindolenine], and the products were isolated by repeated gel filtration through Sephadex G-50. They consisted of uncleaved peptide 89-169 in which approximately 30% of the tyrosine had been monobrominated and the tryptophan converted to oxindolealanine, peptide 116-169 modified by partial bromination (30%) of the tyrosine, and two chromatographic forms of peptide 89-115. The major form contained the lactone of dioxindolealanine at the C terminus; the minor form contained the uncyclized oxidation product. Each form of peptide 89-115 was resolved into several components by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels (10%, w/w) containing 1 M acetic acid and 8 M urea. The presence of three of these components could be explained by partial deamidation of Asn-91 and Gln-102. Studies on the oxidation of tryptophan-containing model peptides by BNPS-skatole indicated that the reaction can also include partial bromination of the dioxindole and its lactone and partial cleavage at the amino peptide bond of the tryptophan.  相似文献   
The quantitative autoradiographic L-[1-14C]leucine method for the determination of regional rates of cerebral protein synthesis in vivo takes into account recycling of unlabeled leucine derived from protein degradation into the precursor pool for protein synthesis. We have evaluated the degree of recycling by measuring the ratio of the apparent steady-state leucine specific activity in the precursor amino acid pool (tRNA-bound leucine) to that in the arterial plasma. In the whole brain of the conscious rat this ratio (lambda WB) equals 0.58. The equivalent ratio for leucine in the acid-soluble pool in whole brain (psi WB) is 0.49. A first-degree polynomial equation for lambda WB as a function of psi WB was fitted from paired determinations. To determine the degree of recycling in local regions of the brain, we have measured in individual brain regions (i) psi i and calculated lambda i assuming that the fitted equation also applies to these localized regions. Our results indicate that the degree of recycling into the precursor pool does vary regionally; lambda i in the individual regions varies from 0.62 in the hypoglossal nucleus to 0.50 in the globus pallidus. Local rates of protein synthesis were then determined by the autoradiographic technique with regional corrections for recycling of unlabeled leucine. Rates of leucine incorporation into protein averaged 6.1 nmol/g of tissue/min in the brain as a whole, with the rates in gray matter about twice those in white matter.  相似文献   
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