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Heterologous desensitization of turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenoceptors correlates with receptor phosphorylation and impaired receptor-Gs coupling, as assessed by fusion of purified desensitized receptors with X. laevis erythrocytes [(1984) Science 225, 837-840]. We have purified beta-receptors from desensitized and untreated turkey erythrocytes and have compared the abilities of these two receptors to couple with pure turkey erythrocyte Gs in a reconstituted system. Functional receptor-Gs coupling was assessed by measuring hormone-dependent Gs activation by GTP gamma S and GTPase activity. While in membranes prepared from desensitized cells, receptor-Gs coupling was clearly reduced, this effect was absent when coupling of purified desensitized receptor was measured. We conclude that covalent modification by phosphorylation does not fully explain the functional uncoupling at the membrane level.  相似文献   
To further understand the mechanism of action by which ethanol (ETOH) decreases plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, the effects of multiple i.p. injections of EOH (1.0--1.5 g/kg) or saline on hypothalamic luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) and plasma LH concentrations were evaluated in intact and castrate male rats. After injections, animals were decapitated, brains rapidly removed, and blocks containing the hypothalamus [with median eminence (ME)] were isolated. Hypothalami were subjected to acetic acid extraction and LHRH content quantitated via radioimmunoassay (RIA). Hypothalamic LHRH was found to be inversely correlated with plasma LH. In response to castration, both saline and ETOH-treated rats showed a decrease in hypothalamic LHRH content with a concomitant increase in plasma LH; however, the ETOH-treated animals retained significantly greater concentrations of LHRH and showed significantly lower plasma LH levels when compared to saline-treated controls. Likewise, ETOH-treated intact animals showed significant increases in LHRH content, with LH levels remaining significantly lower than the saline-treated intact controls. Thus, these data from both intact and castrate rats provide evidence to support the hypothesis that alcohol-induced decreases in LH levels are due to a diminished release rate of hypothalamic LHRH.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposomes inhibited the proliferative response of bovine lymphocytes to the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). PC liposomes containing a soluble antigen extract ofBrucella abortus (BASA) reversed the suppression caused by PC liposomes. PC liposomes containing lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fromEscherichia coli, Salmonella abortus equi, orSerratia marcescens also reversed the suppression of PC liposomes. No detectable BASA protein was associated into PC liposomes. Detectable LPS from BASA,E. coli, S. abortus equi, andS. marcescens was associated into the PC liposomes. The reversal by BASA of PC liposome suppression appears to be due to the LPS present in BASA, since LPS of several other bacteria was also able to reverse suppression. The possible mechanism of reversal of suppression by LPS is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary To determine how neural influences control the function of the pineal gland, morphological and biochemical relationships after pharmacological treatment have been studied in rat pineal cells in monolayer cultures. Norepinephrine (NE) and dibutyryl cyclic 3,5-adenosine monophosphate (dBcAMP) treatment of cells that had been in culture for 5 and 21 days produced a stimulation in the enzyme activity of serotonin N-acetyl transferase, an enzyme important in indole synthesis. NE and dBcAMP also produced morphological changes which were dependent on the time of cells in culture. When 5 day-cultures were treated with NE and dBcAMP, light and dark cells were noted and endoplasmic reticulum increased and became more organized. Only dBcAMP treatment at 5 days produced an increase in dense granules and an elongation of cytoplasmic processes. Treatment of 21 day-cultures with dBcAMP also produced an increase in cytoplasmic processes while treatment with NE produced an increase in the synaptic ribbons and clear vesicles within the processes.  相似文献   
D Palm  G Münch  D Malek  C Dees  M Hekman 《FEBS letters》1990,261(2):294-298
Competition between Gs-protein and the synthetic peptide, GSA 379-394, derived from the carboxyl-terminal region of the alpha s-subunit, led to complete inhibition of receptor-mediated adenylate cyclase activation in turkey erythrocyte membranes. Related peptides corresponding to the homologous carboxyl-terminal region of alpha t-, alpha il- or alpha o-subunits did not interfere with beta-receptor-Gs coupling. The direct coupling between Gs and adenylate cyclase was not influenced by any of these peptides. These results emphasize the important role of the carboxyl-terminus of G-protein alpha-subunits for the specific recognition of their corresponding receptors and for signal transduction.  相似文献   


Ultrasonography (US) might have an added value to clinical examination in diagnosing early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and assessing remission of RA. We aimed to clarify the added value of US in RA in these situations performing a systematic review.


A systematic literature search was performed for RA, US, diagnosis and remission. Methodological quality was assessed; the wide variability in the design of studies prohibited pooling of results.


Six papers on the added value of US diagnosing early RA were found, in which at least bilateral metacarpophalangeal (MCP), wrists and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints were scanned. Compared to clinical examination, US was superior with regard to detecting synovitis and predicting progression to persistent arthritis or RA. Eleven papers on assessing remission were identified, in which at least the wrist and the MCP joints of the dominant hand were scanned. Often US detected inflammation in patients clinically in remission, irrespective of the remission criteria used. Power Doppler signs of synovitis predicted X-ray progression and future flare in patients clinically in remission.


US appears to have added value to clinical examination for diagnosing of RA when scanning at least MCP, wrist and MTP joints, and, when evaluating remission of RA, scanning at least wrist and MCP joints of the dominant hand. For both purposes primarily power Doppler US might be used since its results are less equivocal than those of greyscale US.  相似文献   
After stimulation with agonist, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate G proteins and become phosphorylated by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), and most of them translocate cytosolic arrestin proteins to the cytoplasmic membrane. Agonist-activated GPCRs are specifically phosphorylated by GRKs and are targeted for endocytosis by arrestin proteins, suggesting a connection between GPCR conformational changes and interaction with GRKs and arrestins. Previously, we showed that by substitution of histidine for residues at the cytoplasmic side of helix 3 (H3) and helix 6 (H6) of the parathyroid hormone (PTH) receptor (PTHR), a zinc metal ion-binding site is engineered that prevents PTH-stimulated G(s) activation (Sheikh, S. P., Vilardaga, J.-P., Baranski, T. J., Lichtarge, O., Iiri, T., Meng, E. C., Nissenson, R. A., and Bourne, H. R. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 17033-17041). These data suggest that relative movements between H3 and H6 are critical for G(s) activation. Does this molecular event play a similar role in activation of GRK and arrestin and in PTHR-mediated G(q) activation? To answer this question, we utilized the two previously described mutant forms of PTHR, H401 and H402, which contain a naturally present histidine residue at position 301 in H3 and a second substituted histidine residue at positions 401 and 402 in H6, respectively. Both mutant receptors showed inhibition of PTH-stimulated inositol phosphate and cAMP generation in the presence of increasing concentrations of Zn(II). However, the mutants showed no Zn(II)-dependent impairment of phosphorylation by GRK-2. Likewise, the mutants were indistinguishable from wild-type PTHR in the ability to translocate beta-arrestins/green fluorescent protein to the cell membrane and were also not affected by sensitivity to Zn(II). These results suggest that agonist-mediated phosphorylation and internalization of PTHR require conformational switches of the receptor distinct from the cAMP and inositol phosphate signaling state. Furthermore, PTHR sequestration does not appear to require G protein activation.  相似文献   
Studies using both Fisher 344 and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rat lines have shown that gestational and/or lactational maternal lead (Pb) exposure causes delayed reproductive maturation in their respective female offspring. Because these studies utilized different experimental regimens for dosing and for monitoring Pb levels, it has not been possible to determine which rat line provides the best model for low level Pb toxicity studies. This study was designed to address this issue. Adult Fisher and SD female rats were dosed with either a solution of PbAc containing 12 mg of Pb/ml or sodium acetate (NaAc) for controls. Dosing began 30 days prior to breeding and continued until their pups were weaned at 21 days of age. At the time of breeding and through weaning the blood lead (BPb) levels in the Fisher dams averaged 37.3 microg/dl and the SD dams averaged 29.9 microg/dl. Pb delayed the timing of puberty (p < 0.01) in Fisher offspring, and suppressed serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH, p < 0.001) and estradiol (E2, p < 0.01). These effects did not occur in the SD offspring. Doubling the dose given to the SD rats increased their BPb levels to 62.6 microg/dl, yet there were still no effects noted. These results indicate that Fisher offspring are more sensitive to maternal Pb exposure with regard to puberty related insults than are SD rats, suggesting that the Fisher line may be a more reliable rodent model to study the effects of low level Pb toxicity.  相似文献   
CMF1 is a protein expressed in embryonic striated muscle with onset of expression preceding that of contractile proteins. Disruption of CMF1 in myoblasts disrupts muscle-specific protein expression. Preliminary studies indicate both nuclear and cytoplasmic distribution of CMF1 protein, suggesting functional roles in both cellular compartments. Here we examine the nuclear function of CMF1, using a newly characterized antibody generated against the CMF1 nuclear localization domain and a CMF1 nuclear localization domain-deleted stable myocyte line. The antibody demonstrates nuclear distribution of the CMF1 protein both in vivo and in cell lines, with clustering of CMF1 protein around chromatin during mitosis. In more differentiated myocytes, the protein shifts to the cytoplasm. The CMF1 NLS-deleted cell lines have markedly impaired capacity to differentiate. Specifically, these cells express less contractile protein than wild-type or full-length CMF1 stably transfected cells, and do not fuse properly into multinucleate syncytia with linear nuclear alignment. In response to low serum medium, a signal to differentiate, CMF1 NLS-deleted cells enter G0, but continue to express proliferation markers and will reenter the cell cycle when stimulated by restoring growth medium. These data suggest that CMF1 is involved in regulation the transition from proliferation to differentiation in embryonic muscle.  相似文献   
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