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The development of changes in visual orientation, posture, activity budgets, and behavioral milestones was examined in five bongo calves which were observed from birth to 4 or 6 months of age. The only significant change in the calves' visual orientation was an increase in orientation to food. Reclining declined significantly over weeks, while standing increased and moving did not change. Overall, stationary behaviors dominated the activity budget, but decreased significantly over the study. The category that included locomotion, object exploration, and auto-play did not change, while forage and rumination increased significantly. Contrary to expectation, the decline in suckling was not significant. Affiliative interactions with the dam decreased significantly during the study, but increases in affiliation with other bongos were not significant. Levels of agonistic behavior between the calves and their dams and other herd members were low throughout the study, and did not change significantly. One female calf achieved several developmental milestones later than the others. It is suggested that these differences may have been influenced by the dominance status of her dam. The results conform to the general developmental pattern of “hider” bovids. Bongos, however, show somewhat different patterns of social development than eland, which are reported to be more precocial in expression of aggressive and sexual behaviors. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Sixteen clients afflicted with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were reassessed 1 year following completion of a multicomponent treatment package incorporating progressive muscle relaxation, thermal biofeedback, cognitive therapy, and IBS education. For the 14 patients who kept a 2-week symptom diary, significant reductions in ratings of abdominal pain and tenderness, diarrhea, and flatulence were obtained comparing pretreatment and follow-up symptom-diary ratings. Eleven of 14 clients were improved over pretreatment levels, 57% met the criteria for clinical improvement of at least a 50% reduction in major symptom scores, and all but 1 of 16 rated themselves as subjectively improved.  相似文献   
A new method of visualizing the angioarchitecture of tissues has been developed that uses blood components in nonperfused materials. Tissue blocks are fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and cut with a vibratome into 50-60 μm sections. Endogenous peroxidase in red blood cells is then reduced in the presence of hydrogen peroxide with the resultant oxidation of the chromogen 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB). This generates a dark, highly insoluble reaction product throughout the vascular system. The visualization of vascular components can be further enhanced by exposing the sections to peroxidase-conjugated IgG to increase the background staining of the blood plasma. The technique minimizes preparation artifact and permits the application of morphometric analytical methods, thus allowing parameters such as the volume density of the vascular bed to be quantified.  相似文献   
To obtain large quantities of pure human β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) needed for structural studies, an efficient method for β2-AR purification was developed using a recombinant receptor with an eight amino acid epitope at its C-terminus. This epitope is recognized by KT3-monoclonal antibody. The epitope tagged β2-AR was expressed in Sf9 cells with a specific activity of 5–20 pmol/mg of membrane protein. The epitope-tagged and wild-type receptors had identical ligand binding properties. The tagged receptor was solubilized using dodecyl-β-maltoside with a quantitative yield. Solubilized epitope-tagged receptors were partially purified by KT3-mAb immunoaffinity in 60–70% yield. Further purification of the receptors on an alprenolol-affinity column resulted in a homogenous preparation with an overall yield of >30%. The purified receptor was concentrated to >1 mg/ml without loss of ligand binding activity.  相似文献   
Summary In the gas phase bioreactions, continuous production rate depends on the biocatalyst activity and complete dehydration causes the biocatalyst to lose most of its activity. To overcome these difficulties, a theoretical method is suggested along with the new design of biocatalyst. This will be applicable and helpful for the optimization of the gas phase continuous bioreaction.Nomenclature CA ethanol concentration [mol/mL] - CP acetaldehyde concentration [mol/mL] - XP acetaldehyde composition  相似文献   
Spores were extracted from Carboniferous Lepidostrobus compressions in order to associate in situ microspores with dispersed species of Lycospora. Two hundred twenty-six cones were examined, of which 61 contained spores. Fertile cones came from the Westphalian D of England, Namurian B through Westphalian D of the Appalachian and Illinois basins, and the Westphalian D of the Western Interior. Cones were separated into species based on microspore and cone morphology. Lycospora trigonoreticulata was produced by Lepidostrobus princeps from Westphalian C-D rocks from Missouri, the Illinois Basin, and the Appalachian Basin. Lycospora rotunda was produced by Lepidostrobus sp. A from Westphalian A rocks of Alabama. Two cone species produced Lycospora torquifer: Lepidostrobus praelongus from the Westphalian D of Pennsylvania and Lepidostrobus variabilis from the Westphalian A and C of the Illinois and Appalachian basins. Lycospora punctata was produced by Lepidostrobus cf. squarrosus from the Westphalian D of England, the Appalachian Basin, and Illinois Basin. Lycospora noctuina was produced by Lepidostrobus haslingdenensis from the Namurian B/C of Illinois. Microspore species are differentiated primarily on the basis of size, cingulum structure and width, and ornamentation. Cone species differ in width and distal lamina size, shape, and attitude. Lycospora species isolated from clastic species of Lepidostrobus differ completely from those of coal-swamp species, confirming that lycopod trees from clastic environments represent biologically different species from those centered in coal swamps.  相似文献   
Summary The induction and decay of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) by insulin and asparagine in cultures of H4-II-EC3 (H35) hepatoma cells was studied in a modified Waymouth medium in the presence of fetal bovine serum (FBS) and in serum-free media. The insulin response was enhanced by the presence of asparagine although the effect of asparagine was not so much on the initial increase as it was on a slowing of the decline after the maximum was reached at 6 to 8 h after the supplements were added together with fresh medium. In all cases the initial ODC activity was zero at zero time for addition of media and supplements, and, after reaching the maximum, activity declined to near zero by 24 h. Fetal bovine serum gave induction that followed a similar time course but was inferior to the combintion, of insulin plus asparagine and, in fact, FBS inhibited the latter response. Putrescine (the product formed from ornithine by ODC), at 10−5 M, markedly inhibited the induction of ODC by insulin or FBS, but the inhibition was less when asparagine was present. This work was supported in part by Grants CA-07175, CA-22484, and CA-17334 from the National Cancer Institute. D. P. G. is a Predoctoral Fellow at the Food Research Institute, supported by a fellowship from the Monsanto Fund and by NIH Grant R01-AI 15693 to Prof. Michael W. Pariza, Food Research Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison.  相似文献   
A method for detecting two alleles at Np-1 (nucleoside phosphorylase) and three alleles at Es-10 (esterase 10) from mouse blood by cellulose acetate electrophoresis is described. The allelic constitution at these loci for 44 inbred strains and stocks was determined. The location of Np-1 on chromosome 14 was established by backcross experiments in which alleles at Np-1 and Robertsonian translocations were segregating. Es-10 was shown to be linked to Np-1, and the following genetic map of Chr 14 was constructed: centromere-(8.9±4.0 cM)-[Np-1, Wc]-(10.2±1.9 cM)-Es-10-(15.5±3.7 cM)-s. The homologous human loci, NP and ES-D, are not linked.This work was supported by Contract E(11-1)-3267 with the Energy Research and Development Administration, by Contracts NO1-ES4-2156 and NO1-ES4-2159 with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, and by Grants GM 19656 and GM 20919 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences. D. A. K. was a participant in the 1975 Summer Program for College, Graduate, and Medical Students, which was supported, in part, by the Clark Foundation. The Jackson Laboratory is fully accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.  相似文献   
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