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Demineralized water was seeded with controlled numbers of oocysts of Cryptosporidium parvum purified from fresh calf feces and subjected to different treatments with ozone or chlorine dioxide. The disinfectants were neutralized by sodium thiosulfate, and neonatal mice were inoculated intragastrically and sacrificed 7 days later for enumeration of oocyst production. Preliminary trials indicated that a minimum infection level of 1,000 oocysts (0.1-ml inoculum) per mouse was necessary to induce 100% infection. Treatment of water containing 10(4) oocysts per ml with 1.11 mg of ozone per liter (concentration at time zero [C0]) for 6 min totally eliminated the infectivity of the oocysts for neonatal mice. A level of 2.27 mg of ozone per liter (C0) was necessary to inactivate water containing 5 x 10(5) oocysts per ml within 8 min. Also, 0.4 mg of chlorine dioxide per liter (C0) significantly reduced infectivity within 15 min of contact, although some oocysts remained viable.  相似文献   
Combined effects of heavy-metal contamination (Cu, Zn, and CH3Hg) and starvation were tested on common quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica) and used as a model for comparison with a wild common guillemot (Uria aalge) population found stranded at the Belgian coast. Appropriate heavy-metal levels were given to the quails to obtain concentrations similar to those found in the seabirds’s tissues. The contaminated animals were then starved for 4 d to simulate the evident malnutrition symptoms observed at the guillemot’s level. In such conditions, food intake and total-body weight are shown to decrease in contaminated individuals with simultaneous significant hepatic and renal increase of the heavy-metal concentrations. Like guillemots, higher heavy-metal levels were observed in those contaminated quails that had also developed a cachectic status characterized by a general atrophy of their pectoral muscle and complete absence of subcutaneous and/or abdominal fat depots. Although likely the result of a general protein catabolism during starvation, it is suggested that these higher metal levels could as well enhance a general muscle wasting process (cachectic status).  相似文献   

To reduce the environmental impact of the building sector, environmental targets considering the full life cycle of buildings can be supportive. In recent years, various benchmarks based on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been developed as part of regulations, labelling systems, sustainability rating tools and research studies. The objective of this paper is to critically analyse 23 existing benchmarking systems focusing on the benchmark methodology but also on the benchmark applications and communication.


The critical literature review consists of two parts. In a first part, the choices related to the assessment method, functional equivalent, definition of benchmark values, benchmark scope, benchmark applications and benchmark communication are compared. In the second part, benchmark values are compiled from literature and statistically analysed.

Results and discussion

The comparative analysis allows to identify the main approaches and methods used in benchmarking systems. For each evaluation aspect, the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches are highlighted. The statistical analysis provides insight in the spread of benchmark values. Important variations are found between the literature sources which can be explained by differences in benchmark approach, scope, system boundaries and applications.


Based on the comparative analysis, recommendations are formulated for the development of LCA benchmarks for the building sector. The results of the statistical analysis furthermore provide reference values which can be used for the validation of future benchmarks. For global warming, the statistical values for the full life cycle impacts (i.e. embodied and operational impacts) range from about 15 up to 35 kg CO2 eq/m2.a.

Background information. Free sialic acid storage diseases are caused by mutations of a lysosomal sialic acid transporter called sialin. We showed recently that the milder clinical form, Salla disease, and a related non‐Finish case, are characterized by residual transport, whereas sialin mutants found in lethal infantile cases are inactive. In the present study, we have characterized the molecular effects of a putative polymorphism (M316I) and of four pathogenic mutations associated with either infantile (G127E and R57C) or Salla‐like (G409E) phenotypes, or both (G328E). The transport activity of human sialin was analysed using a novel assay that was based on a construct without the functional lysosomal sorting motif, which is expressed at the plasma membrane. Results. The lysosomal localization of human sialin was not (M316I and G328E) or only partially (R57C, G127E and G409E) affected by the missense mutations. In contrast, all pathogenic mutations abolished transport, whereas the putative M316I polymorphism induced an approx. 5‐fold decrease of sialic acid transport. Conclusions. The molecular effects of the R57C and G127E mutations strengthen the conclusion that the infantile phenotype is caused by loss‐of‐function mutations. On the other hand, the milder severity of the heterozygous G409E patient may reflect an incomplete expression of the splicing mutation present on the second allele. In the case of the G328E mutation, found in the homozygous state in a clinically heterogeneous family, the apparent severity of the transport phenotype suggests that the genetic or environmental factors underlying this clinical heterogeneity might be protective.  相似文献   
The quantification of bolus-tracking MRI techniques remains challenging. The acquisition usually relies on one contrast and the analysis on a simplified model of the various phenomena that arise within a voxel, leading to inaccurate perfusion estimates. To evaluate how simplifications in the interstitial model impact perfusion estimates, we propose a numerical tool to simulate the MR signal provided by a dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI experiment. Our model encompasses the intrinsic and relaxations, the magnetic field perturbations induced by susceptibility interfaces (vessels and cells), the diffusion of the water protons, the blood flow, the permeability of the vessel wall to the the contrast agent (CA) and the constrained diffusion of the CA within the voxel. The blood compartment is modeled as a uniform compartment. The different blocks of the simulation are validated and compared to classical models. The impact of the CA diffusivity on the permeability and blood volume estimates is evaluated. Simulations demonstrate that the CA diffusivity slightly impacts the permeability estimates ( for classical blood flow and CA diffusion). The effect of long echo times is investigated. Simulations show that DCE-MRI performed with an echo time may already lead to significant underestimation of the blood volume (up to 30% lower for brain tumor permeability values). The potential and the versatility of the proposed implementation are evaluated by running the simulation with realistic vascular geometry obtained from two photons microscopy and with impermeable cells in the extravascular environment. In conclusion, the proposed simulation tool describes DCE-MRI experiments and may be used to evaluate and optimize acquisition and processing strategies.  相似文献   
DIRC2 (Disrupted in renal carcinoma 2) has been initially identified as a breakpoint-spanning gene in a chromosomal translocation putatively associated with the development of renal cancer. The DIRC2 protein belongs to the MFS (major facilitator superfamily) and has been previously detected by organellar proteomics as a tentative constituent of lysosomal membranes. In the present study, lysosomal residence of overexpressed as well as endogenous DIRC2 was shown by several approaches. DIRC2 is proteolytically processed into a N-glycosylated N-terminal and a non-glycosylated C-terminal fragment respectively. Proteolytic cleavage occurs in lysosomal compartments and critically depends on the activity of cathepsin L which was found to be indispensable for this process in murine embryonic fibroblasts. The cleavage site within DIRC2 was mapped between amino acid residues 214 and 261 using internal epitope tags, and is presumably located within the tentative fifth intralysosomal loop, assuming the typical MFS topology. Lysosomal targeting of DIRC2 was demonstrated to be mediated by a N-terminal dileucine motif. By disrupting this motif, DIRC2 can be redirected to the plasma membrane. Finally, in a whole-cell electrophysiological assay based on heterologous expression of the targeting mutant at the plasma membrane of Xenopus oocytes, the application of a complex metabolic mixture evokes an outward current associated with the surface expression of full-length DIRC2. Taken together, these data strongly support the idea that DIRC2 is an electrogenic lysosomal metabolite transporter which is subjected to and presumably modulated by limited proteolytic processing.  相似文献   
Expansions of DNA trinucleotide repeats cause at least 17 inherited neurodegenerative diseases, such as Huntington''s disease. Expansions can occur at frequencies approaching 100% in affected families and in transgenic mice, suggesting that specific cellular proteins actively promote (favor) expansions. The inference is that expansions arise due to the presence of these promoting proteins, not their absence, and that interfering with these proteins can suppress expansions. The goal of this study was to identify novel factors that promote expansions. We discovered that specific histone deacetylase complexes (HDACs) promote CTG•CAG repeat expansions in budding yeast and human cells. Mutation or inhibition of yeast Rpd3L or Hda1 suppressed up to 90% of expansions. In cultured human astrocytes, expansions were suppressed by 75% upon inhibition or knockdown of HDAC3, whereas siRNA against the histone acetyltransferases CBP/p300 stimulated expansions. Genetic and molecular analysis both indicated that HDACs act at a distance from the triplet repeat to promote expansions. Expansion assays with nuclease mutants indicated that Sae2 is one of the relevant factors regulated by Rpd3L and Hda1. The causal relationship between HDACs and expansions indicates that HDACs can promote mutagenesis at some DNA sequences. This relationship further implies that HDAC3 inhibitors being tested for relief of expansion-associated gene silencing may also suppress somatic expansions that contribute to disease progression.  相似文献   
Recent findings on vertebrate embryos have provided compelling evidence for the existence of hemangioblasts, i.e. common precursors for endothelial and hematopoietic cells, characterized by expression of the VEGFR2/Flk1 receptor. We describe here a population of KDR+ CD34- mesoderm cells that emerges in early-somitic human embryos, by the beginning of the 4th week of gestation. In the developing blood vessels, KDR-expressing CD34- cells gradually coexpress increasing levels of CD34 antigen. Remarkably, as development proceeds, a KDR+ CD34- contingent persists in the paraaortic splanchnopleura until just prior to the emergence of aorta-associated hematopoietic cell clusters. These observations suggest that KDR+ CD34- mesodermal cells might represent the putative hemangioblastic precursor of human hematopoietic and endothelial lineages.  相似文献   
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