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We present complete restriction endonuclease cleavage site maps of the bacteriophage P22 chromosome for 16 enzymes with six base recognition sequences, thereby positioning 116 new sites on the chromosome. Twenty-four such restriction maps for P22 DNA, containing 162 sites, have now been completed, and three enzymes were found that did not cut P22 DNA. Our results are consistent with the ideas that ClaI does not cleave the methylated recognition sequence ATCGA(me)T or A(me)TCGAT and StuI does not cleave the methylated recognition sequence AGGCC(me)T.  相似文献   
An automated follow-up register for the detection of iatrogenic thyroid disease has been established as a joint venture between the general practitioners in the north-east of Scotland and the thyroid clinic of Aberdeen General Hospitals.The data-processing operations in the system are handled by an International Computers Limited 4/50 computer. Patients are followed up at predetermined intervals and the system has been designed to process, screen, and store clinical and biochemical follow-up data and report results to the patients, general practitioners, and the hospital records department.  相似文献   
High molecular mass isoforms of CD45 protein tyrosine phosphatase, predominantly CD45RA, are expressed on naive T cells with increasing density during the first 2 days of cellular activation, and subsequently down-regulated concurrent with increasing expression of the low Mr isoform, CD45RO. We show this to be de novo synthesis of CD45RA dependent upon both RNA and protein synthesis. Using a probe shown to detect mRNA encoding the alternatively spliced abc, ab, bc, and b exon isoforms of CD45, the expression of CD45 was analyzed. Kinetic studies of the transition from high to low Mr CD45 mRNA indicate an immediate decrease in the level of high Mr CD45 mRNA after mitogen stimulation of T cells, quickly followed at 4 h by an increase to above steady state levels. This is consistent with the transitory increase in cell-surface density of CD45RA observed at 1 to 2 days poststimulation. Within 24 h of stimulation the level of high Mr CD45 mRNA declines precipitously such that little or no mRNA encoding any of the alternatively spliced exons is detectable. High levels of CD45 mRNA are detectable at later points but this does not hybridize with the Sfa N1 probe recognizing the abc exons suggesting that only the CD45RO mRNA splicing pattern is operative. We also show that CD45 mRNA have a relatively short t1/2. In mitogen-stimulated cells the t1/2 of high and low m.w. CD45 mRNA was estimated at 2.25 h and 3.5 h, respectively. In unstimulated T cells the t1/2 of high Mr CD45 mRNA was estimated at 2.8 h. CD45 mRNA is super-induced in the presence of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide, indicating that the degradation and/or splicing of CD45 mRNA is controlled by a labile pathway, and suggesting that mechanisms may exist in vivo to prolong synthesis of CD45RA. The kinetics of accumulation for high Mr CD45 mRNA are very similar to those of the TCR beta-chain and pp56lck suggesting that these functionally linked signaling molecules are regulated in tandem. This implicates stringent molecular control mechanisms on the production of mRNA encoding either high or low m.w. isoforms, consistent with the fundamental role of CD45 in signal transduction, and the apparent need to selectively and sequentially express functionally distinct external CD45 domains.  相似文献   
J. D. Deans 《Plant and Soil》1979,52(2):195-208
Summary From soil cores extracted at 5 day intervals from 3 May to 6 August it was found that the biomass of fine roots in a Sitka spruce plantation, 14 years old, fluctuated with maxima in late May and mid July. The earlier peak coincides with increasing soil temperatures during a period of high incident precipitation and the latter developed when the soil profile was rewetted. Fine root biomass and soil moisture tension (SMT) were significantly and negatively correlated in three of four soil horizons. Root mortality occurred whenever incident precipitation failed to maintain soil moisture tension near zero. In the very open pored horizons the critical SMT for root death was unexpected small, <0.1 bars; in the peat horizons it wasc 0.2 bars.  相似文献   
Here, we report an observation of a Eurasian nuthatch Sitta europaea foraging with a tool in a public park in Greater London, UK. This record is of significance, as it provides the first photographic evidence (to our knowledge) of nuthatch tool use, reveals an unusually wide phylogenetic and geographic distribution of tool behaviour within the Sittidae, and constitutes a rare example of animal tool use in an urban environment. To improve our understanding of nuthatch tool behaviour, we are building a global database of relevant anecdotal field observations—submissions are most welcome.  相似文献   
The 66-kDa merozoite surface antigen (PK66) of Plasmodium knowlesi, a simian malaria, possesses vaccine-related properties that are thought to originate from a receptor-like role in parasite invasion of erythrocytes. We report the complete sequence of PK66 which allowed the demonstration that highly conserved analogues exist throughout Plasmodium including a recently reported gene from P. falciparum (Peterson, M. G., Marshall, V. M., Smythe, J. A., Crewther, P. E., Lew, A., Silva, A., Anders, R. F., and Kemp, D. J. (1989) Mol. Cell. Biol. 9, 3151-3155). These analogues are highly promising vaccination candidates. The distribution of PK66 changes after schizont rupture in a coordinate manner associated with merozoite invasion. The protein is concentrated at the apical end prior to rupture, following which it can distribute itself entirely across the surface of the free merozoite. During invasion, immunofluorescence studies suggest that, PK66 is excluded from the erythrocyte at, and behind, the invasion interface.  相似文献   
The essential oils isolated from leaves of ten and from unripe berries of eight populations of Laurus azorica (Seub.) Franco, collected on five islands of the Azorean archipelago, were analysed by GC and GC-MS. All oil samples were dominated by their monoterpene fraction (60-94%), alpha-pinene (15-37%) and 1,8-cineole (12-31%) being the main components of the leaf oils, while trans-beta-ocimene (27-45%) and alpha-pinene (12-22%) were the main components of the oils from the berries. The sesquiterpene fractions of the oils ranged from 3 to 17% and the main components were beta-caryophyllene (traces-8%) and beta-elemene (traces-3%) both in the leaf and berry oils. Some phenylpropanoid components were also present, in total amounting to 17%, trans-cinnamyl acetate (215% of the leaf oils) being the main component of this fraction. Cluster analysis of the enantiomeric composition of alpha- and beta-pinene in the oils from the leaves clearly showed two groups, one constituted by the two populations growing on the island S. Jorge, and the other constituted by the remaining populations.  相似文献   
The transfer of lipid from the yolk to the avian embryo is mediated by the yolk sac membrane (YSM). Some, but not all, of the published morphological evidence supports the view that the lipid undergoes a cycle of hydrolysis and re-esterification during translocation across the YSM. The present study aims to test this view by investigating the capacity of the YSM to perform esterification of free fatty acids to form acyl-lipids. YSM pieces (area vasculosa), obtained from the chicken embryo at day 10 of development, were incubated in vitro in medium containing [14C]-palmitic acid. Radioactivity was rapidly incorporated into the tissue lipid indicating a high capacity for esterification. The incorporation was linear with time during the 1-h incubation. Approximately 84% of the incorporated label was recovered in triacylglycerol, 12% was incorporated into phospholipid and less than 1% was detected in cholesteryl ester. [14C]-palmitic acid was incorporated primarily at the sn-1/3 positions in the triacylglycerol molecule and at the sn-1 position of phospholipid. The incorporation of label into tissue pieces obtained from the non-vascularized peripheral region of the YSM (area vitellina) was much more limited than that observed for the area vasculosa. The results support the hypothesis that yolk lipid is hydrolyzed and re-esterified during transfer across the YSM.Abbreviations YSM yolk sac membrane - VLDL very-low density lipoprotein Communicated by G. Heldmaier  相似文献   
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