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Summary Cationized ferritin was injected into the circulatory system of teleosts, the sea raven and Atlantic eelpout, and into elasmobranchs, the spiny dogfish and the skate, to determine if the glomerular basement membranes (GBM) from these different groups of fishes possess anionic binding sites similar to those present in the GBM of mammals. The distribution of cationized ferritin was the same in all fishes listed. Cationized ferritin was localized only in the GBM and the mesangial matrix. The regular distribution of cationized ferritin within the laminae rarae (60 nm intervals) was taken as evidence of the presence of anionic binding sites. Cationized ferritin did not bind to the glomerular capillary endothelium, nor was any of it localized at the base of the slit diaphragms of the foot processes of the podocytes. The distribution of binding sites in the GBM of these fishes is similar to that in another teleost, the winter flounder, and in a cyclostome, the hagfish.  相似文献   
A prokaryotic vector, pGE374, containing the recA and lacZ genes, out-of-frame, was used for the expression of cDNA derived from the putative polymerase-encoding gene of the coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59). The pGE374/viral recombinant vector generates a tripartite bacterial/viral protein composed of a segment of the RecA protein at the N terminus, the coronaviral sequences in the middle, and an enzymatically active beta-galactosidase at the C terminus. Rabbits immunized with such recombinant proteins generated antibodies to the MHV-A59 portion of the tripartite protein. Because the MHV-A59 polymerase proteins have been difficult to identify during infection, we used a novel method to demonstrate the viral specificity of the antiserum. The viral cDNA was excised from the expression vector, and transferred to a pGem vector, downstream from and in-frame with a portion of the cat gene. This construct contained a bacteriophage RNA polymerase promoter that enabled the cell-free synthesis of a fusion protein that was used to verify that antibodies were generated to the expressed viral DNA. This strategy was shown to successfully result in the specific generation of antibodies to the encoded information of the viral cDNA. Furthermore, this method has general applicability in the generation and characterization of antibodies directed against proteins encoded in cDNAs.  相似文献   
Axolemma-enriched fractions were isolated from bovine spinal accessory nerves, bovine intradural dorsal roots, and rabbit sciatic nerve by differential centrifugation and separation on a linear 10–40% sucrose (w/w) gradient. The fractions were enriched 4 to 10 fold in acetylcholinesterase, a biochemical marker for axolemma. Axolemma-enriched fractions isolated from uniformly well-myelinated fibers (bovine spinal accessory nerve) contained lower CNPase activity and higher acetylcholinesterase activity than comparable fractions isolated from variably myelinated fibers (rabbit sciatic nerve and bovine intradural roots). Separation by polyacrylamide electrophoresis showed that the molecular weight distribution of all peripheral nerve axolemma-enriched fractions was similar and ranged from 20 to over 150 kilodaltons. All axolemma-enriched fractions appeared to contain a small but variable amount of myelin-specific proteins. Based on biochemical properties, peripheral nerves containing uniformly well-myelinated fibers yield an axolemma-enriched fraction which is least contaminated with myelin-related membranes.  相似文献   
Abstract— The content of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was measured in whole eyes and in normal retinas from C57BL(6)J mice, in receptorless retinas from congenic mice homozygous for the receptor dystrophy gene (rd/rd), and in retinas from mice treated postnatally with monosodium glutamate. Normal retinas contain approx 320 μg of protein: dystrophic (rd/rd) retinas contain approx 110μg of protein, lack rods but possess some surviving cone somata and terminals: glutamate-modified retinas contain approx 200 μg of protein and have both a reduced area and thickness with a marked deficiency of ganglion cells and amacrine cells. In normal mice, more than 90% of the cyclic GMP, but only 607, of the cyclic AMP of the whole eye was in the retina. In normal dark-adapted retinas isolated under dim red light cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP content was 4.1 and 20.2pmol/retina, respectively. The content of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was 40% less, 2.5 and 11.5pmol/retina, respectively, in light-adapted retinas. In dark-adapted retinas isolated under infra-red light, cyclic AMP content was 40%, higher than that in retinas isolated under dim red light; cyclic GMP content was the same under these two conditions. Receptorless retinas contained approx 50% as much cyclic AMP and only 1-2% as much cyclic GMP as normal retinas. Although glutamate-modified retinas also had approx 50% as much cyclic AMP, they contained 60-85%, as much cyclic GMP as normal retinas. Light decreased by 30-50% levels of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in glutamate-modified retinas, but only reduced cyclic nucleotide levels in receptorless retinas by 20%.
These data indicate that 95% or more of the cyclic GMP is in photoreceptor cells, whereas cyclic AMP is more evenly distributed throughout the retina. In addition, both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels are influenced by light- and dark-adaptation.  相似文献   
Previously we have described a mutant Hfr strain in which incompatibility between the integrated F factor and an autonomous F-prime (F') factor was abolished. The mutation (inc) was located in the integrated F factor. F-prime factors isolated from the mutant Hfr strain have the same incompatibility behavior as those isolated from normal Hfr strains. Reintegration of these F' factors into the chromosome restores the Inc- phenotype characteristic of the mutant Hfr. The inc mutation thus affects incompatibility between integrated F and autonomous F(Fi-Fa incompatibility) but not incompatibility between two autonomous F factors (Fa-Fa incompatibility). The implications of this finding for the mechanism of plasmid incompatibility are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The cryopelagic circumantarctic notothenioid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki lives near the undersurface of the sea ice in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. When compared to closely related benthic species (especially Trematomus bernacchii), Pagothenia exhibited substantial morphological differences in a variety of organ systems. The values of the fineness ratio and the indices of trunk shape and flatness suggested streamlining and drag reduction, adaptations to life in the water column. Pagothenia also lacked substrate contact adaptations in the pelvic and anal fins. Silvery reflective layers (strata argentea) beneath the skin and in the iris and choroid of the eye provided camouflage when Pagothenia were viewed against a background of platelet ice. The retina had many cones indicating the eye was adapted to both diurnal and nocturnal vision. During the austral spring Pagothenia fed exclusively on nektonic organisms near the ice-water interface. Dietary diversity was low; copepods and amphipods were the most frequently occurring and amphipods were the most frequently occurring taxa. In conclusion, Pagothenia appear specialized for life in the water column.  相似文献   
The tomato Cf-4 and Cf-9 genes confer resistance to the leaf mould pathogen Cladosporium fulvum and map at a complex locus on the short arm of chromosome 1. It was previously shown that the gene encoding Cf-4, which recognizes the Avr4 avirulence determinant, is one of five tandemly duplicated homologous genes (Hcr9-4s) at this locus. Cf-4 was identified by molecular analysis of rare Cf-4/Cf-9 disease-sensitive recombinants and by complementation analysis. The analysis did not exclude the possibility that an additional gene(s) located distal to Cf-4 may also confer resistance to C. fulvum. We demonstrate that a number of Dissociation-tagged Cf-4 mutants, identified on the basis of their insensitivity to Avr4, are still resistant to infection by C. fulvum race 5. Molecular analysis of 16 Cf-4 mutants, most of which have small chromosomal deletions in this region, suggested the additional resistance specificity is encoded by Hcr9-4E. Hcr9-4E recognizes a novel C. fulvum avirulence determinant that we have designated Avr4E.  相似文献   
Trends in coral cover are widely used to indicate the health of coral reefs but are costly to obtain from field survey over large areas. In situ studies of reflected spectra at the coral surface show that living and recently dead colonies can be distinguished. Here, we investigate whether such spectral differences can be detected using an airborne remote sensing instrument. The Compact Airborne Spectrographic Imager (Itres Research Ltd, Canada) was flown in two configurations: 10 spectral bands with 1-m2 pixels and 6 spectral bands with 0.25-m2 pixels. First, we show that an instrument with 10 spectral bands possesses adequate spectral resolution to distinguish living Porites, living Pocillopora spp., partially dead Porites, recently dead Porites (total colony mortality within 6 months), old dead (>6 months) Porites, Halimeda spp., and coralline red algae when there is no water column to confuse spectra. All substrata were distinguished using fourth-order spectral derivatives around 538 nm and 562 nm. Then, at a shallow site (Tivaru) at Rangiroa Atoll, Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia), we show that live and dead coral can be distinguished from the air to a depth of at least 4 m using first- and fourth-order spectral derivatives between 562–580 nm. However, partially dead and recently dead Porites colonies could not be distinguished from an airborne platform. Spectral differences among substrata are then exploited to predict the cover of reef substrata in ten 25-m2 plots at nearby Motu Nuhi (max depth 8 m). The actual cover in these plots was determined in situ using quadrats with a 0.01-m2 grid. Considerable disparity occurred between field and image-based measures of substrate cover within individual 25-m2 quadrats. At this small scale, disparity, measured as the absolute difference in cover between field and remote-sensing methods, reached 25% in some substrata but was always less than 10% for living coral (99% of which consisted of Porites spp.). At the scale of the reef (all ten 25-m2 quadrats), however, disparities in percent cover between imagery and field data were less than 10% for all substrata and extremely low for some classes (e.g. <3% for living Porites, recently dead Porites and Halimeda). The least accurately estimated substrata were sand and coralline red algae, which were overestimated by absolute values 7.9% and 6.6%, respectively. The precision of sampling was similar for field and remote-sensing methods: field methods required 19 plots to detect a 10% difference in coral cover among three reefs with a statistical power of 95%. Remote-sensing methods required 21 plots. However, it took 1 h to acquire imagery over 92,500 m2 of reef, which represents 3,700 plots of 25 m2 each, compared with 3 days to survey 10 such plots underwater. There were no significant differences in accuracy between 1-m2 and 0.25-m2 image resolutions, suggesting that the advantage of using smaller pixels is offset by reduced spectral information and an increase in noise (noise was observed to be 1.6–1.8 times greater in 0.25-m2 pixels). We show that airborne remote sensing can be used to monitor coral and algal cover over large areas, providing that water is shallow and clear, and that brown fleshy macroalgae are scarce, that depth is known independently (e.g. from sonar survey).  相似文献   
Piriqualone (1) was found to be an antagonist of AMPA receptors. Structure activity optimization was conducted on each of the three rings in 1 to afford a series of potent and selective antagonists. The sterically crowded environment surrounding the N-3 aryl group provided sufficient thermal stability for atropisomers to be isolated. Separation of these atropisomers resulted in the identification of (+)-38 (CP-465,022), a compound that binds to the AMPA receptor with high affinity (IC50 = 36 nM) and displays potent anticonvulsant activity.  相似文献   
Hexagonal shaped ice spicules in frozen antifreeze protein solutions   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wilson PW  Gould M  DeVries AL 《Cryobiology》2002,44(3):240-250
In the presence of antifreeze proteins from both Antarctic and Arctic fishes, water freezes in the form of long c-axis spikes or spicular-like crystals. Transmission electron microscopy of the Pt/C replicas of the freeze fractured spicular ice in a small capillary revealed the presence of many hexagonally shaped structures whose cross-sectional dimensions were between 0.5 and 10 microm. Well-defined parallel faces were associated with most fractured and etched spicules. When fracture planes occurred near the tip of a spicule, well-defined pyramidal faces were apparent. Steps were sometimes associated with these pyramidal spicular crystal faces. On some of the replicas obvious roughening of certain crystal faces of the spicule was observed, suggesting that the antifreeze proteins may have adsorbed to those faces.  相似文献   
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