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Thesystematics of the genus Gobio, especially of the populations on the southern Black Sea coast, seems to be still far from being resolved. Seven species were rec-orded from the northern Black Sea coast while three species were recognized from the southern Black Sea coast. We examined in total 43 specimens from K?z?l?rmak River (southern Black Sea basin), 80 specimens from Çoruh River (the Western Cau-casus of the Black Sea basin), 14 specimens from Rioni River (the Western Caucasus of the Black Sea basin), and 6 specimens from Kherota and Shakhe Rivers (the Western Caucasus of the Black Sea basin). Based on an analysis of 32 metric and 5 meristic data as well as the number of vertebrae, we concluded that the K?z?l?rmak and Coruh populations are two distinct, unnamed species, and we describe them here as Gobio kizilirmakensis from the K?z?l?rmak River and G. artvinicus from the Çoruh River.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1ED54FB1-588F-4412-B376-4BE4E4516EB1  相似文献   
Oxynoemacheilus cemali sp. nov. is described from the Çoruh River drainage in the eastern Black Sea basin. One molecular marker (coI), 25 morphometric and four meristic characters were analysed. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished from O. kosswigi, O. banarescui, O. samanticus and O. angorae in the Black Sea basin by having a suborbital groove in males, an axillary lobe at the pelvic-fin base, no dorsal adipose crest on the caudal peduncle, a slightly-forked caudal fin and 7–15 dark grey dorsal saddles. Morever, Oxynoemacheilus cemali is distinguished by commonly having 9–15 irregularly-shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin or, rarely having a mottled pattern or 4–6 irregularly shaped dark-grey bars on the flank posterior to the dorsal-fin origin. Oxynoemacheilus cemali is also distinguished from the closely related species O. araxensis and O. cyri, distributed outside the Black Sea basin, by having 15 and 31 diagnostic nucleotide substitutions in the coI barcode region, respectively.  相似文献   
Ulcerative colitis increases oxidative damage accompanied by production of free oxygen radicals. Selenium (Se) and vitamin E are two natural antioxidants. The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible protective role of Se and vitamin E combination in experimental colitis induced by acetic acid (AA) in rats. This study was carried out on three groups, namely the first (control), the second (experimental colitis group, 2 ml 5% acetic acid), and the third groups (2 ml 5% acetic acid, vitamin E (100 mg/kg body weight (bw)) plus Se (0.2 mg/kg bw)). The activities of catalase (CAT), prolidase (PRS), myeloperoxidase (MPO), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), total oxidant status (TOS), oxidative stress index (OSI), total thiol (T-SH) were determined in plasma and colon samples. Macroscopic and microscopic damages in colon were increased by AA treatment (p < 0.01 and p < 0.01, respectively), whereas they were decreased by selenium and vitamin E treatment (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively). The activities of CAT and PRS in the plasma and colon were significantly affected (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01) by treatment of AA, Se, and vitamin E. MPO activity in colon was increased (p < 0.01) by AA treatment and decreased (p < 0.05) by Se and vitamin E administration. The values of TOS and OSI in plasma were increased (p < 0.5) by AA. The TAC and T-SH in colon were decreased (p < 0.05) by AA and increased (p < 0.05) by Se and vitamin E. Based upon these results, Se and vitamin E may play an important role in preventive indication of the oxidative damage associated by acetic acid caused inflammation.  相似文献   
The anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic wastes is considered an efficient method for managing the world’s energy shortages and resolving contemporary environmental problems. However, the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass represents a barrier to maximizing biogas production. The purpose of this review is to examine the extent to which sequencing methods can be employed to monitor such biofuel conversion processes. From a microbial perspective, we present a detailed insight into anaerobic digesters that utilize lignocellulosic biomass and discuss some benefits and disadvantages associated with the microbial sequencing techniques that are typically applied. We further evaluate the extent to which a hybrid approach incorporating a variation of existing methods can be utilized to develop a more in-depth understanding of microbial communities. It is hoped that this deeper knowledge will enhance the reliability and extent of research findings with the end objective of improving the stability of anaerobic digesters that manage lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene mutations were investigated in 23 (46 alleles) unrelated phenylketonuria (PKU) patients in Cukurova region. First, all exons of PAH gene were screened by denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC), and then, the suspicious samples were analyzed by direct sequencing technique. Consequently, the following results were obtained: IVS10-11g-->a splicing mutation in 27/46 (58.7%), R261Q mutation in 7/46 (15.2%) and E178G, R243X, R243Q, P281L, Y386C, R408W mutations, each found in the frequency of 2/46 (4.3%). In many countries, Arginine mutations have the highest frequency among PAH gene mutations in PKU patients. Although, CpG dinucleotids are effective in mutations resulting in arginine changes, this finding originated from the studies on the causes of mutations rather than the studies on the importance of arginine amino acid. In our analyses, we have detected that a majority of mutations causing a change in arginine and other amino acids concentrated in exon 7 comprising the catalytic domain (residues 143-410) of PAH gene. Several studies has emphasized the role of arginine amino acid; with the following outcomes; arginine repetition is significant for RNA binding proteins, and for histon proteins in eukaryotic gene expression, and also arginine repetition occurring in the structure of signal recognition particle's (SRPs) as a consequence of post-translational processes is very important in terms of gene expression. Therefore, the role of arginine amino acid in PAH gene is rather remarkable in that it shows the role of amino acids in the protein/RNA interaction that has started in the evolutionary process and is still preserved and maintained in the motif formation of active domain structure due to its strong binding properties. Thus, such properties imply that both arginine amino acid and exon 7 is of great significance with regards to the structure and function of the PheOH enzyme.  相似文献   
Three seeds of Turkish origin, flax, poppy and safflower were analyzed for their proximate, fatty acids, tocols (tocopherols and tocotrienols) and total phenolic composition, and oxidative stability of their oil. The major fatty acid in the flax oil was alpha-linolenic acid, comprising 58.3% of total fatty acids, whereas poppy and safflower oils were rich in linoleic acid at 74.5% and 70.5% level, respectively. The amount of total tocols was 14.6 mg/100g flax, 11.0mg/100g poppy and 12.1mg/100g safflower seed. Flax and poppy oil were rich in gamma-tocopherol as 79.4 mg/100g oil and 30.9 mg/100g oil, respectively, while alpha-tocopherol (44.1g/100g oil) was dominant in safflower oil. Only alpha- and gamma-tocotrienol were found in the oils. Oxidative stability of oils was measured at 110 degrees C at the rate of 20 L/h air flow rate, and poppy oil (5.56 h) was most stabile oil followed by safflower oil (2.87 h) and flax oil (1.57). There were no correlation between oxidative stability and unsaturation degree of fatty acids and tocol levels of the oils. All of the seeds investigated provide a healthy oil profile and may have potential as a source of specialty oils on a commercial scale.  相似文献   
In a study of the fishes of the Euphrates River (Persian Gulf basin) three species of Squalius belonging to the cephalus-group were found: The Tohma population was identified as S. seyhanensis and the Merzimen and Hilvan populations as S. berak. The comparison of 28 metric and 5 meristic parameters and morphological characters showed that the populations of the northern Euphrates River drainages are distinct and belong to a hitherto unnamed species. We describe it here as Squalius semae sp. n.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D195B69C-C6CB-4DEB-B85D-5B695F917CE5  相似文献   

The antimicrobial effects of sodium benzoate against Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium were investigated. The MIC(90) of sodium benzoate were 64 mg/L for E. faecalis and 32 mg/L for E. faecium, while the MBC(90) were 128 mg/L and 64 mg/L, respectively. Although further studies are required for clinical evidence, sodium benzoate seems to be effective against Enterococcus spp.  相似文献   
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