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A mathematical model of the Mossbauer spectrum (80K) of native membranes of Synechococcus elongatus was constructed on the basis of values of the quadruple splitting (Delta) and the isomeric shift (delta) of the iron-containing components of the photosynthetic apparatus obtained from the literature. Thermally induced changes in the intensity of the spectral components of membranes and isolated preparations of photosystem (PS) I were studied using this model. It was shown that exposure of membranes to 70-80 degrees C causes a decrease in the intensity of the components related to the FX, FA, and FB centers and surface-located ferredoxins of PS I, an increase in the intensity of the doublets of oxidized iron clusters that are nonspecifically absorbed by the membranes, and formation of a new doublet. Spectral parameters of this doublet (Delta = 3.10 mm/sec and delta = 1.40 mm/sec) are typical of inorganic hydrated forms of reduced iron. Heating of PS I preparations also causes a decrease in the intensity of doublets of the FX, FA, and FB centers and an increase in the intensity of doublets of nonspecifically bound oxidized iron. However, this does not cause formation of inorganic reduced iron. Comparison between the intensities of the Mossbauer spectral components in intact and heated samples suggests that the main source of reduced iron in membranes is surface-located ferredoxins. Nonspecifically bound oxidized iron is formed at the expense of the FX, FA, and FB centers. Disappearance of spectral components associated with ferredoxins and accumulation of reduced iron in membranes occur within the temperature range critical for inhibition of electron transport through PS I to oxygen. These findings suggest that the thermally induced processes of accumulation of reduced iron and inhibition of electron transport in PS I in membranes of thermophilic cyanobacteria are interrelated and caused mainly by degradation of the Fe--S centers of ferredoxins. The possible role of reduced iron accumulation in the degradation of the photosynthetic apparatus induced by heat and other extreme physical and chemical factors is discussed.  相似文献   
We obtained a new food preservative from marine fish lipids possessing pronounced activity in relation to bacteria and microscopic fungi. The effects of this preparation on enzymes of microorganisms and muscle tissue of marine hydrobionts were studied. In vitro the preparation irreversibly inhibited acid and alkaline proteases and proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes of microorganisms and reduced enzyme activity in fish muscle tissue. The inhibitory effect of this preparation on enzymes contributes to stabilization of hydrolytic processes in meat of hydrobionts and suppresses microorganism growth in storage.  相似文献   
The induction of antimicrobial activity of a new preparation, an aqueous fraction of water-oil emulsion oxidized by air oxygen, was studied. The effect of various factors (the degree of unsaturation of the initial oil and the content of oil oxidation products in obtained preparation) on the antimicrobial activity was determined. The antimicrobial activity of the preparation was induced by oil oxidation. The preparation produced from sardine Sardinops melanostica oil (33.95% of polyunsaturated fatty acids) displayed the highest antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity was shown in water-soluble oil oxidation products.  相似文献   
Mossbauer spectra of the psaAB mutant of Synechocystis sp. PPC 6803 devoid of photosystem I grown in a 57Fe-containing medium were measured. The spectrum is a broadened doublet whose size (about 20%) and parameters (isomeric shift delta = 0.3 mm/s and quadrupole splitting delta = 0.8 mm/s) suggest the presence of abundant nanoclusters of Fe3+ oxides in a superparamagnetic state tightly bound to the membrane. Treatment of cells with EDTA was accompanied by a substantial (tenfold) decrease in the amount of iron nonspecifically bound to the membrane and the appearance of Fe2+ localized, probably, inside cells and/or cell membranes. In addition, the spectrum of washed cells exhibited superfine magnetic splitting due to iron oxide clusters greater in size than nanoclusters present in the membrane prior to EDTA treatment.  相似文献   
We studied the mechanisms of the relationships between the generation of millisecond delayed fluorescence in photosystem I (DF) and the oxidative destruction of chlorophyll in the membranes of a thermophilic cyanobacteria Synechococcus elongatusin the temperature range 60–80°C at various irradiation levels and in the presence of substances affecting the intensity of DF. Light and temperature dependencies of the chlorophyll oxidation rates were similar to those of the DF of PSI. Anions Cl, Br, and NO 3, which quench the triplet states of chlorophyll, almost completely inhibited the chlorophyll oxidation and reduced the intensity of the DF maximum by 70%. Under anaerobic conditions and in the presence of sodium ascorbate, the rate of chlorophyll oxidation also markedly decreased. We found that the long-wavelength chlorophyll forms were the most susceptible to oxidation and related the temperature-dependent changes in the DF of PSI and in the oxidative processes in the membranes of thermophilic cyanobacteria to an increase in the concentration of the triplet states of P700and other chlorophyll forms. The latter result from the temperature-dependent inactivation of carotenoids and the inhibition of electron transfer to ferredoxin in PSI.  相似文献   
Transport of electrons in spinach photosystem II (PSII) whose oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) contains heterogeneous metal clusters 2Mn2Fe and 3Mn1Fe was studied by measuring the fluorescence induction kinetics (FIK). PSII(2Mn,2Fe) and PSII(3Mn,1Fe) preparations were produced using Cadepleted PSII membranes (PSII(–Ca)). It was found that FIK in PSII(2Mn,2Fe) membranes is similar in form to FIK in PSII(–Ca) samples, but the fluorescence yield is lower in PSII(2Mn,2Fe). The results demonstrate that, just as in PSII(–Ca) preparations, there is electron transfer from the metal cluster in the OEC to the primary plastoquinone electron acceptor QA. They also show that partial substitution of Mn cations with Fe has no effect on the electron transport on the acceptor side of PSII. Thus, these data demonstrate the possibility of water oxidation either by the heterogeneous metal cluster or just by the manganese dimer. We established that FIK in PSII(3Mn,1Fe) preparations are similar in form to FIK in PSII(2Mn,2Fe) membranes but PSII(3Mn,1Fe) is characterized by a slightly higher maximal fluorescence yield, Fmax. The electron transfer rate in PSII(3Mn,1Fe) preparations significantly (by a factor of two) increases in the presence of Ca2+, whereas Ca2+ has hardly any effect on the electron transport in PSII(2Mn,2Fe) membranes. In Mndepleted PSII membranes, FIK reaches its maximum (the so-called peak K), after which the fluorescence yield starts to decrease as the result of two factors: the oxidation of reduced primary plastoquinone Q A ? and the absence of electron influx from the donor side of PSII. The replacement of Mn cations by Fe in PSII(?Mn) preparations leads to fluorescence saturation and disappearance of the K peak. This is possibly due to the deceleration of the charge recombination process that takes place between reduced primary electron acceptor Q A ? and oxidized tyrosine Y Z +. which is an electron carrier between the OEC and the primary electron donor P680.  相似文献   
Lumenal extrinsic proteins PsbO, PsbP, and PsbQ of photosystem II (PSII) protect the catalytic cluster Mn4CaO5 of oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) from the bulk solution and from soluble compounds in the surrounding medium. Extraction of PsbP and PsbQ proteins by NaCl-washing together with chelator EGTA is followed also by the depletion of Ca2+ cation from OEC. In this study, the effects of PsbP and PsbQ proteins, as well as Ca2+ extraction from OEC on the kinetics of the reduced primary electron acceptor (QA ?) oxidation, have been studied by fluorescence decay kinetics measurements in PSII membrane fragments. We found that in addition to the impairment of OEC, removal of PsbP and PsbQ significantly slows the rate of electron transfer from QA ? to the secondary quinone acceptor QB. Electron transfer from QA ? to QB in photosystem II membranes with an occupied QB site was slowed down by a factor of 8. However, addition of EGTA or CaCl2 to NaCl-washed PSII did not change the kinetics of fluorescence decay. Moreover, the kinetics of QA ? oxidation by QB in Ca-depleted PSII membranes obtained by treatment with citrate buffer at pH 3.0 (such treatment keeps all extrinsic proteins in PSII but extracts Ca2+ from OEC) was not changed. The results obtained indicate that the effect of NaCl-washing on the QA ? to QB electron transport is due to PsbP and PsbQ extrinsic proteins extraction, but not due to Ca2+ depletion.  相似文献   

Fe(II) cations bind with high efficiency and specificity at the high-affinity (HA), Mn-binding site (termed the “blocking effect” since Fe blocks further electron donation to the site) of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) in Mn-depleted, photosystem II (PSII) membrane fragments (Semin et al. in Biochemistry 41:5854, 2002). Furthermore, Fe(II) cations can substitute for 1 or 2Mn cations (pH dependent) in Ca-depleted PSII membranes (Semin et al. in Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes 48:227, 2016; Semin et al. in Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B 178:192, 2018). In the current study, we examined the effect of Ca2+ cations on the interaction of Fe(II) ions with Mn-depleted [PSII(-Mn)] and Ca-depleted [PSII(-Ca)] photosystem II membranes. We found that Ca2+ cations (about 50 mM) inhibit the light-dependent oxidation of Fe(II) (5 µM) by about 25% in PSII(-Mn) membranes, whereas inhibition of the blocking process is greater at about 40%. Blocking of the HA site by Fe cations also decreases the rate of charge recombination between QA? and YZ?+ from t1/2?=?30 ms to 46 ms. However, Ca2+ does not affect the rate during the blocking process. An Fe(II) cation (20 µM) replaces 1Mn cation in the Mn4CaO5 catalytic cluster of PSII(-Ca) membranes at pH 5.7 but 2 Mn cations at pH 6.5. In the presence of Ca2+ (10 mM) during the substitution process, Fe(II) is not able to extract Mn at pH 5.7 and extracts only 1Mn at pH 6.5 (instead of two without Ca2+). Measurements of fluorescence induction kinetics support these observations. Inhibition of Mn substitution with Fe(II) cations in the OEC only occurs with Ca2+ and Sr2+ cations, which are also able to restore oxygen evolution in PSII(-Ca) samples. Nonactive cations like La3+, Ni2+, Cd2+, and Mg2+ have no influence on the replacement of Mn with Fe. These results show that the location and/or ligand composition of one Mn cation in the Mn4CaO5 cluster is strongly affected by calcium depletion or rebinding and that bound calcium affects the redox potential of the extractable Mn4 cation in the OEC, making it resistant to reduction.

Photoautotrophically grown cells of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 wild type and the Ins2 mutant carrying an insertion in the drgA gene encoding soluble NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase (NQR) did not differ in the rate of light-induced oxygen evolution and Photosystem I reaction center (P700+) reduction after its oxidation with a white light pulse. In the presence of DCMU, the rate of P700+ reduction was lower in mutant cells than in wild type cells. Depletion of respiratory substrates after 24 h dark-starvation caused more potent decrease in the rate of P700+ reduction in DrgA mutant cells than in wild type cells. The reduction of P700+ by electrons derived from exogenous glucose was slower in photoautotrophically grown DrgA mutant than in wild type cells. The mutation in the drgA gene did not impair the ability of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 cells to oxidize glucose under heterotrophic conditions and did not impair the NDH-1-dependent, rotenone-inhibited electron transfer from NADPH to P700+ in thylakoid membranes of the cyanobacterium. Under photoautotrophic growth conditions, NADPH-dehydrogenase activity in DrgA mutant cells was less than 30% from the level observed in wild type cells. The results suggest that NQR, encoded by the drgA gene, might participate in the regulation of cytoplasmic NADPH oxidation, supplying NADP+ for glucose oxidation in the pentose phosphate cycle of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   
Ferrous iron cations Fe(II) can effectively bind to the donor side of the manganese-depleted photosystem II (PSII(-Mn)) and in this way block electron transfer from diphenylcarbazide (DPC) to the major donor for P680, YZ. The present study was focused on the characteristic features of this process. The oxidation and subsequent binding of Fe(II) cations to PSII(-Mn) may proceed in the absence of an artificial electron acceptor, and therefore we investigated the role of O2 as a putative endogenous acceptor. Oxygen was shown to participate in the blockade of YZ by Fe cations, apparently as a structural element of Fe cluster formed at the donor side of PSII(-Mn). The kinetic study of blocking YZ by Fe(II) as dependent on light intensity demonstrated that the quantum efficiency of Fe cations binding to the donor side of PSII(-Mn) considerably exceeded that of Mn cations. We also compared the possibilities of extracting the native Mn cluster and reconstructed Fe cations from PSII and an alternative electron transport from DPC to P680+ under the conditions of the YZ blockade by Fe cations. Neither an alternative donor for P680, YD , nor cytochrome b 559 participated in the latter process. As a whole, our evidence shows that many features of binding Fe cation to the donor side of PSII(-Mn) are in common with photoassembling the Mn cluster.Translated from Fiziologiya Rastenii, Vol. 52, No. 1, 2005, pp. 12–20.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Lovyagina, Davletshina, Kultysheva, Timofeev, Ivanov, Semin.  相似文献   
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