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When animals perceive social signals, information about the identity and the location of the signaller can be important determinants of a response by the perceiver. An unfamiliar individual often elicits a greater response than does a familiar individual. Similarly, a signal from an unexpected location may elicit a greater response than if it came from an expected location. For example, in field experiments on vocal communication in birds, an unexpected location has been many metres away from the expected one. Laboratory experiments on the responses of voles and hamsters to scent overmarks and on the habituation of hamsters to social scents suggest that much smaller differences in the location of odours may be salient. To explore this further, we examined the influence of changes in spatial location of familiar and novel male scents on responses of female golden hamsters,M. auratus . The spatial changes were about 9 cm, less than three-fourths of the body length of our subjects. The decline in females' investigation of the same male's flank odour across four habituation trials was not affected by changing the location of the odour. During test trials, however, changes in location did influence the results. The expected higher level of investigation of a novel scent versus that of a familiar one was observed primarily when the novel scent occupied a novel location. Such increases in investigation were usually not seen when only one of these variables was changed (individual or location). Thus, small changes in spatial location influence the salience of conspecific odours in this species. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
WHOSE GENOME PROJECT?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Macer D 《Bioethics》1991,5(3):183-211
The human genome project is a multinational project aimed at obtaining a detailed map and a complete DNA sequence of the human genome. It will have many scientific, medical, economic, ethical, legal, and social implications. A fundamental question to ask is "Whose genome project is it?" We can answer this question from different perspectives, and this aids our thinking about the issues that arise from the project. We can think of who proposed the idea, who should fund the research, who should perform the research, whose genome is mapped and sequenced, who should own the data, who should benefit from the results, and who should make these decisions. We can also compare the answers to these ethical questions with what is occurring in practice.  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation and radiomimetic compounds, such as hydrogen peroxide and bleomycin, generate DNA strand breaks with fragmented deoxyribose 3' termini via the formation of oxygen-derived free radicals. These fragmented sugars require removal by enzymes with 3' phosphodiesterase activity before DNA synthesis can proceed. An enzyme that reactivates bleomycin-damaged DNA to a substrate for Klenow polymerase has been purified from calf thymus. The enzyme, which has a Mr of 38,000 on SDS-PAGE, also reactivates hydrogen peroxide-damaged DNA and has an associated apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the purified protein matches that reported previously for a calf thymus enzyme purified on the basis of AP endonuclease activity. Degenerate oligonucleotide primers based on this sequence were used in the polymerase chain reaction to generate from a bovine cDNA library a fragment specific for the 5' end of the coding sequence. Using this cDNA fragment as a probe, several clones containing 1.35 kb cDNA inserts were isolated and the complete nucleotide sequence of one of these determined. This revealed an 0.95 kb open reading frame which would encode a polypeptide of Mr 35,500 and with a N-terminal sequence matching that determined experimentally. The predicted amino acid sequence shows strong homology with the sequences of two bacterial enzymes that repair oxidative DNA damage, ExoA protein of S. pneumoniae and exonuclease III of E. coli.  相似文献   
Six 'core' subunits of pea photosystem I have been isolated and their N-terminal amino acid sequences determined by gas-phase or solid-phase sequencing. On average more than thirty residues were determined from the N-terminus of each polypeptide. This sequence analysis has revealed three polypeptides with charged N-terminal regions (21, 17 and 11 kDa subunits), one polypeptide with a predominantly hydrophobic N-terminal region (9 kDa subunit), one polypeptide which is cysteine-rich (8 kDa subunit) and one which is alanine-rich (13 kDa subunit).  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that recognition of melanoma by cytotoxic T lymphocytes may be restricted by HLA-A1, A2 and other HLA antigens. The present study examined the cytotoxic specificity and major histocompatibility complex restriction of cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) isolated from a patient with the HLA phenotype A3,31 who had been immunized with a vaccine prepared from HLA-A1,3 melanoma cells. Cytotoxic assays against HLA-typed allogeneic melanoma cells indicated that cloned CTL from the patient were able to kill allogeneic melanoma cells expressing HLA-A1 but not other HLA-A1-positive cells. Studies on a representative clone indicated that proliferation and cytokine (tumour necrosis factor ) production in response to melanoma cells was also associated with HLA-A1 on melanoma cells. Response to the melanoma cells was associated with interleukin-4 (IL-4) rather than IL-2 production. The antigen recognized in the context of HLA-A1 on allogeneic melanoma cells was detected in cytotoxic assays on cells from 9 of 12 HLA-A1+ melanoma cell lines and did not appear to be the product of the MAGE-1 or-3 genes. These findings suggest that T cells can recognize melanoma antigens in the context of alloantigens and that allogeneic vaccines containing immunodominant alloantigens may generate CTL that are ineffective against autologous melanoma. The study does not, however, exclude the possibility that CTL with specificity to the latter may be activated by allogeneic vaccines, and further studies are needed to answer this question.  相似文献   
A putative model for the structure of the relatively independent carboxyl-terminal domain of (rhod)opsin has been developed by use of a combination of several secondary structure prediction methods. The validity of this approach was confirmed by comparing the secondary structure for bacteriorhodopsin as predicted by these methods with its known low resolution structure. The resulting predicted structure agreed well with the experimental data. The model obtained for opsin incorporates two transmembrane α-helical rods linked by an intradiscal loop. Each of the helical sections is interrupted by a short irregular region. One of these includes the lysyl residue to which the chromophore 11-cis retinal is attached. The second non-regular segment, almost opposite the first, contains a cysteinyl and a tryptophanyl residue which may be involved in protein—chromophore interaction. The proposed structure of this whole domain could prove instructive in the elucidation of the primary events of visual transduction.  相似文献   
Patterns of behaviour associated with preventing wind-blown sand from entering the burrows of the wolf spider Geolycosa wrightii were investigated in a laboratory study. The method of closing the burrow depended upon the rate of sand entry. The spider employed a web block at low rates and used its body to block at high rates.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was the development of a method for quantitative expression proteomics on the limited sample amounts obtained through laser capture microdissection (LCM) of tissues, e.g., approximately 10 000 cells, which typically contain roughly 1-4 microg protein. The 16O/18O labeling method was selected as an approach to measure differential expression. A sample preparation protocol including lysis, digestion and 16O/18O labeling was first developed for LCM cell samples. The selected protocol was examined using two LCM caps of 10 000 cells from invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast and shown to be repeatable. A further test of LC-IT-MS/MS in combination with the 16O/18O post-digestion labeling method for studying low level samples was conducted first on a single protein (BSA) and then on a 5-standard protein mixture digest of different protein amounts, each with a total content approximately 1 microg. Next, protein expression was compared between 10 000 cells, each of microdissected normal ductal epithelium and metastatic ductal carcinoma, using the developed method. The proteins from the microdissected cells were extracted, precipitated, digested with trypsin and then 16O/18O labeled. The normal and metastatic cell samples were analyzed using reversed phase LC-ESI-MS/MS on the ion trap mass spectrometer. A total of 76 proteins were identified. Some, such as mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase, actin and 14-3-3 protein xi/delta were found to be significantly up-regulated in the breast tumor cells.  相似文献   
A postnatal role of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1) in the kidney is suggested by its binding to α-Klotho to form an obligate receptor for the hormone fibroblast growth factor-23 (FGF-23). FGFR1 is expressed in both the proximal and distal renal tubular segments, but its tubular specific functions are unclear. In this study, we crossed Fgfr1flox/flox mice with either gamma-glutamyltransferase-Cre (γGT-Cre) or kidney specific-Cre (Ksp-Cre) mice to selectively create proximal tubule (PT) and distal tubule (DT) Fgfr1 conditional knockout mice (designated Fgfr1PT-cKOand Fgfr1DT-cKO, respectively). Fgfr1PT-cKO mice exhibited an increase in sodium-dependent phosphate co-transporter expression, hyperphosphatemia, and refractoriness to the phosphaturic actions of FGF-23, consistent with a direct role of FGFR1 in mediating the proximal tubular phosphate responses to FGF-23. In contrast, Fgfr1DT-cKO mice unexpectedly developed hypercalciuria, secondary elevations of parathyroid hormone (PTH), hypophosphatemia and enhanced urinary phosphate excretion. Fgfr1PT-cKO mice also developed a curly tail/spina bifida-like skeletal phenotype, whereas Fgfr1DT-cKO mice developed renal tubular micro-calcifications and reductions in cortical bone thickness. Thus, FGFR1 has dual functions to directly regulate proximal and distal tubule phosphate and calcium reabsorption, indicating a physiological role of FGFR1 signaling in both phosphate and calcium homeostasis.  相似文献   
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