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Male Broad Breasted White Turkeys (BBWT) represent an experimental model of arterial hypertension characterized by high levels of circulating and tissue catecholamines. We thought interesting to evaluate the efficacy of the long term treatment with different antihypertensive drugs. 59 male BBWT were studied, divided in five groups. The first group (13 animals) was treated with placebo; the second (14 animals) with oxprenolol 4 mg/Kg/q.d.; the third (10 animals) with labetalol 25 mg/Kg/q.d.; the fourth (11 animals) with verapamil 15 mg/Kg/ q.d.; the fifth (11 animals) with captopril 8 mg/Kg/ q.d. and furosemide 2,5 mg/Kg/q.d. All drugs were given p.o, from the 8th to the 33rd week of age. Weekly or every two weeks Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR) were measured by an indirect method. In all animals BP progressively increased and HR progressively decreased with age. Only the labetalol-treated animals showed a significant reduction of BP and HR through the study period as compared with the placebo-treated animals. These results confirm the preminent role played by the high levels of circulating catecholamines in determining and maintaining the arterial hypertension.  相似文献   
The synergistic effect of type A (virginiamycin M (VM)) and type B (virginiamycin S (VS)) synergimycins and their antagonistic effect against erythromycin (a 14-membered macrolide) for binding to the large ribosomal subunit (50 S) have been related. This investigation has now been extended to 16-membered macrolides (leucomycin A3 and spiramycin) and to lincosamides (lincomycin). A dissociation of VS-ribosome complexes was induced as well by 16-membered macrolides as by lincosamides. The observed dissociation rate constant of VS-ribosome complexes was identified with the kappa-vs in the case of 16-membered macrolides, but linearly related to lincomycin concentration, suggesting a direct binding of the latter antibiotic to VS-ribosome complexes and the triggering of a conformational change of particles entailing VS release. Two different mechanisms were also involved in the VM-promoted reassociation to ribosomes of VS previously displaced by either macrolides or lincosamides. By binding to lincosamide-ribosome complexes, VM induced a conformational change of ribosomes resulting in higher affinity for VS and lower affinity for lincosamides. On the contrary, an incompatibility for a simultaneous binding of VM and 16-membered macrolides to ribosomes was observed. These results have been interpreted by postulating specific (nonoverlapping) and aspecific (overlapping) antibiotic binding sites at the peptidyltransferase domain. All the kinetic constants of five antibiotic families (type A and B synergimycins, 14- and 16-membered macrolides, and lincosamides) and a topological model of peptidyltransferase are presently available.  相似文献   
Summary In the epithelium of rabbit gallbladder, in the nominal absence of bicarbonate, intracellular Cl activity is about 25mm, about 4 times higher than intracellular Cl activity at the electrochemical equilibrium. It is essentially not affected by 10–4 m acetazolamide and 10–4 m 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate (SITS) even during prolonged exposures; it falls to the equilibrium value by removal of Na+ from the lumen without significant changes of the apical membrane potential difference. Both intracellular Cl and Na+ activities are decreased by luminal treatment with 25mm SCN; the initial rates of change are not significantly different. In addition, the initial rates of change of intracellular Cl activity are not significantly different upon Na+ or Cl entry block by the appropriate reduction of the concentration of either ion in the luminal solution. Luminal K+ removal or 10–5 m bumetanide do not affect intracellular Cl and Na+ activities or Cl influx through the apical membrane. It is concluded that in the absence of bicarbonate NaCl entry is entirely due to a Na+–Cl symport on a single carrier which, at least under the conditions tested, does not cotransport K+.  相似文献   
Summary Cl influx at the luminal border of the epithelium of rabbit gallbladder was measured by 45-sec exposures to36Cl and3H-sucrose (as extracellular marker). Its paracellular component was evaluated by the use of 25mm SCN which immediately and completely inhibits Cl entry into the cell. Cellular influx was equal to 16.7eq cm–2 hr–1 and decreased to 8.5eq cm–2 hr–1 upon removal of HCO 3 from the bathing media and by bubbling 100% O2 for 45 min. When HCO 3 was present, cellular influx was again about halved by the action of 10–4 m acetazolamide, 10–5 to 10–4 m furosemide, 10–5 to 10–4 m 4-acetamido-4-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2-disulfonate (SITS), 10–3 m amiloride. The effects of furosemide and SITS were tested at different concentrations of the inhibitor and with different exposure times: they were maximal at the concentrations reported above and nonadditive. In turn, the effects of amiloride and SITS were not additive. Acetazolamide reached its maximal action after an exposure of about 2 min. When exogenous HCO 3 was absent, the residual cellular influx was insensitive to acetazolamide, furosemide and SITS. When exogenous HCO 3 was present in the salines, Na+ removal from the mucosal side caused a slow decline of cellular Cl influx; conversely, it immediately abolished cellular Cl influx in the absence of HCO 3 . In conclusion, about 50% of cellular influx is sensitive to HCO 3 , inhibitable by SCN, acetazolamide, furosemide, SITS and amiloride and furthermore slowly dependent on Na+. The residual cellular influx is insensitive to bicarbonate, inhibitable by SCN, resistant to acetazolamide, furosemide, SITS and amiloride, and immediately dependent on Na+. Thus, about 50% of apical membrane NaCl influx appears to result from a Na+/H+ and Cl/HCO 3 exchange, whereas the residual influx seems to be due to Na+–Cl contranport on a single carrier. Whether both components are simultaneously present or the latter represents a cellular homeostatic counterreaction to the inhibition of the former is not clear.  相似文献   
Type A synergimycins (VM) were shown to act catalytically and to induce two ribosomal alterations: (a) inability to promote polypeptide synthesis; (b) high-affinity binding of type B synergimycins (VS). A claim for irreversible binding of type A synergimycins to ribosomes has promoted the present reinvestigation. Submission of ribosomes from VM-treated bacteria to a purification procedure (supposed to remove the drug, according to a low association constant previously reported) yielded particles still holding residual VM. The formation of VM.ribosome complexes, more stable than previously inferred but without covalent linkage, was deduced from the extractability of complexed VM by organic solvents. Moreover, incubation of these complexes with increasing amounts of anti-VM immunoglobulins progressively restored ribosome activity in protein synthesis. Binding of VS to ribosomes, by fluorimetric titrations in the presence of substoichiometric concentrations of VM, was incompatible with catalytic action of type A synergimycins. Ribosomes from VM-treated bacteria displayed also a higher affinity for VS than did control ribosomes. This property did not disappear when ribosome.VM complexes were incubated with anti-VM IgG, nor when VM-IgG complexes were withdrawn from the reaction mixture by protein A-agarose binding. We can conclude that VM binding produces: (1) an inhibition of ribosome-promoted peptide bond formation, which occurs only in the presence of the drug; and (2) an increase of ribosome affinity for VS, which lasts after VM removal. The linkage of this drug with ribosomes is tight but reversible and its action is stoichiometric.  相似文献   
Expression of HOX homeogenes in human neuroblastoma cell culture lines   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Mammalian genes containing a class-I homeobox (HOX genes) are highly expressed in the embryonic nervous system. As a first step towards the molecular analysis of the role these genes play in neural cells, we studied the expression of four human HOX genes in five neuroblastoma (NB) cell lines - SK-N-BE, CHP-134, IMR-32, SK-N-SH and LAN-1 - during the process of differentiation induced by treatment with retinoic acid (RA). The four genes, HOX1D, 2F, 3E and 4B, located at corresponding positions in the four HOX loci, share a high degree of sequence similarity with the Drosophila Deformed homeotic gene and constitute a homology group, group 10. One of these genes, HOX1D, is not expressed in the cells used, whereas the other three are highly expressed in untreated and RA-induced NB cells, even though the expression pattern in the various lines is slightly different for the three genes. Our analysis reveals a complex and specific expression pattern in these lines, paving the way to an identification of different NB-cell populations by means of specific HOX gene expression schemes. On the other hand, in every line studied, morphological maturation toward a neuronal differentiated phenotype appears to be associated with increased HOX gene expression.  相似文献   
Analysis of fluorescence quenching of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The two virginiamycin components VM and VS interact synergistically with bacterial ribosomes in vitro and in vivo. Ribosome affinity for virginiamycin S increases about 10-fold upon incubation with virginiamycin M. This effect has been previously traced by spectrofluorimetric measurement based on the enhancement of virginiamycin S fluorescence upon its binding to the 50 S ribosomal subunit. In the present work the action of two virginiamycin S fluorescence quenchers, acrylamide and iodide, has been explored to gather information about the accessibility of ribosome-bound virginiamycin S and the variation of the accessibility level in the presence of virginiamycin M. Both acrylamide (non-ionized quencher) and iodide (ionized quencher) proved powerful quenchers of free virginiamycin S solutions. Since a comparable effect was obtained on 3- hydroxypicolinamide , the latter was indicated as the part of the molecule involved in the fluorescence effect. Fluorescence quenching by either agent was of the dynamic, i.e. collisional, type. Such an inference was based on the fact that these quenchers merely modified the emission spectrum (not the absorption spectrum), the bimolecular rate constant for the quenching process decreased linearly with the viscosity of the medium (static-type quenching is viscosity-independent), and that linear Stern-Volmer plots were obtained. The quenching ability of both agents underwent a sharp decrease in the presence of ribosomes; however, the Stern-Volmer equation was followed only in the case of acrylamide, whereas Lehrer 's relationship had to be applied in the case of iodide. When ribosomes were incubated with virginiamycin M, the fluorescence quenching ability of acrylamide and iodide was significantly reduced. Conclusions are as follows: a) the 3- hydroxypicolinyl residue of virginiamycin S is buried within an open well on the ribosome surface and is likely to be involved in the interaction with the binding site; b) the accessibility to the well is partly controlled by electrostatic forces; c) interaction of ribosomes with virginiamycin M entails a conformational change whereby the access to the well is reduced. These findings provide a molecular explanation for the previously observed increase of the association constant of virginiamycin S to ribosomes incubated with virginiamycin M which was found to be due to the decrease of the dissociation rate constant (the association rate constant remains practically the same).  相似文献   
To investigate the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes expressed in the young sheep thymus, a cDNA library was screened with a human HLA-B7 cDNA probe under conditions of relaxed stringency. Thirteen clones were isolated and found by partial sequences to fall into five classes, requiring the expression of at least three loci. One sequence was found six times, almost half of the total, and may thus represent the major message expressed in the young sheep thymus. One of the clones was found to have failed to excise the intron between cytoplasmic exons 7 and 8, leading to the predicted synthesis of a cytoplasmic domain 23 amino acids longer than the other sheep sequences, and 15 amino acids longer than any cytoplasmic domain previously described. The sequences of all the clones were found to be most similar to bovine, and least similar to mouse class I MHC sequences.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been sunmitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers M 34672-6.  相似文献   
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