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Synopsis The 25 species ofAmphiprion and one ofPremnas (family Pomacentridae) are obligate symbionts of 10 species of facultatively symbiotic sea anemones. Throughout the tropical Indo-West Pacific range of the relationship, a fish species inhabits only certain of the hosts potentially available to it. This specificity is due to the fishes. Five fishes occupy six sea anemone species at Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia.Entacmaea quadricolor harborsP. biaculeatus, A. melanopus andA. akindynos. Adults ofPremnas occur deeper than about 3 m in large, primarily solitary actinians; juveniles may occupy peripheral members ofEntacmaea clones in shallow water. Specimens ofA. melanopus live exclusively in clonal anemones, which are found no deeper than 3 m. Most individuals ofA. akindynos inEntacmaea are juveniles, occurring shallow and deep, in solitary anemones or at the margins of clones. Interspecific as well as intraspecific social control of growth may be responsible for keeping fish small at clone fringes. Conspicuous specimens ofE. quadricolor depend upon their anemonefish to survive. Actinians cleared of symbionts disappeared within 24 h, probably having been eaten by reef fishes.Entacmaea, the most abundant and widespread host actinian at Lizard Island and throughout the range of the association, is also arguably the most attractive to anemonefishes. I believe its vulnerability to predation was a factor in its evolving whatever makes it desirable to fishes. Experimental transfers pitted fish of one species against those of another, controlling for ecophenotype of host, and sex, size and number of fish. Competitive superiority was in the same order as abundance and over-all host specificity:P. biaculeatus, A. melanopus, A. akindynos. At least three factors are necessary to explain patterns of species specificity - innate or learned host preference, competition, and stochastic processes.  相似文献   
In common with other Apicomplexan parasites, Plasmodium falciparum carries two extrachromosomal DNAs, one of which, the 6 kb element, is undoubtedly mitochondrial. The second, generally referred to as the 35 kb circle, is of unknown provenance, but the nature and organization of its genetic content makes a mitochondrial association unlikely and the molecule has features reminiscent of plastid genomes. We now report the occurrence on the circle of an open reading frame specifying a predicted 470 amino acid protein that shares more than 50% identity with a gene currently known only on the plastome of red algae. This high degree of conservation confirms the 35 kb circle's plastid ancestry, and we speculate that it may have originated from the rhodoplast of an ancient red algal endosymbiont in the progenitor of the Apicomplexa.  相似文献   
Liang, Pei-Ji, Daphne A. Bascom, and Peter A. Robbins.Extended models of the ventilatory response to sustained isocapnic hypoxia in humans. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(2): 667-677, 1997.The purpose of this study was to examine extensions of a modelof hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD) in humans. In the original model (model I) devised by R. Painter, S. Khamnei, and P. Robbins(J. Appl. Physiol. 74: 2007-2015, 1993), HVD is modeledentirely by a modulation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In thefirst extension (model II), a more complicated dynamic is usedfor the change in peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In the secondextension (model III), HVD is modeled as a combination ofboth the mechanism of Painter et al. and a component that isindependent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In all cases, aparallel noise structure was incorporated to describe the stochasticproperties of the ventilatory behavior to remove the correlation of theresiduals. Data came from six subjects from a study by D. A. Bascom, J. J. Pandit, I. D. Clement, and P. A. Robbins (Respir. Physiol.88: 299-312, 1992). For model II, there was a significantimprovement in fit for two out of six subjects. The reasons for thiswere not entirely clear. For model III, the fit was againsignificantly improved in two subjects, but in this case the subjectswere those who had the most marked undershoot and recovery ofventilation at the relief of hypoxia. In these two subjects, thechemoreflex-independent component contributed ~50% to total HVD.In the other four subjects, the chemoreflex-independent componentcontributed ~10% to total HVD. It is concluded that in somesubjects, but not in others, there may be a component of HVD thatis independent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity.

Cationized ferritin was found to inhibit the lateral mobility of intramembrane proteins in turkey erythrocyte membranes and the activation of adenylate cyclase by the (?)-epinephrine-bound β-adrenergic receptor. It was observed that cationized ferritin has only a small direct effect on the β-receptor and on the adenylate cyclase moiety. It is concluded that the cationized ferritin-induced inhibition of the hormone-dependent cyclase activity results from the inhibition of the lateral mobility of the receptor and therefore a decrease in the bimolecular rate of interaction between the receptor and the enzyme.  相似文献   
Summary When Lettree cells are exposed to Mn2+, the cation becomes associated with cells in two ways: in a relatively loose and mobile manner that gives a six-line EPR spectrum designated Mn b *, and in an immobile, relatively tight manner that gives no detectable EPR spectrum, designated Mn b . Mn b * is probably on the surface of cells; most Mn b is probably inside cells. NMR measurements of Lettree cell suspensions show two water proton relaxation rates and confirm the existence of cell-associated Mn. Human erythrocytes, on the other hand, bind no Mn2+ under these conditions, as judged by EPR and NMR measurements.Virally-treated Lettree cells show an increase in Mn b (but not in Mn b *). They also show a third water proton relaxation rate.  相似文献   
The characteristics of a strong mouse alloantigen with renal, bone marrow, and lymphoid expression were studied. This antigen is probably identical to that currently designated Ly-6.2. It was defined by the high-titered (1:1000) cytotoxic activity of three different antisera against peripheral lymphocyte target cells from DBA/2, DBA/1, and a variety of other strains. In the F2 and four backcross generations the genetic control of this specificity segregated as a single autosomal dominant gene. In lymphoid tissues the predominant expression was on T cells but 10–30% of B cells were lysed by these antisera. The specificity was expressed strongly in kidney, as shown by sequential absorption, in amounts equal to or greater than the amount in lymphoid tissues. Comparison to the rate of absorption of H-2 by kidney indicated that this antigen may be expressed in amounts comparable to an H-2 antigen in kidney. Immunization with kidney tissue resulted in a strong cytotoxic antibody response. The number of bone marrow cells expressing this antigen (40–50%) was well beyond what could be accounted for by T lymphocytes in bone marrow. In addition, a nonlymphoid tumor, the P815Y mastocytoma, was positive by cytotoxicity and by absorption. The extensive nonlymphoid expression and antigenic strength of Ly-6.2 raises the possibility that this serologically defined lymphocyte alloantigen will have histocompatibility effects when allografts of the appropriate tissues are examined.  相似文献   
In field experiments on a sandy loam at Wellesbourne, England in 1972 and on a silt loam at Agassiz, British Columbia in 1973, combinations of herbicides and insecticides were applied at sowing to determine their effects on weeds and invertebrate populations and on the growth and yield of cauliflowers grown at high density There was good agreement between the results from the two locations. The two combinations of herbicides, 0.6 kg trifluralin/ha incorporated pre-drilling plus 2.2 kg propachlor/ha pre-emergence and 2.2 kg nitrofen/ha plus 2.2 kg propachlor/ha both applied pre-emergence, gave good weed control, their relative effectiveness depending on the species composition of the weed population. The insecticides isophenphos, carbofuran, chlorfenvinphos and fensulfothion were applied as bow-wave treatments. None of them, whether in combination with herbicides or not, adversely affected crop stand or yield. Yield was reduced when either weeds or root-fly maggots (Hylemya brassicae (Bouché)) were not controlled. Only in one experiment was there any evidence of any herbicide-insecticide interactions. Where trifluralin and carbofuran were applied together at Agassiz, the control of both weeds and maggots was less than that with the other combinations. None of the treatments affected the populations of predatory beetles, but the numbers of earthworms were greatly reduced by carbofuran and to a lesser extent by chlorfenvinphos. Except for carbofuran in one experiment, the treatments had no effects on the numbers of aphids, lepidopterous larvae or leaf miners present at harvest.  相似文献   
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