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Alternative splicing of 3′-terminal exons plays a critical role in gene expression by producing mRNA with distinct 3′-untranslated regions that regulate their fate and their expression. The Xenopus α-tropomyosin pre-mRNA possesses a composite internal/3′-terminal exon (exon 9A9′) that is differentially processed depending on the embryonic tissue. Exon 9A9′ is repressed in non-muscle tissue by the polypyrimidine tract binding protein, whereas it is selected as a 3′-terminal or internal exon in myotomal cells and adult striated muscles, respectively. We report here the identification of an intronic regulatory element, designated the upstream terminal exon enhancer (UTE), that is required for the specific usage of exon 9A9′ as a 3′-terminal exon in the myotome. We demonstrate that polypyrimidine tract binding protein prevents the activity of UTE in non-muscle cells, whereas a subclass of serine/arginine rich (SR) proteins promotes the selection of exon 9A9′ in a UTE-dependent way. Morpholino-targeted blocking of UTE in the embryo strongly reduced the inclusion of exon 9A9′ as a 3′-terminal exon in the endogenous mRNA, demonstrating the function of UTE under physiological circumstances. This strategy allowed us to reveal a splicing pathway that generates a mRNA with no in frame stop codon and whose steady-state level is translation-dependent. This result suggests that a non-stop decay mechanism participates in the strict control of the 3′-end processing of the α-tropomyosin pre-mRNA.  相似文献   
The 10-subunit RNA exosome is involved in a large number of diverse RNA processing and degradation events in eukaryotes. These reactions are carried out by the single catalytic subunit, Rrp44p/Dis3p, which is composed of three parts that are conserved throughout eukaryotes. The exosome is named for the 3′ to 5′ exoribonuclease activity provided by a large C-terminal region of the Rrp44p subunit that resembles other exoribonucleases. Rrp44p also contains an endoribonuclease domain. Finally, the very N-terminus of Rrp44p contains three Cys residues (CR3 motif) that are conserved in many eukaryotes but have no known function. These three conserved Cys residues cluster with a previously unrecognized conserved His residue in what resembles a metal-ion-binding site. Genetic and biochemical data show that this CR3 motif affects both endo- and exonuclease activity in vivo and both the nuclear and cytoplasmic exosome, as well as the ability of Rrp44p to associate with the other exosome subunits. These data provide the first direct evidence that the exosome-Rrp44p interaction is functionally important and also provides a molecular explanation for the functional defects when the conserved Cys residues are mutated.  相似文献   
Stream discharge?Cconcentration relationships are indicators of terrestrial ecosystem function. Throughout the Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil rapid changes in land use and land cover may be altering these hydrochemical relationships. The current analysis focuses on factors controlling the discharge?Ccalcium (Ca) concentration relationship since previous research in these regions has demonstrated both positive and negative slopes in linear log10discharge?Clog10Ca concentration regressions. The objective of the current study was to evaluate factors controlling stream discharge?CCa concentration relationships including year, season, stream order, vegetation cover, land use, and soil classification. It was hypothesized that land use and soil class are the most critical attributes controlling discharge?CCa concentration relationships. A multilevel, linear regression approach was utilized with data from 28 streams throughout Brazil. These streams come from three distinct regions and varied broadly in watershed size (<1 to >106 ha) and discharge (10?5.7?C103.2 m3 s?1). Linear regressions of log10Ca versus log10discharge in 13 streams have a preponderance of negative slopes with only two streams having significant positive slopes. An ANOVA decomposition suggests the effect of discharge on Ca concentration is large but variable. Vegetation cover, which incorporates aspects of land use, explains the largest proportion of the variance in the effect of discharge on Ca followed by season and year. In contrast, stream order, land use, and soil class explain most of the variation in stream Ca concentration. In the current data set, soil class, which is related to lithology, has an important effect on Ca concentration but land use, likely through its effect on runoff concentration and hydrology, has a greater effect on discharge?Cconcentration relationships.  相似文献   
Mesopolyploid whole-genome duplication (WGD) was revealed in the ancestry of Australian Brassicaceae species with diploid-like chromosome numbers (n = 4 to 6). Multicolor comparative chromosome painting was used to reconstruct complete cytogenetic maps of the cryptic ancient polyploids. Cytogenetic analysis showed that the karyotype of the Australian Camelineae species descended from the eight ancestral chromosomes (n = 8) through allopolyploid WGD followed by the extensive reduction of chromosome number. Nuclear and maternal gene phylogenies corroborated the hybrid origin of the mesotetraploid ancestor and suggest that the hybridization event occurred ~6 to 9 million years ago. The four, five, and six fusion chromosome pairs of the analyzed close relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana represent complex mosaics of duplicated ancestral genomic blocks reshuffled by numerous chromosome rearrangements. Unequal reciprocal translocations with or without preceeding pericentric inversions and purported end-to-end chromosome fusions accompanied by inactivation and/or loss of centromeres are hypothesized to be the main pathways for the observed chromosome number reduction. Our results underline the significance of multiple rounds of WGD in the angiosperm genome evolution and demonstrate that chromosome number per se is not a reliable indicator of ploidy level.  相似文献   
The so-called neurointermediate lobe is composed of the intermediate and neural lobes of the pituitary. The present immunohistochemical study investigated components of the basal lamina (laminin, agrin, and perlecan), the dystrophin–dystroglycan complex (dystrophin, β-dystroglycan, α1-dystrobrevin, β-dystrobrevin, utrophin, and α1-syntrophin), and the aquaporins (aquaporin-4 and -9). Glia markers (GFAP, S100, and glutamine synthetase) and components of connective tissue (collagen type I and fibronectin) were also labeled. In the neurohypophysis, immunostaining of basal lamina delineated meningeal invaginations. In these invaginations, vessels were seen to penetrate the organ without submerging into its parenchyma. On the parenchymal side of the invaginations, β-dystroglycan was detected, whereas utrophin was detected in the walls of vessels. Immunostaining of α1-dystrobrevin and α1-syntrophin did not delineate the vessels. The cells of the intermediate lobe were fully immunoreactive to α1-dystrobrevin and α1-syntrophin, whereas components of the basal lamina delineated the contours of the cells. GFAP-immunoreactive processes surrounded them. Aquaporin-4 localized at the periphery of the neurohypophysis, mainly adjacent to the intermediate lobe but not along the vessels. It colocalized only partially with GFAP and not at all with α1-syntrophin. Aquaporin-9 was not detected. These results emphasize the possibility that the components of the dystrophin–dystroglycan complex localize differently and raise the question about the roles of dystrobrevins, α1-syntrophin, and aquaporin-4 in the functions of the intermediate and neural lobes, respectively. (J Histochem Cytochem 58:463–479, 2010)  相似文献   
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