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A simple procedure is described for the determination of the photosensitizing potency of drugs, using three leukemic cell lines, two of lymphocytic origin, L1210 and P388 and one of erythroid type, Friend-745. The procedure allows one to investigate several aspects of the photosensitization properties of tested compounds such as cellular localization and direct (trypan blue exclusion) or delayed (clonogenicity) photomediated toxicities.The method was assessed using crude hematoporphyrin derivative (HPD) as well as dihematoporphyrin ether (DHE) or commercially available Photofrin II. Results were compared to those obtained with normal cells, e.g spleen lymphocytes and erythropoietic stem cells (CFU-e), and discussed in the light of the relative response of normal versus transformed cells.Abbreviations DHE Dihematoporphyrin Ether - FCS Fetal Calf Serum - HPD Hematoporphyrin Derivative - PDT Photodynamic Therapy  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to elucidate the genetic fine structure of the central portion of mouse chromosome (Chr) 2. Seven Chr 2 congenic mouse strains [B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t , B10.PA(L)-pa A w , B10.PA(L)-we un a t , B10.PA(J)-pa a, B10.FS-we A w , B10.C-we A w , and B10.YBR-a] were produced. Breeding studies were carried out using strains B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t and B10.LP-H-13 b to accurately determine the recombination frequencies between marker genes pa and we (1.9%±0.3), we and un (8.8%±0.5), and un and a t (4.5%±0.4) of strain B10.PA(L)-pa we un a t . These strains and other Chr 2 congenic strains were typed for immunologically defined loci using monoclonal antibody (mAb) C23 reactive with the gene product of B2m b T-lymphocyte clone C1 reactive with the gene product of H-3 a and H-3 c , and lymphocyte clone H1.8 reactive with the gene product of Hd-1 a . B2m and H-3 typing located a recombinational event separating [pa B2m H-3] from we (the order of bracketed genes is not known). Hd-1 typing indicated that Hd-1 maps distal to [H-42, H-44] and proximal to un. The gene order [pa, B2m, H-3], we, [H-42, H-45], Hd-1, un, H-13, a t , with H-44 mapping centromeric to Hd-1, is indicated by the data. Address correspondence and offprint requests to: R. J. Graff.  相似文献   
The irradiation and fusion gene transfer (IFGT) procedure provides a means of isolating subchromosomal fragments for use in the mapping of loci and for cloning probes from a particular area of a chromosome. Using this procedure, two large panels of somatic cell hybrids that contain mouse X Chromosome (Chr) fragments have been generated. These hybrid panels were generated by irradiating the monochromosomal mouse-hamster hybrid HYBX, which retains the mouse X Chr, with either 10 K or 50 K rads of X-irradiation followed by fusion with a recipient Chinese hamster cell line. IFGT hybrids retaining mouse material were generated at high frequency. These hybrids were used to orient loci in the X-inactivation center region that had not been resolvable in our interspecies backcross panel and also to map, within the terminal region of the X Chr, repeat elements detected by the probe p15-4. These hybrids not only complement existing interspecies meiotic mapping panels for the detailed analysis of specific regions of particular chromosomes, but also provide a potential source of material for chromosome-specific probe isolation.  相似文献   
The population energetics of a temporary and a permanent pond population of Musculium partumeium in Southwest Ohio were studied. In the permanent pond (surface area = 396 m2, maximum depth = 0.7 m) the population was bivoltine and iteroparous whereas in the temporary pond (surface area = 1042 m2, maximum depth = 0.9 m) the population was usually univoltine and semelparous.Growth and biomass were assessed as total organic carbon and total nitrogen to provide estimates of productivity and seasonal changes in C:N for each generation. Productivity (non-respired assimilation = growth + reproduction; N-R.A. = G + R) was 6939 mgC·m–2·a–1 (3858 and 3353 mgC·m–2·a–1 for each generation) and 1661 mgC·m–2·a–1 for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The average standing crop biomass (B) was 606.8 mgC·m–2 (357.5 and 249.3 mgC·m–2 for each generation) and 231.9 mgC·m–2 with overall productivity: biomass ratios of 11.4 and 7.2 for the permanent pond and temporary pond populations respectively.Respiration rates were converted to carbon equivalents (respired assimilation = R.A.) and used to evaluate the components of total assimilation (T.A. = R.A. + N-R.A.) and the efficiency of partitioning this energy to N-R.A. for G and R. When expressed as a percentage, the production efficiencies (100 × N-R.A.:T.A.) were 50.4 and 62%, and the reproductive efficiencies (100 × R:N-R.A.) were 26.4 and 18% for the permanent and temporary pond populations respectively. The reproductive efficiencies for populations of these viviparous clams are greater than those for most oviparous molluscs.The comparative information on the energetics of these populations does not completely fit any theoretical consideration of reproductive effort or life-history strategy. These data are discussed in relation to selection for population success in temporary ponds.Funded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research CouncilFunded in part by grants to Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Survey and the University of Dayton Research Council  相似文献   
The leaf, petiole, stem and root anatomy of an aseptically cultured red raspberry clone (Rubus idaeus L.) was studied before and 5 weeks after transfer to soil under controlled environmental conditions. Tissues persistent from culture showed little or no change with time in soil; they grew minimally and slight secondary wall deposition occurred. New organs formed in successive weeks after transplantation showed a graded increase in potential size and development. Some features, such as collenchyma formation, rapidly returned to control levels; this was seen in new leaves expanding in the first week after transplantation. Other features, such as sclerenchyma formation, did not occur in leaves expanding during the first 2 weeks after transplantation, even when these were a month or more in age. Some sclerenchyma was seen in leaves expanding in the third week after transplantation, increasing in later-formed leaves. Increasing the light intensity of transplant accelerated the return to control-type organ size and appearance. During acclimatization transitional forms of leaves, petioles, stems and roots develop that ranged anatomically from culture-to control-type. This trend is analagous to the normal developmental sequence of organ formation as it affects the potential for development of successily formed organs.  相似文献   
The effects of particle concentration and season on the filtration rates of the freshwater clamSphaerium striatinum Lamarck were assessed by measuring clearance rates of small (2.02 μm) latex beads from dilute suspensions. Filtration rates decreased as particle concentration increased over a range of 2–64 mg 1−1, with rates decreasing in similar proportion for clams of all sizes. For a 1-mg clam, rates decreased from approximately 8.4 to 0.57 ml clam−1 h−1. Seasonal filtration rates for adult clams peaked during periods of greatest reproduction. The patterns for smaller clams are similar, though proportional changes in filtration rates differ for various sizes of clams. It is estimated that clams occupying 1 m2 of stream substrate removed about 3.67 gCa−1. This is equivalent to 0.0004% of the carbon that flows past them annually. Filter-feeding provided only 24% of the calculated energy needs of the population, suggesting that another mode of feeding (e.g. deposit-feeding) may provide an important energy source for these forms. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society. Funded in part by a grant-in-aid to D. J. Hornbach from Sigma-Xi, The Research Society.  相似文献   
Intestinal cells were isolated by a combination of mechanical and enzymatic means, and their calcium uptake was assayed by a rapid filtration procedure. Calcium uptake was a time- and concentration-dependent process that was markedly elevated at 25 and 37°C, as compared to 0°C. Cells isolated from rat duodenum exhibited higher uptakes than cells from jejunum, which in turn took up more calcium than cells from the ileurn. Duodenal cells from vitamin D-deficient animals took up less calcium than cells from vitamin D-replete cells. In vivo vitamin D repletion with 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 raised calcium uptake by duodenal cells from treated animals toward that of cells from replete rats. Furthermore, calcium uptake by duodenal cells from vitamin D-deficient animals approximated that of ileal cells from replete rats. These findings with isolated cells parallel prior findings of tissue calcium transport and suggest that cellular calcium uptake may be related to the saturable component of intestinal calcium absorption. Isolated intestinal cells may therefore constitute one experimental model for the study of transcellular calcium transport.  相似文献   
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