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The cave environment is consistently radically different than the surface environment because it lacks light, and animals adapting to cave life are subject to strong selective forces much different than those experienced by their ancestors who evolved in the presence of light. As such, their divergence from surface ancestors and eventual speciation is likely to be driven by the shift in ecology. We report here that hybrids between cave and surface Astyanax mexicanus fishes produce offspring with allelic frequencies that differ significantly from Mendelian expectations both for transmission ratios and for independent assortment of unlinked markers. Comparison of allelic content of DNA from fin clips and sperm pools show that the transmission ratio distortion likely occurs during spermatogenesis. Departures from expectations of independent assortment are essentially epistatic phenomena generating linkage disequilibrium. A novel analysis of the epistatic interactions reveals an apparent network of interactions among genes known or suspected to be involved in cave adaptation, implying that the epistasis arose as a “by product” of the divergence due to cave adaptation.  相似文献   
'15N signatures of fossil peat were used to interpret past ecosystem processes on tectonically active subantarctic Macquarie Island. By comparing past vegetation reconstructed from the fossil record with present-day vegetation analogues, our evidence strongly suggests that changes in the '15N signatures of fossil peat at this location reflect mainly past changes in the proportion of plant nitrogen derived from animal sources. Associated with uplift above sea level over the past 8,500 years, fossil records in two peat deposits on the island chronicle a change from coastal vegetation with fur and elephant seal disturbance to the existing inland herbfield. Coupled with this change are synchronous changes in the '15N signatures of peat layers. At two sites 15N-enriched peat '15N signatures of up to +17‰ were associated with a high abundance of pollen of the nitrophile Callitriche antarctica (Callitrichaceae). At one site fossil seal hair was also associated with enriched peat '15N. Less 15N enriched '15N signatures (e.g. -1.9‰ to +3.9‰) were measured in peat layers which lacked animal associated C. antarctica and Acaena spp. Interpretation of a third peat profile indicates continual occupation of a ridge site by burrowing petrels for most of the Holocene. We suggest that 15N signatures of fossil peat remained relatively stable with time once deposited, providing a significant new tool for interpreting the palaeoecology.  相似文献   
The trochid gastropod Austrocochlea constricta (Lamarck) shows a variable pattern of shell banding. The concentration of the major shell pigment, uroporphyrin I, has been shown to differ between stripe-classes and, within each stripe-class, between shores. This paper describes the relation between amount of available food and shell pigmentation on six shores.Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to determine the concentrations of chlorophyll pigments in the substratum of each shore. Thin-layer chromatography showed differences in the type of microalgae present. Quantitative, spectrophotometric determinations of the chlorophyll concentrations of acetone extracts of scrapings of the substratum showed significant differences in total chlorophyll between the six shores. A uroporphyrin index gives an estimate of the total amount of uroporphyrin/unit area on each shore, and enables the wet wt/animal, density/area, and proportions of the population in different stripe-classes to be related to the concentrations of uroporphyrin/g shell within the stripe-classes. There was a highly significant linear regression of the uroporphyrin index on total chlorophyll concentration. This provides evidence for the effect of amount of available food on shell pigmentation. The mean concentration of pigment/g shell increased as the chlorophyll content of the substratum increased.A hypothesis is proposed to explain the observed differences in banding-pattern frequencies between shores; this represents the frequency distribution of animals with different concentrations of pigment/g shell as a normal distribution, with increasing mean and standard deviation as the concentration of chlorophyll in the substratum increases. Theoretical distributions are given to show that similar banding pattern frequencies to those observed on the six shores can be produced under this hypothesis. Neither a more complex hypothesis, nor selective nor genetic mechanisms are necessary to explain the observed distributions of banding pattern in Austrocochlea.  相似文献   
We examined which egg parameters warbling vireos Vireo gilvus use to discriminate brown-headed cowbird Molothrus ater eggs and, by comparing our results to other studies, tested the prediction that ejecter species with eggs more similar in appearance to cowbird eggs will be less tolerant of foreign eggs. In addition, we tested the hypothesis that egg characteristics influence the cost of ejection and probability of committing ejection errors. Warbling vireos ejected 100% of eggs with a cowbird spot pattern and only spot pattern significantly influenced the probability of ejecting a foreign egg, whereas size and nest stage did not. Foreign eggs that differed in two parameters were not ejected significantly more than those that differed in one parameter. Thus, warbling vireos appear to be less tolerant of foreign eggs than species with eggs more divergent from cowbird eggs. There was no significant difference in the number of vireo eggs that were damaged when foreign eggs of different sizes and spot patterns were ejected, which is counter to the assumptions of the evolutionary equilibrium hypothesis. Similarly, foreign egg characteristics did not significantly influence the probability of ejection errors. Finally, egg discrimination in warbling vireos appears to have evolved directly to counter cowbird parasitism because all conspecific eggs switched into their nests were accepted.  相似文献   
To determine the molecular basis for changes in aromatase (P450arom) activity in rat ovarian follicles and corpora lutea, seven clones for rat P450arom cDNA have been identified and isolated from a rat granulosa cell λgtll cDNA expression library using a 62 mer deoxyoligonucleotide probe (derived from an amino acid sequence of purified human placental aromatase) and a human placental P450arom cDNA probe. One of the rat P450arom cDNA clones contained an insert 1.2 kb in size. Both the human 1.8 kb cDNA and the rat 1.2 kb cDNA probes hybridized to a single species of P450arom mRNA that was 2.6 kb in size. Northern blot analysis revealed that corpora lutea isolated on day 15 of pregnancy contained high amounts of P450arom mRNA, whereas granulosa cells of antral follicles of hormonally primed, hypophysectomized rats (i.e., those from which mRNA was isolated to construct the cDNA library) contained only low amounts of P450arom mRNA. The lower amounts of P450arom in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles in the estradiol-follicle-stimulating hormone primed hypophysectomized rats were unexpected because follicles incubated in medium containing testosterone substrate produce more estradiol than do corpora lutea isolated on day 15 of pregnancy and incubated under similar conditions. Additional studies will determine the hormonal events responsible for the elevated amounts and constitutive maintenance of P450arom mRNA and aromatase activity in luteal cells in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   
The pineal organ of the lizard Anolis carolinensis acts as a transducer of photoperiodic information, since light can affect the pineal melatonin rhythm (PMR). The synthesis and secretion of melatonin may be a major mechanism whereby a circadian pacemaker within the pineal can control circadian clocks located elsewhere. An investigation into potential routes by which light could affect the PMR showed that (1) removal of the photosensory parietal eye did not affect the PMR as compared to controls under either a light-dark (LD) 12:12 cycle and a constant temperature (32 degrees C) or an LD 12:12 cycle and a daily temperature cycle (32 degrees C/20 degrees C); (2) removal of both the parietal eye and the lateral eyes did not affect the PRM of anoles held in LD 12:12 (constant 32 degrees C); (3) the PMR of blinded anoles re-entrained to a 10-hr shift in the phase of the LD cycle as rapidly as that of sighted anoles; (4) blocking light penetration to the brains of anoles, but leaving the lateral eyes exposed, blocked the ability of anoles to re-entrain to a 10-hr shift in the phase of an LD cycle. The data support the hypothesis that light directly affects the PMR in Anolis and that other potential photic inputs (parietal eye, lateral eyes) play little or no role. This conclusion is supported by previous neurophysiological and ultrastructural studies showing that the lizard pineal possesses functional photoreceptors.  相似文献   
Summary Calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive cells were identified within the epithelium of distal conducting airways in the human fetus and infant. Several peptides and amines, including calcitonin, have been identified previously within a specific population of airway epithelial cells. These cells, referred to as pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, are postulated to be airway chemoreceptors responsible for changes in ventilation and perfusion in response to changes in airway gas composition. Calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells could be identified throughout the period of development studies (20 weeks gestation to 3 months of age), but were present in only limited numbers in less than 50% of individuals (n=23). In contrast, large numbers of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells were identified in 100% of infants (1–3 months, n=5) with bronchopulmonary dysplasia. The differential processing of mRNA transcribed from the calcitonin gene in neural and non-neural tissue suggests that calcitonin, rather than calcitonin gene-related peptide, is the primary product of translation in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells. However, considering the potent vasodilatory and bronchoconstrictive effects of calcitonin gene-related peptide, its presence in pulmonary neuroendocrine cells, even in small amounts, may be important in controlling pulmonary vaso- and/or bronchomotor tone. The presence of large numbers of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactive cells in infants with bronchopulmonary dysplasia suggests that calcitonin gene-related peptide may be one further agent contributing to the pulmonary pathophysiology seen in this disease.  相似文献   
Many marine invertebrates have a planktonic stage of their life history during which widespread dispersal and much mortality occur. The numbers surviving to recruit into habitats occupied by adults are therefore very variable in time and space. Models for the structure and dynamics of benthic assemblages tend to focus on processes causing death - often assuming consistent arrivals of recruits. Supply-side ecology is a newly fashionable term to describe recent interest in the long-realized consequences of variations in recruitment. Such variations have important influences on theory and empirical research in these assemblages.  相似文献   
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